The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, January 18, 1923, Image 5

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THURSDAY. JANUARY 18, 1923. Social and Personal News / WOMAN’S CLUB WILL MEET NEXT WEDNESDAY. The Woman’s club will hold their January meeting next Wednesday the 24th, at the home of Mrs. K. H. Kim ball, the hostess will be Mesdnmes Broome, Huff, Horton aud Kimball. Mrs. John Carrington, chairman of Child Welfare Department, will have charge of the program of which the main feature will be a talk by Dr. S. T. Ross, dealing with the health of the child from birth up to eighteen months of age. . , , The members of the Womans club are deeply grateful to Dr. Ross for con senting fo make this talk on this occa sion as be is recognized as one of the best and most capable physicians in the treatment of children in this section of the state and we are sure Ids talk will be interesting and beneficial to all. All members are urged to lie present. REPORTER. MMv MAC POTTS ENTERTAINS IN HONOR OK MRS. NED FI RLOW OF TOLEDO, OHIO. Mrs. Mac Potts was hostess Thursday afternoon at a beautiful party compli mentary to her sister, Mrs. Ned Fur low, of Toledo, Ohio, and the Young Matrons Federated Club. Growing plants and cut flowers add ed to the attractiveness of the living room and dining-room where the guests were entertained. One of the most pleasant features of the afternoon was listening to several solos by the hostess. Mrs. Potts is the owner of a voice that is rarely surpass ed. After several spirited games of five hundred a most tempting hot course was served. Mrs. Potts was assisted in entertain ing by Mrs. It. J. Smith and Mrs. W. O. Perry. The guests included the members of the Young Matrons Federated club. Mrs. J. C. Pratt. Mrs. C. O. Maddox, Mrs. Hiram Flanigan. Mrs. Alice Dunn, Mrs. C. S. Williams, Mrs. W. A. Brad ley, Mrs. G. A. Johns, Mrs. B. A. Ju lian Mrs. C. B. Almond, Mrs. ( lvde Williamson, Mrs. 11. E. Millikin, Mrs. Cleft Jackson, Mrs. Byrd Harris, Mrs. Parks Stewart, Mrs. W. O. Perry, Mrs. R. J. Smith. YOUNG MATRONS CLUB. Mrs. W. J. Burch was the charming „ hostess to the Young Matrons club and a number of other friends last Thurs day afternoon at her home on Ghuich street. .... In the living-room and dining-room where tables were placed for bridge, cactus in full bloom, narcissi, pink and white roses were artistically arranged. And in the room where several of the guests spent the afternoon in conversa tion and sewing, howls of red roses were used on tables, mantels, etc. Late in the afternoon Mrs. Burch, assisted by Mesdames Maynard, Aiken, Kimball, ('anthers and Broome served a delicious salad course. The guests enjoying tills unusually pretty party were Mesdames E. It. Har ris Joe Estes, Clair Harris, Ralph Smith. L. W. Hodges. D. F. Thompson, Holsenbeck, P. A. Flanigan, Carithers, T. B. Strange, Oliver, Carter Daniel. Quarterman, IV. J. Russell, Howard Rogers, W. L. DeLaPerriere, T. A. May nard, Hargrove, Walden, Autry, J. W. Griffoth, Kilgore, Aiken, Broome, Kim ball. it L. Rogers. liadford. Blasingame Hwff, Niblack, Edwards, Hubbard, Oeo. Fori son. Henry Pledger, Brooks, "Wil son and Land. BETHEL W. M. S. MEETS YVITH MRS. W. C. ROBINSON. On last Saturday, January 13th, the Bethel IV. M. S. had a spend the day meeting at the home of Mrs. W. C. Robinson to observe the special season of prayer for foreign missions. Avery interesting program had been arranged h.v Mrs. Robinson and was carried out Mrs. Robinson, president of the society, presided. Song. Scripture reading by Mrs. Robinson. Prayer by Mrs. B. H. Jenkins. Reading—Mission Work in Brazil — Miss Claire Robinson. Talk —Mexico by Mrs. J. W. Smith. Song—“ How Firm A Foundation.” Talk on Prayer and Its Rewards — Mrs. B. H. Jenkins. Sentence Prayers. Reading—China—Miss Lorena Thomp son. Song—l Need Tliee Every Hour. - Repeating Watchword in Concert. Lunch. Song—Rescue the- Perishing. Repeating Beatitudes in Concert. 