The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, May 03, 1923, Image 6

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H'l*tt3DAY, MAY 2, MIS3 Leeal Advertisements. SALE GK< )HO!A Pa now county. By virtue of iiti order from the Court of Ordinary of said county, will l sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in May, 1023. at tint court house door in said county, between the legal hours of sale, and to the highest bidder, the following described lands as the prop ortv of O. L. Casey, deceased: All that tract of land in Joins District, said county, and bounded as follows: On the north by lands of T. A. Smith and Woodruff, on tin* cast by lands of John Clack; op the south by lands of Tom Austin."oil the west by lands of Tom Austin and John Clack, containing Ht a<fres, more or less. Terms of sale, cash. This March 22. 1923. Winder National Bank. By O. O. Maddox. Cashier. As Administrator of the* Estate of O. L. Casey, deceased. I GEORGIA, Barrow county. All creditors of the estate of Green W Smith, late of said county, deceas ed, arc hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned ac cording to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make im mediate payment to ns. This April 2d, 39211. O. RALPH SMITH, .7 ROY SMITH. Administrators of Green \V. Smith, de ceased. 61.50 PERFECTION DUS TER ASKS CHARTER GHORGI A—Bnrrow county. K L. Carlthers, I*. A. and H. T. Flan igan aiwl others, of tin* Perfection Dus ter Cos., the new dusting luaehine that lias caused a sensation over the south. Ims asked the court to he incorporated The petition of It L. Carithers, H. T. Flanigan and P. A. Flanigan, all of the county of Harrow and State of Georgia, respectfully shows: t. That they desire for themselves, •their associates and successors, to he loco:porated and made a body politic under the name ami style of PEUFEC •TOON DPSTEIt COMPANY for the pe riod of twenty years. 2. The principal cilice of tin* said company shall he in the City of Win der, said state and countv. hut peti tioners desir** the right to establish branch offi a s within tins state else where wherever and whenever the hol ders of a majority of the stock shall so determine. ■'>. The object of the said cor|s:a tion is pecuniary gain to itself and its tjliareholders. 4. The business to he carried on by the said coifsirntion is that of manu facturing and selling either at whole sale or at retail dusting machines of any character, hut particularly for tin manufacture ami sale of the PERFEC TION DUSTER for use in distributing calcium arsenate and likewise for the sale and manufacture of any and all kinds of machines or sprays for use in distributing calcium arsenate and oth er like substances and for the manu facture aid sale in like manner ol' any •and all parts to Ik* used in the said machines. fi. The CAPITAL STOCK of said corporation shall he TEN THOUSAND -DOLLARS with the privilege of in creasing same hrom time to time by a vote of the holders of the majority <>i <he stock outstanding to a sum not to .exceed ONE HUNDRED FIFTY /THOUSAND DOLLARS, which said capital stock shall In* divided into -shares of one hundred dollars each, ten | K r r <ynt. of the said minimum capital vdock has actually been paid In and petitioners desire the further right to have the subscriptions to the said cap ital stock paid in money or property or patents or franchises to le taken at a fair valuation and petitioners further desire ths right to issue common and preferred stock in sucli proportions a the stockholders may determine by a majority vote. The rights of the hold ers of preferred stock shall be tlxod b> the I y-laws of the corporation before the issuance thereof and the by-laws pertaining to these rights shall not be changed, amend or rescinded without the unanimous consent of all of the .said holders >r preferred stock present and voting when the rights of preferr ed stock holders were tirst fixed and ratal dished. *. Petitioners desire the right to sue and l>e sued, to plead and l*e im-j pleaded, to have and use a common seal, to make all necessary by-laws and recitin' ions, to elect idl necessary or usual officers and directors, the officers to be chosen by the directors, to do all j other things that may be necessary for the successful carrying on of said bus iuesa. including the right to buy, bold j and sell real-estate and personal prop erty suitable to the purposes of the cor poration, and to execute notes and bonds as evidence of indebtedness in curred or to be Incur ml in tin* con duct of the affairs of the corporation and to secure the same by mortgage or (Security deed or other form or lien or security under existing laws at tin* time of the execution of said instru ments. 