The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 15, 1923, Image 5

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Trrrß?*T**T. march is, 10 es. Social and Personal News MEMBERS OF W. M. S GO TO MONROE. of the members of the W. M. S. of the First Baptist church went over to Monroe on last Thursday spend ing the day with the W. M. S. of the First church there. A seated lunch eon was served at twelve-thirty, and the afternoon was spent in a season of prayer for Home Missions. An inter esting program was rendered, and the already strong fellowship existing be tween these* two societies was greatly Htreoigthjene<V Those attending from Winder were Mesdames J. M. Williams, G. N. Bagwell, S. F. Maughon, L. A. House, W. B. Mathews, W. L. Bush, J S. Hargrove, E. It. Harris, L. A. Cook, W. J Smith, Jr, R. M. Millican, C. Royal, J. Roy Jackson, K. P. Car penter, W. H. Maxwell, N. G. Parker, C. S. Williams, Frances Haralson, E. V? Poole, W. M. Holsenbeck, Miss Cal lie Saunders and MAter E. V. Poole. WOMAN’S CLUB. Th’e March Meeting of the Woman’s club will be held next Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Quartcnnan. Other hostesses will be Mrs. Moseley, Mrs. Maughon, and Mrs. It. O. Ross. The committee of Fine Arts will have charge of the program which will con sist of a cantata ‘‘?ri\e Garden of Flow ers” by Denza committee is com posed of Mrs.< Mct-urry, Mrs. Band and Mrs. Kimball. All memlprs are urged to bring their dues so as to be paid up by the May meeting. BENEFIT PARTY SPONSORED BY WOMAN’S ( LI B AND D. A. R. CHAPTER. *Quite an enjoyable affair this week was the benefit pnrty Tuesday after noon at the Barrow Hotel sponsored by the Woman’s Club and D. A. It. Chap ter. The rooms thrown together for the occasion were very attractive with bowls and vases filled with early spring flowed. Guests enjoyed games and sewing. A delicious salad course was served. Qu>t£ a large number enjoyed this happy occasion. MISSIONARY SOCIETY Thj' regular monthly meeting the mis sionary Society of the Christian church met in the church parlors on Tuesday afternoon with thirty-five members pres ent This being the close of the quarter, *Jie points of the four divisions were counted and Division Vo. 3, Mrs. J. C. vv. loader, won. having th" largest per of members present for the quar- After the splendid reports Mrs. .den gave a chapter in the Mission u.y Book. Division Xo. 1, Mrs. W. A. Bradley. Leader, will have charge of the April meeting. Chmn Pub. Committee. HONORED ON 90TH BIRTHDAY. Mrs. M. J. Wages. “Aunt Teg." as slip is lovingly called by hoi countless friends, was the guest of honor at one of the most beautiful and perhaps the most unusual of gatherings in our city’s history, on Wednesday, March ith. The occasion as in celebration of her JtOth birthday, and the hosts were her son and daughters. Mr. and Mrs- John M. Williams, at their home on Athens street The handsome drawing rooms, halls and adjoining apartments ware thrown into one, the whole being beau tifully decorated, and fragrant with th? perfume of countless blossoms. The guests were received by none other than the honor guest, “Aunt Peg,’ 1 - and given a most hearty eleome. The morning hours were too soon spent in happy reminiscent conversa tion, then the guests were invited into the dining room where a most sump tuous meal was served. Here the dec orations were entirely of gold and white, a profusion of daffodils, narcissi and white hyacinths being used on the mantels, buffets and stands. The ta ble presented a scene of unusual taste and beauty. Its cover as of pure white and on each end were low silver baskets of yellow flowers and maiden hair ferns. The center held the large birthday cake, three tiers in height, each tier as studded with small rose buds from which arose small yellow candles. In the center were the figures ninety, outlined with rosebuds from which arose lighted candles, these wore blown out by the host. Mr. J. M Williams, with the sincere wish that he, with his splendid wife, might have the deep pleasure of having many more such