The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 15, 1923, Image 12

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THURSDAY. MARCH IX I^.l SQUIRE EDGEGATE —The Hardest Thing About Learning to Skate is the Side Walk. f i . tti T I TO** £ TOCK€ * * VOO SHOULP ] ( “ "" ~ r~ : • S**f>ttZß M'S A/rra # help 'Sauf? xmt-Z Qpotho* &ut>* • I GOS*-(' 7~S /Y) P) AY - Z>! L-> yoo I £L —HO X> / D yOLJ I I_ _ Ti/yjZL * £ /w Ffyi-c our or F) I )Fr> Pn ~to £ -so / 1 E-'fE*'* / 6<jES5 2>/ST/?ESS- ~TOEtL r* F) f?E you I yvE.LL you# SELF- I / T&LL T>o yyH yotJ rti. / HURT Oft v l -T£i-c j 7>/ owtv *'6*7, x><d a jL/TTi.z r Ss *-. ~L—2d^l fL_r y / teller 'Pkohs&>*j^ rn?A A/D f K/AI V- J "~- ' t " v “ *— 1 HARMONY GROVE The farmers have been busy in our community for the last few days. Miss Nellie Allen was the guest of Miss Farr Sunday. Mr. gnd Mrs. W. A. Farr and son of Winder were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Etheridge Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wood spsnt Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. J. G Wood of Auburn. Mr. J. J. Farr has returned home af ter spending awhile with his daughter, Mrs. .1. 1). Tuggle, near Daeula. Mrs Almu Lanier of Atlanta spruit Sunday with Mr. J. M. Etheridge and family. Mrs. G. W. Etheridge who has been ill is slowly improving Mis Sabra Farr spent Sunday with Miss Ruth Allen. Mis Thelma Allen spent Sunday with Miss Nettie Mae Etheridge. TAX RECEIVERS SECOND ROUND. County Line, March ill, from 8 to 10 a. m. Cains. March 21. from 10:30 to 12 in. Auburn, March 21, from 1 to 3 p. m. Carl, March 21, from 3 to 5 p. m. Bethlehem, March 22, from 8 to 10 a. m. Jones, March 22. 10:30 to 12. Statham, March 22. 1 to 3 p. in. Chandlers, March 22, from 4 to 5 p. m. Books will he open at Court House all the time when not on my rounds. J. J. BHEDD, It. T. It. Ba rrow Cos. S. A. L. Schedule EfTi'Ctive 12 :01 Sunday, Dec. 31. 1022 Train No. 20 Arrive 7.00 PM Train 5 Arrives 3:58 I‘M Train No. 17 Arrives 8:20 AM Train No. 11 Arrives 6:07 AM Train No. 30 Depart 0:05 AM Train No. 0 Depart 2 :00 PM Train No. 18 Depart 7 :00 PM Train No. 12 Depart 10:43 l’M Wound Too Tight. Bore—“Ye.v I don't know h'vr It Is. but I feel thoroughly wound up to night.” Hostess —“llow very strange! And yet you don’t seem to go.”—Lon don Tit-Bits. Investor's Puzzles. Ore of the perennial puzzles for tn lestors Is how to tell when a very good tilng becomes just a little too good o be real. —Detroit Free Press. Keep Extra Supply. A reserve supply of little things nec essary around the house will save many an annoying moment. With tills /act In mind, don’t buy just one paper >f ptns. a package of hairpins a hair net, five stamps, a smalt supply of let ter paper. Lay In a regular stock of Jiese things and of all such little ar thdes, the lack of which causes so much lost time. fn, Coughs and Colds. Head-' ache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism * I Ll|M I|||3 and All Aches and Pains U IPUHiUH ) ALLDRUCCISTS Hospital iixe, $3.00 tiua Black Paste *W^shoePolish Positivelij the onlq polish that will shine oiltj or damp shoes -No disagreeable odor QUALITY QUANTITY Has the lai gest sale in America F. F. Dairy Company Inc. Buffalo, N. Y. CATARRH OF THE STOMACH [wlOU CANT ENJOY LIFE J with a sore, lour, bloated ttom ach. Food doe* not nourish. Instead it is a source of misery, causing pains, belching, dizziness and head aches. *] The person with a bad stomach should be satisfied with nothing less than permanent, lasting relief. •j The right remedy will act upon the linings of the stomach, enrich the blood, aid in casting out the catarrhal poisons and strengthen every bodily function. Q The large number of people who have successfully used Dr. Hartman’s famous medicine, recommended for all catarrhal conditions, offer the strongest possible endorsement for Pe-ru-nA IN SERVICE FIFTY YEARS TABLETS OR LIQUID SOLD EVERYWHERE Is a real bargain.. It has a low top and medium skirt Made in dur able pink or white coutil; sizes 24 to 36-- and costs only $3.00. If Youi Jraler tan't act It, send, she and $3. We’ll enul the corset. Nemo Hygienic-Fashion Institute fc- 16th St., New York (Dept. S.) An ugly cut ? I MENTHOLATUM I antiseptic an (i E EORGIA —Barrow eoun ♦y. Notice is hereby given, that after