The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, April 05, 1923, Image 4

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THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1983. “There i* a Rogers Store Near You” ROGERS This is near the first of the month and isn’t it time you were saving money? Isn’t it better to pay cash for your groceries and save the difference? At the end of the month you have no charge accounts to pay and your groceries have cost you less. Money saved is money made. In these times the wise man will save in every way possible. We can save you a substantial amount on your gro cery bill each month. We sell for cash and for less. ROGERS “Where Satisfaction is a certainty.” 108 Broad street Winder, Ga STATHAM NEWS Mr. and Mm. R. (' David of Daniels ville sj>nt Sunday here with the hit ler's parents. Mr and Mrs. J. !’. Ar >n >1 I. Mr and Mrs. It. O. Hutcheson en tertain, and Mr. and Mrs. I>. L. Hutchins a* luncheon Sunday. Miss Susie It. Perkins spent the week end In Monroe as the guest of her sis ter, Mrs. J. W. Henry. Rev. and Mrs. J. U. Harrison of Bethlehem was the guests Thursday last of Mrs. C. B. Chambers. Misses Ham Lowtt and Rose U<s were the week c*.J guests of Mr. and Mrs. M H Lowe and Mr. and Mrs. Custer Ross of Winder. M ss Louise House spent the week end with her parents. Mrs. John Hill of Hosehton spent a fg’v dnys here with her sister, Mrs. W H. Perry. Mrs. Hoyt Venable and children of Jefferson are spending awhile here with le r parents, Mr. and Mrs. \V. D. Nnso. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hammond and little daughter, of Elbertmi, were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. It. 11. (Irant. Mrs. Dura MetJahee, of Winder, spent several days herd as the guest of friends and relatives. Ernest Willie Cheek of Augusta spent several days here with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. .1. It. Cheek. Miss llutti Arnold was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Brunelle Smith. Dr and Mrs. .1 0. Daniel and son, George, of Decatur were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. L. Thur mond. Quite a good many Easter egg hunts were enjoyed by the little folks. Mrs. Priori Harper gave a real enter tainment to her Sunday school class And such a good time ns they did have. Mrs. W. M Fite took her little elass out in the green Helds and gave them n treat. Mrs. L. M. Arnold gave her little class unit ft a good time. Little Misses Ruth Wall and Ossie Hue Maleotnlt entertained the Junior Missionary Society. They were invited to nns't at the home of Ruth and later join Mrs. Chamlvfs, Misses l’earlie Hammond and Rnnette Wall out in the green Helds, where the eggs were hid den. After the'Kold egg was found the prime glv<ln. (Janies were enjoyed for awhile. Everybody declared Ruth and *>ssie Sue fine little hostesses. Mrs. Willie Stinsl Lyle spent the wedk end here with her father, H. W. Hteed. The Junior Missionary Society met with Eunice Arnold Tuesday afternoon A liwautiful program was arranged and ■carried out Uy the little officers in their own sweet way. Afterwards refresh ments were served. Eunice was assist ed in serving by her sister, Mary. Htatliam High Basebell team went Take Care of Your Car Take care of your car. It pays not to wait too long before having it looked over and the needed repairs done. We do the best of work at the lowest prices. V. We carry all parts for Chevrolet cars. Our battery service is complete. We re pair them for you at lowest cost. All kinds of welding done that will stick. Let us show you. LANTHIER & CHURCH Athens St. Garage Phone 210 PARISH LOCALS Several attended the party given by Miss Carmen Elder Saturday night. Miss Flora Simpson spent Saturday night with Miss Mattie Lou Simpson. Mrs. C. P. Allen was the guest of Mrs. A. N. Elliott Monday morning. Several from here! attended the egg hunt at Bethabra Saturday afternoon given by the Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. 11. It. Page and Jewell Chester Elliott visited Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Page and family of ('lmpel. Mins Ethel Boss spent Saturday night with Miss Carmen Ehleir. Mr. Luster Simpson spent Sunday nigld with Mr. Charles Maxey. Miss Flora Simpson spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Birtie Allen. Miss Thelma Allen spent Saturday night with Miss Nettie Mae Etheridge. Mr. Hipter Dalton spent Saturday night with Mr. Irfus Wright. Mr and Mrs. L. O. Allen spent Sun day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Alien. Net tin Mah Etheridge spent Saturday with Miss Thelma Allen. CHRISTIAN CHUBCH SERVICES 10:15 A. M. Sunday school. 11 :30 A. M. Preaching and Lord’s Supper. 3:30 P. M. Junior Endeavor. 7:00 P. M. Senior Endeavor. 