The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, April 12, 1923, Image 8

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■*HraBDAT, APRIL 12, 1023. SING LEES LAUNDRY I AM BACK IN WINDER AM) WILL OPEN MY LAUNDRY ON— ..Monday, April 15th,. In Rear of Pat Rogers Market and Grocery I ASK THAT ALL OF MY OLD CUS- TOMERS AND PATRONS CALL ON ME AND LIVE ME THEIR WORK. ALSO SOLICIT NEW CUSTOMERS. WILL DO YOUR WORK CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN (JET IT ELSE WHERE AND WILL GUARANTEE YOU GOOD WORK. I Sing Lee Laundry. In Roar of Pal Rogers Store, Winder Now Perfection oil stores mid wicks.—Woodruff Hardware Cos. Prepared Roll Roofing $1.40 per roll at Smith Hardware Cos. Mrs. Hiram Rainey has returned to Atlanta after spending several days in ■Winder with friends. . - • Mrs. Mac Potts was called ti Jack son, (la., Tuesday morning to the bed side oi her mother, Mrs. Furlow, who is quite sick. A CLEAN GARAGE Did you ever notice how dirty the average garage appears? Never swept, bolts and pieces of iron lying around all over the floor. Everything in confusion. And did you evei think that a garage in such condition could not give you good service? Time is lost in looking about for parts and tools with which to work. The garage pre sents an untidy and careless appearance, and as a rule, the work done on cars is about m line with the condition in which the gai age is kept. We invite you to visit our garage at any time and note the way in which it is kept. We allow no trash or dirt to accumulate in our shop. And our work is right along in line with the condition of our shop. Our work is good. No slighting dny job. Our prices are reasonable. You can know beforehand what your bill will be. We are doing a garage business in a bus iness way, and ask your patronage on these grounds. AUTO SALES CO. Battery Service We want to impress thoroughly on your mind that we repair all makes of batteries and re-charge same. We do the best work on batteries both in repairing them and re charging them possible. Our customers are always satisfied customers. All makes of cars repaired. Prompt ser vice. We carry all parts for Chevrolet cars. Our Garage does the best of work at the lowest prices. LANTHIER & CHURCH Athens St. Garage Phone 210 A Dollar Saved Is a Dollar Made You can’t tell how much you will save by having that winter suit cleaned and pressed before laying it away for the summer. We are prepared to give you the best ser vice in town. Give us a trial if you haven’t been pressing with us. Citizens Pressing Club Phone 186 W. B. Wilson, Prop. lira Hiram Flanigan attended the meeting of the Womans Club of Hoftch ton on Toesday afternoon. A aplen did program upon Child Welfare was given at this meeting. Mrs. Klnnigan is Die efficient chairman of the divis ion of Child Welfare of the Ninth dis trict. Mrs. Harry Kilpatrick and Mrs. Mill saps were week-end visitors of Mrs. Hiram Flanigan. MAPLE VALLEY Mr. W. L. Austin from Athens spent part of last week with his mother, Mrs M. .1. Austin, and children, of near Campton. m . Mr. Steve Austin spent last Tuesday night with Mr. Burton Treadwell of near Bthelehem. Bethel, your answer to my riddle was correct. Now I am asking you another one What is this: Born in Christ mas and did not live to sec new year, and died in the spring. Can you give me the answer to this riddle? Miss Belle Garrett from Atlanta spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Garrett and family of Campton. Mr. Richard Partin from Campton spent Saturday night and Sunday with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. AN ill Coker of Jersey. Mr N. It. Austin from Hethleliom was the guest of Mrs. M. J. Austin and children awhile Sunday afternoon. Miss Hattie Jackson spent Saturday night and Sunday at home. Statement of the condition of THE FARMERS BANK ' Located at Winder, Barrow county *t | the close of business March 2Jst. 1923. 