The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, April 05, 1923, Image 3

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THt T BTOAT. ATRTL 5, !923. After Every Meal WWGLEYS 1 Top off each meal ■ with a bit of I sweet fit the form I of WRIGLEY’S. llt satisfies the # sweet tooth and # aids digestion. f Pleasure and I benefit combined. jt-. CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to thank every one of our good neighbors and friends for their kindness shown us during the illnres end death of our dear father. Especial ly do we thank Dr. R. P. Adams for his kindness. We do thank each and every one of you for the beautiful flor al offering. May God’s richest blessings rest upon each and every one of you all is our prayer.—C. G. Casey and H. F. Casey. Yt Million 1 Women Cook on the NEW PERFECTION The quick-heating, clean-cooking blue chimney burner is the big reason why more than 4,000, 000 women cook on the New Perfection Oil Stove. It cooks and bakes everything perfectly from boiled potatoes to the most delicate sponge cake. Ask your neighbors about their New Perfections. We’ll be glad to demonstrate its advantages. Parker Furniture Company NEW PERFECTION oi] Cod Staves ffSxges What Would Spring Be Without a Buick! The Buick Six Sport Touring provides that added measure of enjoyment which comes from driving a car of which you can be really proud. Its dashing color and appointments have a dis tinctive originality which mark it everywhere. And it is as good as it is beautiful for Buick builds it. The world knows what that means! Fours Sixes 2 Pass. Roadster $865 2 Pa. Roadster $1175 4 Pass. Coupe - $1895 5 Pass. Touring 885 5 p,*,. Touring 1195 7 Pass. Touring 1435 3 Pass. Coupe- 1175 5 Pass. Sedan - 1395 5 Pass. Touring 7 Pass. Sedaa 2195 5 Pass. Touring Sedan .. . 193S Sport Roadster 162S Sedan • • • 1325 Sport Roadster 1025 5 PO3S. Sedan • 1985 Sport Touring - 1675 Prices f. o. b. Buick Factories; government tax to be added. Ask about the G. M. A. C. Purchase Plan, which provides for Deferred Payments. D-13-S4-NP WINDER MOBILE CO. When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them CEDAR CREEK Glad to see the interest manifested in the Sunday school and prayer meet ing. Hope to see more takei on interest. Mr. D. J. Armstead was a visitor at court Monday. Mr. Bob Hill, our school teacher was seen at court after school hours Mon day. Several from here are attending court in Winder this week. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Pierce in the loss of their little child by getting burned. All the ministering of loved onch and physicians could not stay the hand of death. Miss Sallie Stinchcoml* spent Sunday afternoon with Miss I.illie Belle Man ders. Mr. Jcx 1 Stlnehcomb and two daugh ters visited relatives near Statham last Sunday. Mr. W. H. Manders of Bold Springs was visiting here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders Pittman vis ited their daughter, Mrs. Robert Sor rells. Mrs. Delphia Greeson visited Mrs. Ophelia Martin Sunday afternoon. Mr. A. C. Helton spent Thursday night at his son’s, Mr. J. S. Helton. Mr. F. B. Manders spent the day Sunday with Mr. M. S. Greeson. Thus cold weather has kindled up the l winter fires again. Seems like spring ! is backward in showing up. Would like to hear from Appalachee and Carter Hill. Someone should re port up for them, as there is news I am sure with reading as they are wide awake communities. We advocate the Winder News’ stand in regard to law and order and hope our legislators this year will amend jour laws and pass better ones. C. E THOMPSON’S WEEKLY LETTER We folks have built a gnftt machine and suppose we call it a mobile and study its equipment and possibilities. It might be best to learn if we can, .something of the origin or from what |we have Ijirrowed to assist hi building this great piece of machinery. To be gin with we must go to the Bible and from it we borrow much. First was Jethro's council to Moses which Moses gave to the children of Israel, it would be useless for me to go on enumerating the things borrowed from the bilde which were many. Then various good men of Egypt, Greece and the I<atin counties come in iwith a good portion we also borrow which was not of a divine origin. Mythology has it influence and fur nished some portion that was put in to make this great machine a complete whole. AVe Americans borrowed much from England and Germany, the