2 Prayer by Mrs. J. IV. Smith. Paper on Japan—Mrs. M. T. Robin son. Talk on China —Miss Mamie Lee Robinson. Reading— Missions in Africa—Miss Annie Robinson. Duologue—Peru—Miss Claire Robin son and Mrs. IV. C. Robinson. Business. Song. Benediction. Mrs. Robinson and daughter had pre pared a most delicious luncheon which was served buffet style. Those present to enjoy this splendid meeting and de licious dinner were Mrs. J. W. Smith. Mrs. Mollie Malcom, Mrs. Susie Mc ,Gaughey. Mrs. .1. E. Prather, Mrs. M. T. Robinson, Mrs. B. H. Jen kins. Miss l.orena Thompson. Miss An nie Robinson. Miss Mamie Lee Robin son. Miss Claire Robinson, Mrs. W. C. Robinson. Several towels were given for Jlr. Ayers hospital in China. A— * The many friends of Mr. Grady Mor gan will be interested to learn that he has entered the Weslevan Mcthodi-t College at Central. S. C. Mr. Morgan is a'bright young man and th<* college offers to him a great opportunity to de velop into a well educated man. This college is one of the best in the South and its purpose ia Christian education. BY MRS. J. B. PARHAM, CHURCH CIRCLE OF THE BAPTIST CHURCH. The members of the church circle of the first Baptist church had an inter esting meeting Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. A. Brooks. Quite an enjoyable program was given, com posed of talks and discussions, and a solo by Mrs. Mac Potts. Ten members were present. The hostess served sand wiches and tea at the conclusion of tlie meeting. D. A. R. MEETEING. The Hunbury Chapter, D. A. It. will meet next Tuesday afternoon at tin* home of Mrs. Frances Haralson. The Regent will call the meeting promptly at threethirty o'clock. Every member of the Sunbury Chap ter is urged to be present, as plans will be perfected for the marking of three trails through Georgia. Mrs. Mildred J. Pledger, See. METHODIST CHURCH. CIRCLE NO 3 Circle No. 3 of the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. Jeff Henson Monday afternoon. Due to much sickness the meeting was not fully attended as usual. Al though small in number on this occa sion, the interest was not lacking in this live circle. Voluntary offering of, $1.50 forty-five visits and ten trays sent to sick, two floral offerings. A small beginning makes a good end ing, so this year Circle No. 3 hopes to break all past records. CIRC LE NO. 1 . OF METHODIST CHURCH. Circle No. 1 of the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. ,T. M. Aiken on Athens street. The following offi cers for the year were elected: Mrs. G. C. Moseley, chairman; Mrs. IV. N. Bailey vice chairman; Mesdames W. L. DeLaPerriere J. M. Aiken. Oscar Snmnierour. Block Chairmen, Miss Helen Cargill, secretary and treasurer. Good reports were made of work be ing done. Plans for future work are under way and the outlook is bright for Circle Number One with such willing and en thusiastic workers. Miss Pearl Farrar of Atlanta is the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. O. Ross. • • • Mrs. C. B. Almond of Winder spent Monday in the city.—-Athens Banner. * * * Mrs. W. C. Horton and Mrs. A. V. Eavenson spent Wednesday of this week in Atlanta. • • Mrs. W. J. Russell Is spending a few days in Atlanta as the guest of Mrs. C. B. ’ Mott. * * * Mr. G. C. Moseley has been confined to his home the past week with an at tack of flu. . Ben Julian, Jr., has been quite sick the past three weeks but is improving now. • * * Mr. and Mrs. Harold Herrin and ba by of Athens were visitors in Winder the past week-end. | Mrs. Guy Kilgore is spending a few days this week in Atlanta with rela tives. * * * Mr. and Mrs'. Warren Furlow of ; Jackson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. I Mac Potts last week-end. • • • The young son of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. | Thompson who has been quite sick is 1 much better. • > • | Miss Gladys McClellan of Atlanta is the attractive guest of Miss Urania Hayes for a few days. • * • Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Bailey, Mr. Carl Bailey and Dr. It. H. Barnes spent last Sunday in Elberton. * * * Miss Gladys Harris spent the past week end in Elberton with her sister, Mrs. W. O. McMullan. * * * Mrs. Parks Stewart and Miss Ora Lee Camp spent the jm.t week-end in Elberton as guests of Mrs. L. W. Col lins. • • • Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Kimball and daughter, Jean, left Wednesday for sev eral days visit to relatives in North Carolina. * * * Mrs. L. A. Fortson has returned from a delightful stay of three weeks with relatives and friends in Hartwell and Elberton. • • • Mrs. Georgia Harris has been spending the past few days in Elber ton visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. O. McMullan. • • Mr. and Mrs. Lester Moore and baby will leave this week for Atlanta where they will make their home in the fu ture. Mrs. A. Y. Eavenson Miss Willie Mae Eavenson Mrs. Charles Beckman and Mrs. W. C. Horton visited in Bowman and Hartwell last week. • • • Mrs. Georgia Harris returned Tues day from Elherton and was accompa nied home by her daughter, Mrs. W. O. McMullan, who will spend several days here. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Williams of Ath ens and Mrs. J. P. Williams of Atlanta visited Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Craig Sun day.—Lawrenceville News-Herald. • * * The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Vincent sympathize with them in the sudden death of their three months old son which occurred last week at their home several miles from town. TKLEPHONNE 144 CAMP FIRE GIRLS. The Camp Fires met Tuesday after noon at 3:00 o'clock at Mrs. Paul Rob erts, after business was attended we discussed camp fire life for next sum mer. We are hoping everyone will co-operate with us with “The Dear born Independent” so it will be possi ble for a camp which we all look for ward to. Forty-eight books and magazines were brought and carried over to the mill school by tin- camp tires. REPORTER. CIRCLE NO. OF WOMAN’S MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS WITH MRS. G. W. DeLaPERRIERE. Avery enthusiastic meeting was held by Circle No. 2 on last Monday after noon. Various plans for work for the ensuing year were discussed and made. New officers were elected as follows. Mrs. Guy Kilgore, President. Mrs. E. E. DeLaPerriere. V-President. Miss Anna Odum, Treasurer. Mrs. L. E. Herrin, Secretary. Friday afternoon, January 26th, this circle will give a silver tea at the par sonage. Hours 3 to 6. Public is cor dially invited. CITIZENSHIP CLASS. A most enthusiastic meeting of the Citizenship Class was held at the home of Mrs. W. H. Quarterinan on Wednes day afternoon. The efficient leader, Mrs. Quarterinan, presided at the meeting, giving an out line of the work to lie accomplished in the following four months. Mrs. R. O. Ross and Mrs. G. H. Fort soil read what “Cluli Women Should Know.” A uumlier of gnestionaires in regard to city and county officers were distrib uted. these to be discussed at the next meeting. The Citizenship class, which lias been a much needed organization in Winder, will meet each Friday at four o’clock at the home of Mrs. Quarterinan. All the ladies, especially members of the Woman’s Club, are invited to at end these meetings. MT. CREEK SUNBEAM BAND. The Mountain Creek Sunbeam Band had quite a treat Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. B. Brookshire. District sec retary of the second district made them a visit and told them some interestin'?: things to do. CENTER HILL W. M. S. The Center Ilill W. M. S. will meet with Mrs. S. J. Bradley on January 23. for a spend-the-da.v meeting to observe the season of prayer for foreign mis sions. Meeting to begin at 10:00 A. M MT. CREEK W. M. S. The Mountain Creek W. M. S. will meet with Mrs. It. I’. Burson Wednes day' afternoon, January 24, at 2:00 o’clock. Every member invited. BIBLE STUDY CLASS The Bible Study class will meet with Mesdames L. M. Henson and Tom Bur son Monday afternoon at 3 :00 o’clock. Let’s make this the best year of the Bible Study. Be present and bring an other with you. Psalms and Proverbs will he the study. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Aiken and Miss Carolyn Aiken have returned to Win der. —Walton News. WRECK ON S. A. L. Wreck of a fast freight train on the Seaboard railroad near Lawrenceville early Monday morning demoralized passenger traffic on the road through out the day. No one was hurt in the wreck. S. C. R. I. REDS. The kind that win and lay. Now is the time to buy some strong fertile eggs to hatch. My single comb Reds are from a wonderful strain of winners, ( hred for eggs. Type and Color. i Eggs from Ist pen $7.50 Eggs from 2nd pen $5.00 Eggs from .Trd pen $2.50 HILLS RED FARM ,2tpd Winder, Ga. Itt. 1 — 1 Mrs. H. A. Carithers, Mrs. Joseph | Broome and Mrs. Ralph Smith, Misses Jean Kimball, Jane Carithers and Amy Joe Smith spent Tuesday in Hoschton the guests of Mrs. Arthur DeLaPer riere. Mrs. It. L. Callahan, of Atlanta, spent Monday wth her sister, Miss Myrtle Booth. * * * Mrs. J. L. Williamson is spending sev eral days in Athens with her daughter. Mrs. Bulloch. * * * Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Land have leased the Quartertnan residence on Center street and are moving in this week. * • Charles, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Saunders, happened to the misfortune to get painfully, though not seriously, burned several days ago. His clothing caught from an open fire. He is getting along very well now. * * * Mr. Latimer E. Oriffeth, former city clerk ami treasurer of this city, receiv ed a tHegrnm Friday from Leesburg. Fla., stating that he had been elected city clerk of that city. Mr. Grilforh accepted at