The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, February 01, 1923, Image 10

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•THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1923. 3 Classified Ads. Norfolk Oysters at Moore’s Market Friday and Saturday. Clean Heavy Government Barbed wire 4r jMund at Smith Hardware Cos. Good thick buttermilk at 15c per gal lon if you come to the dairy for it. Skimmed milk 15c gallon. YY inder Pure Milk Dairy. Phone 517- WANTED Old Ford Truck attach ments, In answering give price -C A. Trussell Motor Company, Athens, Ga., Good Michelin Red Inner Tubes have advanced. We will still sell them at the old price this month. —Smith Hard ware Company. Best Spark Plugs for your car at Smith Hardware Cos. Automobile I-amps 20c up at Smith Hardware Compay. EXIDE BATTERIES have no supe rior. Sold by Smith Hardware Cos. A few more High Grade Axes at $1.25 each at Smith Hardware Cos. For oil stoves and oil stove wicks see Smith Hardware Cos. PIGS FOR SALE - See Mother Hill at Smith Hardware Cos. 3tpd. Nail Hammers 50c up at Smith Hard ware Cos. FOR RENT —1 or 2 horse crop, ten ant to furnish stoek; good land, good house and barn. —J. N. Williams. Kt. ■4, on road Winder to Hoschton. Automobile Batteries recharged, re paired and traded for. We sell the Ex ide Battery. Smith Hardware Cos. Expert Welding & Ra diator Repair Work. All metals welded. No job too large; no job too small. Radiators repaired on nil make cars. All work guaranteed J. E. Casper’s Welding Shop Candler Street A Park Ave. C. H. Stewart Old Stand Winchester Flashlight Ilatteries and Flashlights are Superior. Sold by Smith Hardware Company. We have a few more of those 3-pieee Aluminum Sauce Pan sets for $4.00—1 Smith Hardware Cos. WATCH THIS SPACE Why suffer with Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago. Headaches or any kinds of pains, colds or tiu or other troubles, such us soreness, coughs, or other intlauuition, when Excel Liniment prepared by the Grad dick Remedy <’o. Winder, (la„ can lie secured, and by applying freely to affected parts as these testimonials will show, will give such wonder ful relief. Winder, (la., January 23, 102.’!. Mr. F. <’ Graddiek, Prop. Excel Remedy Company, Winder, Ga. ► Dear Sir: EXCEL LINIMENT 1 take this method of expressing to you my fait I* in your Liniment. I had a severe attack of Flu the latter part of December ami had occasion to give your remedy a trial and 1 am frank to state that it gave me wonderful results. 1 cannot recommend it too highly ill the treatment of Flu, as 1 am confident that 1 would have been away from my work two or three weeks hadit not been for your liniment. As it was, I only lost three days. It gives me pleasure to recommend your liniment to anyone for the treatment of Fin. Yours very truly, A. A. THOMAS, Local Agent. Remember to shako well before using. Quick to penetrate. Will not grease or blister Price 50c. FORDSON YOU WILL WANT YOUR FORDSON EARLY Everything points to the greatest shortage of Ford produets this year that has ever existed. _ k Never before has the demand been so great. You will want a Fordson Tractor early—here Is one product you cannot wait for—when the weather opens up you will need it. You will want it for plowing, seeding, cultivating—and all your other work. Already it has proved the greatest help to profitable fanning that has ever been offered to you. And at $395 f. o. b. Detroit the price is so low that you lose money every day you are without a Ford son. To get delivery you must order early. There are no reserve stocks among our dealers —our production capac ity great as it is will not enable us to build up a reserve. It must be a case of “first come first served” and the only way in which you can protect yourself is to list your order with a Ford Dealer imme diately. By taking advantage of our dealer’s first opportunity to make delivery you will be assured of having your Fordson when you need it. $395 f. o. b. DETROIT Winder Motor & Tractor Company NOTICE DIVORCE PROCEEDINGS Mrs. Woodie Haynie Wallace vs. Jessie Wallace Petition for Divorce, Barrow Supe rior Court, March Term, 1023. To the defendant, Jessie Wallace. The plaintiff. Mrs. Woodie Havnie Wallace. having tiled her petition against you, in the Superior Court of Barrow county, and it being made to appear that you are a non-resident of said county and do not reside in the State, and an order having been passed that service be made by publication on you, this, therefore is to notify you. Jes sie Wallace, to tie and appear at the next term of Barrow Superior Court to bo held on the fourtloMonday in March 1!t2.'5, then and there to answer said complaint. Witness the Honorable Blanton Fortson, Judge of said court. A. T. Harrison, Clerk. 