The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, May 17, 1923, Image 5

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THURSDAY, MAY,I7. 1923. Social and Personal News WOMANS CLUB. The Woman's club of Winder will hold their next meeting Wednesday. •May 23rd, at the home of Mrs. It. L. i Rogers, the hostess will be Mrs. How ard Rogers, Mrs. J. T. Strange and Mrs. T. B. Strange. All members are urged to attend. birthday party. I.ittle Miss Emma DeLay celebrated her eleventh birthday Monday, May 14th, by entertaining quite a number of her friends at a birthday party from live to seven o’clock P. M. Games w .re played by the happy children and re freshments of cream and cake were served. She received a number of nice little presents. Those present were Geraldine rult bright, Reba Garner, Ora Belle Sl*odd. Ruth Hall, Ethel Austin, Frances Boyd. Sara Boyd. Beatrice Watson. Venni'e Millsaps. Rounette Segars. Hu bert Pendergrass, Julian Sparks. Enoch Prather and George Harwell. JUNIORS ENTERTAIN SENIORS. One of the prettiest of the many par ties given the senior class of 1923, was the one given them by the juniors on Fridav nie h t on the beautiful lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Johns. The trellis on the lawn was artis tically decorated with the school co - or red and black and gay-colored Japanese lanters. Settees, benches and fawi chairs were scattered here and there giving the lawn a comfy and Pome like appearance. The entertainment during the e'en i,.g consisted of such games as drop ping the handkerchief, chewing the tag. } h , a feeding the blind, and proms. The featuiF event of the evening was the verv spectacular “Grand March [Jad bv Mr. and Mrs. Joints, the caches <ra pinyW “<;l<ny 1" < Wlmler” ... quick march time. \ delicious ic cl course of brick cream in white with the yellow -> and yellow cakes with white icing was served, and on each plate was a white rose the junior class flower, tied "dh yellow and white ribbon, the senior CU oJer C one S hunlred guests were pres ent The music during the entire even ing was furnished by the AA aider or chestra. MRS. 808 PIRKLE entertains. Mrs Bob Pirkle entertained in honor | of'Mrs. Edwin Strange, a recent bride, the Young Matrons club and a few friends last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. W. Hodges, where she has apartments. The spacious living-room where some of the ladies enjoyed sewing, was ] transferred into a bower of springtime loveliness by the profuse use ot pastel shaded sweet peas and snapdragons. Tables were grouped in the dining room for Bridge. Each table was graced with a crystal bud vase of pink rosebuds. I’ink rosebuds were also artisetically arranged on the place cards. . . The guests of honor were presented with six beautiful goblets. A dainty handmade handkerchief was given Mrs. H. A. Carithers for making top score. Miss Womack won a handker chief, in the sewing contest. Late in the afternoon, Mrs. Pirkle, assisted by Mes dames Jennings, Colvard, and Hodges, served a delicious salad course with frozen tea. Those playing bridge wt're Mesdames Edwin su-ange. T. B. Strange. H A. Carithers, K. H. Kimball, Charlie Hen son. E. It. Harris, Roy Smith. It. L. Rogers, Hulme Kinnebrew, Carter Dan iel L. W. Hodges, Clair Harris. Paul Williams, J. J. Wilson and Miss Kath leen Wilson. . Those sewing were Misses ( ailenhead, Donaldson. Bennett. Hagood, Mesdames Ed Bedingfielil, Sidney Mauglion. A\ • H. Jennings, H. H. Colvard, Hur\e\ Lokey, E. W. Oliver, Jim Burson, J. L Strange and Patrick. SENIORS ENTERTAINED. One of the happiest events of the so cial life of the Winder High school, was the beautiful -reception given on Fri dav evening. Mav 11th. by Misses Essie Lee Williams and Nettie Bagwell. The elegantly furnished Williams home was the scene and never did it appear pretty and hospitable as on this oc <fusion. ‘ The entire lower floor was thrown into one, and a profusion or field daisies and soft ferns were used in vases, baskets and ferneries. The punch table was a bower of beauty and proved an ever popular resort during the ttatire evening. Misses Helen and Kate Williams served here, and were daintily dressed in white net frocks, lace trimmed with gold bandeaux foi •their hair. , Wicker furniture was placed on lawn and porches, which were softly illum ined with myriads of lights, shaded with yellow globes. The happy heart ed bo'vs and girls in all the freshness of youth, made a picture of rare beauty Many proms were enjoyed after which delicious refreshments were served. The cream was white con taining the number “23" in gold the cake was angel food with white icing and topped with daisy: the favors were bouquets of d/iisifs the class flower ~ , __'iMisses Williams and Bagwell are not only two of the most popular of this year’s class but are two of Winders most beautiful and promising young girls. They proved themselves to be most charming hostesses. Mesdames Williams and Bagwell assisted in the entertainment. The guests included the members of the class of "2.! . a large number of the High School class mates and the High School faculty. Misses Miriam Bennfctt and Icie *i3mtth were the guests of relatives and Jfrlends in Jefferson Saturday and Sun day. Sweet Peas for sale, SI.OO per hun dred.