parent j countries and because the father laid [burdens upon his child she roll-lied and launched out at a different speed sehsuffered by a better man as we Americans see. AVe now recognize this great machine as mobile of state or nation. Asa nation it is sohnuffered by the president, as a State the governor and !a judicial circuit we have the judge as schauffer, who to-day may bo doing his I best to speed up but this is badly liiu jdered by sediments mountains high of crime. Another much used and badly hinder by sediments mountains high of crime. Another much used and fcaoly abused pie>‘ tf this is ti e lawyers of the day. They more often | clog tlm wheel and stops the whole bus iness for repairs. The common tax payer who is trying to live right and walks out to see his mobile exhibit and finds a dead locked affair and finds his hard earned dollars taking wings like a gang of black birds; can you blame him if he roll is and some times refuse to pay his tax. Then in this great mobile is a specu lator. It may be just a balance wheel or a nut of small consequence but he has an influence and when he loads up with rust he's off the great machine feels the lack of something and refuses to spettd. There is perhaps the honor guy just as it seems an ornament and when he finds there is less honor than he de sired he wqaken's under the influence of the gas of crime drops off on some wayside hill of State. There are various kinds of schauffers The bully, braggart, beggar, boister ous, conscious, careful and considerate. Then -hoie is the silent secret and safe fellow, folks who walk and talk right. They are obligated or bound to this machine of state they cannot drop off and must necessarily schauffer straight and with speed. 1 know they have enemies. The; bully and boister ous like not the way of the silent find 3ecret. “A still sow gets the slop.” A listening ear and a wise head. The timd is coming when the evil doers must he speedily punished to save the morals of our country. The time is coming when men will not permit taxing and misappropriat ing same. The spirit of 1775 might be relxirn and thdn the unjust steward as in bible times reap his just reward. 1 mean in misappropriation this if a law yer an officer or judge permits the pro longing of courts or act so that time is wasted, there is a loss of funds. You might just as well come to my homo and steal my stuff as to tax me and then waste said funds. Your conscience and the law may help you but our cre ator knows and there is a day a com ing when there will be an accounting for thff speed you made of this machine of state. I feel very insignificant and very unworthy of penciling these lines Rut I had it in my mind and must write it off. C. M. T. BETHEL NEWS Mrs. Annie Bell Greeson was the guest of Mrs. Loyd Edwards awhile Wednesday afternoon. Misses Lois and Agnes Baggett had as their guests Saturday Misses Larue Ridgeway. Mr. Ira Adams spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Adams. Miss Lizzie Mae Ridgeway and her brother, Mr. Dewey Ridgeway of Beth lehem spent Friday night with their sister, Mrs. Loyd Edwards. Mrs. Johnny McDaniel had as her guest Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Ilo mer Frost and Mrs. Will Tanner of near Bethlehem. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny McDaniel were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Partee awhile Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. V. 11. Bolton and chil dren spent Sunday afternoon with the lattr/r’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams. Mrs. Emma Adams gave an Easter egg hunt Sunday afternoon for the lit tle boys and girls which was enjoyed verv much. Miss Clair Bell Odum of Bethlehem spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Pauline Thompson. In answer to Pea Hill’s’ riddle, I would guess it was a pair of cards. Am I right? Messrs. Ira Adams and Clifford Pru itt attended the singing at Campton Saturday night. Mrs. T. W. Partee was the guest of Mrs. Annie Miller awhile Wednesday. A Farmer Cured of Rheumatism. “A man living on a farm near here eames in a short time ago completely doubled up with rheumatism. I hand ed him a bottle of Chamberlain’s Lini ment and told him to use it freely says C. P. linyder, Patten Mills. N. Y. “A few days inter lie walked into the store as straight as a string and hand ed me a dollar, give me another bottle of Chamberlain’s