'Ah called for by the Superintendent of banks. RESOURCES Time loans and discounts 146,657.52 Demand loans 31)2.57 Loans secured by real estate 28,380.25 Stock in the Federal Reserve Bank 1,800.00 Furniture and Fixtures 0,217.18 Due from Federal Reserve Bank 8,841.36 Cash in vault and amounts de limited with approved Re serve agents 22,161.30 Checks for clearing house 346.43 Other checks and cash items 802.27 Overdrafts 104.87 Other assets not included in above 800.00 Total $210,611.84 Capital stock paid in 50.000.00 Surplus fund 8,500.00 Undivided profits 730.37 Due to hanks in this state 1,883.27 Individual deposits subject to check 100.867.81 Time certificates of deposit 40,563.26 Trust funds on deposit 2.427.31 Cashier’s checks 271.16 Notes and hills rediscounted with Federal Reserve Bank 14,350.66 Total $210,611.84 State (f Georgia, Barrow county. Before me came It. J. Smith, cashier of The Farmers Bank, Winder, Ga., who being duly sworn, says that the above foregoing statement is a true con dition of said bank, as shown by the books of file in said hank. R. J. SMITH. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 31st day of March. 1023. MARK SIMS, (’. N. P. B. C. Ice tea glasses, 75c set, at Smith Hardware Cos. I'EAS—If yon have any peas to sell see It. L. Rogers, Winder, Ga. PEAS—If you have any peas to sell see It. L. Rogers, Winder, Ga. Base Hell head<p/irters at. Smith Hardware Cos. Garden seed in bulk- —Woodruff’s. Buy yOur buggy from present stock. We have them to sell at the old price. The next will be higher.—Woodruff Hardware Cos. Don’t fail to see our line of dusting machinery. Ball bearing, hand duster, and two row horse drawn machine. — Woodruff Hardware Cos. EX IDE Batteries are Superior. Sold by Smith Hardware Cos. Wo have shipped to us now a lot of velvet beans. Buy your supply early.— Woodruff Hardware Cos. Berry Brothers Auto Enamels and varnishes.—Woodruff Hardware Cos. Buy KELLY Tires this week and save money.—Smith Hardware Cos. Call us for lawn, porch and furni ture paints and varnishes.—Woodruff Hardware Company. All kinds of garden seed in bulk. — Woodruff Hardware Cos. Screen doors, screen windows, screen wire, black and galvanized.—Smith Hardware Cos. Genuine Lynchburg repairs for OL IVER plows. Woodruff Hardware Cos. • - ■ . - ... • See the Triumph ball bearing hand duster. Sold by Woodruff Hardware Cos. & Smith Hardware Cos. You can paint your automobil > with our Auto Painting Outfits. Price only SI.OO now at Smith Hardware Cos Buggies have advanced, but still of fer our stock at old prices. Woodruff Hardware Cos. Garden seed that grow. Woodruff Hardware Cos. Fresh lot of bulk garden seed just received by Smith Hardware Cos. Xew Perfection oil stove and ovens. Woodruff Hardware Cos. We lmve five and six burner RED STAR oil stove?, Brand new, that we offer for $35.00 and $45.00, respective ly. This is practically half price, and is offered to make room for our reg ular line. Woodruff Hardware Cos. SPECIAL for 10 days. Goodyear's 25c Garden Hose for 15c per foot. Sold in 25 and 50 feet lengths.—Smith Hard ware Company. For Edison Mazda house lamps call 106, Woodruff Hardware Cos. Lynchburg plow repairs for Oliver plows lasts longer. Sold by Wood ruff Hardware Company. Have your car doped with highest grade greases at Smith Hardware Cos. Ball hearing steel out gears hand duster retailing for SIO.OO. Sold by Woodruff Hardware Cos. & Smith Hdw. Company. Get your supply of Velvet Beans from WOODRCEF HARDWARE CO. FOR SALE.—I horse and two mules. —See 11. A. Carithers Canna and Dahlia bulbs for sale. — Mrs. Vella Mae Smith. 