The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, February 15, 1923, Image 7

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THURSDAY FEBRUARY 15. 1923. SALE NOTICE. GEORGIA—Barrow county. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a Pow er of Sale contained in a Warranty Deed, executed ami delivered by S. .U. Booth to the Bank of Statham. dated April 4th, 1922, and recorded in the Clerlt's office of said county on April 13th. £922, in records of deeds, Book D Page 519. The Bank of Statham will sell at publHdoutcry to the highest bidder for cash, on the first Tuesday in March, 1923, between the legal hours of sale, before the Court House door in Winder, Georgia, said county, the following de scribed property, to-wit: “All that tract or parcel of land ly ing and being in Statham District. G. M said State and County, containing one hundred (1001 acres, and known as the Tom Booth lands and bounded as follows: On the North by lands of Rich Arnold estate, East by lauds of Mrs. IV. R. A. Fuller, C. B. Chambers, and W. D. Holliday, South hy other lands of the said S. M. Booth and on the East by lands of J. M. L. Thurmond and Mrs. M. S. Reeves. Also all that tract or parcel of land ying and being in the Town of Statham, fiforcow county, Georgia, and improve ments thereon, consisting of n dwelling house and out buildings, and bounded as follows: On the norch by lot of T. L. Wall, east 'oy street, south by Elizabeth street and on the wesr by an ill ley and lot of B. H. Grant, and be ing property of the said Booth home plat 4., ~ . This property will be sold as a part of the estate of the late S. M. Booth, to satisfy a certain promissory note of Three Thousand Six Hundred Seventy- Sis and 51-100 < 13676.51) Dollars, prin cipal, with interest from maturity at the rate of eight per cent i>er annum. Said note being given by the late S. M. Booth to the Bank of Statham, und dated April 4th, 1922. and due Octo ber Ist, 1922. This sale will be made for the pur pose of paying said note, prineipa and Interest, attorney’s fees, and cost oty,sate. The balance, if any. will be paid to the estate of the late S. M. Booth. This the sth day of February. 1923. BANK OF STATHAM. Jas. W. Arnold, Atty. SHERIFFS SALE GEORGIA— Barrow county. Will be sold on the first Tuesday m MarcUnext at public outcry at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid der for cash, certain property of which the following is a full and complete description: , , , . “All that tract or parcel of land on Broad street, in the City of Winder, county of Jackson (now Barrow) de ikribed as follows: Beginning at a rock corner on said Broad stieet. inn ning'*i hence in a southeast course along the divided line (of Sikes and Moore) to a rock corner on branch, thenu southwest up the said branch to rock corner with It. I*. Williams; thence wit Williams line to a rock corner on o road: thence northerly along , s ‘" ." ! road to a rock corner on B'< thence northeast with Broad Mutt to the beginning corner coontaming and one-eightli (8 1-8 acres, move oi lr„*. and is known as the property now occupied by the said J. M Moon an 1 This 1 is the same tract of land as is vfnllv avd minutely described in a deed from W. L. Sikes and O H the said .T. W. Moore and L. I- dated November 6th. 1011. recorded m Z> Supprior Court o„ Number 17 1911, in Book “KK , page bid. Said property levied up™ nujincrtv of .1 W. Moore to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior Court of Barrow county in favor of R against J. W. Moore, et uis said property being in the posses th p levy given as required by law to tenant in possession. This the 7th day of February, 19- • H O. CAMr, Sheriff. notice of sale of lands nFORGIA —Barrow county. °K and by virtue of authority wanted in the power of sale contained K certain security deed executed and delivered on the 22nd day of Noveaibei 1919 pv Ix'wis C. Russell to Mis. > L (’hamtprlain, said deed recorded in Clerk's office of the Superior Court of Barrow cc,unty in record of deeds