The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, April 19, 1923, Image 7

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TIICRPD-Vr. APRIL 19, 1923. Walt Holcomb Preaching to a VasJ; Throng of People. Mr. Mason will do the preaching during the Revival at the Methodist Church, Beginning Sunday, April 20. ■-f BETHLEHEM NEWS Mrs. 0. T. Mathews had as her guest last week Mrs. Bernice Thornton ami Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Meßreyer and .daughter, of Chester, S. C. Mrs. Weyman Harrison and children epent Friday in Winder with Mrs. Thir za Odum. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Jennings spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Dus ter, of C’ampton. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Clack entertained at dinner on last Sunday in honor of their little grandson’s ninth birthday, Jack Hosch. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. Hot from the wires No newspaper in the South is better equipped than the Atlanta Journal for getting the news to you the day it happens. For years The Journal has been served by the Associated Press, the world’s greatest newsgather ing agency, with its full leased wire service. Recently the Journal has taken on the full twenty-four service of the Associated Press. All through the night, all during the day, even in the wee small hours of the morning, these leased wires pour the news of the world into the Journal office, and it goes to you on the first train leav ing Atlanta. Besides the Associated Press, The Jour nal is served by the United Press’ full leased wire ser vice. If it happens, you can’t miss it, if you subscribe to The Journal. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By mail, payable in advance, daily and Sunday, One Year $9.50; Six Months $5.00; one month SI.OO. THE DAILY JOURNALL One year $7.50; Six Months $4.00; One month .70. THE SUNDAY JOURNAL One Year $5.00 Six Months $2.50 4' The Atlanta Journal ATLLANTA, GEORGIA W. Hosch and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Hendrix, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Clack. Mrs. Maude Ilasch, Miss Ruth Hosch, and Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Clack. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hendrix spruit Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mitchell of Bold Springs Mr. Bennie Moore was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Willis McDan iel Sunday. Mr. W. F. Clack spent Monday in At lanta. Miss Modine Thompson was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Clack. Mrs. John Charles and children of Piedmont, S. C., are visiting Prof, and Mrs. J. 1,. Moore this week. visiting her parests, Rev. and Mrs. Har rison of this place. Several from here attended the sing ing at Campton Sunday night. Smarty Boy, Smarty Boy. Tommy—“ Play store with me, ma ma.” Mother (with a headache) —All right But you must be quiet—very quiet.” Tommy—“ Sure, we’li pretend I do not advertise." FOR SALE Two International riding cultivators practically new. s,‘>o.oo each. Also a Dodge Van Speed wagon and Dodge Roadster body, chop.—A. D. THE WINDER NEWS CARD OF APPRECIATION The Superintendent and school offi cials wish to express their deep appre ciation for the faithful service and co operation of the people generally in taking care of the District Meet so suc cessfully. Especially are we under lasting obli gations to Mrs. G. A. Johns, chairman of the entertainment committee, and her assistants for the most excellent manner in which they handled the whole matter. The meet was a glori ous success from every viewpoint and the credit belongs to those whose ener gies for success never lagged. J. P. CASH, Supt. FAMILY REUNION There was a gala day at the home of Mr. ,T. L. Mobley on last Tuesday. April IS. There was a reunion of the Stew art family. Guss A. Stewart of Oglethorpe coun ty, 85 years old. Bud Stewart of Chatta nooga, Tenn., 77 years old, Mrs. Clem entine Armstead. 