7. Petitioners desire for the said corporation the power and authority to apply for and uceept amendments to its charter either of form or substance by a vote of a majority of its stock outstanding at the time. They also ask authority for the corporation to wind up its affairs, liquidate apd discontinue its business at any time it may deter mine to do so by a vote of two-thirds of its outstanding at the time. . They desire for the said corpor ation the right of renewal ; it- char ter when and as is provided by the laws of Georgia and that it have all in,Hi other rights, powers, privileges and immunities as are incident to like corporations or permissible under the laws of Georgia Wherefore, petitioners pray to be in corporate! under the name and st>h ■aforesaid with all of the powers, pnv lieges and immunities herein set forth and as are now or hereafter may be a I lowed to a .corporation of similar char- APPLICATION FOR CHARTER GE< )RGI A—-Barrow county. To The Superior Court of said coun ty : The petition of It. L. Woodruff, W. 11. Jennings and H. S. Woodruff, all of the said county of Barrow. State of Georgia. First. That they desire for tliem selviis, their association and successors to he incorporated and made a body politic, having the name and style of “Woodruff Cotton Duster Co..’ 'for the period of Twenty years. Second. The principal office of said Corporation shall be jn the city of Win der. Barrow county, Georgia, hut peti tioners desire the right to establish branch offices in tin* said state of Geor gia. or elsewhere should the .stockhol ders by majority vote so determine. Third. The object of the said cor poration is pecuniary gain for Us stockholders. Fourth. The Capital Stock of said corporation shall he $10,000.00 with the privilege of increasing same to SIOO,- 000.00, should the stockholders so desire which said stock shall be divided into shares of SIOO.OO par value each. Six Thousand Dollars <>f said capital stock has already been paid in. Petitioners desire tlie right to accept in payment at fair valuation. They also desire the for stock, property, franchises, patents, as vvifll as money, same to he taken at right to issue preferred stock as well as common, in proportions to he fixed by the action of the stockholders. Fifth. The business to he carried on by said corporation is that of manufac turing and selling, by whol sale and retail machines for dusting cotton, and the parts for same, of any kind and character, for the application of cal cium arsenate or other poisons, either by dusting or spraying. Sixth. Petitioners desire the right to sue and be sudd, to plead and he im pleaded. to have and use a common seal, to make all by-laws neces-ai y for their business, to elect all usual and necessary officers and directors and gen ("ally to do all things necessary for tin* conduct of said business, in cluding the right to buy, hold and sell real estate and personal property, to deal in merchandise of all sorts, to ex ecute notes or bonds as evidencri of in debtedness Incurred or to li* incurred in the course of business of saiil cor poration and to secure the same by mortgage or souirity deed as provided by law Seventh Petitioners desire for said corporation the power and authority to apply for and accept amenduents to its charter by a majority vote of its outstanding stock They also desire au thority to wind up the affairs of said corporation, liquidate and discontinue its business at any time, by action of holders of 2-3 of the outstanding stock nt the time Eighth They desire the right and privilege* or renewal of Hie charter of said corporation as provided by the laws of (rilorgia. and that it have all such other rights, powers, privileges and immunities as are incident to like corporations and permissible under the laws of Georgia Wherefore, petitioners pray to be incorporated under the name and style ns aforesaid, with all the powers, privileges and immunities herein set forth and as are now, or hereafteu may Ist allowed to a corporation of similar character under the laws of the State of Georgia W II QUARTER MAX Petitioners’ Attorney Georgia Harrow county 1, A. T. Harrison. Clerk of the Supe rior Court of Harrow county, hereby certify that tin* foregoing is a true and oorr<et copy of the application for charter as the same appears of file in this office. This the day of April, ]<)•>;{ A. T. HARRISON, Clerk of Superior Court, Harrow coun ty, Georgia. CHANDLERS These tine showers are making the boll weevil food just fine. Mrs. H. E. Wood spent Sunday even ing with Mrs. R. H Peppers. Mrs. Annie Kennedy visited Miss Viola Harrison Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hailey announce the birth of a son. Mrs Mary Watkins is better at this writing. , , The singing at Mr. R. L. Kennedy s Sunday night was enjoyed by nil pres ent. , ... Miss Vesta Lovin spent Monday with Miss Annie Kcnncly Mis-os Ard II and Willie Mae Peppers spent Sunday evening with Miss Ena Harrison. , , . Mr. anil Mrs. Earl Crows baby has limn very ill Mr. and Mrs. Will Watkins spent Sunday evening with his mother, Mrs. Mary Watkins. Mrs. It. L. Kennedy and Mrs. Mae Asheworth spent Sunday evening " ith Mrs. Will Hailey. Miss Vesta Lovin spent Saturday night with Mi.-s Irene Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. 