Book Ji at pubUc outcry before the court ho'U" door of said county, between the S hours of sale, to the highest Md- Jer for cash, the following described TF&t to tr2 Of land, situate, lying aml'being in the county of Barrow, for merly Walton county, State of Georgia- Seining 1* " r RrX oSrt lvi,i ,r on the waters of Brushy Lree* }n Bethlehem district, formerly ( ut Off District and adjoining lands of W. J S ge H. G. Hill and G. S. Millaapa, and hehfg recently known ns the John L. Harris place, which was conveyed to I e W ts C. Russell by the said John l. I Binds hv deed dated November -.lst 1011* and' recorded in the Clerk s office nf Superior Court of Barrow conn v n So, Book “B". W 443 \n exact plat of this property is recorded in the Clerk’s office of Barrow conritv. in record of deeds Hat Book 1 page 96 to which plat special refer ence is made for U.e courses and dis tances of said tract of land. This property will l* sold as the Property of Lewis C. Bussed for tie pjirpose of satisfying a certain prom issory note given by the sahl Lew s - to the said Mrs Ida L. ( ham i,oHl„ for the principal amount of twelve thousand ($12,000.00) DOLLARS, said note dated November oon.i 1019. and due three years after Hi', with interest from date at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, which note .was secured by security deed to above described land. Ttiis snle will he made for pur pose of paying said note of TY\ EIA h THOUSAND ($12,000.00* DOLLARS, with all interest and costs of this sale. This Bth dav of February. 1928. IDA L. CHAMBERLIN, h— - MONUMENTS FIRST CLASS WORK MARBLE & GRANITE Office on Candler Street and G. M. Ry. WINDER MARBLE A GRANITE CO. J. VV. NICHOLS, Mgr. • * * * ******* * PROFESSIONAL CARDS * *********** RICHARD B. RUSSELL, JR. Attorney-At-Law WINDER, GA. Office in Carithers Building. Practice in All the Courts J. C. PRATT Attorney-At-Law Winder, Ga. Office in Bush Building Practice in all Courts JOSEPH D. yUILLIAN Attorney-at-Law tffice Over DeLaPerriere” Drug store Winder, Georgia. G. A. JOHNS Attorney at Law Winder, Ga. Office Over Carithers Bank. Practice In All Courts. W. H. QUARTERMAN Attorney at Law Prentice In All Courts Commercial Law a Specialty Lewis C. Russell H. 11. Chandler Law Offices RUSSELL & CHANDLER Practice in all the Courts Winder, Ga. T. ELTON DRAKE Attorney-At-Law .Office iu DeLaPerriere Building Winder, Ga. W. L. DeLaPEIUIIERE Dental Surgery Fillings, Bridge and Plate Work Done in Most Scientific and Satisfactory Way. DR. C. S. WILLIAMS DENTIST Offices in the Winder National Bank Building. Rooms 313-314 Residence Phone 234—Office Phone 81 WINDER, GA. Dr. L. C. Allen Dr. Myron B. Allen DR. L. C. ALLEN & SON Hosehton, Ga. Office Hours: Sundays: 9:00 A. M. to 11:00 A. M. Wednesdays: 8:00 A. M. to 12:00 M Saturdays, all day until 3:00 P. M. Ml other time when not attending calls R. HENRI BARNES, D. C. (Doctor Chiropractic) CHIROPRACTIC * the adjustment of the spine to re move the cause of disease. SPINAL ANALYSIS FREE Hours: 9t012A. M. 2 to 5 P. M. Saturday 9 to 12:30 A. M. Office New Busli Building. B. E. PATRICK Jeweler Room 403, 4th Floor Winder National Rank Bldg. Winder, Ga. APPLEBY & CARRINGTON Public Stenographers and Bookkeepers Work by the job or hour. Broad Street, over Segars Store. Office Hours: 7P. M. w7m. thoma s ” Cleaning—Pressing—Altering Phone 49—Jackson Street Winder, Georgia PHONE 86 CITIZENS PRESSING CLUB For Tour Cleaning, Pressing an Altering Shop over Williams Bros. Cafe. W. B. WILSON, Prop. ■Winder, Georgia Expert Welding & Ra diator Repair Work. All metals welded. No job too large; no job too small. Radiators repaired on all make cars. All work guaranteed J. E. Casper’s Welding Shop Candler Street & Park Ave. C. 11. Stewart Old Stand Prolific Banana. The productivlt/ of the banana is greater than that of any other food -sealng ptatft. One acre and a little labor will annually produce 17,000 pounds of bananns. One remarknble teature is its immunity from disease. ITCH CURED In 30 Minutes with Par-a-sit-i-cide 