The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, April 19, 1923, Image 8

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■THU Af*RTL If>, 1623 Herrin’s 10c Store A Good Round Saving for you in Every Purchase: Savings on Every Day Goods , Big Savings! It took hard work and careful buying to get such unusual bargains, but we are mighty glad to offer you this big chance to spend freely while knowing that there is a thrifty saving in every purchase. Spend freely at the prices we are offering you in these goods and then put the savings in the bank, figure it up and you will find it amounts to quite a neat sum. We would like to list all the bargains we have to offer, but can’t in this small space. Just come to our store FRIDAY or the days following and see for yourself. However, we will list a few bargains in this ad. Mavis Talcum Powder ........ 10c 50c Jar Cold Cream 29c 10 qt. Galvanized water pail, worth very much more, this sale . ... . ~ 19c Flour Sifter ..... . ._m 9c Bleached Huck Towels 9c 6 oz. Crystal Vinegar bottle . .. 15c A good water tumbler 5c Turkish Bath Towels, size 20x34 at each 22c Clarks O. N. T. Thread 150 yds on a spool, 6 for . 25c Women’s Bleached ribbed vests, well worth 25c, to sell for 15c Good quality Curtain Scrim 10c yd. Ladies Panel back, mercerized hose, black only 39c pair Lesral Advertisements. Petition for Inters of Administration GEORGIA—Barrow county. To all whom it may concern : Mrs. G. L. Holloway has applied to me for permanent letters of adminis tration on the estate of G. L. Holloway, deceased, late of said county, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday In May, 1923. Witness my hand and oltioiul seal, this 2nd day of April, 1 trill. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. Application for Twelve Months Support GEORGIA—Barrow county. The appraisers upon the application of Mrs. Emma N. Smith, widow of Green W. Smith, deceased, for n twelve months support for herself out of the estate of said tireun W. Smith, deceas ed. having made their return: all per sons art 1 hereby cited to show cause, if any they have, before the court of ordinary, of said county on the. first Monday in May, 1923, why said appli cation should not he granted. This April 2. 1923. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. Application for Letters of Administra tion. GEORGIA—Barrow county. To all whom it may concern : George X. Bagwell and J. J. Wilson has applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of A. S. Eberhart, late of said county, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in May, 1923. Witness my hand and seal, this 2d day of April. 1923. • O. W. PARKER, Ordinary. Application for 'Twelve Monts Support GEORGIA— Barrow county. The appraisers upon the application of Mrs. Frances Eberhart. widow of A. S. Eberhart. for a twelve months support for herself and two minor chil dren out of the estate of said A. S. Eb erhnrt. deceased, having made their re turn : all persons are hereby cited to show cause, if any they have, beforei the Court of Ordinary of said County on the first Monday in May. 1923, why said application should not be granted. This April 2nd. 1923. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. CITATION GEORGIA— Barrow county. Mrs M. F. Morgan. Guardian for Earl Morgan and Pearl Morgan lias applies! to me for a discharge from her guardianship of said Earl Morgan and Pearl Morgan. This is. therefore to no tify all persons conerrned to file their objections, if any they have, on or be fore the first Monday in April. 1923. next, else said Mra. M F. Morgnn will be discharged from her guardianship as applied for. C W PARKER. Ordinary Qfdiaar? Baraovr county. Sale Starts Friday Morning, April 20th, 8:00 o’clock Herrin’s 10c Store, Winder, Georgia CITATION In Re: Last Will of George A. Smith. Court of Ordinary of Barrow coun ty. Petition for Probata of will in sol emn form. To Frank Smith, Kansas City, Kan., heir at law: Mrs. Laura R. Smith Jackson having applied, as legatee, for probate in sol emn form the Inst will and testament of George A. Smith of said county, you ns one of the heirs at law of said George A. Smith, being a non-resident of this state, are hereby required to he and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in May 1923, whein said application for pro bate will be heard, and allow cause, if any you have or can. why the prayer of the petition should not be had and allowed. This April 2nd, 1923. €. W. PARKER, Ordinary. SALE GEORGIA- Barrow county. By virtue of an order from tlie Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in May, 1923, at tint court house di>or in said county, between the legal hours of sale, and to the highest bidder, the following described lands ns the prop erty of O. L. Casey, deceased : All that tract of land in Jones District, said county, and bounded as follows: On the north by lands of T. A. Smith mid Woodruff, oil the east by lands of John Clack; on the south hy lands of Toni Austin, on the west hy lands of Tom Austin and John Clack, containing St? acres, more or less. Terms of sale, cash. This March 