11. It. Kennedy spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. \\ 111 Hailey. Mr. and Mrs. George Stevens spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. Wood. Mr. H. H. Peepers and Mr. F. E. King spent Sunday evening with Mr. 11. E. Wood. nett r under the laws of Georgia. G. A. JOHNS. Attorney for Petitioners. GEORGIA Harrow county. 1. \ T. Ha: risen, Clerk of the Su perior Court of Harrow county, hereby cert if\ that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of tin* application for charter ns the ame appears of tile In this office. This the 12th day of April, A. T. HARRISON, Clefrk of Superior Court, Harrow comity CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years A.' ways bears - Signature of PARISH LOCALS MISS Nettie Mae Etheridge spent Sat urday night with Miss Thelma Al len. Mrs. Tilda Elliott and children. Jew el and Chester, spent Friday night with Mr, and Mrs. H. F. Elliott of Cedar Hill. Mr. and Mrs. A. ,7. Hayes spent Sat urday night with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Little. Miss Bessie Simpson was the guest of Mrs. Alma Roquemore Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. It. Page visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I). F. Page of near Chapel Sunday. Several front here attended the* play at Cedar Hill Friday night, April 20, and enjoyed it fine. Master Gartreile Elliott spent Mon day and Tuesday nights with Master Chester Elliott. Miss Flora Simpson spent Wednes day night with her sister, Mrs. Bertie Allen. Mrs. Delphia Elliott made a business cal! on Mrs. C. P. Allen Monlay. Miss Thelma Allen started to school at Auburn Monday, April 23rd. Misses Beulah and Idell Little were guests of their sister, Mrs. A. J. Haves. Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. S. E. Elliott is spending awhile with her son, Mr. H. F. Elliott of Cedar Ilill. Quite a number from here attended the play at County Line Saturday night, April 21, and reported it good. Mr. A. N. Elliott made a business trip to Commerce Friday and Saturday. The party given by Misses Nellie and Ruth Allen Saturday night was en joyed by all present. Misses Nellie, Thelma and Ruth Al len and Mrs. Jessie Page were guests of Mrs. A. N. Elliott and daughter, Jew ell, Saturday afternoon. The singing at Mrs. Pearlie Simp son's Sunday night was enjoyed by all present Mr and Mrs. W. E. Flanigan and .Miss Bessie Simpson were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wright Sunday. UNION GROVE j Several from here attended the Bi lde school convention at Union Grove Saturday and Sunday and reported a nice time and plenty to eat. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cook from, Pentecost spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hin Spence. Mrs. W. A. Maddox mil children and Mr. Felix Maddox spent the weekend visiting relatives in and near Gaines ville. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Harbin spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. M r . V. Healnn of Carl. The farmers of this community were glad to see tin* rain. Miss Fannie Lou Foster spent a few days this week with her grand mother. M's. Fannie Hammonds of Winder. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Williams and daughter, Chif tine, spent Sunday j mith Mr. and Mrs. Martin Williams, I of near Statham. Miss Louise Eley spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Elev. Mr. and Mrs. George Foster spent awhile Sunday afternoon with tin* latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Page. Mr. Pete Wood and daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hud Wood. Mr. and Mrs. George Sims and chil dren, James and Louise, sj>ont Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Harbin. Miss Beulah Wilson from Jefferson spent awhile Sunday witli her sister. Mrs. Hud Wood. Miss Nora Sauls Spoilt Saturday nivht with Miss Beatrice Vandiver. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Foster spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will May nard of Nazareth. Mrs. Lester Hammoml snout Sunday afternoon with Mrs. I). Chapman. i I am acain representing the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Cos., of Newark, N. J.. established in 1545. A strictly mutual annual dividend paying Com pany. Its policy holders are its best friends, protect your family and your estate with one of its policies. Yours to serve. tf L. A. HOUSE. I WATCH THIS SPACE Why suffer with Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Lumbago, Headaches or anv kinds of pains, colds or flu or other troubles, such as soreness, coughs, or other inflamation, when Excel Liniment prepared by the Grad dick Remedy Cos. Winder, Ga„ can be secured, and by applying freely to affected parts as these testimonials will show, will give such wonder ful relief. April 25th, 1923. Mr. F. Grnddick. Proprietor Graddiek Remedy Cos., Winder. Ga. Pear Sir: It gives me great pleasure to advise you of some of tlie benefits derived from the use of your Excel Liniment. Sometime ago l was stricken with flu and I was advised that if 1 would use your Lini ment freely 1 would timl it very helpful; acting on this advice I applied it as suggested and am frank to say 1 think it one of the best rem edies 1 have ever use.l, as