The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 08, 1923, Image 4

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THURSDAY, MARCH ft, 102.1 Wilton* Nnus Winder, Ga. And THE BARROW TJMES, of Winder, Ga, Consoli dated March Ist, 1921. published every Thursday j. w mcwhorter. - Editor J. B. PARHAM Business Manager Entered at the Postofflce a< Winder, Georgia as Second Class Matter for Transmission Through the Mails. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE CITY OF WINDER OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COUNTY of BARROW Monitor Ninth Georgia District Press Association. SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN ADVANCE: ONE YEAR * l - 50 Bi* Months 75 Advertising rates are reasonable and will he made known upon application. cards of thanks, resolutions of respect and obituary notices, other than those which the paper itself may give as a matter of news, will la* charged for Ht the rate of Mi cent a word. Notices of church and society and all Other enter tainments from which a revenue is to he derived or admission fetw charge), will he charged for at the rale of one cent a word, except where such notices are published by oharitable organizations. 112 Candler Street- Telephone No. 173 A Great Southern Statesman The voluntary retirement of John Sharp Williams, of Mississippi, from public life ufter thirty years in congress, eighteen in the lower house, and twelve years in the senate, removes one of the ablest ami most picturwNiue characters of the south. He does not. leave congress by the “lame duck route, nor did be sing a “swan song" in Itsiving. UNION NEWS Miss Angie Ilea lan front i’arl spent "Friday night with Mias Vernie Harbin. Mr. and Mrs. George Poster were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Fos ter Saturday night.. Bethel News, I think your riddle is a dirt and either. Here’s a hot one, maybe! Two hoys had several marbles each. If the first I toy gave to the second U>y one marble the second boy would hnve as many again as flu* lirst bov. but if the second boy gave the first boy one marble they would have the satin* number. How many marbles did each boy have to I**- gin with. Miss Lavada Stewart went to Ath ens one day last week to do Home shop ping Mrs. W. A Maddox spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Bryant. Mr .Its* Bley was the guest, of Mr. Iloyt Foster Sunday. Little Miss ltuhy Harbin from Law son county, has come to visit her rel atives, Mr. T. ,J. Harbin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Greenway spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs ,1 II Foster. CARL Sunday was very good Sunday uf noon. Little Miss Gladys Garter spent Sun-j day afternoon with little Moree Ilud low. Several front hen* attended preach ing at Appalachee Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thurmond McDaniel ■and children spent Saturday night with the latter’s father, Mr. J. A. Timms and family rear Vietron. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Daniel were the guasts of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hudlow Sunday afternoon. Preaching has already hem an nonnotsi for next Sunday afternoon, but lost to remind you of the fact will say Uev Jesar M Dodd of Winder will preach at this place next Sunday af ternoon at 3:00 o'clock. Some good gingers arc also expectml to be present. The farmers have bcgufct farming again init it looks now as though they will have to give H up again soon. Yet, vre trust that dame fortune may ever smile on them and never her daughter, MfssForfsme. Mr and Mas. F A. Sammons of Ijiw venreville were visiting relatives here Sunday Mrs Etta HittCblM was the guest of •Mrs Eli lluritow Saturday afternoon. Mrs. H. O. Garter had as her guests Sunday afrermsm Mrs .1 O. Boss and Mrs Thurmond McDaniel. A certain young man from one of our Mister cities came up to See a lady friend near t>y last Saturday night, and as it happened, she was at a near neighbor's house. So he called there to see the young Indy. He asked where slits was and was told that she was not there However, she Is nursing a very badly bruised armfrom coining in con tact with a broken piece of furniture which was placed in an old closet, whll trying to climb the wall to eacape those “■'harming blue eyes."’ Some people have to he thrown over the garden wall before they will take a hint. SPECIAL NOTICK. Begiiniing March 1. 