occasions to thus entertain then beloved mother. The dinner was served in several courses, each perfect in its preparation both as to taste and attractiveness. The dessert plate bore angel food cake and cream with the figures ninety on it. On each plate for the ladies was a small corsage of violets tied with yel low ribbons and small bunches for the gentlemen respectively. . Adding much to the sentiment of the day was the presence of Mr. Etheridge of Auburn whose birthday is the date of his grandmother's. Mrs. Wages, and who has N*en with her on every one of bis birthdays save one when Provi dence prevented. Throughout the dnv messages of ten derest love and affection were, constant ly being sent Mrs. Wages, by phone, by the mail, and manv called to express their interest in this, one of God's no blest and purest women. No one thinks of ‘“Aunt Peg" ns growing old for her heart is voung her step, alert and her conversation of keenest interest The guests for the day were Mrs. S. W.f Arnold. Mrs W. O. Elder. Mrs. Patrick. Mrs. Carrington, Mrs. N. J. Kelly, Mrs .Tudson .Tnckson. Mrs Eth eridge and Mr. and Mrs. Etheridge of Of Aub”rn Mrs. Williams was assisted hn en tertaining throughout the day by her daughters. Misses Essie Lee and nelen Williams Many -Happy, useful years, ret, for our excellent, Christian citizen. BY MRS. J. B. PARHAM, MRS. ROSS ENTERTAINS MRS. DOBBS HONOREE. A delightful social event last week was Thursday afternoon when Mrs. S. T. Ross entertained in honor of her niece, Mrs. Dobbs, of Atlanta, who is spending a couple of weeks in Winder. The roomd thrown together were quite attractive with a pretty arrange ment of jonquils and ferns as decora tions. Sewing was the feature of the af afternoon and the hostess served a tempting salad course. About thirty guests enjoyedthis happy occasion. BIRTHDAY PARTY. Little Miss Dean and Master James Nowell celebrated their birthdays joint ly on last Wednesday inviting to be with them quite a number of Winder’s future bplles and beaux. The after noon was spent in merry games, peanut hunts and other amusing past times dear to children’s hearts. Late in the afternoon all were in vited to the prettily arranged dining room where cake, cream and candy were served. Dainty gift bags were then distributed before the departure of the happy guests. Those present were George Holsenbeck, Jane and Robert Luther Carithers, Jean and Bobbie Kimball, Bessie Tom Maynard, Lillian and Frances El/erhart, It. H. Randolph, Howard Perry, Jr., Evelyn Herrin, Ouida Poole, Gibson Cooper, Doris and Dorrah Nowell, Hazel Lay, Lucy Ross. IN’ HONOR OF MRS. FAUST. A delightful, informal affair was the sewing given in honor of Mrs. W. H. Faust, of Atlanta, during her recent visit to her sister, Mrs. T. B. Burson. The ladies were invited to meet at tne home of Mrs. S. W. Arnold, and a hap py occasion was enjoyed by all. The home was fragrant with spring blos soms and ferns, and late in the after noon light refreshments were served. Mrs. Faust is very much loved in this, her former home, and her presence is always greatly enjoyed. Those present were Mesdames House, Bush, Mathews, Poole, Maughon. Cook, Cash. Smith, Millican, Brooks, Carpen ter Haralson, Dodd, Bagwell, Burson, John Williams, Olivia Hodges and Hol senbeck. Miss Edyth Hill spent last week end near Dacula. * * * Miss Eliza Sykes spent the past week end at Dacula with her parents • • • Miss Miriam Bennett spent the past week end in Jefferson. • * Misses Annie and Ermin Thomas spent last Saturday in Athens. • * * Prof. J. P. Cash spent last Friday and Saturday in Atlanta. • * Mr. Henry McGraw of Toccoa was a visitor in Winder last Sunday. * * * Mrs. Hugh Doblw of Atlanta is spending several days in Winder. • * * Misses Lucy Donaldson and Edna Blanks spent last Saturday in Atlanta. * • • Misses Margie Cadenhead and Alma Haygood were visitors in Athens last. Saturday. * * * Ilev. Taylor Morton made a business trip to Comer the latter part of the past week. * Mrs. Lula Cain and Miss Alma Cain lof Auburn, were visitors in the city