The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 01, 1923, Image 6

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THURSDAY. MARCH 1, 1923 Lepal Advertisements. I/eave to SHI I^uhl OBH)UGIA Harrow county. To Whom il May Coueerii: Notice is hereby Riven that Winder National Hank, as administrator of <L ]/. Casey, deceased, having applied to me l<y petition for leave to sell the real estate of said (>. h Casby, de ceased, and that a der was made thereon al the February term, 19113, f ( .r citation, and that citation issue; all the heirs at law and creditors of said O. L. Casey, deceased, will take notice that 1 will pass upon said appli cation at the March term, 1923, of court <f Ordinary of Harrow county; and that unless cause is shown to the con trary, at said time, said leave will be erant(Hl. This sth day of February, 1923. C. \V. PARKER, Ordinary. dismission from Administration GEORGIA Harrow county. WHEREAS, J D. Watson, adminis trator of Mrs. V. V. Rraddy, deceased.: represents to the Court in his petition, j duly lind and entered on record, that he has fully administered Mrs. V V. Braddy’s estate. This is therefore, to cite all persons, kindred and cred itors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not he (Ifischarged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the tirst Monday In March, 1923. This February sth, 1923. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. CITATION GEORGIA Harrow county. Miss Nelia Robertson, administratrix of \V. C. Kolertson, deceased, repre sents to the court in lier peiition, duly tiled and entered on record that she has fully administered W. C. Robertson s estate. This is, tlierefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindrisl ami credi tors, to show cause, if any they chii, why said administratrix should not be liischai gcil from her administration, anil receive letters of dismission, on the lirst Monday itt March, 1923. This February sth, 1923. C. W. PARKKR, Ordinary Application To Sell Land. GEORGIA-Harrow county. To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that H. O. Cosby, as Guardian of .1 H. Cosby, an imbecile, having applied to me by peti tion for h*ave to sell the real estate of said J. 11. Cosby, and that an order as made thereon at tin* February term, 1922, for citation, and that citation is sue; (in* purpose of said sale, is for the support of said ,1 If. Cosby, all credi tors or parties concerned will take no tice "(hat I will pass upon said applica tion at March term, 1923, of the Court of Ordinary of Harrow county, to bo held on tin* first Monday in March, 1923, and that unless cause is shown to the contrary at said time, leave will he granted as prayed. This February sth, 1923. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. CITATION GEORGIA Harrow county. M. J. Griffeth, guardian of Mary Lou Hcgiirs. having applied to me for a dis charge from his guardianship of Mary Lou Sdltars, this is therefore to notify j all persons concerned to lib* their oh- j jectious, if any they have, on or before the first Moi day in March next, else he will la* discharged from his guar dianship as applied for. Tills February sth, 1923. C. W. PARKER. Ordinary. CITATION GEORGIA- Harrow county. To all Whom It May Concern: Mrs. Waynion P. Harrison has applied to me for permanent letters of adminis tration on the estate of Waynuin P. Harrison, lute of said county, deceas ed, and I will pass u|miii said applica tion on tin* lirst Monday in March, 1923. Witness my hand and official seal, Tills February sth, 1923. C. W PARKER, Ordinary. CITATION GEORGIA—Harrow county. Whereas, Mrs. Lou E. Langford, ad ministratrix of H. ('. Langford, repre sents to the court in her petition, duly fthd and entered on record, that she lias fully administered H. C. Langford's (‘State. This is, therefore, to cite all persous concerned, kindred and credi tors, to show cause, if any they can, wh.v said administratrix should not be discharged from her administration aaid receive letters of dismission on the tirst Monday in March. 1923. C. W. PARKER. Ordinary. Application for Twelve Mouths Support GEORGIA - Burrow county. The appraisers upon five application of Mrs. L. M Wood, widow of T. P. Wood for a twelve months' support for herself and throe minor children out of the estate of said 'l'. I’. Wood, deceas ed. having filed their return; all per sons are hereby cited to show cause, if any they have, before the court or Or dinary of said county on the tirst Mon day in March, 1923, why said applica tion should not h' granted. This February sth, 1923. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. CITATION In Itc: Will <>f Martha J. Perry. Court of Ordinary of Barrow county, State of Georgia. Petition for prohate of will in solemn form. To W. D. Hamilton, Washington, D. G\, lieir at law: .1. T. Perry, J. A. Perry and W. O. Perry, having applied, as executors, for probate in solemn form of the last will and testament of Martha ,1. Perry, late of said county, deceased, you, as one of the heiw at law of said Martha J. Perry, l*eing a non-resident of this state, are hereby mjuired to be and ap pear at the court of ordinary for said county on the first Monday in March, ID2S. when said application for probate will be heard, and show cause, if any y<M> have or can, why prayer of the pe tition should not be had and allowed. This sth day of February. 1923. C. VT PARKER, Ordinary• .Application tor Twelve Months Support GEORGIA —Harrow county. Mrs. M. A Hudson, having made ap plication for twelve months support for herself and two minor children of M. A. Hudson out of the estute of said M. iA. Hudson, diseased, and the apprais ers duly appointed to set apart the same having filed their return, all per sons concerned are hereby risjuired and notith-d to show cause, if any they have, before the Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in March, 1923. why said application should not he granted as prayed. This February sth, 1023. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. Mrs. Irene Langford Rylee Vs. James Edward Rylee. Petition for Divorce in Barrow Supe rior Court. Filed to the December Term. 1922. To the Defendant James Edward Ry lee : The plnintilT, Irene Tatngford Rylee, having filed her petition for divorce against James Edward Rylee return able to the December Term, 1922, of this Court, and It being made to ap pear that defendant is not a resident of said county and is without the juris diction of this court, and nn order hav ing been made for service on him, Jas. E. Rylee, by publication, said order passi*d at the December Term, 1922, of said court; this, therefore, is to notify you, Jas. Edward Rylee to lie and ap pear at Ihe m*c: term of the Superior Court of Harrow county :o be held op the fourth .Monoay in March, 1922, then and Mere to answer said complaint. W'ii in t b ’ Honorable Blanton Fort sen .linlg' of Ihe F upt rlor Courts, Wester i t iruiit. This February Bth, 1925 A T. HARRISON, Clerk Harrow Superior Court. Notice lo Debtors and Creditors (lE< > R(; lA—Barrow county. All creditors of the estate at W. C. Robertson, late of Barrow county, de ceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned ac cording to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment to me. January 2nd, 1923. 6t Miss Nellie Robertson, Administratrix of W. C. Robertson, deceased. NOTICE OF SALK OF LAND GEORGIA Barrow county. Under and by virtue of the authori ty granted in a power of sale contained in a certain security deed executed and delivered on the 12th day of January, 1920, Ify Lewis (’. Russell to Hunley Ab bott, said deed recorded in the Clerk’s office of the Superior Courf of Barrow County, Georgia, in record of deeds. Book ‘O.” Folio 581. Hunley Abbott will sell at public out cry on the first Tuesday in Marcn, 1923. before the court house door in Barrow comity, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to wit.: All that tract or parcel of land lying or being in the county of Harrow, state of Georgia, formerly in Gwinnett coun ty. adjoining lands of W. H. Patrick, Arch Perry, C. W. Dillard, ct al, and now Lewis C. Russell, Weyman Ilaymon, et al., ilescrl’iel as follows: Beginning at a postoak corner where settlement road leading to Dave Crow place intersects with Bethlehem and Lawreneeville road, and running south 20 Ms east 26.43 chains to old Dave Crow settlement road; thence along said road in a southeasterly direction to corner with Arch Perry; thence north 87 cast 25.00 chains to rock corner with W. E. illaymon; thence north 17 west 23.58 'chains to rock; thence south t>B% east 9.78 chains to rock near poplar; thence south 12Mi west 3.10 chains to public road ; thence across the road in a north erly direction 3.00 chains to iron pin on terrace; thence at a right angle in al most a westerly direction 10. no chains to rock; thence at right angle in al most a southerly direction