1823, all monthly accounts not paid by 10t.ii of each month, service will he discontinued. JOURNAL ami CONSTITUTION AGENCY Winder, Georgia. FOR Kilt ST CLASS DRESS-MAK ING and alteration work, see me at Bethlehem, (la Prices right and satis faction guaranteed.--Mrs. J. L. Moore Best Kami Tools at Smith Hardware Com pa ny. Wdo Vnlcariirirg that is dependa hle at The Tire Service Station. Paints for your furniture, your au tomobile, your Implements, your house, inside and out, and your roof. —Smith Hardware Cos. A year ago he said he was going to witlraraw from public life at the close of this term. In announcing the fact he said, “In the words of'John Allen, I am going to spend the short remainder of my life re establishing my peace with God and my reputation as a gentleman." He said he was going back to his home, "Cedar Grove,” about twelve miles from Yazoo City, and upend the rest of his days with his books, his dogs and his grand children. Senator Williams lias refused an offer of $30,000 annually to write a series of articles each week for a newspaer syndicate. Senator Williams Is sixty eight years old. Listen to these simple words from a great man, the last that he uttered as he was leaving the senate: “I am right happy, I have no axe to grind. I won't be lonesome down at Cedar Grove. I don't like marble and bricks and stone. There’s a rooster in the myrtle tree just back of my house. He is lietter than any alarm clock and much more certain. Each morn ing he will eti 11 me from sleep. •I shall rise early, have my hath and shave, and cut down my own flowers while the dew is on them. A little breakfast, and then to my library and books. There's u lot of reading I have been neglecting. “Afler that is done it will he about time for supper, not dinner, mind you. Just about dusk 1 shall have a concert all my own, my own band—owned Ity me if by anybody else but God Almighty. They are the mock ing birds that nest in my frees. “When the time comes to go, after this happy old age, I will be carried by my neighbors out of my own house and planted in my own graveyard at the feet of my father and mother and grandfather and grand mother. Tills is unpoetlcal, but it’s a lot more honest than being a senator. You don’t have to play make-believe at it.” Spring Time Is Motoring Time This is the beginning of the motor season. Bring us that car and let us do the needed repairs so that it will be just as comfortable and usuable as anew car. We are prepared to do any kind of repair job on any make of car We specialize in battery and ignition re pairs. You can save many repair bill by keeping your car properly washed, greased and oiled. We do these things right at small cost. Cars stored for 25c per night or $3.00 per month. Auto Sales Cos. Phone 106 Winder, Ga. FIRE SALE! 1477 2-horse Syracuse Slot Wing turning plows $3.50 1475 2-horse Syracuse Slot Wing turning plows $3.75 No. 1455 2-horse Syracuse turning plows $3.50 No. 1450 1-horse Syracuse turning plows $3.00 No. 1406 2-horse Syracuse turning plows $3.50 2-horse Vulcan plows $3.50 1-horse Vulcan Plows $3.00 No. 8 Wetter Cast Iron Cook Stove less than half price, guaranteed to lit' alright. If not. will refund your money and take back stove. The above goods were damaged by tire, but considered good and well worth the price asked if in need of such articles. The turning plows complete with the exception of handles. New han dles can he purchased at regular price, and you will still buy a good plow for far less than half price. See them at once. A few other hardware articles damaged by tire at correspondingly low prices. , -jayM WOODRUFF HARDWARE CO. Winder, Georgia THE WINDER NEWS STRANGE’S Millinery Miss Pope is having a won derful trade in MILLINERY---the hats are beautiful every ex press brings anew creation. 1 lot new arrivals “Paige” hats; every one in the lot is beautiful and different. If you fail to come and look you may miss something worth while. Just think of being able to get a hat from $2.50 Up to as high as you like. Capes and Wrappy Coats Big lot full length Capes and Coats, beautiful styles; comes in Co-co, Brown and Belgium, some plain, some Embroidered; very attractive. Come while the is plentiful. Prices range from $9.95 up Ask to see the new foot wear, Silk Hose, all to match. We are ready for all; a wel come awaits you. T. Strange Cos. Department Store Subscription Price: $1.30 Per Year.