I orained iiuick relief and felt its healing effects from the first application. Then again i was stricken with rheumatism in my right knee a few days ago. My knee had swollen aid I suffered intense pain, and by applying Excel Liniment freely 1 had obtained complete relief within two days, and 1 must say that I cannot recommend it too highly in the treatment of the above trouble to any one suffering with pains, colds or flu. Yom ' s C. W. BRUMBY. Remember to shake well before using. Quick to penetrate. Will not grease or blister Price 50c. For Sale By Graddiek Remedy Cos., and G. W. DeLaPerriere & Sons THE WINDER NEWS CARL THE singing viven by Miss Ruby I,ee Carter Sunday night was well at ; nided and enjoyed by all present. Rev. J. W. Austin and Mr. Franklin attended preaching at Auburn Sunday morning Miss Florence Chaffin was the guest of Miss Louise Jordon Sundae. Several from here attended the Sun day school convention at Union Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Q. Sammons of T,aw reneeville visited relatives here Satur day and Sunday. Mrs. Etta Franklin spent Sunday af t< moon as the guest of Mrs. Anna Eth eridge of Chandlers who happened to tin* painful accident of falling and breaking three of her rifts a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Hill Wiley of Union Grove visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Boss, here Saturday night. Mrs. Thurmond McDaniel was tlie guest of Mrs. Everett Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. 7F. Jackson visited relatives at Bethlehem Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Everett were the guests of their daughter. Mrs. Moss Vanderford of Bethel Saturday night and Sunday. Messrs. Onie B. Kennedy and Scott Darter attended Sunday school at Au burn Sunday morning. Messrs. H. C. Carter and Thurmond McDaniel made a business trip to Da eula Monday afternoon. We are sorry indeed to report the se rious illness of Mr. Manse Etheridge, one of Auburn’s most useful and best citizens. We hope to hear of his recov ery soon. Mr. Gillie Freeman of Buford at tended the singing at Mr. Clifton Car ter's Sunday night. The members of Carl, Cedar Creek and Appalachee Baptist churches will meet at Carl Baptist church next Sat urday, May sth. for the purpose of or ganizing a singing choir. All the peo ple of these communities are invited and urged to lie present. Excellent Philosophy. Life is like a game of whist I don't enjoy the game much; out I like to day my cards well and see what will m the end of It. —George Eliot Weak Back Mrs. Mildred Pipkin, of R. F. D. 8, Columbia, Tenn., says: “My experience with | Cardui has covered a numbe.- of I years. Nineteen years ago .. . j 1 got down with weak back. I was run-down and so weak and nervous I had to Stay in bed. Ii read of OAROiII The Woman's Tonic and sent for it. I took only one ] bottle at that time, and it helped me; seemed to strengthen and build me right up. So that is | how I first knew of Cardui. [ After that,.. . when I began to I get weak and ‘no account’, I | sent right for Cardui, and it never failed to help me.” If you are weak and suffering I from womanly ailments, Cardui | may be just what you need. I Take Cardui. It has helped j thousands, and ought to help you. At all druggists’ and dealers'. E 97 ZZ INSURANCE Tour neighbor's home burned only a few days or months ago and a cjcion* is likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US and lie own at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don t DELAY. t may mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once. A W ISE man insures his property in a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to his peace of mind and the care of his lovedones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith NOTHING BUT INSURANCE The oldest insurance agency here, representing some of the oldest biggest, strongest and best insurance companies in the woild, for Life Accident and Health; Fire, Plate Glass, Compensation, Liability, Au tomobile; Lightning, Hail, Parcel Post, Burglary, Farm Insurance; Bonds, in fact— “WE INSURE EVERYTHING AGAINST ANYTHING.” For prompt service see— F. W. BONDURANT & CO. 4th floor Winder Nat. Bank Building Office Phone No. 260 Residence Phone No. 44 TRY BENSON’S RAISIN BREAD, GRAHAM BREAD & WHITE BREAD CAKES MADE WITH FRESH FRUIT SOLD BY YOUR GROCER Benson’s Bakery Cleaning and Pressing We give the best service in town. Our prices are right. Single Suits Pressed . 85c 5 Suits, per month, Pressed $1.50 Suits Cleaned , , 75c Ladies Work according to material. Prices on application Yours for Service, Citizens Pressing Club Phone 186 W. B. Wilson, Prop. Its Usco Tlme Again United States Tires § J$H |/ \|| I ■"THE 30x31/2 “Usco” f j . A. is still the fabric -SK--* . tgl money’s* worth of i < JHI America. If your dealer j jjjßj b | gra tries to sell you some- IHI thing else he won’t be | Jjjf j surprised if you tell IMg J “UscoY’are built by j Mg -3 the same people who /M make Royal Cords. This fact counts . Where to buy US.Tires Smith Hardware Cos. Subscription Trice: $1.50 Per 7ear.