1-2-3-4-5 burner oil stoves and single and double ovens at Smith Hdw. Cos. PEAS —If you have any peas to sell see R. L. Rogers, Winder, Ga. warm wctdbr nw FIRST BAPTIST NOTES. • FIRST BAPTIST PLATFORM * • Public Worship— Gospel Pulpit * * Open Forum —Popular Instrnc- * * tion—Social Recreation —Perton- • * al Development—Soul Winning * • Services —Everybody Welcome. —* REVIVAL BEGINS IN WINDER ON SUNDAY, APRIL 22. “Thus saith the Ixird, THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY.” “THU THINGS THAT MAKE A REVIVAL”—the five things absolutely necessary; *he five things without which there can he no revival; the FIVE THINGS THAT Will. GUAR ANTEE .4 GREAT REVIVAL. These the pastor will discuss Sunday at 11:30 LET EVERY MEMBER COME IF POSSIBLE. "ABRAHAM” —n great character — the pastor's theme for Sunday tit 8:00 o'clock. It will bless any man to put his life beside that of Abraham, a man of titanic proportions. “MOSES” —more famous than Tut ankhamen —will he the midweek study for next Wednesday at 8.00 o’clock. Without a doubt Moses was the greatest man of the old Testament. Come and let us take a close look at him. Tax Notice Last Round. Monday, April 16, Mulberry from 7 :30 to 8 A. M. Monday, April 16. G. B. Mathews, from 8 to 8:30 A. M. Monday, April 16, County Line, from 0 to 11 A. M. Monday, April 16, C. T. Hayes, from 11 to 11 :3<> A. M. Monday, April 16. IV. D. Lancaster's, from 12 to 12:30 I*. M. Monday, April 16, Thompsons Mill, from 1 to 1:30 P. M. Monday, April 16. Cain’s Court Ground, from 2 to 3 P. M. Monday, April 16, J. E. Wyleys store from 3 to 3:30 P. M. Monday, April 16, W. W. Parks from 4 :30 to 5 P. M. Monday, April 16, C. P. Allen’s from 5 to 5:30 P. M. Monday, April 16, W. E. Flanigan’s, from 5 :30 to 6 P. M. Monday, April 16, J, G. Attaway’s, from 6 to 6.30 I*. M. Tuesday. April 17, Johnson’s School House, from 7 :30 to 8 A. M. Tuesday, April 17, It. H. McElhau non's from 8:00 to 8:30 A. M. Tuesday. April 17, Oak Grove, from 0 to !) :30 A. M. Tuesday, April 17, B. A. Boyds, from 9:30 to 10 A. M. Tuesday, April 17, Providence, from 10:30 to 12 o’clock. Tuesday, April 17, Jones Court Ground, from 1 to 3 P. M. Tuesday, April 17, Muller McElroys, from 3:30 to 4 P. M. Tuesday, April 17, Chandlers, from 4 to 5 P. M. Wednesday, April 18, Chandlers School house, from 7:30 to 8 A. M. Wednesday, April 18. J. N. D. McKl ra.v's store, from 8:30 to 0 A. M. Wednesday, April 18, Stewart’s store from 9.30 to 10 A. M. Wednesday, April 18, Bethlehem from 10:30 to 4 P. M. Wednesday, April 18, J. P. Chandlers from 4 :30 to 5 I*. M. Thursday, April 19, Auburn, from 9 to 12 M. Thursday, April 19, Carl, from 2 to 5 P. M. Friday, April 20, Statham, from 10 to 4 P. M. J. J. SHEDD, It. T. R. Barrow Cos. “Seldom Does the Thrifty Housewife “throw marred or worn fur niture away. Berrycraft is easily applied, and makes the old furniture look like new — with little effort. It’s a per fect stain finish for woodwork and general household uses, too. It always gives satis faction —that’s why I recom mend it.” Smith Hdw. Cos. Your Grocery Bill Will be less when you trade with me. And ■ the splendid service I give you will make the buying of your groceries, meats a real pleas-,, ure. I sell all kinds of cured and fresh meats, groceries at the most reasonable prices you will find anywhere. W. C. JETT Phone 155 Winder, Ga. Sold Here Don’t Bug Imitations y I I HE right kind of repairs add new life to your machines. And the only right kind are those made from the same materials and by the manufacturer of the original machine. Use only genuine IH C repairs for your McCormick-Deering farm operating equip ment. A genuine repair part fits exactly and becomes a perfect part of the machine; a substitute is simply a patch. When you buy genuine I H C repairs from us, you also get the benefit of the McCormick-Deering service, a service that is prompt, dependable and permanent, and one that saves time and makes money for you. Smith Hardware Cos. McCORMICK.DEERING LINE CHASSIS A Greater Value than ever before is offered in the Ford Chassis for light delivery service. The new low price puts this convenient, rapid, light-delivery service within reach of every line of business. It not only gives you proved economy of operation, but also the facilities for enlarging your business. An early order is necessary to insure reasonable delivery owing to the demand being the heavest we have ever known. A small down payment—convenient easy terms. (Ford prices havt ntver been to lota Ford quality has ntvrr btrm so high Winder Motor & fe Tractor Cos. J - 2# j lljfl —*—rff l ttt—rtftUa Priob: $1 * Pet Ye*r.