The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 08, 1923, Image 8

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THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 123. “There i a Rogers Store Near You” ROGERS “Where Satisfaction is a Certainty” Pilsbury Sugar Crisp Pan Cake Flour Corn Flakes 13c Pgk Pkg 10 lbs. Choice Irish Potatoes 25c 24 lbs. Rogers Plain or Self Rising Flour 1.07 24 lbs. Self Rising Flour, guaranteed . 98c 24 lbs. White Lily Flour $1.29 Try a can of Rogers Corn at our risk . . 15c Seed Potatoes, peck 43c Golden Glow Dandy Cocoa COFFEE Jar 39c Lb. 39c Lb. ROGERS “Where Satisfaction is a Certainty” 108 Broad street Winder, Ga I Classified Ads. Ford Windshield Class, upper for lower for $.‘1.50 at Smith Hdw. Nail Hammers 50e up nt Smith Hdw. Automobile Batteries recharged, re paired and traded for. We sell the Ex- Ide Battery. Smith Hardware Cos. For Plow Points see J. E. Callahan. , Best Kjmrk Plugs for your ear at Smith Hardware Cos. —i (Jet the Giant Backhand, the best made at J. E. Callahan’s. Automobile Lamps 20c up at Smith Hardware Cos. (let a good plow collar for SI.OO at Callahan’s’. Have your car doped and greased at Smith Hardware Cos That No. 10 Lynchburg Plow Point; the best made. See J. E. Callahan. EXIDE Batteries have no superior at Smith Hardware Cos The road to foot comforts; “Switch” from the new to the old shoes. See .1. E. Callahan. Garden and Poultry Fence at Smith Hardware Cos. For automobile tops. Come to J. E. Callahan We still have a few Kelly Tires at a big saving of $2.00 to SB.OO each at Smith Hardware Cos. Have them old side curtains patched to keep the March winds out of your auto See J. K. Callahan. Stalk Cutter Bargain. New Oliver 7- knife stalk cutter for only $40.00 at Smith Hardware Cos. Buni|H‘rs for your autoouiobile SO.OO up at Smith Hardware Cos. You are aware that Oliver Plows ad vanced in price on January Ist. We are still selling Genuine Oliver Plows at less than old prices as follows: Goober $ 7.50 AC _ $ 9.00 B C. SIO.OO 10 ll.OO 18 913.00 —Smith Hardware Cos. MAKES THE WORLD BRIGHTER. Everything seems more cheerful when you're not run down at the heel. Bring in your shoes and let us ttx them up nt Callahan's. FOB BENT 2or 4 horse crop at my ■old home place on the Winder and Monroe road. See me at once or phone 23. G. S. MILLSAPS. Drttg Harrows $15.00 up at Smith Hardware Cos. Bargain in Dodge Touring Car. See Smith Hardware Cos. Have your car doped and greased at The Tire Service Station. Garden seed 5c per packet at Smith Hardware Cos. Buy your gasoline and oil from The Tire Service Station. SPRAY YOT'K FRt’lT TREES NOW. Dry Lime Sulphur sold by Smith Hdw. We sell Goodyear Tims and Tubes at The Tire Service Station. 3-Burner Oil Stoves $10.50 at Smith Hardware Cos. FRESH GARDEN SEED in Bulk at Smith Hardware Cos. 20 rod roll wire hog fencing for $7.50 at Smith Hardware Cos. We have a complete line of auto ac cessories at The Tire Service Station. BARGAIN, anew SIOO Talking Ma chine for only $50.00 at Smith Hdw. MAPLE VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. Z. N. Hendrix and Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hendrix spent last Mon day with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hendrix and family at Athens. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Me- Elhnnnon on February 20. a daughter. Messrs. Horace and Edwin Tread well spent last Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. W. T>. Hendrix of Bethlehem. Mr. W. L. Austin from Athens was the guest of Mrs. M. J. Austin and children last Friday afternoon. Mrs. W. P Harrison was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. I). Treadwell awhile Friday night. Mrs. M. .1 Austin ami daughter spent Filday night and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. N. It. Austin and family of Bethlehem. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Griff* th “pent Frl dav night with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Grif feth. Mr. Steve Austin spent last Friday night with Messrs. Harve and Burton Trend well. Dear Bethel: Here come a riddle, can you answer it? What is it that runs and runs and never walks, has a tongue and never talks. Can you guess ? t Little Hazel Smith from near Para dise spent Inst week with Mr. and Mrs. i Roy Griffeth. Mr. and Mrs. Arvel Smith spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Griffeth. I in answer to Bethel’s riddle, I would j guess a dirt clobber. TALLASSEE DOTS School at this place is progressing nicely. Mrs. Annie Wallace was the dinner guest of Mrs, Mamie Sikes Saturday. Mr. Harry Thurmond was the guest of Mr. J. C. Sykes