60c from druggists or 55c mailed Mfr., DR. L. 1. SHARP & C 0„ Commerce, Ga. Take no substitute. Sold by G. YV. DcLePERRIERE & SONS i Classified Ads. 5 Burner Oil stoves $29.50 at Smith Hardware Cos. FOR SALE —1922 model one ton Ford Truck, pneumatic tires, all round. Perfect shape. Woodruff Hardw are Cos. We will offer to the public Satur day the 10th of February, the stock of Woodruff Hardware Cos. Good thick buttermilk at 15c per gal lon if you come to the dairy for it. Skimmed milk 15c gallon. —Winder Pure Milk Dairy. Phone 347. Notice Furniture Repaired. Bring me your furniture and have it repaired and re-finished and made like new. Price's reasonable. —J. R. N. Baugh. tf. Nail Hammers 50c up at Smith Hard ware Cos. Automobile Batteries recharged, re paired and traded for. We sell the Exide Battery. Smith Hardware Cos. 40..; lu-u.y government barbed wire 4c per pound at Smith Hardware Cos. Good Michelin Red Inner Tubes have advanced. We will still sell them at the old price this month. Smith Hardware Company. Best Spark Plugs for your car at Smith Hardware Cos. Automobile Lamps 20c up at Smith Hardware Cos. Exide Batteries have no superior. Sold by Smith Hardware Cos. FOR SALE—White Oak and Post Oak poles. Write or see W. N. Skinner, Winder, Ga., Rt. 4. ltpd A few more high grade axes at $1.25 each at Smith Hardware Cos. Best Farm Tools at Smith Hard ware Cos. 20 Rods Hog Fencing for $7.50 Smith Hardware Cos. den ad Poultry Fence at Smith Hardware Cos. New Garden seed in bulk at Smith Hardware Cos. We still have a few Kelly Tires at a big saving of $2.00 to SB.OO each. — Smith Hardware Cos. LOST or STOLEN —Light black hound female puppy with brown legfis. Been gone since Jan. 28. Return to Roy Gretison, Bethlehem, Ga., Rt. 1 and get reward. ltpd \luminum Roasters, Dish Pans and large size Kettles for $1.50 at Smith Hardware Cos. NEST EGGS 25c per dozen at Smith Hardware Cos. Good Home made syrup in gallon cans 75c at Smith Hardware Cos. 3-burner Blue Ribbon Oil Stove for $19.50 at Smith Hardware Cos. One 1922 model Ford 1-ton Trunk for sale at a bargain. Woodruff Hdw. Cos. $25,000 to Loan I have an allottment of twenty-five thousand dollars of government money to loan at 5% per cent, payable at any time from five to thirty-three years, Application must he made tty February 20. Call to see me if you need cheap money.—L. A. HOUSE. breaking a Record. A man down East spoke his will into R phonograph, thus glvtng his heirs a chance to break h!s record. A Wish "I here taken Card id lor run down, w DTK-out condition, nervousness and sleeplessness, and I was weak, too,” says Mrs. Sllvie Estes, of Jennings. Okla. “Car dui did me Just lots of good—so much that I gave it to my daughter. She com plained of a soreness in her sides and back. She took three bottles of CARDUI Tin Woman's Tonic and her condHoa was much better. “We have Hved here, near Jennings, for 2f years, and now we have our own home In town. I have had to work pretty hard, as this country wasn’t built up, and it made it hard for us. “I WISH 1 could tell weak women of Cardiff —the medicine that helped give me the strength to go on and do my work.” E 95 v. • • prj Vfsw MULBERRY Our school is progressing nicely un der the management of Mr. Ernest Ivil go. Mr. Elmer Burel was with us a short while Sunday from Atlanta. Mr. Alt Wages was visiting his par ents from Porterdale Saturday night, Mr. Chnrmus Etheridge passed thru our burg Sunday afternoon. Mr. Ray Sikes has found anew hitch ing post in our burg. Mr. Homer Wood visited his sister Sunday from Carl. Mr. Clyde Cox Ls very ill at this writ ing. Mrs. Clara Farr was visiting Mrs. My ron Etheridge Sunday. Misses Maliria and Sabra Farr visit ed Parish Sunday school Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Loo Wages and Miss Claud Dean Cox attended preaching Sunday night, at Union Grove church. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Tulley visited their sisters at Duncan's Creek and re ported Mrs. Floyd Hendrix very sick. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Abner visited Mr. Lee Wages and family on Saturday night. Miss Claud and Ralph Cox had a finite a crowd Sunday afternoon from Lawrenceville. We are having a lot of rain and coal wind. Mrs. Fannie Wages visited Mr. W. R. Abner Sunday afternoon. Quite t.lkry. American waraen b-sthers with an In tllnarloo to embonpoint It Is stated, save taken to painting dimples on their knees. The report that a fashion tble New Yorker who does not care or the water has created the neces wry Illusion hy having n lobster paint wl on her toe Is probably premature.— Trom Punch London Keep Extra Supply. A reserve supply of little thlnes nec essary around the house will save many an annoying moment. With this i*act In mind, don’t buy just one paper ol pins, a package of hairpins a hair oet, five stamps, a small supply of let ter paper, laty tn n regular stock of these things and of ait such little ar ticles, the lack of which causes so much lost tliue. “A GOOD THING—DON’T MISS IT” Send your name and address plainly written together with 5 cents (and this slip) to Chamberlain Medicine Go., Des Moines, lowa, and receive in return a trial package containing Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup bronchial, “ilu” and whooping coughs, and tickling throat; Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets for stomach troubles, indigestion, gassy pains that crowd the heart, biliousness and consti pation ; Chamberlain’s Salve, needed in every family for burns, scalds, wounds, piles, and skin affections; these valued family medicines for only 5 cents. A Good Thing—Don’t Miss It. Lips cracked and sore? I MENTHOLATUM I heal^^^r Reliable Progressive THE OLD STORY “The World’s Dest By Every Test” /USk fISHEPOO (ffTfn BRADLEY OLD DOMINION \|m uali l wM SEA FOWL REG. U.3. PAT.OFF. DRY AND DRILLABLE FERTILIZERS BUILT UP TO A STANDARD—NOT DOWN TO A PRICE The American Agricultural Chemical Cos. Atlanta, Georgia A. A. CAMP WINDER, GEORGIA Courteous Service COTTON GROWERS Before you decide to plant either short or long staple cotton this season, write us. We have made an exhaustive study of the cotton market for the past elev en years and can give you some valua ble advice. PEDIGREED SEED COMPANY Hartsville, S. C. ZZ INSURANCE Your neighbor’s home burned only a few days or months ago and a cyclon* is likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US and lie down at night with a clear eonscieuce and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAY. It may menn the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once. A WISE man insures his property in a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build ngain. He owes the protection that it gives, to his peace of mind and the eare of his lovedones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith <0 A KING POWDER)Y 2. 4 -y* o7 MADE BYA TRUSt 2 time* riimti of much tei *** sSi BEST For a third of a century the name Calumet has stood as the emblem of the best baking powder. Its steady growth of favor among American housewives has reached such proportions that today the sale of CALUMET The Economy BAKING POWDER . is 2 Vi times as much as that of any other brand. This is the best proof of its superior merits—of the wholesome foods that it always produces—of the economical and unfailing re sults that are always obtained where it is used. Calumet contains only such ingredients | as have been officially approved by the United jj States Food Authorities. Received highest MH&jjTyx. - awards at World’s Pure Food Exposition, Chi- . cago; Paris Exposition, Paris, France. Has more than the ordinary leavening strength, therefore 1/ / - you use less. The preference of a nation be- fj / fr cause it is the most dependable of all haveners 1 1 regardless of the price you pay. Buy it —try T' A. it —always use it. 'ktjp *■ e * THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER\ Subscription Price: $1 53 Per Year. Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic For Pale.DelicateWomen and Children. 60c