four weeks notice, pursuant to law, a petition will he presented by the. un dersigned, as guardian of Sarah Sue Langford, heretofore duly appointed by Ordinary of Barrow county, to Honor able Blanton Fortson, Judge Superior Court Barrow county, at this office in the court house at Athens, Ga., on April 7th, 1923, for an order granting leave to sell or exchange at private sale the following described property belonging to said ward, to-wit: One-third undi vided interest hi that tract of land ly ing in Mars Hill district, Oconee coun ty," Georgia, containing forty two and one-half acres, more or less, and being part of what is known as A. L. Doo little place, adjoining lands of J. W. Daniell, Dave Sims, R. F. Christian, James White and Seabe Thresher. Plat of said lands is of record in office of Cledt Superior Court Oconee county, Book “II”, page 58. The aforesaid interest to Ik* exchang ed for the following described proper ty. to-wit: Onethird undivided inter est in that tract of land in Oconee county. Georgia. ou_the waters of the Appalachee river, being lot number 4 of the If. B. Bishop estate, plat of which is of record in the Clerk’s office of Oconee Superior Court, Book “H” pn co 55- t. hounded bv lot number 2 of said estate, lands of Ambrose Moses, the Appalachee river, land of Mrs. Lu la Michael and lot number 3 of said estate, and containing one hundred for ty and 68-100 acres, more or less. The reason for making said sale and reinvestment or exchange of lands is that the income of said ward will he Increased on account of increased ren tals of the lands to be secured; the estate of said ward will be benefltted on account of the securing of a more valuable tract of land, the tract to he obtained in said exchange being much larger and more valuable than the in terest now owned, and in case of said lands being divided upon said wnrils coming of age, the tract to be secured can be divided more advantageously. MRS. EYIE I*. CODY, Guardian of Sarah Sue Langford. Richard B. Russell, Jr., Atfy. CITATION GEORGIA —Barrow county. To nil whom it may concern: Mrs. Emma X. Smith has applied to me for permanent Letters of Adminis tration on the estate of Green W. Smith, late of said county, deceased, and will pass upon said application on the first Monday in April, 1923. Witness my hand and official seal, this 7th day of March, 1923. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. SHERIFFS SALE GEC)RGIA —Barrow county. Will bo sold on the first Tuesday in April, next, at public outcry, at the const house in said county, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bid der for cash, certain property of which the following is a full and complete description. One clock about 8 feet high, one American Adding machine and cash register combined; 1 set law books; 3 large show cases, 1 large iron safe, t Progress Refrigerator, 1 en graving outfit, 1 roll top desk, 2 eight day Session clocks. Said property levied on as the property of Moss E. Garrison to satisfy tax (1 fas issued by M. H. Lowe, Tax Collector of Barrow county, against Moss E. Garrison for the year 1f)22. Said property stored in the Garri son Building and notice of the levy giv en as required by law. This Bth day of March, 1922. H. O. C AMP, Sheriff. Wife as Man’s Discipline Wife and children are a klud of <JI clpllne of hnmanlty, and single men, though they may be many times mors charitable, beennse their means ars less exhausted, yet on the other aids, they are more cruel and hard hearted, because their tenderness Is not so oft** called upon.—Front “The Essays *1 Francis Bacon." HOW’S THIS? HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for ii—rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALIVS CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves the catarrhal inflammation, and tho Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces, thus assisting to restore nor mal conditions. Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney & Cos., Toledo, O. Hands chapped IMENTHOLATUM 1 heals quickly and^M THE WINDER NEWS AUBURN NEWS Rev. I. A. Cruukleton filled his ap pointment at the Baptist church last Sunday and Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Mercer Pool of Atlanta spent the week end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pool. Airs T. A. Deaton of near Hoschtou spent a few days this week with her sister, Mrs C. A. Duncan. The last note of basket ball games this season, Snellville teams motored over to Auburn and defeated A. H. S. The hoys score was 20 to 16 and the girls 17* to 2. Mrs. O. A. Duncan and children vis it and relatives near Hoschton last Sun day afternoon. The basket hall teams of S. C. C. enjoyed an up-to-date banquet last Sat urday night. Prof. L. P. Green and family of Snell ville. spent Friday night in Auburn with Mrs. Tillman. The banquet given last Monday night for the literary society of S. C. 0. was enjoyed by all present. Hurrah for old S. C. C„ she is hard to beat, especially on entertaining. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hawthorne vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Mance Etheridge Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Maxey visited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Daniel last Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs G. W. Pool visited the latter’s father, Mr. Forester, of Bu ford. Messrs. Hubert Daniel and Gibson Duncan attended the B. Y. P. U. pro gram at Winder Sunday night. If the ground continues too wet to plow, the farmers will be whistling the Georgia blues soon. Airs. Mercer Forester and sister, No na and Mr. Winn of LawrenceviUe, were visiting in Aubiurn Saturday night Mr. ,T W. B. Alaughon is on the sick list at this writing. Air. T. A Deaton was in Auburn last Tuesday. We are now hopeful that S. C. C. new dormitory will soon he completed, as they are putting on the top at this writing. Cactus utoki vw reex. ~ln the hot Mexican deserts speci mens of cactus have been known to reach 30 or 40 feet In height ylche? When you’re suffering from headache, backacke, toothache, neuralgia, or pain from any other cause, try Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills One or two and the pain stops Contain no habit-formlna dross Have you tried Dr. Miles' Nervine? Auk your Irruggist THE semi-flat tread of the new Goodyear Cord Tire with the beveled All- Weather Tread means smoother running. Its new improved rubber compound means longer mileage. Its heavier sidewall re sists rut and curb wear. The reinforced blocks of its beveled tread mean a pro tected carcass. Its low price and our service mean econ omy. Am Goodyear SstWm. Station Dealers we mell and recom mend Goodyear Tires and bach them up with standard Goodyear Service THK TIKE SERVICE STATION. Winder, Georgia |ooop#?ear| To the People of Winder and Barrow County I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to so many of you good, law-abiding citizens and friends from all parts of the county who have so kindly and forcibly expressed your self as supporting and sympathizing with me in my recent trouble and loss. Burdens are much easier to carry when one knows that his friends and supporters are among the straight-forward, upright, law-abiding citi zens. Your kind words and support will al-* ways be respected and appreciated. I hope to be able to continue to serve my customers and friends as in the past. The Woodruff Hardware Cos., has always been conducted with respect for the laws of the country and honesty to its customers, believ ing in that old saying l The laws of the land Supported by the honesty of man Will without a doubt forever stand. And on this policy, my business is placed Believing in honesty to my fellow-man And with respect for the laws of the land And as long as you and I together stand No serious trouble will handicap our plan I respectfully invite every honest man, To share good values at my new stand. Guaranteeing you an old time open handed plan. Respectfully, Woodruff Hardware Cos. By R. L. Woodruff Reliable repairing Expert workmanship and a square deal— that’s what you get when you let us do your repairing. We know how to get all kinds of motor troubles and we know what to do when we find them. Good workmen waste least time. And time is what you pay for in automobile re pairing. But when you get your repairing done here- you know there’s no time wasted-no inexperienced experimenting at your ex pense. Try us once and you’ll be convinced. LANTHIER & CHURCH Athens St. Garage Phone 210 Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year. BY LOUIS RICHARD