83 years old. and Rob ert Stewart 7!) years old, were present. It has been more than a quarter of a century since Guss and Bud had met These were the only living children of George Stewart who wed Miss Human. The childhood home of these good old people wore what we know as Suni merour home on the Winder and Law reneeville road a couple of miles out from Winder. We hope these good people may live long asd have other happy reunions. NOTICE MASONS. mi a regular eoinmuni tion of Winder lodge, No. 333, F. & A. M.. will be held in Ma- sonic Hall Friday ev ening, April 20. Entered Apprentice Degree will be conferred. All qualified brothers are invited to be present. W. A. BRADLEY, W. M. MARK SIMS, Secretary. Ice tea glasses, 75c set, at Smith Hardware Cos. Paris green and Arsenate of Lead Woodruff Hardware Company. Base bell headqt/irters at Smith Hardware Cos. Sherwin-Williams Paints —V oodruff Hardware Cos. Velvet Beans $2.50 bushel. —Woodruff. EXIDE Batteries are Superior. Sold by Smith Hardware Cos. One nice young mule at a reasonable price for the cash —1C L. Woodruff. For New Perfection Oil Stoves and Ovens —Woodruff’s. Buy KELLY Tires this week and save money.-—-Smith Hardware Cos. See us for Velvet beans, soy beans, and mong beans. —Woodruff Hdw. ( o. FOR RENT—Several nice rooms at the J. T. Maynard home place westside, Winder.—See J. H. Maynard. Screen doors, screen windows, screen wire, black and galvanized.—Smith Hardware Cos. FOR SALE—One 7-year-old mule, weight 1100 lbs.—R. L. Woodruff. New Perfection Oil stoves and ovens. See them at Woodruff's. Y'ou can paint your automobiD with our Auto Painting Outfits. Price only $4.00 now at Smith Hardware Cos. Calcium Arsenate in one pound cans. —WOODRUFF’S. See R. L. Woodruff for an extra plow mule. Fresh lot of bulk garden seed just received by Smith Hardware Cos. Velvet beans, $2.50 bushel.—Woodruff Soy beans, Mong Beas, and Velvet beans, Woodruff Hardware Cos. SPECIAL for 10 days. Goodyear's 25c Garden Hose for 15c per foot. Sold in j 25 and 50 feet lengths.—Smith llani-J ware Company. We’ve Got E’m ' .¥# :f\ ft> >r\ THE NEW GOODYEAR CROSS RIB CORD Fully Guaranteed Cord Tire Satisfaction at a Lower Price The Tire Service Station Phone 303 "" Winder, Ga. ■ Berry Brothers Auto Enamels, and Top and ress i ngs.—WOOI >RU FF’ S. Have your car doped with highest grade greases at Smith Hardware Cos. Berrycraft Varnish Stains for floors or furniture.—\VO< )DRI’FF’S. See our Ball Bearing Hand Duster. Woodruff Hardware Cos. 1-2-3-4; burner oil stoves ami single a;i(l double ovens at Smith Hdw. Cos. The Globe Dry Goods Store J. SILVERMAN, Prop. Spring is here in all its beauty and we are ready to give you the greatest bargains you ever saw in beautiful spring goods. Just look over these prices. You can’t beat them anywhere. Men s dress shirts 98c and up Men sand Boy s Caps 69c and up Men’s B. V. D.s . 69c Men’s Work Pants $1.75 and up Men’s Every day shoes $2.25 and up Men’s Work Shirts 49 c Men’s Straw, latest styles .... $1.79 and up Boys Suits $1.25 and up Boys’ knee Pants 98c and up Children’s Sandals and Slippers 98c and up Misses Straw Hats . . . 98c and up Misses and Children’s Dresses . sl.lO and up Ladies Slippers . . $1.98 and up Ladies House Shoes, Special ........ 98c Ladies Gabordine Skirts ............. 79c Ladies Silk Skirts $1.49 Ladies Plaid Pleated Skirts, Special . $4.19 36-in. Percal, good qual. nice selection 19c Ginghams, Special 8 yds. to a customer, Sat urday, only , 10c THE GLOBE STORE J. SILVERMAN, Prop. A Store With a Reputation Jett’s Store has the reputation of selling the best groceries and meats on the market . ;: '' v■' :: 7 * t *. .y. fv* !, and selling them at prices that will save you money. OUR GOODS ARE THE BEST OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST OUR SERVICE IS UNEXCELLED XET US SERVE YOU. W. C. JETT Phone 155 Winder, Ga. ] nftTT Subscription Price: #1.150 Per Tear., Garden seed in buIk—WOODRUFFS TO MY PATRONS & FRIENDS Owing to my health being had, and my eyesight poor, I am forced to dis continue work after 7 o'clock in the evening. My barber shop in open from 7 a. in. until 7 p. m. except Saturdays when we are open until 11 at night, and you will he waited on by my bar bers, who are always ready to servo you.—Geo. Anderson, “The Old Relia ble.” 2t