2t Feb. 2t mch , “A GOOD THING—DON’T MISS IT’ Send your name and address plainly written together with 5 cents (and this slip) to Chamberlain Medicine Cos., lies Moines, lowa, and receive in return a trial package containing Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup bronchial, “Hu” and whooping coughs, and tickling throat; Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets for stomach troubles, indigestion, gassy pains that crowd the heart, biliousness and consti pation; Chamberlain’s Salve, needed in every family for burns, scalds, wounds, piles, and skin affections; these valued family medicines for only 5 cents. A Good Thing—Don’t Miss It. NITRATE OF SODA FOR FARMERS Farmers needing Nitrate of Soda should place their orders with the comi ty agent at an early date. The government will let farmers have Nitrate of Soda at cost,'.but it will require an order of at least 20 tons to get n shipment. Tin* Winder News needs that money yon owe it on subscription. Drop in and pay it. For AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES and supplies see Smith Hardware Cos. FOR KENT —Nice rooms on ground floor in brick apartment with private bath; hot and cold water.—J. H House Aluminum Tea Kettles $1.25 at Smith Hardware Cos. 5c j>er packet for Fresh Garden Seeds at Smith Hardware Cos. FOR SALE—Bed room suite, dresser, I wash stand and iron bed, almost new. Apply at Winder News office Itpd. FIRST BAPTIST NOTES. ********** • FIRST BAPTIST PLATFORM • • Public Worship—Gospel Pulpit * • Open Forum —Popular Inxtr-.c- * • tion—Social Recreation —Perton- * • al Development—SouJ Winning * • Services —Everybody Welcome. Tims Saitb the Lord: “Thou Shalt Have No Other God’s Beisdes .Me.” I “WHAT MAY THE BELIEVER EX iPECT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT?” The | spiritual poverty of Christian 'people is pathetic, and their spiritual impotency tragic. Because of tile poor place giv en the Holy Spirit in their lives. The pastor will preach nert Lord’s Day morning on the subject stated above. “THE CONVERSION OF SAI L OF TARSUS” has puzzled many earnest people, saints and sinners alike. “Is every conversion like Saul’s?” Yes. “Is any conversion like Saul’s?” No. The pastor will consider this paradox next Sunday evening at 7:30. “PRAYER” is the midweek topic for next Wednesday even in*?. I)r. B. S. Bailey is expected at that liour. Next Wednesday. beginning at 0:30 A. M. (our time 10 A. M. Ebenezer's time), there will he a Workers Con ference at Ebenezer church. All chris tian workers in the Appalachee and Mulberry associations are urged to be present. An interesting program lias been arranged, and Dr. B. S. Railey, superintendent of Fild Work in Geor gia, will preach. Dinner on the ground. DENOMINATIONAL WEEK begins at the First Baptist church Sunday, February 11. See program elsewhere in this issue. The Pastor announced last Sabbath that SPECIAL EVANGELISTIC SER VICES will begin, simultaneously with all the Winder churches, on Sunday, April 22. Get ready, by keeping busy for God every day. METHODIST CHURCH Sunday school at 10:20 A. M. Preaching at 11 :30 A. M. Preaching at 7 :30 P. M. The young people’s service last Sun day evening as well attended and very impressive. We are always glad’ to have the young people attend church.. The Workers met with Mr. and Mrs. Radfonl last Monday evening. Short talks by the Sunday school teachers in response to a talk by Mr. Radford showed that both superintendent and teachers have the work of the Sunday school at heart. Tills meeting was an inspiration to all prevent. BETHEL NEWS Mrs. J. W. Adams was the guest of Mrs. T. W. I’artee Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fuller of Carter llill were guests of Mr. mid Mrs. C. A. Edwards Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Shore were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. I’artee Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Brown were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Edwards Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vauderford were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe \under fill'd of Carter Hill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Tanner were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. \\ . Partee Sunday afternoon. Little Yallio May Brown was the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. C. Shore Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Mack