The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, February 15, 1923, Image 8

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TrrrRBTAT, FEBRTTART 15, I*2H- In The District Court of the U. S., Northern IMtrlrt of Georgia, * a Court of Bankruptcy. In Re: J. W. Killer Bankrupt. In ■Bankruptcy. The creditor* of the deflator nhov > named, a resident of in the county of Barrow said district, are hereby noii lied tliat he was on February 13, 1023, duly adjucated bankrupt and the first meeting of his creditors \* ill be held at the office of Referee at Lawrenceville, tla., February 20, 1023, at 10 o’clock A. Id.. (E.T.> at which time the said cred itors may attend prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bank-1 rupt and transact such other business *s may properly come before said meet ing. If. L. HPTHINS, Referee tn Bankruptcy. I Bawrenceville, Ga., Feb. 14, 1923. Mrs. Clara Archer Akins Guv Bron Akins Petition for divorce, in the Superior Court of Barrow county, March term, 1023. To the defendant. Guy Brown Akins: The plaintiff, Mrs. Clara Akins hav ing tiled her petition for divorce against you. in this county, returnable to the March Term, 1023, of the Superior Court of tliis county, and it being made •to npftenr that you are a non-resident of said couufyT and do not reside in said stale, and an order having been made for the service on you, by publi cation this, therefore, is to notify you Guy Brown Akins, to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Barrow county. Georgia, to he held on the fourth Monday in March, 1923, then and there to answer said complaint. Witness the Honorable Blanton Fort son, Judge of said Court. A. T. HARRISON, Clerk. Wound Too Tight Bore— "Yej, I don’t know h-vr it la, but I feel thoroughly wound up to night." Hostess—" How very strange! And yet you don’t seem to go."—Lon don Tit-Bits. We will have only two more GIN DAYS. Friday, Feb. 16th Friday, Feb. 23rd WINDER OIL MILL CO. Cost Reducers Recom mended for Your Table FLOUR The best made from the highest grade wheat. CORN MEAL Ground from selected corn, and an excellent health producer. BREAKFAST CEREALS Can be prepared in numerous ways and make an excellent morning meal. NAVY BEANS Those old reliable favorites that never fail. HOMINY Rich in nutrition and should be more generally used. PANCAKE FLOUR Ready mixed for those delicious flap jacks. J EAT MORE MEAT Eat the same kind that we eat. Buy where you get what you want. ii .'. - * W. C. Jett PARISH LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Oliver and chil dren were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Marr Sunday. Several attended the randy drawing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Page Saturday night. Rev. Odis McNeal apent Saturday night with Mr. J. T. Wright and family. Miss Ituth Allen was the guest of Miss Jewell Elliott Monday afternoon. Mr. C. P. Allen is improving at this writing. We are having some rainy weather in this community; hope it will, soon clear off. Miss Lola Little was the guest of Miss Ila Freeman Sunday. Misses Mabra and Habra Farr were the guests of Misses Nellie, Ruth and Thelma Allen Sunday afternoon. Mrs. W. J. Watson spent Wednesday night with her sister. Mrs. A. N. El liott. In answer to Cnion News riddle — Which side of the jug is the handle on? Will say it is onl the outside and will ask which end of a cigar should lie put in your mouth? Chinese Perfumw. In China rt dinners and at theutrt *1 performances, it Is customary te provide guests or alienators will imall hot towels saturated with scent >d water for wiping Choir faces Silent sd water Is also much oed In conost lon with bathing and tlie every-dnj gs'dilng of face* and hands, in some Lann-Amertcaa countries there Is a rery great deiuaa4 for perfumery 11 I person needs a hath, a dnsh of per fume la to sows as ind line and ejiibt* are saved. Why Not? “Her color rose,” the story says. Why not, wed like te know? Every vhing else wot up In price. Why Ihouidn’t rouge also?—Boston Tran •crlpt Gainesville Midland Schedule Southbound Train No. 8 arrives at 11:30 A. M. Train No. 13 arrives at 2:30 P. M. Northbound Train No. 14 arrives at 7:30 A. M. Train No. 4 arrives at 1:33 P. M. S. A. L. Schedule Effective 12:01 Sunday, Dec. 31, 1922 Train No. 20 Arrive 7.00 PM Train 5 Arrives 3:58 PM Train No. 17 Arrives 8:20 AM Train No. 11 Arrives 6:07 AM Train No. 30 Depart 9:05 AM Train No. 6 Depart 2:00 PM Train No. 18 Depart 7:00 PM Train No. 12 Depart 10:43 PM Trains 5 and 6 are restored between Atlanta and Birmingham, taking place of Nos. 15 and 16. Train 5 from north connects with No. 5 for west at Atlanta. Train 6 from west connects with No. 6 for north at Atlanta. No passengers will be handled on train 48 except between Greenwood and Gross Hill. to change in schedule of No. 6. Your particular attention is called HARMONY GROVE The weather still continues rainy and the farmers are not doing much iu this section. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt McEver of Hosch .ton visited Mr. T. A. Wood and family Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. It. Etheridge and children and Karr Etheridge of Bu ford visited Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Eth eridge Sunday. Mr. Richard Jones and son, Chal mus, were seen in our burg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emory J. Mot visited Mr. and Mrs. Warren Franklin of Carl Saturday night and Sunday. Misses Muna and Habra Farr attend ed Sunday school at Parish Sunday. Misses Bessie ami Ida Kinsey visited Mis Mabra Farr Saturday afternoon. Messrs. J. A and J. W. Marr spent awhile in Winder Saturday. Little Miss Etheridge spent Wednes day night with her aunt, Miss Ada Lintlsey, of Auburn. Place Your Order now for Eggs or B;iby Chicks. From our Bred to lay S. C. White Leghorns, satisfaction is what you buy when you order eggs or chicks from me. The Wyckoff Strain are birds that combine beauty, productiveness, win ning 4 first prizes at North Ga. Fair. Eggs $1.50 setting: SX.OO per hundred. 