8:00 P. M. Preaching. A happy welcome to all. E. L. Slielnutt, Minister. over to Grayson last Saturday and played Grayson High. Stathain rainy away vistorious 7 to 1. Statham felt very good as this was their Hrst game of the season and some of the boys’ first game ever played. Mrs. I*. L. Hutchins, Mrs. B. H. Grant and Miss Ellen Hammond were the guests of Mrs. Tijmpeat of Athens last Thursday. Christian Endeavor Society. On last Sunday evening the Senior Christian Endeavor Society of Stat hain was led by the pastor, Rev. John V. Thomas, of Auburn, (la. An Easter program was rendered and grdatly en- | joyed Ivy quite a large audience. The readings given of S. C. added much |to the program. An Easter lilly was pinned on each Endfjivor as they en tered the church. These Endeavors are [doing a great work. Watch them grow. |The society meets every Sunday even ing at 7 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit this Society. .Come, have fellowship with us. There was a goodly number of ladies present at the Aid Society of the Chris tian church Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. T. L. Holcomb. Avery pleasant hour was enjoyed by all. These are great occasions to stimulate the church, as well as medium for ren dering material aid in many directions. OAK GROVE Miss Eudine Jones and Miss A dell Chapman were the dinner guests of Misa Dorothy Booth Sunday. | Misties Vera Wilbanks and O’Nelle Fulcher spent Sunday with Clara Boyd. Mr and Mrs. Adolphus Hudson of ! Maysville and Mr. and Mrs. Posey Hudson of Dry Pond spent awhile last : Thursday afternoon with Mrs. J. C. Paynet Master Wagner Alexander of Jeffer son spent the weekend with Masters James W. and Johnnie Harwell. Mias Bethel Jones was the dinner guest of Miss Ona Hammond at Stat ham Sunday. Mrs. J. T. Harwell spent last Friday In .Jefferson with relatives. Master .Toe Booth was the guest of Erastus Wilbanks Sunday. Mrs. Mollie Sellers spent Tuetsday with Mrs. Luther Eseo. Mrs. T. K. Wilbanks spent Tuesday afternoon with her little granddaugh ter. Sarah Nell Lay, of near Winder who has been real sick with pneumonia, but her little friends are glad to hear she is better. Mrs. Paul Eley and Miss Myrtle Booth of Winder visited their mother. Mrs. J. J. Booth Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hudson and Miss Flora Garrison of Bostwick were visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Payne on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Guffin and chil dren spijit Sunday wiih the former's Buy Your Suit From J. L. SAUL AND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE Good advertising helps make a business successful. Good clothes will make a man successful. Wear Kup- il penheimers and Fashion Park Suits and they’ll say you y „ * 1 My are successful, prosperous, confident. We have them, lots of them and the prices are low: / ( far j W sls, $18.50, $20.00 if IrlA $22.50 andu P \-.m In all the newest shades and models. In fact our “18.50 |! Suit” is the rage of this and surrounding country; so yj li jal\ beautifully made and in such wonderful cloths that it 1 J| makes you feel that are getting a $30.00 Suit. We invite 1 II you to see our suits, we will positively save you enough II \\ \ /I on a suit to buy you a nice $5 or $6 pair of Oxfords with. if ' \ MEN’S OXFORDS In Tan and Black, latest toes and styles at $2.95, $3.45, $4.00, $4.95. We absolutely guarantee our $2.98 Men’s Oxfords not to rip and to wear to your entire satisfaction. If not bring them back and we will give you anew pair FREE without a single question. In the new tan shades also in black lace or strap at $1.49, $1.95, $2.50, $2.95 and up. Every pair guaranteed to wear good or anew pair free. Children & Misses Oxfords AT $1.50, $1.75 & $1.95 TENNIS: All colors and Styles at 75c 95c and $1.25 and up. The Clothier. THE WINDER NEWS appreciate our work. —Citizens Press- Eggs ; thorough bred S. C. R. I. Reds, (Donalson Strain) pens $2.50, range $1.50 per -5; chicks 25c ; cockerels $1.50, to SIO.OO. —Mrs. Ralph Freeman, Hosch ton, Ga. 3t TYRO SCHOOL. The name of Carrie Lou McCain was omitted from the honor roll of Tyro school in last week's issue of The News We are glad to make this correction. There's Satisfaction in having your clothes pressed at Citizens Pressing club If your clothes need any alterations send them to Citizens Pressing Club. We appreciate your business; you will appreciate our work.—Citibens Press ing Club, W. B. Wilson, Prop. Be sure to see Ga. Glee Club tonight. mot tier, Mrs. Guffin, near Rockwell. Miss Celesta McElhannon spent Mon day night with Misses Pauline and Irene Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Harwell spent Monday in Athens shopping. Miss EudVnp .Lines spent Sunday night with Miss Ina Hammond at Stat ham. Switzerland Leads In Mutes. In proportico to population Switzer land has many more deaf mutes than loes any other country. WE ARE PLEASER TO ANNOUNCE . THAT WE HAVE SECURED The Agency for a /Ac *-•' >y . jt*t- \ , *>*n t nnews 1 THE PERFECTION COTTON DUSTER The two-row power duster endorsed by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, through Dr. B. R. Coad, in charge Delta Laboratory, Tallulah, La. -K Smith Hardware Company Winder, Georgia LADIES GINGHAM DRESSES! A fine assortment to pick from at $1.49 $1.95, $2.50 & $2.95 SILK DRESSES $9.75, $12.50, $15.00 $19.75 They’ll cost you 1-4 more elsewhere “millinery 2ND FLOOR Last but not least, we are real proud of this department from the number of ladies hats we sold they must be good and the price right. You will say so too, if you see them. Beau tiful hats at $3, $3.50, $4, and $5 up We have arranged with several new salespeople to help us for Saturday, April 7th, to wait on the public. So don’t let anything keep you away. Come and follow the crowds and save money. Subscription Price: $1.96 Per Year. Winder, Ga.