were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Miller Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Adams were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Partee were the i guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Mack Sunday night. "Well! Strong!” Mrs. Anna Clover, of R. F. D. 5, Winfield, Kans., says: “1 began to suffer some months ago with womanly troubles, and I was afraid 1 was going to get in bed. Each month I suffered with my head, back and sides—a weak, aching, nervous feeling. I began to tty medicines as I knew 1 was.getting worse. I did not seem to find the right remedy until someone told me of CARDUI The Woman's Tonic I used two bottles before I could see any great change, but after that if was remarkable how much better I got. 1 am now well and strong. I can recom mend Cardui, for it certainly benefited me." if you have been experiment ing on yourself with aul kinds of different remedies, better get back to good, old, reliable Cardui, the medicine lor women, about which you have always neard, which has helped many thousands of others, and which should help you, too. Ask your neighbor about it; she has probably used it. hor sale everywhere. M THE WINDER NEWS Herrin’s 10c Store Big 9c Selling Out Sale Day by day in every way business is getting better & better. This is not true in every sense, but in a large measure it is. We are learning every day to keep expenses down to a minimum, and to this end HERRIN’S 10 c STORE is here to serve and help you. We are, next FRIDAY AND FOR 10 DAYS GOING TO OFFER YOU SOME REAL MERCHANDISE AS PER LIST YOU WILL FIND ON THIS PAGE: Now, isn’t it a fact, you need many of the articles listed here. . m There are many more big, bright, snappy bargains in our store that we have not room to list here; merchan dise that sold for a great deal more, is marked down for this Mammoth Selling event to the small sum of 9 cents. You are going to miss something mighty good if you are not at our store when this big stock of household needs are carried away. It’s an opportunity you have been waiting for. Come in and look these bargains over. Just arrived a pretty line of Ladies Newest Spring Hats. Come in and see for yourself; priced to suit the times. Also nice line of Newest Ginghams and Linene Dress es priced in keeping with a 9c sale. KITCHEN CABINET FREE! We are going to give away entirely FREE, one $75.00 Kitchen Cabinet to the lucky per son. For every dollar’s worth in trade will be given one key and the one who gets the key that will unlock the cabinet will carry it away FREE Below We Li& Some of the 9c Bargains That We Have 2 dozen Cloothes Pins at f . a . 9c 1 dozen Spring Clothes Pins ...... ...* 9c Boys Skull Caps, 25c values at L ., ...... 9c Spencers 25c Perfume 9c Ladies Patent Leather Belts, black, and white, and red and white ...... 9c Children’s Hosiery Spliced Heel and Toe, pair L . _.^. a 9c Women’s Hose Spliced Heel and Toe r•ji• -t •: L*--* x• a -;l-*i 9c Ladies Undervests .... • i.;.a....• ’• *.• *-9c Turkish Towels .......I. ..* .*•:•■ :T.i.:.a.j.-r:ri 9c Huck Towels . ..... .-l-j 9c Knitted Ties .. ..._ t .• ”. . 9c 3 Nest Eggs . ... .... . . ........ •t; ••... 9C Men’s Garters . t . . . ... r •• r* :• i*,;. .... 9c Highly Perfumed Talcum Powders ........9c Hot Water Bottles ... . . . • w:*:*i*to*.&**> •-™ 9c Fairy Soap, 2 cakes for ..... ... . -i 9c Leather Purses ;...|. .r*i-t*s.ic.a.-i. ■ l^.:• i*.'• Hard Rubber Dressing Comb 9c Imitation Pearl Beads ... . 9c Gold Band Cups and Saucers each ...... 9c Pudding Pans. t ,.,. .. . .... ... ... . • -.-i 9c Asbestos Mats 9c Wood Kitchen Spoon . 9c Pail size Washboards . ~_c . 9c Extension Curtain Rods .-. . . .-..a-i.-- 9c Hammer handles, good quality 9c 5 in Strap Hinges 9c Coat and Trouser Hangers 9c Padlocks 9c Hammers I 9c Pliers 9e Screw Driver -9c Nickel Plated towel bars 9c Kitchen forks 9c Braced handle egg beater 9e Japan red dust pans 9c Knife and Fork 9c Flour Sifter 9c 2 qt. covered bucket 9c Muffin Pan - 9c Square Cake Pan 9c Bread Pans 9° Scrub Brushes, 9 in 9c Hand and Nail Brushes 9c Herrin’s 10 Cent Store WINDER. GEORGIA Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year. Steel Wool 9c Fire Shovel -9c Wire potato mashers 9c Wood potato mashers 9c Aluminum Salt and Pepper, prs fie Combination Grater ami Slieer 9c Graduated qt measure fie High Aluminum Cup 9o Pt. Drinking cup , 9c Easy Cut Cake tins fie Majesty Hair Nets 9c ft in. hand saw flics 9c Big lot men’s percal shirts, French cuffs, sizes 15and 16 only. Worth up to $1.50 7—9s Congoleum Square, 6\9 $3.19 One lot men’s dress hats worth up to $5.00. This sale $1.98