back 3.00 chains to road; thence along said Beth lehem and Lawreneeville road in an almost western direction to tin* begin ning corner at the intersection of said two roeds, containing 102% acres, more or less, Said land being a part of the old W. W. Patrick home place and in ter tin* A. J. Ilaymon home place and conveyed to said Russell by A. J. lltiy moD. This property will be sold as the prop erty of the said Lewis (\ Russell, and for the purpose of satisfying a certain promissory note given by the said Lew is C. Russell to the said Hunley Ab bott for the principal amount of SIX THOUSAND ($6,000,001 DOLLARS, said note dated January 12th. 1920, and duo January 12th, 1923. with interest from date at the rate of 8 percent per annum, which note was secured by the ! security deed to the above descriUnl la lid. This sale will be made for the pur pose of paying said note of SIX THOU SAND ($0,000,001 DOLLARS, with all interest and costs of this sale. This 7lh day of February, 1923. HUNLEY ABBOTT. COTTON GROWERS Before you decide to plant either short or long staple cotton this season, write us. We have made an exhaustive study of the cotton market for the past elev en years and can give you some valua ble advice. PEDIGREED SEED COMPANY Hartsville, S. C. Discouraging to Author*. Lawdyl Lawdyl Now they're go ing to finger-print the new-born babies. What ere our future novelists and scenario writers going to do wheu the mired Infanta* ploi becomes no longer fa writhe 1 Uovtoo TrenecrtpL CEDAR HILL i Mr. and Mrs. Emory House of Wood vine were visiting relatives at Cedar Hill the past week end. | Mi/vo-s Essie and Alma Belle Thrash er spent Sunday with Miss Bessie Ab ner. | .Mr. Marlon Carlyle is on the sick list this week, hope he will soon recover. Miss Bessie Maxey spent Thursday afternoon with Miss Mattie Lou Elli ott. The party at the home of Miss Beside Aimer Wednesday night was enjoyed by all present. Miss lyorena Elliott spent. Saturday with Miss Jewell Elliott of Parish. Mrs. Fulton Freeman was visiting Cedar Hill Friday evening. Mrs. Dewey Hall spent Monday af ternoon with Mrs. W. T. Hall of Coun ty Line. Misses Lilia Mae and Grace Maxey .spent Saturday evening with Miss Ag ness Elliott. Miss Lillian Parker is visiting rela tives at Woodville this week. Mr. J. B. Attaway has returned home after spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs. 11. F. Elliott. The music at the home of Mr. Ellio ott”s Saturday night was enjoyed by a large crowd. Mrs. Abner has been spending a few days with her son. Mr. Asberry Aimer. Mr. and Mrs. Allen House and son. were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Par ker one night last week. The singing given by Miss Bessie Maxey Sunday afternoon was enjoyed 1y a large crowd. PENTECOST Mrs. D. J. Pentecost of Bostwick was the guest of relatives here last week. Misses Edna and Jewell William son and Norma Hardigree were the guests of Miss Lucille Miller Saturday afternoon. Miss Grace Prickett and Mr. Ray Prickett spent Monday in Commerce. Messrs. Law lie Williamson and An- sel Miller spent Sunday with Mr. Glenn Pentecost. Miss Emma Cochran of Elxnezer .spent last week with tier sister, Mrs. 11. E. llaynie. Miss Viola Hardigree was the guest of Miss Grace Prickett Saturday niglit and Sunday. Misses Annie .T, Pentecost and Fran ces Hash'll- of Lawrenceville were the week-end guests of Miss Wilda Pente cost. Air. W. T. Prickett visited relatives in Commerce last week. Quite a large crowd attended the singing given by Aliss Grace Prickett Sunday night. The Winder Lumber Cos. began work on the new house of Mr. Henry Carruth Monday to replace the one destroyed by tire last week. OLD VICTORY Quite a crowd attended the singing at Sharon Sunday afternoon and re port a tine time. Miss Gladys Evans spent last week with her sister, Mrs. John Stone of Hoscliton. Miss Lola Little spent Saturday night with Miss Jurelle Bailey. Miss Ethel Boss spent the week end with home folks. Misses Pauline and Norine Johnson had as their guests Sunday niglit Miss Gladys Evans. Miss Bessie Hayes spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Ollie Hayes. Mr. Herman Johnson. Joe Wiley and Ralph Evans made a business trip to Hoscliton Saturday. Little Rilla Bailey had as her guest Sunday little Glee Johnson and Louise Stone. Mrs. H. S. Roquemore is on the sick list at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Stone and chil dren of Hoscliton siient Sunday with