Liniment: I want it in the house all the time for it cured me.” Advt. The Rood to Maonine** Ton must keep well if you wish to be happv. When constipated take one or two of Chamberlain’s Tnblets immedi ' ately after supper. They cause a gen tle movement of the bowels. TTTE WIVT'ER VIWR vwill?. tiiMiiti liii'tiHtwmim in' 111 § cigarettes | AMERICAN TOBACCO 01 LAUGH AND GROW FAT AT THIS STORE A great day every day around Au try-House Cos. store. This is the jokers nook and if you chance to have a case of blues or your liver is out of fix, just get in the habit of strolling in there morning, noon or eve. There you can laugh all illness away. It is the only cure-all in Winder. If you think you need an operation don’t resort to some sanitarium, just visit this den and en ' joy the kings of jokes, puns and pranks —laugh and grow fat. Here you could have seen ytjnrs ago a clerk trying to pull off a Joke on a simpler guy when to his amazement he got the gourd of water in his own clothes. Here tint monkey acted the fool and wise men laughed in the long gone past when Charley Harris, C. M. Ferguson, M. J. Griffeth, J. H. Jackson, land R. L. Carithers worked in this I place. The same spirit of fun and frolic jls time to-day. j Now if you go there you may enjoy the music of Green Chandler fiddling. You can enjoy jokes and witty sayings by such men as Henry Bedingfleld, J. j 11. House, John Orr, Green Chandler, Marsh Shlward, L. A. House, Sheriff Camp, J. T. Perry, Jack McDaniel, Jno. M. McKlhannon and other noted fun loving people. Please don’t forget that you must be able to take the fun in good humor even if it he at your expense. The roll is sometimes called and ex planations are the orders of the hour. Sometimes they are hard to make stick. Like this Bill Greeson of Winder News fame and notoriety, who never fails to visit this corner and contends that we should not pay our preacher, but lie cannot explain why except tliat they do not do anything and deserve no pay. Now If you are interested in ancient history L. A. House is the wise guy. If you want to know how to grow cot ton, Bill Patrick comes in with tin* ■ dope. If you just need a good laugh 'get Green Chandler to roll oil one of his own select, one fresh from the factory, no middle man’s prices added. You will notice that Chief McElroy often steps in, 1 suppose he comes in jto prevent too much boisterous laugh ing, Rut don’t forget that the Chief [sees a few things about our town and he knows how to keep mum, as well las being an all-round good and true of ficer. If you visit Winder and miss the jok 'ers nook, you’ve sjx-nt your money in vain. C. M. T. 4 24 /* Jo r 15* ' WHY NOT. V. C. NOW Plan your farming along broader lines than ever be fore, remembering always that our brands give you the kind of results that bring the fullest measure of crop re ward. We manufacture by modern methods We use only materials of recognized lasting qualities therefore, The Fertilizer that pays is the Fertilizer that We Make It—You Should Buy It. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Cos. O. E. Summerour, Agt. Winder, Georgia \ Duty/ The necessities of life, as well ns of business, makes it the duty of every man to “get ahead” financially. Other meta “get ahead,” and so can you. The way they get ahead is lty banking their surplus cash, and conducting their affairs with tho view of keeping their balances on the increase. The business of our bank Is to assist you—but we cannot assist you unless you will permit us to do so. Come in and ldt's talk it over. Member Federal Reserve System. NORTH GEORGIA TRUST & BANKING CO. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $221,000.00 NOTHING BUT INSURANCE The oldest Insurance agency here, representing some of the oldest biggest, strongest and best insurance companies in the world, for Life Accident and Health; Fire, Plate Gluss, Compensation, Liability, Au tomobile; Lightning, Hail, Parcel Post, Burglary, Farm Insurance; Bonds, In fact— “WE INSURE EVERYTHING AGAINST ANYTHING." For prompt service see — F. W. BONDURANT & CO. 4th floor Winder Nut. Bank Building Office Flioue No. 200 Residence Phone No. 44 FIRE, TORNADO & AUTOMOBILE InSHfRIICC Oldest and strongest companies in the Insurance Line. Will Appreciate your Business C. C. GREGORY CO. 305 Winder National Bank Building /VIRGINIA\ CAROLINA • VC Fertilizers CHEMICAL ; v CO. J f*>h<erlnMo P’-tre: $1.50 Per Year. WHY NOT V. C. NOW