The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 01, 1923, Image 7

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THURSDAY. MARCH 1, 1923. SQUIRE EDGEGATF He Hands Down Ao Important Legal Opinion __ BY LOUIS RICHARD f T " 1 \ loouy rl y£ 5 Ta/E ) COA/DUCToe MV L -t \ s/oo TO >4oLvt*. iF HU Right ~io p u~r vcu \— /-r rv /j*. you m, Wt£SJoO Oi-C> -*)A<o JL&GQc Right TO OFF- UNOEF THoiZ . I 'PRIVILEGE. To /7JW, f / W A!/oT^tD C LIr %>u T /✓> £ Ofr '*/ TX*r £/ S- <T (?/)yvL - CT^l_t_ BETHABARA ■ Everybody remember preaching at this place next Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E(ld Griffeth spent Sat urday night and Sunday with Mrs. J. B. Morris near Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Osco Osborn and daugh ters, Sarah Byrd and Janet, went to Athens Friday. Misses Sybil Holliday, Curtis Thorn ton, Sarah Byrd, and Janet OslOrn and Mr. George Morris were the guests Sunday afternoon of Miss Anna Mae Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Birt Doster, of Winder, spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Michael spent awhile Sunday night with the latter’s moth* f! Mrs. F. S. Doster. Quite a number from here attended the singing at Rays’ Sunday afternoon. Mrs. F. S. Doster had as her dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. S. 11. GrifTeth. Mrs. Oscar Osborn spent Sunday af ternoon with her sister, Mrs. I*. H. Dillard. Mrs. B. O. Ward and daughter, An nie Mae, sprat Monday afternoon with Mrs. Bailey GrifTeth. Mr. G. FU Jackson, who is working in Monroe, was at home for the week end. Grandmother Wellborn died Satur day, Feb. <24fh. anti was buried here Sunday morning. Slit' was the oldest woman in this county, being in her 911th year. In the District Court of the U. S. Northern District of Georgia, as a Court of Bankruptcy. In Ke: T. M. Sims, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. The creditors of the debtor a bore named, a resident of Statliam. <ia., in the county of Barrow, said district, are hereby notified that he was on Febru ary 26, 192:?, duly adjucated bankrupt and the first meeting of his creditors will he held at the office of Ref-wee at Lawrenceville, Ga., March 10, 192.'?. a : 10 a. m. (E.T.) at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, exanrne the bankrupt and transact such other bus iness n.s may properly come la fore saiu meeting. N. L. HUTCHINS, Referee in Bankruptcy. iile, Ga. Feb 27. 1!12.'?. Changing Color. “An Irishman may be green but—■" •Well, what?" “When he's In a fight te sees red." Farm Loans and Winder City Loans. I -make loans in Barrow, Gwinnett, Walton, Jackson. Oconee and Morgan Counties in amounts from $500.00 to $100,000.00. I also make loans on Winder City Property. I solicit applications di rect from the farmers and from Bankers and Attorneys whose cus tomers and clients need money. Write to me and your business will have my prompt attention. s. G. BROWN, Banker Private Bank—Not Incorporated. 6mospd.3-l-23. Lawrenceville, Georgia. I HAVE IT I have secured the local agency for the fa mous LOGAN‘S GEM The Beautiful Finish Polish Logan’s Gem needs no introduction, since so many have used it, and know its grand qualities. Suffice it to say that I HAVE IT and for prompt delivery phone, write or send to B. I. HARWELL i Telephone 296 494 Hamilton Ave. I HAVE IT CEDAR CREEK Mrs. Lula Sikes spent the week with her daughter, Mrs. Hugh L Hood of Dacula. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnson visited his sister, Mrs. Cora Rooks, Sunday. Messrs. George and Harold Kesler and sister. Miss Blondine, visited Miss Lillie Belle Manders and Brother last Sunday. We have a good Sunday school and want the young and old to come out and help in this cause of the Master. Mr. G. T. Pressley tilled his regular appointment Sunday night. Mr. James Daidel of Auburn passed through en route to Winder Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jewel Brumbalow and Mrs. J. R. Stinehcomb visited relatives near Maddox Sunday. Mr. Enloe Craft spent Sunday here with friends. Mr. J. G. L. Kimbrell si>enf Monday night with Mr. Enloe Craft of Maddox. Messrs. E. J. Manders and J. G. L. Kimbrell made a business trip to Win der Tuesday. Mr. A. J. Haymon of Atlanta spent the weekend at home. The entertainment given by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sorrells Saturday night was highly enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mobley visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Lillie Belle Manders spent the week-end with her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mobley, of near Mul lierry. Mr. K. A. Craft and family visited Mr. and Mr.s J. S. Helton Sunday T. B. Manders spent the week-end with relatives near Lawrenceville. Miss Beulah Pittman of Bold Springs is .spending tin 1 week with her sister. Mrs. Robert Sorrells. Mrs. W. H. McDaniel of near Beth lehem is visiting relatives here this week. Mrs. Clemintine Armstead is visiting her son, Mr. D. .T. Armstead and family. Mrs. W. H. McDaniel and Mrs. W. C. Greeson visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mobley Tuesday. In answer to Bethabara News rid dle, would say it's a river. Eh, am I not right. Hurrah for The Winder News; its getting on a boom, and rah, rah, rah fur the subscribers. breaking a Record. A man down East spoke his will into a phonograph, thus giving hla belrs a chance to break bfs record. UNION NEWS The farmers of this community are sorry to see this rainy weather. The women folks have been enjoying the cold weather because the men kept good tires. Mr. and Mrs. Jones Healan and fami ly were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Foster Sunday. In answer to Postoak riddle: Dick is Tom’s grandson. Mr. Normun Duncan of Winder spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. Clifton Sauls. In answer to Victron’s riddle it will take the hen and a half 18 days to lay a dozen and a half eggs unless she lays two on Sunday. Mr. 1.. A. Foster of Atlanta spent Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Foster. Mr and Mrs. G. H. Dalton and chil dren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Page. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Harbin spent the week end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Healan of Carl Mr Gordon Maddox from Monroe spent last week end with home folks. Mr. Lonzo Jackson passed through our burg Sunday. We hope (’apt. Smith of Red Hill has another hat by now, hot weather will soon la* here. Mr. and Mrs. W. M Sugars and fam ily of Winder spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Strange. We are sorry to hear that Mr Jarrell Magness is sick. Rev. S. P. Higgins filled his regular appointment at this place Saturday and Sunday. A man and a bov were traveling in a strange land: the man was asked what kin was the boy to him and he said: “Brothers and sisters have I none, but this boy’s father is my father’s son.” Can you answer it? Sunday school at this place every Sunday afternoon at 2 :(M) o”dock. Ev erybody especially invited to come with good lessons. BETHLEHEM NEWS Mr and Mrs. C. P. Jennings spent the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. George Tucker and family of Athens visited relatives here Sunday. Misses Bonnie Tach Bedingfield and Jessie Mae Parker of Winder spent the week end with Mrs. C. T. Mathews. Mr and Mrs. Gibson Nowell and ba by spent Sunday' with Mr. and Mrs. Emory Harris. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hendrix visited Mr. and Mrs W. S. Hunter at Stat ham Friday and Saturday Mrs. C. T. Mathews entertained at dinner on last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sims and Misses Bonnie Teck Bed ingfield and Jessie Mae Parker of Win der, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McDonald of this place. Miss Annie Pirkle spent the week, end with home, folks at Hosehton. Mr. and Mrs. S H. Harrison spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hunter of Statliam. Mrs Weyman Harrison and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. G W. Perkins. On account of the illness of Rev. J. W. McWhorter, Rev. Settle filled his ap pointment at the Baptist church Sun da.r. Prof. .T J. Moore and Mrs. Moore at tended the singing at Gallilee last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. W. Yearwood had as their guests Sunday Rev. J. S. Settle. SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER The Atlanta Tri-Weekly Journal, reg ular price SI.OO The Southern Ruralist, price .80 The Hosehton News, reg. price 1.00 Total issues received during the year 231. Total value $2.50 Our Special until Mar. 15, 1923 1.40 By taking advantage of this Special Offer you save sl.lO Make all remittance payable to — THE HOSOHTOX NEWS, Iloscbton Gu Hoschton, <ia. Tm Voter’s Puzzle. Tan'* 9 passing strange that when ever two humans aspire to one office the public mind become* Impressed Kdth the fact that one of them is a hangup patriot aud the other is a iolefnl dolt and a voracious throg odyte, the only difference of oplulon >elng aa to which la which?