The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, February 08, 1923, Image 3

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1923. C. M. THOMPSON’S WEEKLY LETTER In reading the papers of to-day we ask* ourselves the question in a decla rative way. Mer Rouge and Bastrop art thou a Sodom and Gomorro? ~ If we read the truth we are made to la/lii ve that you have lain Mormonism in the shade. You have your wives of modern day your slaves and concubines or medevial and ancient history. Your masked demon Catholicism is making a bold strike when they hid away Daniels and Richards that blame might rest upon a clan of vigilance, law and order. The dark ages scores crimes and cru elties but it took Mer Rouge and Bas trop to outstrip in low down cussedness, atrocities and intrigue sown broadcast by a body of pretenders at religion. This great mogul, high-cock-a-lorem. who sits at ease in his mansion grand and orders his henchmen at will and who stops' not at any mean which is justify by the end. They have met an avalenche for law and order which cuts them to the core, (therefore to offset or turn the tide of tlie current they must resort to a dia bolical mean in hopes of a desirable end. -•Sodom and Gomorro wanted no law nor order. Men sought to satisfy t toemselvesj in any manner they could conceive. Mer Rouge and Bastrop had her gam bling den and her places of debauchery and yet there were a few here who spoke out for law as Abraham and Lot t>f old. Those who spake out now must bear the brunt of persecution and prosecu tion which seems to be abetted and encouraged by a religious body hydra lieaded, with tanticles like the octopus reaching to every point of the compass which would draw into its great man or hell everything with which it would pome in contact. This hydra-headed octopus sees a loss unless' a deathlike blow is dealt out speedily and quickly against on organ ization whose whole aim is law and or der. Some organizations prosper great er while the people are ignorant. That Is why some keep the bible from the common people. I remember the story I guess he was a protestant who become disgusted with lift' in Mer Rouge, and caught a lion and two wild cats and a rattlesnake and rode the lion for a better clime. His drink was corbolic acid, colored with iodlpe; he yised moth balls to take the taste out of liis mouth of this soft drink. If you have such men on the (run wlmt must be the depraved con dition of those behind. That is the kind of men and women ignorance and this hydra-headed octo pus is filling this sunny land of ours. So soon'as Americans stand together as in 1776 that soon will this great mo gul monster fail in his attempts to spfit and weaken us. In Solomon’s day he met with many petty organizations of secret societies which tended to teach other than the true religion. So he got himself busy and kept all lie could of these societies und added such other lessons as would lead man nearer to His God. That society holds good to this day because there is true worth and merit In it. One great aim is education, while this opposing force abets an dotes on ignorance and keeps the book from the people. Ls this force at work in you. Mer Ttougo and Bastrop. O Sodom and Oo morro, I fear for you: let your good men do like Lot and leave the hydra headed monster to eat of his own flesh and blood and go to a home prepared for such. C. M. T. ■ • FOR SALE—Hudson Automobile chjgap. lit tine mechanical condition. Good reason for selling.—C. A. Sanders, Madison, Ga. ltpd. FREE MOVING PICTURES “WHITE MAGIC” A STORY OF THE BENEFITS OF THE PROPER USE OF NITRATE OF SODA ON COTTON UNDER BOLL WEEVIL CONDITIONS. and “Layers \ Liars” Friday, Feb. 9, at 2:30 P. M. A STORY ON POULTRY RAISING EVERYBODY INVITED TO SEE THESE PICTURES FREE ADMISSION MIDWAY LOCALS Air. and Mrs. V. P. Perkins and daughter. Hazel, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. \V. T. Barber. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Perkins had as their guests last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Emory McElroy of Winder. Mrs. Daisy Lackey spent Friday af ternoon with Mrs. W. H. Miller. Mrs. W. T. Barber Friday afternoon with Mrs. J. W. Lackey, Sr. and Mrs. Johnnie Lackey. Miss Alice and Mr. Howard Han cock and Marion Butterworth of At lanta spent the latter part of the week with friends in this community. Miss Alice Wall, Mr. Howard Hancock and Mr. Marion Butterworth of Atlan ta spent the latter part of the week with friends in this community. Misses Ruby and Eula Crow spent a few days this week with their sister, Mrs. Johnnie Lackey. Mr. Jim Hartley and son, Air. Hu bert, spent Sat .rday night. *ith Air and Mrs. Curtis Miller. Air. and Mrs. W. C. Sorrells spent Sunday with Air. and Mrs. Tom Harper. Little Aliss Ruby Barber spent last Thursday night with little Miss Ethel Perkins. * *’ Lena Barber spent Thursday night with Hazel Perkins. Little Aliss Ruby Barber spent Sun day night with Hazel Perkins. Several of the young people attend ed the speaking at Paradise Friday afternoon. (Last week's locals.) Air. and Mrs. Hersehel Clack spent Sunday wth Mr. and Airs. W. H. Mil ler. Mr. and Airs. Warren Partin spent Sunday with Air. and Airs. W. 11. De- Lay. Mrs. W. T. Barber spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. W. I). Perkins. Mrs. Curtis Aiiller and children and Mrs. Luther Frost and children spent Saturday with Air. and Airs. J. W. Lackey, Sr. Miss Rossie Belle Barber spent the week-end with Aliss Hattie Lou El liott. Little Misses Corine and Myrtieleen Clack spent Sunday with little Misses Lois and Floy Clack. Aliss Eddie Ruth DeLav spent the weekend with her unde, Air. Russell DeLay. Mr. and Mrs. Will Spence spent Sun day with Air. and Mrs. W. D. Perkins. Mrs. Emma Miller spent Monday night with Airs. W. H. Aiiller. Mrs. W. T. Barber spent Sunday af ternoon with Mrs. Luther Frost. Air. and Airs. W. G. Perkius spent Saturday night and Sunday with her mother, Airs. W. H. Miller. The singing at Air. W. H. Aliller’s Sunday night was enjoyed by a large crowd. Aliss Jewell Griffeth spent Saturday night and Sunday with her sister, Airs. O. B. Langford. Aliss Ruby Crow and Air. Sidney Crow spent Wednesday night with their sister. Airs. Johnnie Lackey. Air. and Airs. Jim Hollofield and fam ily spent Sunday with Air. and Airs. Lester Wood. Little Alildred Perkins spent Sunday night with her grand parents, Mr. and Airs. Al. A. Perkins. FOR RENT —Two horse farm on 3rd and 4th. Want someone that will use poison on cotton. Apply to Aliss Cleo Bush, Box 74, Winder, Ga. 4t. #jgHands chapped IMENTHOLATUM I quickly 11l cigarettes ifc, AMERICAN TOBACCO CQ I’M A CANDIDATE TO WIN BIG PRIZE I am a candidate in the Atlanta Jour nal prize contest closing April 14th. Will thank you kindly for subscriptions or renewals —3 months to 5 years, $- •>() for 3 months. $5.00 for 6 months, $9.50 for 12 months, etc, and will appreciate ail credit coupons. By giving me cash subscriptions or renewals, you save 10 to 14 per cent. It will help me and will not hurt local agency nor carrier boys who will deliv er as before. See or write me. Can clip and leave credit coupons at Rogers’ Alarket or Winder News office, noting date (if any) on front of cou pons. Thanks to all. T. C. Buchanan, Winder, Ga. Over Rogers Alarket. County Line News We are having some rainy weather. Airs. F. Al. Hardy is ill at this writ ing. Miss Kate Sims from Jefferson spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Olin Murphy. We hope Mr. G. W. Hardy will soon be able to get out again. We are all very sorry to learn of the death of Aliss Eula Hardy and she will be missed at the B. Y. P. U. and Sun day sehood as she was a good Christian girl and we know that God knew best and that she is at rest. Airs. Alaude House spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Airs. C. P. Allen. AYe are having some more rain and sleet and it is bad on the sick. Airs. Ollie Mae Vanderford and Mrs. Annie Alae Fowler were the guests of Airs. Sailors Alonday. Airs. Jim Hardy from Alonroe is spending a few days with Air. G. W. Hardy. Alisses Ollie Alurphy and Kate Sims had as their guests Sunday afternoon Air. Enoch Doster and Air. Georgie Mathews. Mrs. H. A. Dillard is spending a few days with her parents, Air. and Mrs. Jim Cooper, this week. They are having a 'good Su*uday school at Bethabra now and would be glad to have more members to come out and be with us. Mrs. Horn is improving slowly. POSTOAK LOCALS Mrs. Jennie Etheridge of Atlanta spent part of last week with her moth er, Mrs. Angie Bradley. Mr. 11. S. Etheridge is on the sick list; hope he will soon recover. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Montgomery were guests of the former’s father, Mr. P. A. Montgomery, Friday. Mrs. Janei Tubs was the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. ami Mrs. Sherman Wall Friday. Mrs. Celia Wood and daughter, Ger die, spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Etheridge. Mrs. Julie Montgomery spent Thurs day afternoon with Mrs. Roxie Mas tors Mr. and Mrs. Will Butler of Dacula were the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Roxie Masters Thursday. Messrs. Frank Walls and Herbert Wall went to Lawrenceville Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Pope spent Fri day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Will Clark of Auburn. Aunt Sis Smith and Mrs. E. A. Wood and daughter, Gerdie, spent Friday af ternoon with Mrs. Rebecca Wall and daughters, Misses Mabel, Estelle and Bertie Wall. Miss Mabel Wall was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Preston Simpson, on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Dora Hendrix is confined to her bed with “flu;” hope she will soon be better. Miss Julie Smith was the guest of Mrs. Ada line Clack Friday afternoon. To the Carl Correspondent who asked which was the left side of a hoe-cake. I believe the hoe ls the left side, for the cake is always eaten and the hoe is usually left. We are sorry to note Miss Naomi Lee Etheridge is sick; hope she will soon be better. We thought the sick were improving but I think the “flu” is raging worse in this community. Mr. ami Mrs. Jim Pope visited Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Montgomery Friday night. Miss Mabel Wall visited Miss Gordie Wood Wednesday afternoon. Miss Lessie Montgomery spent Sat urday night with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Monti /ornery of Auburn. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine Those who are In a “run down” condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in good health. This fact proves that while Catarrh is a local disease, it is greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assists in improving the General Health. Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney & Cos., Toledo, Ohio. THE WINDER NEWS TURKISH VIRGINIA BURLEY 15 for. 10 HARMONY GROVE Rev. Warwick preached to a good congregation at this place Sunday. Airs. Alice Dunn, of Winder, visited her daughter, Airs. Parks, the past week. Aliss A’ertice Boss of Carl attended preaching at this place Sunday. Air. and Airs. Alarvin Harrison an nounce the arrival of anew girl at their home. Alisses Sabra Farr and Thelma Al len spent Smiday with Miss Nettie Mae Etheridge. Rev. AA'arwiek spent Saturday night with Air. C. P. Allen and family. AVe are glad to see Air. Noah Strick land in our midst again. Air. J. A. Alarr who has been sick is improving. Airs. G. A. Johns and Mrs. W. A. Bradley visited Airs. Roscoe Parks last Thursday. ■ Airs. G. J. Wood of Auburn was the guest of Airs. T. A. AA 7 ood Friday. Little Miss Louise Kinney of Au burn was the guest of little Aliss Eth ridge Saturday. Air. Onie B. Kennedy of Tarl spent Saturday night with Emory J. Aloteand family. Why Not Visit Florida This Winter? COAST LINE RAILROAD, “The Stand ard Railroad of the South.” Unexcelled Service Via ATLANTIC Schedules, Railroad and Pullman fares cheerfully furnished by our agts. or address the undersigned. F. Al. NORTH Assistant General Passenger Agent. lOt Savannah, Georgia BETHLEHEM NEWS Air. W. I). Hendrix is spending a few Hays with Mr. and Mrs. John Braswell of Between. Several from here attended the Wal ton county singing at Hampton Sunday. Mrs. Alaude Hoseh spent a few days last week with Air. and Airs. W. AY. Hoscli. Air. and Airs. L. A\\ Leslie and chil dren are expecting to leave in a few days for Florida. They will visit Tam pa, DeLand, Orlando