The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, January 25, 1923, Image 4

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 25. 1923. Q}\w Hutto Nfmb Winder, Ga. And THE BARROW TIMES, of Winder, Ga„ Consoli dated March Ist, 1921. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY J. W. MeWHORTEU- -Editor j R PARHAM Business Manager Entered at tike Postofflce n> Winder, Georgia as Second Class Matter for Transmission Through the Mails. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF TIIE (TTY OF WINDER OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COUNTY of HARROW Member Ninth Georgia District Press Association. SUBSCRIPTION KATES IN ADVANCE: ONE YEAR S l - 50 Six Moutlis - — 75 Advertising rates are reasonable and will be made known upon application. cards of thanks, resolutions of respect and obituary notices other than those which the paper itself may give as a matter of news, will be charged for at the rate of Ms cent a word. Notices of church and society and all oilier enter tainments from which a revenue is to be derived or admission fees charged, will he charged for at the rate of one cent a word, except where such notices are published by charitable organizations. 112 Candler Street Telephone No. 173 Editor Daniel, of the Quitman Free Press, says the people of ids section are saving a lot of money Just now by not having to buy watermelons. 0- Editor John Shannon, of Commerce, has begun working on his income tax returns now in order that he may have them ready by March Ist. 0 Editor Jim Davidson wants the Georgia Press Asso ciation to take a trip up into White County from La vouiu next summer We second the motion. O- Governor Hardwick will not publish a paper as he stated immediately after the primary last fall. The demand for such a publication was not as great as lie expected. O Walton eounty’s first poultry show was held In Monroe recently and was n great success. We would be glad to see the poultry fanciers of Barrow county pull off such a show. O Editor Simmons, of the Nashville Herald, says that “Tobacco is their Best Bet.” Send us up a box of Berrien county “cheroots” Kelly, and we'll see what kind of a “better” you are. o “Why do Women do Fool Tilings?” asks a headline on the New York Sun. That's always worried us, too. You never hear of men doing ’em. —Johnny Spencer, in Macon Telegraph. O When the “flu" struck Bill Townsend, of Dalilone gi, he returned to his old style of sleeping with his pants on. You just can't down the veteran editor who lives mi in the delectable mountains, where every rill is flavored with moonshine. O Wealth Comes By Saving No ONE should expect to get rich by speculation or chance. Where one man accumulates a for tune I*v speculation, hundreds go down in financial bankruptcy by such methods. The only sure and right way is to accumulate wealth by saving. Our banks present a safe and secure way by which our people chi* accumulate money and become indepen dently well off in their old age. No need for any body to he in dire poverty in old age If they will only deny themselves a little along in life and plant their giving in some good hank where these savings will draw dividends while you work and sleep. As an example of wliat systematic saving will do the following figures will illustrate how any man or woman can become independently well off by the time they are fifty years of age If they will start to saving when they are twenty years old, and deposit In some good bank at 4 per cent interest compounded setnl arjnually. By depositing sls per month, you will have iu 30 years $10,417.05. By depositing S2O per month, you will have in 30 years $13,844.80. By depositing $25 per month, you will have iu 30 years $17,200.30. By depositing $45 per month, you will have in 30 years $21,147.40. There is nothing like forming the saving liahlt. It htvnies just ns fascinating as spending and much more profitable. Spending everything you make is just a habit and a very foolish habit at that. Begin to deny yourself and start a saving account and iu just a short time you will thoroughly enjoy it. O Before the tax collector gets out of sight, along comes the tax receiver to remind you of the next year’s taxes. 0 This should be a great year in the history of Bar row county. We should shake off our grouchinesi and go after things. Great Corn Crops fpilAT there is money in the growing of corn is evi *■ deneed by the report of two boys that were in the boys corn club of the state, and who made reports recently of their operations for the year 1922. The two boys were Augustus South, of Camesville, Ga., and Leo Mallard, of Statesboro, Ga. Augustus South made I.