22, 1923. Winder National Bank. By C. O. Maddbx. Cashier. As Administrator of the Estate of O. L. Casey, deceased. GEORGIA, Barrow county. All creditors of the estate of Green W. Smith, late of said county, deceas ed. are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned ac cording to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make im mediate payment to us. This April 2d. 1923. G. RALPH SMITH, J. ROY SMITH. Administrators of Green W. Smith, de ceased. fit .50 I am again representing the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Cos., of Newark, N. J., established in IS4T). A strictly mutual annual dividend {laying Com pany. Its policy holders are its best friends, protect your family and your estate with one of its policies. Yours to serve. tf L. A. HOUSE. Switzerland Leads In Mutes, In proporthxi to population Switzer land has many more deaf mutes thBD j Soes any ether country. Ladies Gingham Dresses, good qual ity, well made, to go at . . $1.69 each Avery pretty lot Voile, 36 inch wide to go at ni_- t* l*j 25c Clothes Pins 5c dozen Men’s good Madras Shirts ; ..., u .. 79c Good Army Sox, Class 8., worth up to 25c 5c a P AIR Men’s and Boys Army Undershirts and Drawers, class B, worth up to 75c 23c MAPLE VALLEY MR. Davis and children from near Carl spent Saturday night and Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Partin of Campton. Mrs. John Reed and children spent last Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. M. J. Austin and children. Misses Janie, Eddie, and Ruth Chan eey spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Burry Partin. Mrs. M. J. Austin and daughter vis ited part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. N. It. Austin and family of Beth* lehem. Miss Hattie Jackson from Winder spent Saturday night and Sunday with homefolks near Campton. Mr. Itoy Chancey and Mr. Bob Chan coy spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Chancey and family. Misses Janie and Ituth Chancey were in Monroe Monday shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Partin from Whitley spent Saturday nad Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Partin and family of Campton. Several from hero attended the sing ing at Bethlehem Sunday afternoon. Mrs. W. P. Parker made a business trip to Athens last Wednesday, noon. Miss Cochran of Buford was the guest of her sister. Mrs. H. E. Haynie Saturday night. Mrs. Anna Hammond of Statham is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Colunib'us Ham mond for a few days. Miss Viola Hardigree is very ill at this writing. Miss Lille Mae Holloway of Beth lehem is the guest of Miss Ruby Davis this week. Mr. Gifton Greeson, who has been at work in Hancock county for some time lias returned home. Miss Jewel Williamson was the guest of Miss Norma Hardigree Saturday af ternoon. PROVIDENCE • MR. and Mrs. J. J. Wages were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Mon Sykes Sunday. Miss Lola Cook spent Saturday night with Miss Cordelia Gofer. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fleming spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hun j ter. Miss Lois Niehelson spest the week end with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Wages and Miss LLillie Mae Stovall spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Georgia Jones. Miss Sara Hunter spent Sunday with Miss Marie R ml. Mr. and Mr> Otis Grizzle spent last Susda.v with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grizzle. 1 Frotme Banana. Tha productivity of the banana i freater than that of any other food bearing plant One acre and a little labor •vlli annually produce 17,000 pounds of bananas. One remarkable feature la Its Immunity faoaa dtasa^ THB. WINDER NEWS 6 I've Got 4 FREE PUZZLE FOR EVERYBODY MAN, WOMAN ANO CHILD ; Has —! CALL FOR IT-— —| j Here’s something for you—a new puzzle Ii —and say, it’s sure a dandy. Wish you could see I | the big stack I’ve got piled up here -looks like a I I mountain. There are thousandsand thousands of them—all packed ready for me to put your name I and address on, just as soon as you send them. P“ ■ I want every boy and girl, every man and I woman to have one of these Calumet Puzzles. It’s more fun than a box of monkeys—the longer you work with this puzzle the more interested you become—the better you like it. - Send for one—see how long it takes you I to solve it—spring it on some of your clever, I friends —see how fast their brains work —see if they can solve a real puzzle. I Don't wait—cut the coupon out right Brooms, Extra ........... 59c each Children’s (Sunday) Hats, nice qual ity ...... .... ..............69c Ladies dress hats $1.98 gets a pretty one. Congoleum Square, 6x9 1 .. $3.19 each 1195 stockings .i.,,.. .. 9c pair (6) Muffin Pans t . c .„ . .-. ~... . ..., 10c Children’s 3-4 length, black sox, 50c quality t . 25cto 39c Nice quality House Slippers, 98c One lot Ladies Waists, worth up to $1.50, this sale 39c each Ladies Silk dresses $9.95 Childrens Gingham dresses, prettily trimmed, well made, sizes 7 to 14 at.. .. $1.25 > K' . t z.- , t 7 I ! 1 Subscription Price: $1.60 Per Yeer.