Monday. "-• • • Mrs. Bailey. Mrs. Horton and Mrs. Moseley and Miss Coke r spent Monday in Gainesville • * * Mrs. Harrv Kilpatrick of Atlanta was the guest <rt her father, Mr. R- L. Ca i-itliers, last Tuesday. • • • Mr. Charles McWhorter of the Geor gia Tech. Atlanta, spent last week-end in the city with home folks • • * Miss Margaret McWhorter, of Craw ford. spent last week-end in Winder with home folks. • * • Mr. Willie Chambers of Great Knob. Kentucky, spent a few hodrs here last Sunday with his sister, Mrs. G. W. De- LaPerriere. Miss Ida Johnson of Bowman and Mr. T. A. Deadwyler of Athens were the guests the past week-end of Mrs. J. H. Wynn. • • • Mrs. G. W. Simmons, Sr., has return ed to her home in Atlanta after an ex tended visit to her daughter, Mrs. T. E. Hill. • • • Misses Annie, Ermine and Julia Thomas and Mrs. Jim Cooper attended the funeral of Mr. Charlie K. Cooper in Commerce last Friday. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Henson. Mrs. J. D. Henson and Mrs. T C Full bright of Winder spent Mondar with Mrs Carl MeN’elly.—Athens Banner, • • • Mrs. Ralph Wise and little daugh ter, Janice, of Atlanta, were the guests last Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kil gore. * • • We are glad to note that Mr. K. 1,. Carithers, who has been quite sick, is Improving. His many friends in the city hope that he will soon be out again. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sharpton and son. W. C., Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Oakley and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Shepherd were the guests of their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Still, Sunday, of Atlanta. TELEPHONXE 144 CROSSING LOCALS .Ml farmers are glad to see the preb ty weathet 1 . Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Brown were the guests of their sother, Mrs. S. C. Wil burn of Cedar Creek Saturday Miss MnyUdle Sweat was the guest of Miss Susie Brown Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams one day last week. The singing given by Miss Maybelle Sweat Sunday night was enjoyed by all present. Miss Susie Brown was the guest of Mrs. G. W. Brown Friday night. Mr. Luke Sweat was visiting rela tives here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Alvin Tuggle of Monroe was the guest of Coleman and Henry Brown Sunday. Little Jessie Shore of Bogart is spending this week with his grand father, Mr. W. T. Brown. Mrs. Willie Sweat was the guest of Mrs. G. W. Brown Friday afternoon Miss Arn Partee was the guest of Miss Susie Brown Sunday afternoon. Little Vallie Mae Brown was the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. C. Shore Saturday night. FOR RENT—2 or 4 horse crop at my old home place on Winder and Monroe road. See me at once.—G. S. Millsnps, Phone 283. It. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks for the kindness and sympathy rendered (luring the prolonged sick ness and death of our husband, son and brother. Mn> John TANARUS, Sharpton. W. M. Sharpton and family. Mrs. Hosea Williams is visiting rela tives in Madison. • • * The many friends of Mrs. A. H. O’- Neal of Decatur will regret to learn of her critical illness. • * • Misses Mary Lou and Lois Segars of Atlanta spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. Ada Segars. • • Mesdames W. L. Williamson, S. T. Itoss and Hugh Dobbs spent last Sun day in Jefferson with relatives. Mr. Ben Henderson, of Winder, came down Tuesday to attend the fuenral of Mias Martha Bowen. —Walton News. • • HEMSTITCHING—Bring your hem stitching to us in the Winder National Bank building; 3rd floor. • * * Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hagood of Law renceville, Misses Mary Lou and Lois Segars of Atlanta spent the past week end in Winder with relatives. • * * Mr. and Mrs. Sam Williams are oc cupying an apartment at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, H. House on Stephens street. ■ • ■ Mr. John McCants who has been with ,T. F. Lewis & Cos. of Atlanta since Jan uary Ist, spent Sunday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McCants • • • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cooper of At lanta were in Winder Tuesday en route to Monroe to attend the wedding of Mrs. Cooper' brother, Mr. Tom Rutland and Miss Sadie Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henson have returned from an extended trip to Florida and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wright en route to their future home at Winder.