Mr and Mrs. J. It. Evans. Mrs. E. D. Johnson and mother, Mrs. ('. F Healan spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. J T. Little. Mr. Herman Johnson and Ralph Ev ans were out riding Sunday. Mr J. J. Sheild and Frank Healan of Winder were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. I). Johnson Monday. Severe Indigestion “I had very severe attacks of Indigestion,” writes Mr. M. H. Wade, a farmer, of R. F. D. I, Weir, Miss. “I would suffer for months at a time. All I dared eat was a little bread and butter. .. consequently I suffer ed from weakness. I would try to eat, then the terrible suffer ing in my stomach I 1 took medicines, but did not get any better. The druggist recom mended Thedford’s BLACK-DRAUGHT and I decided to try it, for, as I say, I had tried others for two or more years without any im provement in my health. I soon found the Black-Draught was acting on my liver ana easing the terrible pain. "In two or three weeks, I found I could go back to eating. I only weighed 123. Now 1 weigh 147—eat anything I want to. and by taking Black-Draught 1 do not suffer. Have you tried Thedford’s Black-Draught? If not, do so today. Over 8 told, THE WINDER NEWS RED HILL Messrs. W. E. Dalton and Mark Fos ter of Atlanta were visiting here Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hardy visited the former’s parents Sunday. Messrs. John and Guy Magness and John Dalton made a business trip to Winder Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Melton spent Fri day night with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark of Oak Grove. Messrs. John Daltou and Herman Magness spent Sunday with Mr. L. B. Dalton. In answer to Cedar Creek riddle, the big negro surely must have been the little negro’s mother. That’s all the way I can figure it out. Mr. Hoyt Hardy and Miss Oilie Mur phy sjs'nt Thursday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Oliver and fam ily visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mote Sunday. We are having fine farming weather now, hut it seems that the farmers around here are so blue they haven’t the heart to i>low. I guess the answer to Bethabara rid dle as being a river. FOR SALE One good two-horse wagon and har ness, one splendid buggy and harness; set of farming tools, including Oliver Ten, two cultivators, two horse Hara mon and other things; also set black smith tools and about 1,000 bundles of good fodder. See them at my home on Midland Avenue.—C. C. Sauls, Win der, Ga. S. A. L. Schedule Effective 12:01 Sunday, Dec. 31, 1922 Train No. 20 Arrive 7.001’M Train 5 Arrives 3:58 PM Train No. 17 Arrives 8:20 AM Train No. 11 Arrives 6:07 AM Train No. 30 Depart 9:05 AM Train No. 6 Depart 2:00 PM Train No. 18 Depart 7:00 PM Train No. 12 Depart 10:43 PM Trains 5 and 6 are restored between Atlanta and Birmingham, taking place of Nos. 15 and 16. Train 5 from north connects with No. 5 for west at Atlanta. Train 6 from west connects with No. 6 for north at Atlanta. No passengers will he handled on train 48 except between Greenwood and Cross Hill. to change in schedule of No. 6. Your particular attention is called Gainesville Midland Schedule Southbound Train No. 3 arrives at 11:30 A. M Train No. 13 arrives at 2:30 P. M Northbound Train No. 14 arrives at 7:30 A. M Train No. 4 arrives at 1:33 P. M CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of ReSiabla Progressive THE OLD STORY “The World’s Best By Every Tost” ASHEPOO BRADLEY ((of AAM OLD DOMINION SEA FOWL REO. U.S. PATOfF. DRY AND DRILLABLE FERTILIZERS BUILT UP TO A STANDARD—NOT DOWN TO A PRICE The American Agricultural Chemical Cos. Atlanta, Georgia A. A. CAMP WINDER, GEORGIA Courteous Service FARM LOANS \\Jti are prepared to handle an unlimited amount of farm loan business at 6V4 per cent per annum with a reasonable commission. We can loan for 5, 7 or 10 years’ time, In amounts ranging from SI,OOO to $40,000, on 50 acres and up. If you are in the market for a loan oo your farm, let us submit you our* proposition. " > “QUICK SERVICE” is our Motto. Call or write— W. H. QUARTERMAN Correspondent for STATE & CITY BANK & TRUST CO. • (Formerly Old Dominion Trust Cos.) Richmond, Virginia. TOURING CAR New Price This is the lowest price at which the Ford Touring Car has ever sold, and with the many new improve ments, including the one man top, it is a bigger value than ever before. Buy now. Terms if desired. Winder Motor &’ Tractor Cos. Subscription Price: SI.OO Per Year.