The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, April 19, 1923, Image 11

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THURSDAY. APRIL 10, 1928. COUNTY COURT NOTICE. Upon the recommendation of the last Grand Jury, n County Court lias been •organized for Barrow county, Georgia, with W. 11. Quarterman as Judge and G. I>. Rose as Solicitor. New, pursuant to the requirements of the Code of Georgia, Section 4775 in), Notice is hereby given, by the pub lication Of this notice, once a week for four successive weeks in the Winder News, the pajier in which the county advertisements are published, of tin* es tablishment of said court, and. that the Judge thereof has appointed the Second Monday in each month hereafter as the day for holding the monthly sessions, anil the Second Monday in May, 1923, and every three months thereafter, to wit: the Second Mondays in August, November, February and May, for hold ing the Quarterly Sessions of said Har row County Court. l,ot all parties interested take uotice hereof. This April IKth. lirj.'l. W. H. QUARTERMAN, 4t Judge, Harrow County Corrt. SING LEES LAUNDRY I AM BACK IN WINDER AND WILL OPEN MY LAUNDRY ON— .Monday, April 15th,.j In Rear of Pat Rogers Market and Grocery I ASK THAT ALL OF MY OLD CUS TOMERS AND PATRONS CALL ON ME AND GIVE ME THEIR WORK. ALSO SOLICIT NEW CUSTOMERS. WILL DO YOLK WORK CHEAPER THAN YOI CAN GET IT ELSE WHERE? AND WILL GUARANTEE YOU GOOD WORK. Sing Lee Laundry. In Rear of Pat Rogers Store, Winder Numerical. TVe used to ask, “How many chip Bren have they?” Now, to be correct, sne says, “They haven’t any children, lave they?” although “There la one rhlid 1 believe," la permissible.— From Life, ROGERS “Where Satisfaction is a certainty.” No. 10 Pail Snowdrift Lard $1.23 Best Cream Cheese, per lb 29c Sliced Breakfast Bacon 35c Shredded Wheat . 10c 5 lbs. Best Grits 16c 5 lbs. Whole Rice 33c 16 oz. jar Cocoa . 39c Roger’s Bread . . 5c Courtesy and Cleanliness ROGERS Where Satisfaction is a Certainty 108 Broad street Winder, Ga Farm Loans and Winder City Loans. I make loans in Barrow, Gwinnett Walton, Jackson, Oconee and Morgan Comities in amounts from $500.00 to $100,000.00. 1 also make loans on Winder City Property. 1 solicit applications di rect from the farmers and from Bankers and Attorneys whose cus tomers and clients need money. Write to me and your business will have my prompt attention. S. G. BROWN, Banker Private Bank —Not Incorporated. Cmospd.3-1-23. Lawrenceville, Georgia. A Garage That Gives Service We repair automobiles. Every make. No job too large, none too small. Our guaran tee behind every job. We have on hand second-parts that we will sell cheap, for the following make of cars: OVERLAND, STUDEBAKER, OAKLAND, BUICK, MAXWELL, CHEVROLET. We can do your work on short notice, at a price that will please. LANTHIER & CHURCH Athens St. Garage Phone 210 OAK GROVE MISS Myrtle Itooth of Winder is vis iting her mother, Mrs. J. J. Booth. Mrs. J. C. McErer and mother, Mrs. Pierce, spent last Wednesday with Mrs. C. M. Williams. Miss Fdna Crook, and ONelle Ful cher were the week end guests of the former's aunt, Mrs. W. H. Final at Winder. Little Hilda Callahan of Atlasta in with her grandmother, Mrs. J. J i Booth. I Mr. Rutledge and son, of near Win der visited Mr. and Mrs. Mose Rutledge | Sunday. I Mrs. M J. Chapman and Mrs. It. H. Jones were the guests of Mrs. Mollie ■ Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilbanks spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. ,and i Mrs. T. K. WllllAanks. Mrs. Pierre and two sons, who have been with their daughter and sister for some time, left Saturday for I'ensacoia, Florida. The party given by Miss Dorothy Booth Saturday night, was enjoyed by all present. Messrs. Adolphus Hudson and Po sey Hudson and Clifford Neighbors, of I sear Maysville, visited the former's sister, Mrs. J. C. Payne, Sunday. I Mrs. Robert McElhnnnon and daugh ter, Madie, si>ent Wednesday after noon with Mrs. J. G. Harwell. | Mrs. M. F. Chapman and children visited Mrs. J. L. Harwell Tuesday af ternoon. Miss Eudene Jones spent Tuesday afternoon with Miss Edna Crook. Miss Marie Chapman Ls visiting home folks. The singing given at the home of Mrs. Mollie Sellers was enjoyed by all present. Selfishness Well Defined. Flow narrow the survey of selfish ness! ft Is like looking at a land scape through the end of n tube, which shows It only as a spot It Is like be ing on a mountain top with so stiff a neck that you cannot turn your head to see any part of the vast round of vision except that which Is Just be fore your eyes.