The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, May 17, 1923, Image 4

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THURSDAY, MAY.It, 1923. l wA \ 1 (to Re-tire? WOODRUFF HARDWARE CO. Winder, Ga. T. E. COLLINS Auburn, Georgia O Too Tan Soy Roans,— Woodruffs. Cornfield Roans in Bulk.—Woodruffs. S o us for NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVES.—Woodruff Hardware Cos. ltuy o Too Tan So.v Roans and DO dav runner V elvet Leans from \\ nod ruff Hardware Cos. We have a limited supply ut both. A New Perfection Oil Store can be tit needed on. Woodruff Hdw. Cos. Berry Brothers Auto paints and enamels. Sold hy Woodruff Hardware For sale, one nice young mule, or choice of three. —Woodruff Hdw. Cos. Ninety Day rufcuijbr Velvet bonus, sold by Woodruff Hardware Cos. New Perfection Oil Stoves and re pairs sold by WOODRUFFS. S<*e It. L. Woodruff for extra mule. Genuine Blood blade wheat cradles. $5.50. Woodruff Hardware Cos. See us for house pants, varnishes, varnish stains, etc. Woodruff Hdw. Fsl Casings are superior.—Wood ruff Hardware., exclusive dialers. VelvC BEANS, 00 day runners, $2 per bushel.' — W( X)1 >lt I FFS. MIDWAY LOCALS Mrs. H T. Walls and children spent Tuesday aft moon with Mrs. Sam Ken nedy of ('handlers. Mr. Jimmie Hirers of Alnbmna spent Saturday and Suuday with bouie folk.s. Mr. Leonard Kennedy s|MMit awhile with Mr. Luther Sells Sunday. Messrs. Dewey Lynch. Jimmie Itig g< rs and Luther McDaniel visited Miss Minnie McDonald Sunday. Misses Annie and Nora Wall were the guests of Miss Minnie McDonald Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 11. T. Wall were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W F Hall last Sunday. Misses Susie Hello and Mildred Brew er six'id Sunday night with Miss Essie Wall. Misses Minnie McDonald. Nora and Annie Wall and Irene Kennedy, and Me-ssrs, Dewey Lynch and Leonard Kennedv visited the It. Y. I*. l ! . at Wh enever last Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. W 1* (Jilbert spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. 11. Ken nedy. Mr and Mrs. Willie Rutledge visited her parents, "Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sells, Sunday. Mi. Meeks made a business trip to Atlanta Friday. Mrs. Tilda Mobley is spending n while with her daughter, Mrs. S. 11. Kennedy. Messrs. Ira Adams. These Dillard and Arthur John I’riee passed through this hnrg on their way to Mr. Bert Man dews. The singing at Mr. ltert Mander’s Sunday night was highly enjoyed. Messrs. Joel Hall, Byron and Miriam Brewer were* guests of Mr. Rufus Wall Sunday morning. Miss Nora Wall spent last Sunday night with MBs Irene* Kennedy. Mr. Shug Ruthslge visited Ids broth er, Mr. J. S. Rutledge, at Stephens. Ua. last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Patrick visited her pa units. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Ken nedy Sunday. Messrs. W. 11. Patrick and son. Wil lis, anil Jimmie Rutledge, passed thru hewre Sunday morning Mrs. J. L. Ollis was the guest of Mrs. 11. T. Wall Saturday morning. Miss Essie Wall sjeeuit Saturday night with Misses Susie Belle and Catherine Brewer Come on and guess this riddle: If there was a cut in a well MO feet de*ep and it enme up a foot every night, how many nights would it take it to get out ? Misses Annie and Nora Wall had as their guest Monday Miss Annie Brady. Mis:-i Annie Brady and Nora Wall spent Saturday night and Sunday with Misses Erie and Irene Archer. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our heart felt thanks to our beloved friends and neighbors for the many acts of kind ■css and words of sympathy shown us during the illness and de*ath of our darling baby, Elizabeth. May God’s richest blessings be wPh eae*h of you. Sincerefly, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. McDonald. Miss Nannie Mae Brown returned to her home in Ellfcrton Wednesday af ter a visit to her sister. Mrs. B. Al mond. * * * V Mr. and Mrs. George Bagwell. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Aikeri were visitors to Atlanta last Thursday. * * * Mrs. W. F. Hubbard has returned from Koyston, where she spent several days witli hir mother, who has been quite ill. • • • Dr. and Mrs. ('. B. Almond spent last Sunday in Elherton with the former's mother. * * •Miss Itelia I.ay celebrated her eighth birthday last Saturday with a delight ful party. After many merry games had been enjoyed refreshments wire served. About twenty guests enjoyed lids happy occasion. \J Mrs. Hattie Eugenia DeLaFerriere Jlitertnined at a lovely siv o'clock din ner last Tuesday evdning. Her guests included her present and former teach ers .who were Misses Mary Lou Cargill, Eh-sie Henson. Ida Kilgore, Mabel Jackson, Miriam Bennett, Bessie Ben ton and Alma Hagoi and. and Mrs. It. H. Kimball. • * • MB. T. F. MOORE SEKIOI SI A ILL. Xlr. T. F. Moore, proprietor of the New Winder H otel. has been in a se rious condition for several days, on ac count of a cancerous growth on his ear. which is slowly causing his death. Mr. Moore has been in the hotel Inisi ix'kx for a number of years and has many friends who are concerned about his condition. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Broome are welcoming them home after several months spent in Georgia, Florida and Alabama. Among those entertaining for Mrs. Broome tin’s week are Mrs. W. ,|. Burch. Tuesday morning at a small informal party to which eight of tin* honor guest’s close friends were invit ed: Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. It. II Kimball entertained the Bridge club in honor of Mrs. Broome. Mrs. J. J. Wilson invited several friends and neighbors of Mrs. Broome in for a morning party Wednesday morning. And Wednesday afternoon Mrs. 11. A. ('anthers gave a small Bridge party for her. DEATH OF WILLIE IfOSS. Willie Buss, a well known citizen of Barrow county, died at his home Sun day morning. Me had been an invalid for quite a number of years. He was tlit* son of J. J. Boss w'no died some years ago. Mr. Willie Boss was about •43 years of age and was liked by all who knew him. He was Buried at Bethabara church Monday, Rev. ,1. Frank Jackson preaching the funeral service. M. Ferguson ifc <’o., of this of this city, had charge of the burial. PRESBYTER!CHIRCII CALENDAR. Sunday school 10 o’clock F. (’. GRADDICK. .Supt. Morning worship 11 :.’SO A. M. Evening worship ... K:(>0 p. M. Mid week si rvice Wed. S P. M. Christian Endeavor __ _ t!: l' P. M. Charles Harris, I’res. Woman's Auxiliary Mrs. I*. N. Autry,, President Mrs. F. C. (iraeldiek, Treas. Mrs. W. H. Quarterman. See. Mendings are regularly on the* Mon days after tlie* 2nd anel 4tli Sundays at !! :.’{(> P. M. To all services all people are wel come at all times under all circumstan ces. Our aim is to supply mankind's greatest need —the* original gospel of Je'sus Christ in its original form—“the power of God unto salvation to every one that behweth.” Watch the big “T” advertisement. Complete Automotive Service If your car won’t start If your car won’t run smooth If your brakes don’t hold If your car needs grease or oil If your car needs a bath If your battery needs water If you want to store your car If you want anything from a 10c fuse to a complete overhaul job. Phone 106 Auto Sales Cos. NOWELL & CARRINGTON Ford Old Stand Candler Street HERE IS THE ORIGIN OF DRESSES Dllt you ever hear tin* story of how Betty Wales dresses happened to \k‘‘! How the Betty Wales dress makers decided to give them the name and tin* Ploshkin label they bear? Margaret Warde, author of the Bet ty Wales books, was the originator of the idea. Some years ago Miss Warde wrote a serifts of eight hooks and in all of them Betty Wales was her hero ine. The stories are clean and whole- some. full of human interest and full of the American girl's joy of living. Every girl, beforu she reaches her teens, has read of the antics of Betty Wales in her four years of college, of her trip abroad, her venture in bus iness. her job as secretary and lastly, wh *i Betty Wales became a bride. So. long Before dresses bearing the Betty Wales name were made, she bad thousands of friends who are now buying her dresses. When a New \ork tirni of dross manufacturers decided to manufacture a certain line of dress es under one label, it was Margaret Warile who was called upon and asked to write another book, giving the ori gin of the Betty Wales dresses, flic name the firm had decided to give its new line. Miss Warde hits written it most in teresting booklet telling of the return of Unity Wales and six of her friends into the dressmaking world, during their junior year at Harding college. It was after the girls had spent a sum mer working, after Betty was married and abroad with iter husband, and her return to this country, when she re sumed her work, that the Betty Wales dresses came into existence. And accord ing to Miss Warde's story of “Betty Wales, Business Woman,” or Mrs. Jim Watson, now that she is married, is still designing dresses, while her hus band maintains his job as an architect in New York. Tim Betty Wales label always Hears that funny little Ploshkin emblem. The Ploshkin was adopted as an emblem of gone! luck anel good' fortune by the Ilarding I*o! lege girls in the Betty Wales hooks. According to their own mythic description, the* Ploshkin is some kind of bird, or lish which, when it mine from the sea to the land, in search of food, was caught by its slip pery tail and made to sit up and pose 1 fir its statue*. The little* verse* “A Be*ttv Wales Plosh kin. Kept Always in Sight, Brings Luck and Good Fortune, Makes Everything All Right.” always is associated with tie- (|ue*e*r little figure The J. T. Strange Cos., is now tin* local agent for Betty Wale dresses. There is enly one* dealer in each city. Be*fty Walin dres-es are* always of high stand ard. are* known nationally and recog nized as one* of the* leading lira nils of American-made clothes for the Aineri can girl. Evils-of Constipation. Perhaps the most serious of tin* dis ease's caused by constipation is appen dicitis. would avoid this dan gerous disease, keep your bowels regu lar. For this purpose Chamberlain's Tablets are excellent, e*asy to take and mild and gentle in effect. THE WINDER NEWS POSTOAK LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Austin spent last .Tuesday night with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of near Paradise. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Perkins awl chil dren of near Midway spent last Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Bush Edgar. Mr. Lee Harrison -pent Wednesday night with Mr. Bush Edgar. Mr. Wiley Delay of Paradise spent Wednesday night and Thursday with his uncle, Mr. W. M. Holloway and ■ family. Miss Lillie Mae Holloway spent last Wednesday night with little Miss An nie Evans. Miss Noble* Holloway spent Wednes day and Thursday with her aunt, Mrs. .T. W. Perkins. Miss Lillie Mae Holloway spent last ! Friday night with her sister, Mrs. H. F. < 'asey. I Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Casey spent Snt | unlay night with Mr and Mrs. H. F. < asey. Misses Sybil and Julia Manning spent Thursday aft* moon with Mr and Mrs. W. A. Holloway. j Mrs. S. X. Chandler and Mrs. J. H. [Adams spent last Tuesday afternoon jwitli Mrs. W. A. Holloway, i Mists Zorn Henry spHiti Saturday night with Miss Lillie Mae Holloway. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Casey spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Austin. Musses Noble Holloway and Annie Evans were tin* guests of Miss Alum Hosch Sunday afternoon. Airs. Bush Edgar spent Sunday with Airs. W. A. Holloway. Air. W. M. Holloway and Air. E. E Griffeth spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. J. W Lackey. Air. and Airs. W. L. Smith were the guests of Mr. and Airs. It. It. Griffeth Sunday afternoon The farmers are glad to see this fine wea t her. BIBLE STUDY CLASS. Bible study class of the Woman’s .Missionary society will meet on Alonday afternoon at 4 :(>() o’clock at the Meth odist church. All the women of the church arc cordially invited. Notice of Local Legislation. Notice is hereby given, that after publication and advertisement in ac cordance with law, at the next session of the General Assembly of Georgia an Act will be introduced of which the following is the caption: “AN ACT to repeal an Act to create a county court in each county of the State of Georgia, except certain coun ties therein mentioned .approval Janua ry 19tli, 1N72. and all Acts amendatory thereof, so far as the same applies to the county of Barrow, and for other purposes." Air. Voting Hodges of Loganville spent last Alonday in Winder. Let tin* Citizens Pressing Club do your pressing. 50 NEW Summer Suits For Young Men Arrived at Our Store This Week In the New Tropical Worsteds,, Mohair and genuine Palm Beach Suits, in beautiful patterns, in plain and belted models, which normally sell from $15.00 to $18.50, we will place them on sale SATURDAY, MAY 19TH at a choice of this ridiculous low prices of $9.90 AND SJ2*SO Sizes 33 to 40 Sale lasts as long as these suits are here and that won’t be long. MEN’S STRAW HATS Saturday, May 18, we will put on sale 250 men’s Straw Hats in all the new styles $2.50, $2.75 and $3.00 qual ity at a choice of * * $1 95 Come and do your shopping here, we will save you mon e\ on anything you buy from us. We will have an extra force of salespeople to wait on you Saturday, so let noth ing keep you away. Come and get one of these suits or hats, and be dressed up for about one-half of what it would cost you elsewhere. J. L. SAUL The Clothier Winder, Ga. Mr. and Airs. Harold Herrin and young son, Harold, Jr., of Athens, spent the past week end with the former's parents, Air. and Mrs. W. J. Herrin. EPYVORTH LEAGUE ORGANIZED. Upon seeing the great need of a so ciety dealing with boys and girls prac tically grown, a meeting was held at the church Alonday night of last week for the purpose of organizing this society that bus long been wanted. At this meeting there web i thirty-live present. We are glad to see the hoys and girls take the interest in the work that they have undertlikito, and we feci that they are going to work together and make things “get up and get." The Epworth League wants all boys and girls not attending societies else where, to come and h i with us at our meetings. Won'l you come and be with us. We are expecting you. Reporter. KEEP YOUR MTOMICKMEMNG MACHINES Wi USING GENUINE REPAIRS you expect 109 per cent service from a machine or implement that is part genu ine and part imitation? When your McCormick- Deering farm operating equipment needs over hauling to get it back in first-class working condi tion, do the job right, and buy only genuine IHG repairs. They are the only repairs made by the manufacturer of the original machine. They are made by the same workmen who made the ma chine itself, and what is just as important, they are made of the same materials as similar parts v on anew machine. We sell only genuine IHG repairs. Smith Hardware Cos. McCORMICK- BEERING LINE Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year.