1). S. SMITH, Winder, Ga. No. 3 Drag Scrapes with runners on ly SIO.OO at Smith Hardware Cos. No. 7 Cook Stoves for $12.00 at Smith Hardware Cos. Ford Wind Shield Glass, upper for $3.00; lower for $3.75 at Smith Hard ware Cos. Spray your trees now with Dry Lime Sulphur. Sold by Smith Hardware Cos. Drag Harrows $15.00 up at Smith Hardware Cos. BOOMS FOR RENT—Light and wa ter. Family with no kids. See P. I*. Jen nings. It pd. Stalk Cutter Bargain.—New Oliver 7-knife stalk cutter for only $-10.00 at Smith Hardware Cos. Bumpers for your automobile $6.00 up at Smith Hardware Cos. You are aware that Oliver Plows ad vanced in price on January Ist. We are still .selling Genuine Oliver Plows at less than old prices as follows: Goober $ 7.50 A. C. $-0.00 ii e SIO.OO 10 _ _ $11.50 13 $13.00 —SMITH HARDWARE CO. Limited number S. C. Black Minor on eggs, $1.50. Also Canaries. Three handsome young singers and two fe males. If interested, write for prices (Miss) Alma Cain, Auburn, Ga. pdlt Hastings' Seeds 1920 Catalog Free Writ* tod4T far Wmstfpjfs' sow I>SJ catalog. Yon will seed Of* Wfermatie* It gives almest daily—the must valu able and usefHl seed beak ever publish ed. It contains 100 phgds, pieturing and correctly describing the beet and most popular vegetables, flowers and farm crops for tbs South. How and wliat to pfftpt in yeur yard, garden and field for every purpose. How to boat the boll Weeril, bean beetle and other pests. Full natural color pictures ef the test Rosas, Glad ioli and Cttier rtewbra. FfWw to get S packet# of seed ef beaut ftel flew ess free. How rtittek seWd is rwprtred to plant a row or sens, when and hew to plant and Culttvare, ffty H pays to plant good sebfci aed hew to get them as cheap or cheaper than common or ordinary seeds. Just write fer this handsome new 1923 Seed Book. It’s a beantWei book and mighty glad *• hvs it in ydtrr bR&e It is abeehrtd* free Writ# fer ft today. M. 0. HAST!NG3 CO., AtMtfU, Ga. Mi VINMS Ml Notice of Intention to apply to Georgia Securities Commission for IJcense to Sell Stock in Smith-Mayne Manufact uring Cos. In compliance with the rules of the Georgia Securities Commission notice is 1 hereby given that on the 19th day of i February, 1923 application will be fil led with the Georgia Securities Com mission by the Smith-Mayne Manufact uring Company, a corporation organiz led under the laws of Georgia, with its principal office and place of business i located at Winder, Ga., for permission to sell Stock in said corporation. The officers of said corporation are R. A. W. Smith, President; W. L. Mayne, V- President; Claude Mayne, Hecretary- J. C. Walden, Treasurer. The Board of Directors is composed of the fol lowing: R. A. W. Smith W. L. Mayne, Claude Mayne, J. C. Walden, W. B. Mc jCants, A. Y. Eavenson, G. H. Kilgore. Said corporation has an authorized 'capital stock of $250,000.00 and SIOO,- 000.00 of said stock—sso,ooo.oo preferr ed and $50,000.00 common stock —will 1* offered for stile in Georgia. The bus iness carried on oy said corporation consists of the manufacture and sale of metal slides, rollers and locking de vices for drawers and other receptacles desk drawers and other drawers, ta llies, chairs, desks and all furniture made of wood or other material, wood and metal specialties, fixtures, toys and allied lines. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who are in a "run down” condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in good health. Tills tact proves that while Catarrh is a local disease, it is greatly influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointraent which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assist? n improving the General Health. Sold by druggists for ever 4‘> Years. •?. J. Chenov 1 • To*-'-* < r,to THURMOND - JACKSON COMPANY 51 and 6 percent Farm Loans Reasonable Commission Charges Prompt, Dependable Service 704 Holman Building Athens, Georgia FARM LOANS Low Interest Rate and Reasonable Commission Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service. J. C. PRATT Bush Building Winder, Ga. Humoring Bird Hose The best fitting and longest wearing Silk Hose we have ever sold. Each pair guaranteed to give satisfac tion. Once a wearer—always a wearer of Humming Bird Silk Hosiery. Call and examine the make and the quality of these wonderful hose. Humming Bird Hose are sold by Kilgore-Kelly Cos., sole agents for Winder. Kilgore-Kelly Cos. ‘The Home of Quality’' If You Don’t Like Heavy Repair Bills, Why > Have Them When you are not feeling fit you go to a doctor or a druggist and get something to brace you up. The same rule applies to your car. When it is not running smoothly it needs a bracer. It cannot correct its own defects. Furnishing bracers for sick cars is easy for us, because the work is fascinating and we like it. We correct the LITTLE defects, as well as the big ones. That’s what keeps your car fit. By coming to us at THE FIRST SIGN of' trouble you rid yourself of those heavy re pair bills that try your patience so much. LANTHIER & CHURCH Athens St. Garage Phone 210 P *m: ft.St Bar IWf.