The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 15, 1923, Image 11

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for 15 Days Begining MARCH 15th ! Bought Under the Market If of todays market price Merchandise Prices. READ! ast purchases and protective contracting for merchandise enough t ocarry us through has made it easy for us to under sell competitors ns and designs are arriving by the dray loads. Our store is crammed and jammed from floor to ceiling with new goods of every descript lothing for men y>u g men, and Boys, Ladies Ready to Wear, etc. Read the prices. You are invited. We will expect you to come. LADIES CAPES Are the rage of the season now. We are showing beautiful Capes in all wool Velour, all colors $17.50 and $20.00 quality at $9.75 In Higher Grades at $19.75 and $25. These will cost you S4O elsewhere. MENS ODD COATS 150 Odd Coats in all wool Worsteds assorted colors, worth up to $12.50. ml sale price $4.95 DURING THE SALE OVERALLS Men’s finest quality $1.75 Overalls, to go during this sale, for only— -51.25 BOYS SUITS Big stock boys new blue serge suits to go at all sizes— s6.9s MENS PLOW SHOES Mens $3.00 work shoes in this sale only $1.95 No. 1 quality A. C. A. Feather Proof Ticking, 50c grade only— -33c $1.50 grade bleached table linen with colored border only— 90c Yard HOSE 3 prs. mens, ladies and children cotton hose 25c 25c LADIES SILK HOSE 29c Reg. $1 silk hose 69c Reg. $1.35 silk hose 98c Mens 10c Hdkfs at. 4c All Sweaters to close out at— ONE-HALF PRICE MILLINERY 2nd Floor Miss Hill will show you .some wonderful hats at $2.00, $3.00. $4.00, 5.00 IN THIS SALE They will cost you one-third more else whehre. All Silk Pongee Natural color— -95c Yard G spools J. & I\ Coats thread for 25c 40e grade 32 in French Zephyr Ging hams to go in this sale 271 Our entire stock of Silks including Taffetas, Messalines, Crepe Be Chine and Georgettes orth to $3.00, to go in this sale at— sl.4s One lot of Ladies Silk Dresses formerly sold up to $15.00, carried over your choice doing this sale— s3.4s W. L. DOUGLAS OX FORDS; Extra Special EXTRA SPECIAL. We have diseontin ued the W. L. Douglas line of shoes and ill put out $3.00 pairs of mens Douglas oxfords for quick disposal and stumped on the bottom to sell up to $14.50, Your choice $2.95 MENS OXFORDS $5.00 Ediucott, .1 (dinsoii, new brogue oxfords, just arrived. Special— s3.6s New stock young mens Brogue oxfords $4.00 values for only— -52.95 Roys Nainsook undershirts— 10c Men’s Summer Union Suits 1 case 24 dz. all sizes; the kind you pay $1.25; everywhere; at this sale 85c Big assortment of young mens pants worth to $6.00; special— / $2.95 SPECIALS SAT URDA\, MARCH 17th, for 2 hours only, from 9 to 11 A. M. we will sell Men’s best £rade $1.45 Overalls in all sizes for only 98C SATURDAY AT 2:00 P. M. We are going to give away $2.50 in Gold; no purchases required' just be here. MONDAY, MARCH 19TH We will sell best grade 15c Sheeting at lOC YARD Limit 15 yards to the customer $35,000 Wouldn’t' Start It. We have thousands of dollars worth of crisp, sparkling new goods heaped high in every de partment under counters, on ta bles, on the ledges in boxes, up stairs, in every nook and corner that will hold something you will see new goods its here in heaps and gobs; its all for sale. You know our policy that is to sell re gardless and if price l quantity, style, design or pattern means anything to you then you will cer tainly buy. YOU TAKE NO RISK In offering this sale to our trade and the public we do so with no small degree of pride because we feel that it will go a long way to wards helping hundreds solve their clothing problems for East er, and because each and every article to be offered comes from reliable manufacturers and will bear our guarantee of your mon ey’s worth or your monev hack; the goods are right; tho nrices are right; the season to dress up is here; come and get ’em.