and other points. Rev. Ed Caldwell of Monroe tilled Rev. Al. B. Sams’ place at the Method ist church Sunday morning. His ser mon was enjoyed by all present; we are always glad to have Bro. Caldwell with us. Rev. M. B. Sams is spending a few days at AA'aleska, Ga. Mr. Otis Harrison, who is working In South Carolina, spent Sunday witli home folks. Air. and Airs. D. 11. C, Thompson had as their guests Sunday, Rev. E. A. Caldwell of Alonroe and Airs. AVeyman Harrison and family. Air. and Airs. Clarence Edwards spent Sunday with Mrs. Fannie and Bennie Moore. Air. and Mrs. Earl McDonald htul as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. AA\ F. Clack. Air. and Airs. E. D. Treadwell and family spent Sunday witli Airs. Sallie Treadwell and family. Alessra. AA’. L. Hendrix and AA’. F. Clack made a business trip to Alilledge ville last Saturday. Confidence The confidence of the community in a bank is its greatest element of strength. The strength of our hank is evidenced by the confidence of its large number of depositors and satisfied customers, among whom are some of our best people in the country. Our directors are compost'd of the Itest men of the country, who actually direct the affairs of the bank. Men who have made a success of their own affairs and are capable of handling the affairs of the bank on a safe and sound basis. Our bank is examined at frequent intervals by capable auditors sent out by the state (government ) who come without our foreknowledge. We are also required to make and publish sworn statements of the con dition of this bank at regular intervals. The call for this statement comes to us based on certain dates, without our having knowledge of when it Ls coming, hence we are unable to “fix” for these periods, even if we were disposed to do so. In addition to thLs we are required by law to carry a certain per cent of our deposits in cash reserve in order to take care of any emergency that might arise. Deposit your money with us where it is safe as the Rock of Gibrulter. nESEKVE^> Winder National Bank STORE ROOM FOR RENT On Broad street, second door to Post office, formerly occupied by Flanigan Brothers. A nice store room suitable for most any line of business. AA’ili rent reasonable. See J. L. Saul, AVin der, Ga. NOTHING BUT INSURANCE The oldest insurance agency here, representing some of the oldest biggest, strongest and best insurance companies in the world, for Life Accident and Health; Fire, Plate Glass, Compensation, Liability, Au tomobile; Lightning, Hail, Parcel Post, Burglary, Farm Insurance; Bonds, in fact— “WE INSURE EVERYTHING AGAINST ANYTHING.” For prompt service see— F. W. BONDURANT & CO. 4th floor Winder Nat. Bank Building Office Phone No. 260 Residence Phone No. 44 TRY BENSON'S RAISIN BREAD, GRAHAM BREAD & WHITE BREAD CAKES MADE WITH FRESH FRUIT SOLD BY YOUR GROCER Benson’s Bakery WATCH THIS SPACE Why suffer with Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Headaches or any kinds of pains, colds or llu or other troubles, such as soreness, coughs, or other intlamation, when Excel Liniment prepared by the Grad dick Remedy Cos. AViuder, Ga., can he secured, and by applying freely to affected parts as these testimonials will show, will give such wonder ful relief. Lawrenceville, Ga., Jan. 15, 1923. The Graddick Remedy Cos. AA’inder, Ga. I have have been troubled with rheumatism in my right knee for five years; hurt me so bad I could hardly walk at times or sleep. After using throe bottles of Gruddick's Excel Liniment I feel myself cured. Have used it also for colds and soreness in chest and throat with excellent results. I find it the best all round liniment 1 have ever used and would not be without a supply in my home. Respectfully, J. M. JOHNSON, N. Chest Street., Lawrenceville, Ga. Remember to shake well before using. Quick to penetrate. AA'ill not grease or blister Price 50c. Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year. “SEABOARD announces for Alardi Gras Celebrations at New Orleans, Pen sacola and Alobile excursion tickets on sale to the public. Apply to any ticket agent or write Fred Goissler, Assistant General Passenger Agent. Atlanta, Ga.