The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 01, 1923, Image 10

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THURSDAY. MARCH 1, 1923. This Is a STUDEBAKER Year Williams Bros., Dealers, Winder, Ga. Prolific Banin*. Th# productivity ‘he banana la greater than that of any other food bea-ing plaiTt. One acre and a little labor will annually produce 17,000 pounds of bananas. One remarkable feature is Its Immunity from disease. COMMUNITY NIGHT. Friday, March 3rd, 7:45 P. M. Christian Church 8 Reel Picture featuring Thomas Meighan, in “THE MIRACLE MAN” Special Music. Everybody Welcome HONEST OVERHAULING Occasional overhauling is an important part of your car. There are few mechanisms more delicate than the engine-more respon sive to attention. A distrust of the men to whom he must trust his car often leads the motorist to neg lect necessary overhauling. It is not so with our patrons. Their confidence in us is a mat ter of course. It is never abused. Proper Work Properly Priced. Everything needed is done. Nothing unnec essary is done. Whatever is done is done skillfully and promptly, the result is satis faction to you. We welcome any job. LANTHIER & CHURCH Athens St. Garage Phone 210 Miss Florine Hill will have charge of our Millinery parlors again this season, and is now ready to serve you. She has a grand display of Spring Hats, in all the newest and latest materials, shapes, etc. The most com plete line we have ever displayed. The prices are rea sonable too. Call in and let Miss Hill show you. SILK DRESSES Just received a shipment of Fine Silk Dresses. Spe cially priced at $10.90 BEST QUALITY J. L. SAUL The Clothier Winder, Ga. Mean Brute. •Your wife doe* a lot ®f entertain ing. doesn't aher remarked Mrs. Nay lor “Yes," growled Mr. Gabb. “If ehe Sen't entertaining company, ahe’a entertaining euapldona." Classified Ads. FOR RENT —My store on Athens Street. Apply to Miss Mary Boyd, Win der, Ga. It pd. Ford Windshield Glass, upper for $3.00, lower for $3.50 at Smith Hdw. Nail Hammers 50c up at Smith Hdw. Automobile Batteries recharged, re paired and traded for. We sell the Ex ide Battery. Smith Hardware Cos. For Plow Points set- .1. E. Callahan. Best Spark Plugs for your car at Smith Hardware Cos. Get the Giant Backhand, the best made at J. E. Callahan’s. Automobile Lamps 20c tip at Smith Hardware Cos. Get a good plow (pilar for SI.OO at Callahan’s’. Hitve your car doped and greased at Smith Hardware Cos That Xo. 10 Lynchburg Plow Point; the best made. See J. E. Callahan, EX IDE Batteries have no superior at Smith Hardware Cos The road to foot comforts: “Switch” from the new to the old shoes. See J. E. Callahan. Garden and Poultry Fence at Smith Hardware Cos. For automobile tops. Conic to J. E. Callahan AVe still have a few Kelly Tires at a big saving of $2.00 to SB.OO each at Smith Hardware Cos. Have them old side curtains patched to keen the March winds out of your auto See J. E. Callahan. Stalk Cutter Bargain. New Oliver 7- knife stalk cutter for only $40.00 at Smith Hardware Cos. TO RENT—I7S acre farm, Jackson county, 8 miles from Winder. Good house, barns and 3 tenant houses—lt. E. LEE REYNOLDS, 277 Itawson St., Atlanta, Ga. ttpd Bumpers for your autoomobite SO.OO tip at Smith Hardware Cos. THIS WINDER NHWH ROOMS TO RENT—My son, AVar ren I). House, having accepted a posi tion with the Metropolitan Life Insur ance Cos. and moved to Covington, Ga., to take up his duties, I have three va cant rooms in my house, which were formerly occupied by him. These f ioms are very desirable for light house keeping and I will rent them at a fair price.—John W. House. It You are aware that Oliver Plows ad vanced in price on January Ist. AVe are still selling Genuine Oliver Plows at lew than old prices as follows: Goober $ 7.50 A. C. $ 900 B. C SIO.OO 10 - - 11.00 13 - $13.00 MAKES THE WORLD BRIGHTER. Everything seems more cheerful when you’re not run down at the heel. Bring in your shoes and let us fix them up at Callahan's. Sunday School Rally At White Plains Quarterly S. S. Rally of 2nd district Mulberry Association will be held with White Plains church second Sunday af i irnioon in March. A good program has boon arranged and we will be His appointed if any school in the district fails to send representatives. Cordial welcome to ail. LEE ROBERTS, Pres. WHAT SHALL I GET FOR DINNER? It is the eternal question which every housewife must solve each day. Our great variety of foodstuffs makes a quick de cision easy and wearisome duplications unnecessary. The freshness of our eatables makes them extremely palatable, and their purity insures the greatest of health giving properties. We have a large supply of seed Irish potatoes and Onion Sets. w. c. JETT Phone 155 Phone 155 Make Every Acre Do Its Best Under 801 l Weevil conditions the best is none too good. 300 pounds 12-4-4 gives you the same plant food as 400 pounds 9-3-3 and you save about 75c an acre be sides time hauling, applying, etc. You can only afford to use the best—insist on getting “bigoSl Fertilizers Use ARMOUR’S BIG CROP 12-4-4 this season and at picking time you surely will be pleased. ARMOUR’S BIG CROP FERTILIZER on the bag means Quality in the bag. See us, we will be glad to figure out the saving for you thru using high analysis fertilizers. Local Agents W. B. McCants Homer Baird Farmers Warehouse Cos., Winder, Ga. ROGERS “Where satisfaction is a certainty” No. 10 Pail Snowdrift $1.27 Old Dutch Cleanser, can 7£c Eagle Brand Milk ................. 21c Heinz Tomato Ketchup, large size 28c No. 3 can Rogers Lye Hominy .. ....... 12c Regers Quality Bread, Loaf 5c Made with milk Large size Octagon soap .......... . ..... ... 6c Hair Nets Single Mesh Double Mesh 5c 7c WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS ROGERS “Where satisfaction is a certainty” 108 Broad street Winder, Ga. Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year.