The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, April 12, 1923, Image 5

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T7TTX*TUT 32. Social and Personal News BY MRS. J. B. PARHAM, TELEPHONNE 144 women on board OF EDUCATION. v Womans Club of Winder is very j’foiid of the fact that at a recent meet ly of the Council there were placed on the Board of Education for three years, two of our most capable and ef ficient women, Mrs. George Fortson, and Mrs. W. M. Holsenbeck. These names had previously been voted on at a meeting of the Womans Club, and presented to the Mayor and Council, as its choice for such places. We teei that our city is to be congratu lated on their appointment, and are sure that they will never regret having taken this step. X MRS. G. H. FORTSON REPRESENTS SUNBURY. Mrs. G. H. Fortson, regent of the Sunbury Chapter D. A. It., has return ed from a week's visit to Atlanta, where she went to attend the State Conference of the I). A. It. The Sunbury chapter, though one jOf the youngest in the state, has ac complished many things. It was one, out of three chapters in Georgia, that was given special mention, at the last l conference, by the state editor. THE YOUNG MATRONS CLUB. The Young Matrons club enjoyed a most pleasnnt meeting with Mrs. E. It. Harris last Thursday afternoon at her home on Broad street. Crystal vases and silver baskets fill ed with pink carnations, Easter lillies and ferns were attractively placed on tables and mantels, after a number of interesting games of bridge Mrs. Harris assisted Uy Mrs. Randolph and Mrs. Benton, served a delicious salad course. The club members and others present were Mesdames Carithers, Russell, Joe Estes, W. L. DeLaPerriere, Burch, Moseley, Daniel, T. B. Strange, Guy Kilgore, Bob I’irkle, Autry, Griffeth, Bailey, Hubbard, Clair Harris, Howard Rogers, Benton and Randolph and Miss Bess Benton. LOVELY PARTY. One of the brightest and loveliest of the spring parties was one on last Fri day afternoon given by Mrs. Clyde Williamson. A lovely arrangement of many spring flowers were used as,dec ora! ions. Bridge was the special fea ture of the afternoon, after the games *a delightful salad course was served. Those present were Mesdames Moseley, Wilson, Burch, Kimball, W. E. DeLa- Perriere, Carithers, Bob Pirkle, How ard Rogers. E. R. Harris, W. J. Rus sell, R. L. Rogers, P. A. Flanigan, Car eer Daniel, Horton, Bailey, Land, Kil gore. T. B. Strange, Pledger, George Fortson, Harry Kilpatrick and John Millsaps of Atlanta. MRS. YOW SPEAKS TO FEDERATED CLUBS OF THE CITY. Last Wednesday afternoon the meet ing of the Parent-Teacher Association at the school auditorium. Mrs. Herbert F. Yow, President Ninth District Fed erated clubs, gave a helpful and inspir ing talk to the club women of Winder. Mrs. G. A. Johns, in her usual gra cious manner, gave a few words of in troduction. Mrs. Yow stressed certain phases of club work and urged the clubs to send in all reports and to at tend the district convention to be held in Commerce May 1 and 2. Quite a large number of ladies were present to enjoy this splendid uddress. MRS. CLYDE WILLIAMSON ENTERTAINS. The Young Matrons Federated club and a few other friends were enter * tained by Mrs. Clyde Williamson at her beautiful home on Center street on last Thursday afternoon. The living room and dining room were thrown to gether and made a scene of a lovely spring garden with vases and baskets filled with pink and yellow flowers and birds of all kinds and colors on the flowers. Quite a number of interesting games of 500 were enjoyed and the hos tess assisted by Mrs. Rhett Nowell and Mrs. Roseoe Eavenson served a de lightful salad course. ptiuse enjoying Mrs. Williamsons hospitality were Mesdames Herbert Yow of Martin, Harry Kilpatrick, J. W Millsaps and O. M. Jackson of At lanta. B. A. Julian of Athens, C. O. Maddox, W. O Perry, Mac Potts, W. A. Bradley, R. J. Smith, G. A. Johns, H T Flanigan, Alice Dunn, Herschel Smith, II E. Millikin. Cleff Jackson. Mrs Bvrd Harris, Parks Stewart, C. B. Allmond, John Hargrove. Roseoe Eavenson, Itliett Nowell and Mrs. Wil liamson. A DOUBLE BIRTHDAY PARTY. Quite a happy occasion for the past v<vk was Saturday afternoon, when a "tuber of littl" friends were invited to the home of Hubert and Margery Gra ham to help them celebrate their Bth and (it H birthdays. As the guests arrived punch was ser ved by Miss Elizabeth Graham, after an hour of games the guests were in vited into the dining room, which was beautifully decorated in pink and white, in the center of the dining ta ble was placed the two beautiful birth day cakes, surrounded by pink rose buds and topped with eight and six candles, each little guest was given their place around the table where cream and cake were served. About forty little people enjoyed this happy ■occasion. Those assistling Mrs. Grahnm in entertaining these little folks were Mesdames Sam Graham. M. 11. Lay, Junius and Ernest Carrington. WOMANS CLUB. The Womans Club will meet next 4 Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. G. Land, the other hostesses will be Mrs. A. D. McCurry. Mrs. W. jgT. Randolph and Mrs. J. B. Parham. program will be in charge of Mrs. G. H. Fortson who Ls chairman of the legislation department. All members are urged to be pres ent. WESTBROOKS MARTIN. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Westbrook, of Winder, announce the engagement of their daughter, Rosa Mae, to Mr. Jas. Frederick Martin, the marriage to be solemnized the latter part of April. MRS. H. T. FLANIGAN ENTERTAINS AT LOYELY LUNCHEON. Last Thursday, Mrs. H. T. Flanigan entertained at a lovely luncheon hon oring Mrs. Herbert Yow of Martin and Mrs. John Millsaps and Mrs. H. T. Kil patrick of Atlanta. The dining table had as itst central decoration a silver loving cup tied with yellow tulle, and filled with spring blossoms. Surrounding this were can dlesticks burning unshaded yellow ta pers. On each of the other tables was a cut glass basket of daffodils, while marking the places of the guests were dainty little place cards of daffodils. The favors were yellow baskets filled with salted nuts. A lovely five course luncheon was served at the noon hour during which many toasts were given to the honor guests. The guest list included the honor guests and the officers of the three Federated clubs who were: Mrs. Her bert Yow, Martin; Mrs. 11. T. Kilpat rick. and Mrs. John Millsaps. Mrs. O. M. Jackson, Atlanta ; Mrs. G. A. Johns, Mrs. W. A. Bradley, Mrs. W. M. Hol senbeck, Mrs. J. M. Aiken. Mrs. Paul Roberts, Mrs. Sidney Maughon, Miss Ida Kilgore, Mrs. W. J. Burch, Mrs. G. C. Moseley, Mrs. W. N. Bailey, Mrs. J. C. Pratt, Mrs. .7. S. Hargrove, Mrs. J. T. Walden, Mrs. Cleff Jackson, Mrs. C. O. Maddox, Mrs. Mac Potts. Mrs. G. C. Moseley spent Monday in Atlanta. • • * Dr. E. W. Oliver is convalescing from an attack of flu. • • * Miss Claude Coker has recovered from her recent illness. • • • Mrs. F. M. Stewart and daughter, were shipping in Winder Monday. • • • Miss Dorothy Rowland spent the week-end at her home in Athens. * * * Mrs. Henry Pledger attended the D. A. R. Convention in Atlanta last week. • • Mr. Bob Moore lias returned after a week's stay at home in Charlotte, N. C. * t * Mrs. Watkins of Atlanta, is spend ing several days here with her sister, Mrs. A. S. Eberhart. Mrs. 11. E. Patat and daughter, Miss Ruth, of Auburn, were in Winder Mon day shopping. * * * Mrs. Addington and little daughter have gone to Texas to visit relatives at Ft. Worth and other places. * * • Mrs. W. H. Faust of Atlanta visited her sister, Mrs. T. W. Burson, here the past week end. • • • Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Kinnebrew and little son. of Athens,, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Strange. • • ■ Col and Mrs. G. D. Ross were the guests last Sunday of the latter’s sis ter, Mrs. J. C. Greer, at Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Oliver and children of Buford spent last Sunday in Win der with relatives. ■ • • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Camp of Atlan ta spent the week end in Winder with j Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Camp. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Dick of Ocean View, Va., are spending some time here , the guests of Dr. R. H. Barnes. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Haynie and lit tle daughter, Jane, of Norcross, spent last week here as guests of home folks • • • Mrs. 11. T. Kilpatrick and Mrs. Jno. Millsaps of Atlanta were the week end guests of Mrs. H. T. Flanigan. a • • Mrs. Ros Garrett has returned to her home near Statham after a stay of sev eral weeks in the Emergency hospital. ■ • • Mrs. R. H. Fambrough, of Birming ham, Ala., is the guest this week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Moore. a a a Miss Mary Lou Keese, who is at tending State Normal College, is at home for a few days’ stay. • • • Mr. J. W. Griffeth left last week for Houston, Texas, where he has accept ed a position with a newspaper contest concern. a a a Mrs. M. E. Jones, of Calhoun, is vis iting her mother, Mrs. N. A. Johnson, of near here. Mrs. Jones formerly liv ed in Winder. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Dougins and daughter, Frances, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Greene Gra ham. ft • 9 Mrs. Bradley and baby have return ed from Athens where the former has been at the bedside of Mr. Bradley’s mother, who has been quite sick. • 9 Mrs. Claud Mayne lias returned from an extended stay in Atlanta at a pri vate sanitarium, her many friends will be glad to learn she is much improyed. • • • Mrs. Sarah Sharpton. who has been spending some time in Athens with her brother. Mr. Frank Hofmeister, has re turned to Winder for a brief stay. • • • Miss Audrey Wills has returned to Donaldsville after a ten days’ stay with her aunt, Mrs. W. K. Lyle, who >s improving from her recent severe ill ness. Be sure to attend the lemon party at Mrs. E. W. Oliver’s next Tuesday. • • • Mrs. M. E. Faust, of Crawford, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. N. Nowell, at the Nowell Hotel. • • • Mrs. Marshall Howington, of Liberty was ill last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. I). Wall in this city. • * • Mr. John W. Carrington, ,Jr., has been confined to his room this week on ac count of illness. m m m Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Robinson left last week for several weeks stay in Or lando, Fla. Mrs. Hubert Yow, the attractive vis itor of Mrs. G. A. Johns, has returned to her home in Martin, Ga. • • • Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Mott of Atlanta spent last Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Russell. • * • Mrs. Rosooe Eavenson and daugh ter. Mary Elizabeth, will leave Sat urday for Elberton to spend a couple of weeks. • • • Mrs. Maynard and daughter, Miss D’Etta, have returned to their home in Camden, S. C., after a visit to Mrs. Jno. H. Maynard. • • • Mrs. A. IL MeCurry and Mrs. C. G. Land attended the district missionary conference in Monroe Tuesday. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Maynard and children of College Park were in Win der last week to attend the funeral of Mr. Junius Maynard. • * • Saturday afternoon Mrs. J. W. Grif feth and Miss Mary Hayes will lve the joint hostesses to their bridge clulvs at the home of Mrs. Griffeth’s on Ath ens street. • * * Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Kelly, Mrs. Min nie Daniel and Mr. Walter Stanton mo tored to Jefferson last Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kel ly. * * * Mrs. G. Moseley, Mrs. W. L. De- LaPerriere and Mrs. W. J. Burch will make an automobile trip to Social Cir cle, Milledgeville, Montieello and oth er points this week; they were joined at Social Circle by Miss Mellie Stan ton/ • • • Mrs. O. M. Jackson of Atlanta spent Thursday in the city, having come up for the luncheon given on that day by Mrs. H. T. Flanigan and to attend the party given t>&’ Mrs. Clyde William son on that day. Young Men’s Suits that Talk for Themselves 150 All-Wool SUITS in beautiful colors, wonderfully tailored, plain and belted models; they are a bargain at $25.00. You may have your choice at .... $18.50 Then we have 500 other suits to select from at : $12.50, $15.00, $17.50 and up. Our Suits must be wonderful values, the way we have been selling them. You will say so too when you see them. MEN’S OXFORDS! Think of the fact that you can buy from us a nice pair of Oxfords at $2.95, $3.50 or $4.00, with the guarantee of giving entire satisfaction or your money back. LADIES OXFORDS! In all solid leathers, every pair guaranteed at $1.95, $2.45, $2.95 and up. MISSES AND CHILDREN’S OXFORDS In Patent Leather, tan or kid at $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. TENNIS SHOES TENNIS! Men’s, Women’s and Childrens at 75c, 95c, $1.25 and $1.50. SATURDAY, APRIL 14TH. We are going to have some special bargains to offer you in many departments. Don’t let anything keep you away. We will have plenty of help to wait on you. J. L. SAUL Winder, Ga. The Clothier '• jpw<• We Buy the Farmers Produdts It is well known to most of the farmers of this section that we buy from them to a large extent. We do not buy all our goods from other markets and sell to our cus tomers, but we buy everything from our customers that we possibly can. In March we bought $801.21 worth of farm products from the farmers of Barrow county. We helped you to that amount to find a market for your surplus products. We hope to be able to buy more than that amount dur ing the month of April. We always pay the highest mar ket price for produce. Now, while we are doing our best to help you we ask that you give us your trade. In this way we can both do business. When in need of any kinds of Groceries and Feed Stuff we hope to be favored with your patronage. We buy CORN, STOCK PEAS, PEANUTS, BEEF CATTLE, MILK COWS, HOGS, CHICKENS, EGGS, BUTTER, ETC. We can use a small amount of good syrup. Highest market price paid for same. Be sure to get our price on your country HAMS and country cured BACON. WE SELL: Staple and Fancy Groceries, All kinds of Cured Meats, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls and Cow- Chow for cows. Plenty of Shorts, Bran, 3 Grades of Mixed Feeds, all kinds of Chicken Feed and Beet Pulp. Trade with us and we’ll buy all we can from you. Watson-Glover & Cos. Phone 180 Winder, Georgia ,*nWfln;'n PHp*>: fl.fio Pf> r Year. Spt/v Muhotl CO. cj\si n//