‘lB bushels on one acre at a profit of $118.68, while Lee Mallard made a yield of 125 bushels on one acre at a profit of $102.50. These yields show that corn can be grown in Geor gia at an outstanding profit. We believe that farming can be made profitable in Georgia if our people will give it their undivided attention. O A Splendid Official Mil. 11. L. BUGG, receiver for the A. B. & A. rail road, Ls to be congratulated on the splendid man ner in which he has handled that property, in that he took hold of it when it was alrout ready' for the scrap heap and has placed it on a paying basis. And he has done this in spite of strikes, poor equipment and the depressed financial strain under which we have been passing. A year ago, the people along this six hun dred mile road were fearful that it would he junked. Today it is more than paying expenses and is facing un era of prosperity. And the splendid management of Mr. B. L. Bugg has brought it all about. Tills is what we call ability of the highest order. Anybody can do things when waves of prosperity and inflation come along, but the real heroes of the business world are those who can stand up under the strain of oppos ing conditions and take care of their enterprises in spite of adverse surroundings. Mr. Bugg lias shown himself such a man. He is entitled to the best things of life and may they come to him. O Our Luxuries THE comforts and luxuries t.hat inventions and dis coveries have brought us are often not appre ciated by those who have never had to do without them. We wonkier how our forefathers did without the telephone, the auto, electric lights, steam heat and the other many luxuries we enjoy that they know nothing about. No doubt, if these conveniences were taken away from us now we would he very unhappy, for having experienced them, we woultl feel the loss of them keenly. But are we any happier for them all? Are we happier than our grandparents, who had very few of the comforts that we enjoy. We doubt it. lor, are not the luxuries that really count those of the mind and heart? Isn’t happiness an inner state of the spirit rather than an outward condition that sur rounds the body? I><> we need to have all these out ward comforts in order to enjoy the beauties of art and nature? These have been the common property of all ages, and we neiHl not despise the simple lives that our forefathers lived, for possibly they were happier than we. The greatest luxuries of lift' are spiritual rather than physical. O Peach trees are blooming in South Georgia. O Confidence Will Overcome 801 l Weevil THE greatest obstacle, in my opinion, to overcoming the boll weevil, is lack of confidence. Many seem so discouraged that they are inclined to give up the fight, whereas, if they would just study the situation, they would see that other sections have overcome them and are l>ecoming more prosperous than ever, and be encouraged to put up a determined fight, using ap proved methods for fighting them, and this section would prosper as never before. < >nc must have confidence, first himself, for if he has no confidence in himself, in his ability to win, he will lack that determination which is necessary for his success. Arid if he has no confidence in himself he cannot expect others to have confidence in him. And it is unreasonable for one to expect others to place confidence in Him if he distrusts them. I believe the United States is the greatest country In the world; that Georgia is the best state in the union, and that Northeast Georgia is the best part of tliis great state. If I didn’t believe that, and did not have confidence in my neighbors ami friends, 1 would move till I found a community whore I could place confidence in most of the people. Since we are here, let's put our shoulders to the wheel, quit complaining, co-operate with all who are trying to build up our section and do our best to make a success of every undertaking. "Then' is that scattereth and yet inereasetb, anil there is that that w’ithholdeth more than is meet and it tendeth to poverty.”—J. Frank Lee in Athens Banner. 0 “Old King Cotton" goes marching on. O We are not uneasy about another war starting in Europe right away. Bankrupts can not engage in war. O A poultry association for Barrow county would be a fine thing. There’s money in poultry and Barrow farmers could pick up a lot of money in this way. THE WINDER NEWS How To Get What You Want The following beautiful poein by Dr. Henry Van Dyke .should lie read by everybody and its splendid sentiments adopted by us all: There are loyal hearts, there are spirits brave, There are souls that are pure and true; Then give to the world the best you have And the best will come hack to you. Give love, and love to your life will flow, A strength in your utmost need; Have faith, and a score of hearts will show, Their faith in your word and deed. Give truth, and your gift will he paid in kind, And honor will honor meet; For a smile that is sweet will surely find, A smile that is just as sweet. For life is the mirror of King and Slave, ’Tis just what we are and do; Then give to the world the best you have, And the best will come back to you. STRAND THEATRE “What’s wrong with the Women” Thursday & Friday FEBRUARY 1-2 -—- - • Cos ming! Thursday, Feb. Bth ‘The Storm” Many Winder people re member the “Storm” as present ed on the in Athens and Atlanta last season. It’s a sen sation. Don’t Forget the Date, Feb. Bth. STRAND THEATRE . The high price of iotton will cause the farmers of the south to wage a hot fight against old man boll weevil this year. O Did you ever notice that when some visitors come they bring Joy and brightness while others bring gloom? O Winder News Want Ads will sell the article advertised, will find lost valuables, will find the owner of lost articles, and in a word are very convenient and cheap to get in touch with 4,000 readers in Barrow county. TRY THEM. 5c A LINE Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year.