—Houston Ibronicle. Excellent Pffttoeophy. Life is like a game of wblat I ffon*l enjoy Rio gana© much; but I like to day my cards well and aee what will a* tha end of It —Georg* Eliot THE WINDER NEWS COUNTY LINE Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Dillard had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cooper,, son Gibson, and Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hardy had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hardy, Mrs. A. S. Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Hardy. Mrs. Doll Williams is spending a few days with her brother, Mr C. B. Dos ter. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Murphy spent last Friday with the latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Teal spend last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rooks. Miss Willie Mae Greeson spent Fri day night with Miss Jessie Attaway. Miss Louise Wilson is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Attaway spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Joe Har rison. Mr. Ernest House and Miss Alma Patrick were the guests of Miss Ger tie Maxey Sunday afternoon. The party at this place was enjoyed by a large crowd Friday night. Mrs. Eunice House spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. E. D. Murphy. Mrs. G. W. Skelton is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wright. Discipline. No one ever begins to climb at the tep. but an observant business man remarks that the trouble wltb many of our young people Is that they do not seem to tie aware of tlia, fact. They are so assured of their own abil ity, and high desen that they claim tho wrong end of the ladder CATARRH OF THE STOMACH rpjfjOU CANT ENJOY LIFE with a sore, tour, bloated stom ach. Food doe* not nourish. Instead it is a source of misery, causing pains, belching, dizziness and head aches. *3 The person with a bad stomach should be satisfied with nothing less than permanent, lasting relief. *3 The right remedy will act upon the linings of the stomach, enrich the blood, aid in casting out the catarrhal poisons and strengthen every bodily function. C| The large number of people who have successfully used Dr. Hartman’s famous medicine, recommended (or all catarrhal conditions, offer the strongest possible endorsement for Pe-ru-nA IN SERVICE FIFTY YEARS TABLETS OR LIQUID SOLD EVERYWHERE GET YOUR ATLANTA CON STITUTION BEFORE MAR. 10 GET IT FOR $4.25 Send your name and route number Town people send SB.OO and name to MISS LUCY WHITE Covington, Ga. THIS OFFER GOOD ONLY TO MARCH 10. THIS IS FOR DAILY AND SUNDAY PAPER :::: insurance Your neighbor's home burned only a few days or months ago and a cyclone is likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US and lie down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAY. It may mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once. A WISE man Insures his property In a reliable Insurance company bo that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to his peace of mind and the care of his lovedones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith As Good As It Looks A glance at this beautifully proportioned two passenger four-cylinder roadster is an invitation to get behind the wheel. The speed and power suggested by its graceful lines and low-hung body are fully realized on the open road. And its ease of manipulation and instant response to the throttle insure un usually satisfactory behavior in traffic. It is roomy and comfortable for two people. It contains every convenience for easy, restful motoring in any weather. Fours Sixes 2 Pass. Roadster sß*s 2 Pas*. Roadster $1175 4 Pa.. Coupe - $1895 5 Pass. Touring 885 5 Touring 1195 7 Paw. Touring 1435 5 Pan Scdari - 1395 5 Pan. Touring 7 Pm*. Sedan - 2195 5 Pass. Touring Sedan ... 1935 Sport Roadater 1625 Spor d tßoad.w‘ 1025 S Paw. Sedan - 1985 Sport Touring - 1675 Prices f. o. b. Buick Factories: jtovernmenttax to be added. Asfc about the G. M. A. C. Purchase Plan, which provides for Deferred Payments. D-15-30-NP WINDER MOBILE CO. When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year.