Saturday. Miss Prudie Bell Sikes was the guest of Mrs. Rdgnr Fleming Thursday. Mr. Willie Carruth of Florida was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. J. C, Sikes, last week. Miss Moselle Hartley was the guest of Miss Grace Wages Saturday after noon. Mrs. R. L. Sikes was the guest of Mrs. H. J. Hartley Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Festus Kinney were the guests of Mr and Mrs. J. C. Sikes Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. Attieus Fleming spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fleming. Mr. Edgar Booth and sister. Miss An nie Booth, spent Sunday nikht with their aunt near Athens. We are sorry to state that Air. Ben nie Maynard continues quite sick; hope he will soon he up again. GI ARDIAVK SALE OF LYNNI) GEORGIA—Barrow county. By virtue of an order granted by the Court of Ordinary on the first Monday in March. ‘‘.*•23. there will be sold be fore the Court House door of said coun ty, wi’htn the legal hours of sale on ti.e first Tuesday in April, 15*23. the following described oropvty to-wit : A one-eighth (1-81 undivided inter est in and to the aforesaid lands de scribed as follows: A one-eighth undivided interest in and to that tract or parcel of land ly ing and being in the Jones District, G. M . of Barrow county, Georgia, former ly Walton county, Georgia, and more particularly described as follows: Be ginning at a rook corner on public road and running N. 42 degrees W , r >t. 48 chains; thence S. 52 degrees W. 22.80 chains: thence S. 30 degrees W. 6.62 oha-Jns; thence S. 40 degrees E. 13.75 chains: thence S. 1 degree W 22.00 chains; thence S. !>1 degrees W. 0.75 chains; thence S. 37 3-4 degrees E. 22.66 chains, thence N. 870 3 4 degrees • E. 17.18 chains; thence up the mean ders of the branch 31.20 chains to a 'corner; thence N. 42 1-2 degrees W. 3.10 chains; thence N. 14 1-2 degrees E. 500 ehnins: thence N. 61 degrees F, 0.25 chains to the beginning corner, j containing two hundred forty-eight and cghty-four one-hundredths (248.84* [.acres, more or less and be-Jng the old Jefferson Smith estate. Said property sold as the property of J. 11. Cosby, a deaf and dumb person 'incapable of managing his estate for the purpose of support and maintenance of said ,T. H. Cosby, by the undersign jed as guardian of said J. H. Cosby. H. G. COSBY. Oimrdisn of sa-Jd J. H. Cosby. |J. C. Pratt, att.v. for guardian Good Cook Stoves $12.00 at Smith Hardware Cos. Saturday, March 10th We will sell a good Heavy grade, a $1.50 overall for $1.20 A Store Full of New Spring Mdse. at 3. L. SAUL’S STORE 4 If you are thinking of buying a Suit it will certainly pay you to see us. For we are showing hundredSs.and m hundreds of New Spring Suits for Young Men in the Belted Styles, also plain models, in all the newest gray, tan, and brown shades, as well as conservative styles \rS vjjjj for elderly men, in Serges and Worsteds, in the most /I \IT t . ijjv National established brands, such as “Fashion Park 1 \I jrjk \ Clothes” “Kuppenheimer,” “Spero Michaels” and oth- jltL 1 \JpV\ er good makes. Prices ranging at I G |* $12.50, sls, $18.50 jkW $22.50 and up jk We dare say we can save you from $4.00 to $7 50 on f\\ \ fl a suit and a visit to our store will convince you that we [ \ ( r 3L k ’ c . are right. \ MEN’S OXFORDS In the latest English Toes, light and dark and tan colors at $2.95, $3.50, $4, $5.00 TENNIS SHOES! For men, women and children /sc, 90c, SI.OO, $1.25 and $lB5 LADIES SILK AND GINGHAM DRESSES! We are showing- a beautiful selection of Ladies Taffeta Silk Dresses in all new colors at $10.75 AND up GINGHAM STREET DRESSES! Thev are the best in this section for the money, we have been told. $1.95, $2.45 AND $2.75 MILLINERY 2nd FLOOR Xgigx Miss Hill has been very busy ever since first opening / \ day and she has sold many pretty Hats the past few [ t days. A visit to our millinery parlors will be profitable l W 00 to you as well as enjoyable to see such pretty hats at V such low prices at $3, $4, $5.00 AND UP Let nothing keep you away from our store Saturday. We will have special bargains for you and extra salespeople to wait on you. The IT C AJTT Winder Clothier OIYUIJ Georgia LADIES CAPES JUST ARRIVED. Made of best Velour Cloth in the new est colors; the kind you pay $17.50 for; at our store $9.90 THE WINDER NEWS Saturday, March 10th We will sell a $2.00 Pongee Waist for $1.25 L^^^i^^RDS In lace or straps, medium and low Rubber heels at $1.50, $2, $2.50, 2.95 and up You will save SI.OO a pair on them. SATINS 500 yards of new Satins just arrived in Blue, black and brown, a $2.25 val ue at $1.45 Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year.