—Walton News. • • * Mrs. Carl McXelljv whnt) over to Winder Tuesday to spend several days and to attend the reception given by her mother and sisters in honor of Mrs. I Charles W. Henson, a recent popular ljride.—Athens Banner. I ... A letter to friends here from Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Stein, who formerly lived here, states that they are now located in Cartersville and like they new home fine, hut miss very much their Winder friends. • • • M rs. 11. T. Flanigan and Mrs. George A. Johns went up to Gainesville Tues day to attend the meeting of the exec utive honrd of the Federated Womnn’s Club of the Ninth district. Their trip was thoroughly enjoyable. Mrs. G. W. Simmons, Sr., of Atlanta, celebrated her Slst birthday March 7. at the home of Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Hill on Candler street. All present express ed themselves as having an ideal time and wished the honoree many more birthdays. • * • Mrs. Jessie Dunbar, of Athens, re cently came to Winder to take charge of the hemstitching pnrlore in the Winder Xat. Bank building. Mrs. Dun bar is the wife of the late W. M. Dun bar, former pastor of the Winder Meth odist church, and his many friends welcome her to our town. BIBLE STUDY CLASS. The Bible Study Class will meet with Mrs. Harry Sesrars Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock. All those who have en listed and have nnrchased the Strnlv Books are especially solicited to attend- Yonr presence will lend enthusiasm. Lesson Jeremiah and Lamentations. See the Musical Coeacdv “Mr. and Mrs. Polly Tlckk” at school auditorium Tnesday night. Good Cook Stoves $12.00 at Smith Hardware Cos. The Polly Tickks will be seen at the school auditorium Tuesday night, 20th. Benefit Parent-Teacher Association. THE WINDER NEWS the ECONOMY STORE SILVERSTEIN’S OLD STAND Next Door to North Georgia Trust & Banking Cos. * We are offering the public some of the greatest bar gains they have ever se*en in the articles below. Mr. S. Orenstein is now in New York, and he is preparing to give the people of this section wonderful bargains thru out the spring and summer. Watch out for ads from week to week. Look at these prices: Ginghams per yard, 15c Nice quality of Crepe in all colors, Saturday only 35c yd Sheeting, Saturday only, 8 yards to customer 9c yd. Children’s Dresses- only 89c Gingham Dresses ... ..... ... . ... . $1.98 Dress Shirts ........ ..... ..... 89c Skirts great bargains at . 4 . . .... ... ...... $3.98 Children’s Middy Suits .. 98c up. $4.00 Ladies Slippers ...... . $3.49 in all styles Ladies’ Silk Hose 45c Boys’ White Tennis Shoes . . ~. . 79c Gingham Special, Sat. only, 10 yds to customer 12£c yd Children’s Sandals and Slippers only $1.25 Ladies’ Slippers ~ . . $2.25 and up Don’t wait until others get these bargains. The Economy Store W atson-Glover & Cos. Quality Groceries and Meats Prompt Delivery It’s a wonderful combination if you can get both at satisfactory prices. And that’s the situation you will find in this store. Everything we buy is chosen with the utmost care and sold to you with a service that is sec ond to none. We are doing our best to satisfy our customers, and our splendid trade is evidence of the fact that we are succeeding in this aim. We keep on hand only the best GROCERIES AND MEATS that can be found and we are selling these at the lowest possible prices that you can buy from anyone else. Visit our store, look over our stock, get our prices and we feel sure you will become one of our customers. We deliver promptly. We make a specialty of all kinds of FEED STUFFS. Watson-Glover & Cos. Phone 180 Winder, Georgia Sulwcrlpilon Price: $1.50 Per Year. — T