—A. M. O. A. BETHLEHEM NEWS Mrs C T Mathews had as her gm m last week Mrs. Bernice Thornton an Mr and Mrs. W. A. Mcßreyer and daughter, of Chester S. < - Mrs. Weyman Harrison and chi Wren spent Friday in Winder with Mrs. lb, za Odum. , Mr. and Mrs. C„ P. Jennings spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mis ter, of Campton. , . , Mr and Mrs. J. H. Clack entertained at dinner on last Sunday in nf their little grandsons ninth birthda., Jack Hosch. ~. w Those present were Mr. and .Ii x - • W. Hosch and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hendrix, Mr. and Mrs. W. h ( la( ' ■ Mrs. Maude Hosch. Miss Ruth Ilosch. and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Clack. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hendrix sis-nt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mitchell of Hold Springs Mr. Bennie Moore was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Willis McDan iel Sunday. , . Mr. W. F. Clack spent Monday m At lanta. , Miss Modine Thompson was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H Clack. Mrs. John Charles and children of Piedmont, S. C.. are visiting Prof, and Mrs. J L. Moore this week. Mrs. Maughon of South Georgia is visiting her pa rests, Rev. and Mrs. Har rison of this place. Several from here attended the sing ing at Campton Sunday night. AUBURN NEWS Miss Mira Andrews of Atlanta was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ewing of S. C. C. last Sunday. Rev. Warwick filled his appointment at the Methodist church Sunday night. We are very sorry to note that Mr. George Giles is seriously ill at this writing. His many friends sincerely hope that ho will soon recover. Mr. and Mrs. J. (>. Hawthorne. Mrs. Tillman and son, Vivian, visited at Jersey Sunday. Mr. Branson Cain of Atlanta siient the week-end in Auburn with relatives and friends. Mrs. Ewing of South Carolina made a shopping trip to Winder Monday af ternoon. Mr. Hill Ethridge of Atlanta spent tho week end with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Collins ami son. Jewel and Misses Marietta Duncan and Jewrelle Pool, visited Misses Dessie Collins and Lila Pool of State Normal School Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Denson and Mr Patrick of Buford were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Peppers Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. Marcus Adair and family of Flog Mountain were guests of Mrs. Ay ers Sunday. Several young people from Auburn attended the party given at the home of Miss Lucile Henton of Dacula. Misses Gladys Oakes and Nona For rester of Lawrenceviile motored thru Auburn Sunday afternoon. Miss Ruth Ihirell had as her guest Saturday night, Miss Mae Tullis of Floschton. The social given by the Alphaz ta Lu orarv Society at S. C. C. was enjoyed by a large majority of the members. ' Rev. Warwick was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Daniel Sunday night. We are glad to report that Mrs. J. H. Peppers is recovering from her illness. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Little have as their guest this week their nephew, Mr. Bennett, of Duluth. Mr. and Mrs. Gay Etheridge motored to Winder Saturday afternoon. Sunday school every Sunday morning and afternoon and B. Y. P. F. every Sunday night. Everybody urged to at tend. PARISH LOCALS The people can't farm much these days, hut they are putting in good time quilting, fixing for cold weather while it is warm. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Allen spent Sat urday night with the latter's mother. Mrs. Pear lie Simpson. Miss Nettie Mae Etheridge spent Sat urday night with Miss Thelma Allen. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Ike Forrester were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Allen Sunday. Misses Bessie and Flora Simpson, Mattie Lou Fleeman and Margie lloquemore sj>ont Saturday night with Miss LoLla, Hula and Idell Little. Several attended the quilting at Mrs 0. P. Allen's Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hayes visited the latter’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Little Saturday night and Sunday. Misses Grade and Gladys Watson spent Sunday night with their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. H. It. Page. Miss Lncile Sigtnan spent Sunday | night with Miss Carmen Elder. Miss Rennette Wright of Lawrence ville spent a few days with relatives ihere. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wright and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bramblett, Mr J. T. Wright and Miss Essie Wright made a business trip to Gainesville on Monday night. Mr. Hubert Wright spent Saturday night with relatives in Lawrenceville. Miss Thelma Allenwas tin* dinner guest of Miss Nettie Mae Etheridge Sunday. Several enjoyed the chicken stew at Mrs. l’earlie Simpson's Monday night. Several of the ladles helped Mrs. A. N. Elliott with her quilting Tuesday afternoon. Misses Lola and Bula Little. Mattie Ism Fleeman and Mr. Bennie Fleeman were dinner guests of Misses Bessie and Flora and Mr. Herman Simpson Sunday. Sunday school at this place every Sunday: everybody come. Good luck to the News. Disagreeable Duties. The easiest time to do a disagree able duty ts when we first decide it t * duty. Evasion and delay double rhe unpleasantness, and hours of fore taste and distaste are added to dl* comfort the deck!re action tha. must come at last Bodging the disagree tnle is a losing game. THE WINDER NEWS midway Mr ami Mrs. Curtis Miller spent Sat urday night with Mr. and Mis. W. G. P T k h!"lmrty Saturday night at Mr and Mrs W H- Delay was highly enjoyed. n.d Mrs E C- Perkins spent Sun da aft i with Mr. and Mrs. h M l ,' s Lueher Frost spent Sunday af ternoon with Mrs. W. G Perknus. The singing at the church Sunday Ui M l ,- T. Barber spent Mondav 'afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J t!Jume jane and Mr. WUHe Per kins spent Saturday night with Mr. am Mrs. Lum Edgar. _ w . Mr. (1. P- Holloway spent Friday W ith Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lackey, Sr. Master Wiley Delay spent • wj le Sunday with Master Ernest lackey Mr* W T. Barber spent Saturday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. \\. O. S °Miss Larue Barber spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Eddie Ruth Do Lay Misses Lillie Mae and Odessa Mor rells and Maggie Ruth Jones spent Sat urday afternoon with Miss Mmnn " Mr. and Mrs. John Harris of Winder spent Sunday afternoon witn Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Perkius. Several from here attended the sing ing at Bethlehem Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lucker Frost spent Saturday night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Miller. Mr. C. K. Wills spent the week end with home folks. We are glad that the sick in this community are improving. HARMONY GROVE Our Sunday school is progressing nicely. We had a very large crowd last Sunday. Mrs. Jonnie Kerlin and son, of Bu ford. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Loviek Farr. Mrs. Roscoe Parks was the guest of Mrs. T. A. Wood Tuesday. Misses Jessie, Bessie and Ida Kin sey of Auburn, were seen in our burg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lovin visited Mr. and Mrs. John Hall Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Etheridge and children and Mrs. I’eavy of Atlanta, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Etheridge. Mr. and Mrs. .T. D. Tuggle of Dacu la visited the latter’s father, Mr. J. J. Farr Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Man - of Au burn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Marr. Miss Claudia Cox was the guest of Miss- Mabra Farr Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mr3. W. C. Smith was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wood Sun day afternoon. Master Raymond Smith si>ent Sun day with Master Gordon Wages. PROVIDENCE t MR. and Mrs. J. J. Wages were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mon Sykes Sunday. Miss Lola Cook spent Saturday night with Miss Cordelia Cofer. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fleming spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hun ter. Miss lads Nichelson spest the week (■ml with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Wages and Miss IXillie Mae Stovall spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Georgia Jones. Miss Sara Hunter spent Sunday with Miss Marie Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Grizzle spent last Susday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grizzle. AV E RY -Champion *S SNp H mSrj'.jrZ ju#* \ vfi ||| S j Wtm*t .. ; 1 First Choice With Farmers BECAUSE of all ’round excellence, Avery-Champion Binders are the first choice of most of our customers. They do their work perfectly, regardless of kind of grain or condition of crop. All the grain is put into the bundle with no loss from shattering or clogging. This saving alone soon pays their first cost. Avery-Champion Binders are built in the Avery factory at Louisville. The finest and most complete facilities for scientific precision are thus available. Only highest quality materials are used. Whether the platform is set high or low, the binder is always in balance. This eliminates neck weight and assures There it a full line of turnout Avery walking, riding and true tot plow*, tillage implement 0 and Champion harvetting machinery Winder Motor & Tractor Company Cleaning and Pres J \y e give the best service in town. q J are right. Single Suits Pressed I 5 Suits, per month, Pressed yfj Suits Cleaned * 1 Ladies Work according to material, 1 on application Yours for Service, I Citizens Pressing Cluj Phone 186 W. B. Wilson,] BOLL-WE-GO. MFG. CO. ■ FIGURE COST CAREFULLY fci BEFORE YOU BUY ANY BOLL WEEVIL POISON “*, enlCf Before you decide finally on the boll weevil poison that you to use this vear, carefully figure out what each kind will costyj^^J BOLL-WE-GOl selves The Calcium Arsenate Product H >—■ ate? costs only 14c a gallon. For approximately from $3 to Jf4 you c king tect an acre a season from the boll weevil. Besides, l’.uliwvt^^B sists rain, dew and winds. It sticks to the cotton plant loaf strive 1 'fITM makes fewer sprayings necessary. If saves material and labor. Another point. 8011-We-Go is applied in the daytime. No bing, slow and inefficient night work. That saves money. ffl Item curlier this, also. 8011-We-Go can be applied by a child. NoH| ed labor is required. That is another saving. I|9 Figure it out from all angles and we know that you will agree that from every standpoint of economy 8011-We-Go is the least eijptE , . flu sive good poison you can use. H 801 l We-Go is sure death to the boll weevil. Hundreds of the 1 m.) growers in the south have written us unsolicited testimonials teilH us of the deadly effect on the weevil. Unquestionably it will killH boll weevil on your place. It will do it quickly, thoroughly, cheaply,H Write for literature which will tell you all about 8011-We-Go.® I T. C. FLANIGAN & C(1 AUBURN, GEORGIA I BOLL-WE-GO MANUFACTURING (*, Long Distance Phone 1 Walnut 3915 I 63 North Pryor Street ATLANTA, fii lighter draft. The force-feed elevator, the knotter, the binding attachment, the driving mechanism and other parts are positive in action, simple and sturdy, Roller and ball bearings are liberally; used. All adjustments are easily made, Frame and other load-carrying parts are strong and well braced. -**—** We will be glad to explain these and other Avery features—tell you why they assure years of good work and an absence of trouble. Ask us also about Avery- ChampionMowers.Hay Rakes,Tedders, Side Delivery Rakes and other haying and harvesting machinery. We will demonstrate at your convenience. [* Rubecription p r j w . I