once and left Saturday to enter upon his new duties. The posi tion pays a handsome salary. • • • Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McOurry have broken up house keeping and will be at home with Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Land on Center street. THE WINDER NEWS Mrs. Sarah McElhannon Mrs. Sarah McElhannon, an aged lady of near Campton, died at her home Monday of this week and was buried at Bethlehem Tuesday. She was 78 years of age. She leaves several chil dren to whom a large circle of friends extend their sympathy. ('. M. Fergu son & Cos. had charge of the body. Mrs. Julia Peppers Mrs. Julia Peppers died at her home in Jones district Tuesday morning at 12:30 o’clock. She was hurled Wednes day morning at 11 :<M) o’clock at Beth el. She leaves a husband and several children to whom the sympathy of many friends are extended. C. M. Fer guson A Cos. lmd charge of the burial rites. DEATH OF AN INFANT. On last Thursday night, January 11, about 11 o'clock, death's angel came into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Vincent and carried away their dar ling baby, Leon, Jr. lie just lived a little over three months, just long enough to make the hearts grow fond, will'll God. in bis own goodness, said j “Come up higher and live with me in a land where there are no tears." Tlie funeral service was conducted Saturday at noon at Bethlehem church by Rev. J. P. Chandler, and the inter ment was in tin 1 cemetery at that place. BANKS WILL BE CLOSED FRIDAY. Friday. January 18, is a legal hol iday and will lie observed l>y the banks of this city. ATTENTION BARACAS Every member of the Baraca class of the First Baptist church are urg ed up for the new years work. Some promptly at 10:15 o'clock. It is the earnest desire of the officers of the class that all members get lin ed up for the new years' work. Some time in the very near future the class anticipates pulling off a real feast— you should not miss it. Be there next Sunday morning. Mesdames Walter Venable, Love Whitehead and L. H. Kesler, of Jack son 1 county, spent a few hours in Win der yesterday, the guests of Mrs. S. T. Ross. NOTICE jS. A called communica tion of Winder lodge. N ’°- 333, F. & A. M.. (vill 110 In Ma “ v"/ ' sonic Ilall Friday ev ening, January 19th, 11)23, at 7:30 o’clock. Work in Fellow-craft degree. All qualified brethren are urged to attend. W. A. BRADLEY, YV. M. MARK SIMS, Secretary. New Shipment of Oxfords Just received shipment of Men’s and Ladies’ Oxfords. HIGH QUALITY LADIES’ OXFORDS $2.00, $2.45, $2.75, $2.95 MEN’S OXFORDS $3.95, $4.45, $4.95 These are fine new goods, nifty and the latest styles, will give you satisfaction, and the prices are just as low as they can be made. Come in and let us show them to you. Tennis Shoes Men’s, Women’s and Children’s TENNIS SHOES 75c, SI.OO, $1.50 Spring Hats Just received a shipment of Ladies’ Spring Hats, Ar tistic and Stylish. Can please you perfectly. Very low prices. You can save money here. J. L. SAUL The Clothier Winder, Ga. 01 , '. - •*■ ■> - ; •* 1 cigarettes Itir AMERICAN TdBACCO CQ nmiiiiinmnniiTTnunTntnnnt OLD FI RMTI RE MADE NEW. If you have an old suite of furniture or any piece of furniture that you want made new, we will give you a first class job. (live us a trial. JNO. HOUSE, W. T HUMPHREY. Ford Station Moved We have moved our Ford station from our old location on Candler street to the Bush Building on Broad street. We cordially wel come our customers and the public to our new place. Ford cars, tractors, trucks, and parts of all kinds. Come to see us. Winder Motor & Tractor Company R. L. ROGERS, Mgr. TU RK I SH VIRGINIA BURLEY ■i C lj V g* Joy l 10 iiiniiiiiiiiniHiiniiiiiirtiHiiiiiiiii Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year. Presbyterian Church Sunday from 10 to 10:30 A. M. Jun ior choir song service Sunday school from 10:30 to 11:30 A. M„ E. C. Graddick, Supt. Christian Endeavor Society meets at 4 :30 P. M. Preaching by the Pastor Ist and 3rd Sunday mornings at 11:30, and evening at 7:30. Prayer meetings every Wednesday evening beginning promptly at 7:301*M conducted by the pastor. You are most cordially invited to attend all of these services and join with us in the service of the Master Come. TF. CHRISTIAN CHURCH SERVICES 10:15 A. M. Sunday school. 11:80 A. M. Preaching and Lord’s Supper. 3:30 P. M. Junior Endeavor. fi :30 P. M. Senior Endeavor 7 :30 P. M. Preaching. A happy welcome to all. E. L. Sbelnutt, Minister. Mesdames .1. C. Turner and E. L. Williamson, >f Jefferson, were visit in Winder recently.