—Mrs. A. S. Eberhart, Phone 266. BY MRS. J. B. PARHAM, FRESH MAN-SENIOR PICNIC. On May 12th. the Freshmen gave the Seniors a picnic at Mitchell's bridge. A truck was hired and driven around to the school house early Saturday morning and from 10 until 11 o'clock, bundles, little bundles, slender bun dles, fat bundles, long bundles, short bundles, all of which were stored away under the seat on which each teacher kept an eye, and sorry to say. one who had forgotten to eat her breakfast, diu lut and supper before (who knows but what she forgot it on purpose) proceed ed to eat all three trials at one sit ting when no one was looking and when we arrived at the journey’s end, two or three dozen sandwiches, pickles and! a good brown chicken were missing,' but we will forgive her provided she will pass us on “Civics.” Everyone had permission to go in paddling hut swimming was prohibited and sorry to say. like most other laws, was broken. Mr. Page, Urania Ilayes. and Blanche Smith at different times fell into the creek where they received a nice little wetting. We pardoned, them, also, on the condition that they belmvd themselves properly thereafter.! At 1:30, lunch was served and sand wiches disappeared faster than a car going 75 miles an hour. When every-1 thing was said and done everybody! climbed back into the cars and went to Athens; some attends*! the ball game between Georgia anil Auburn. At 6:30 we were all back in our “ol’ home town” sunburned, tired and sore, but happy. A Freshman. Miss Bessie Benton lias returned from * Macon, Ga. * mm Mrs. John Carrington spent several days last week in Atlanta. * * * Miss Myrtle Booth spent Sunday at the home of her mother near Statham. m m • Mrs Georgia Harris has been quite sick fop. the past ten days. * • * Mrs. Lamar 11. Roberts, who has been ill for several weeks, is much im proved. • * • Messrs. .T. C. Pratt and J. D. Quil lian wdere in Lawrenceville Tuesday on business. • • Misses Oniie and Lois Segars of At lnntr spent the week-enil with relatives here. * * * Mrs. T. M. Foster has now an apart ment at the home of Mrs. Cleff Jack son's. * * * Mrs. A. M. Benton and Miss Bessie Benton spent a few days in Macon last week. * * * Miss Minnie McWhorter spent sev eral weeks with hen" sister, Mrs. At. F. Robertson, at Crawford. * * * Miss May Smith spent Sunday in Atlanta as the guest of Mrs. R. R Barber. • • * Mrs. W. N. Bailey, who lias recently moved to Gainesville, was in Winder the past week end. * * Mr. Frank Moore accompanied by his friend, Mr. Cobb, of Abbeville, S. C„ was in town Sunday. * * * After a month spent with liime folks Mr. Hoyt E. Moore returned to St. Louis last Wednesday. * Mrs. D. I*. Kelly, of Southern Pines, X. C.. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Carrington. • * • Wo regret to chronicle the illness of Mrs. H. H. Chandler; hope; she will soon recover. * * • Mrs. L. tV. Hodges recently bad as her guest Mrs. Charlie James of At lanta. * * * Mrs. Roy Jackson, Mrs. C. O. Mad dox and Mrs. L. A. Fortson were vis itors to Athens last Thursday • • • Mrs. B. H. Colvard and son. How ard, Jr., are attending commencement at Tail Jot ton this week. * * * Mrs. Louis Hagood of Lawreneeville spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Ada Sugars. * * * Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Moore of Abbe ville, S. C., spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. D. Moore. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Smith and children and Miss .P Innie Smith spent Sunday in Gainesville, Ga. • • * Mrs. J. A. Wesson of Tifton is the guest of her sisters. Mrs. W. E. Young and Miss Mary and Annie Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Nowell and young son of Winder are registered at the Georgian.—Alliens Banner. * * • Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kelly and Mrs. Claud Hancock spent Sunday with rel atives in Winder. —Jackson Herald. • * • Mrs. Maude Rondurant and son. Frank, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cash, were visitors to Monroe Sunday. • • • Mr. Ernest Deaton, of this city is one of the graduates of the Fifth Dis trict A. & M. school near Monroe, this year. m m m Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Randolph of Winder wiere guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Richardson. —Jack- son Herald. • • • Mrs, W. E. Poole and son, Roy, ar.d little daughter, Mary Alice, spent the past week end with relatives in Kirk wood. TELEPHOXNE 144 Mrs. A. D. McCurry of Athens vis ited relatives here the past wettk-end. m m m Mr. O. C. Phillips of Atlanta spent the week (and with home folks. • ley were the week end guests of Missies Bonnie and Flora Smith of Jefferson. * * * Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. Pledger spent part of the first <sf this week in Atlan ta. m m Miss Lizzie Yatc Williams, young est da light) <r of Mrs. Briscoe Williams, is quite sick. • • Mrs. ,T.. H. Jackson and Mrs. G. H. Fortson spent Monday in Jefferson with relatives. • * * Mrs. J. Pope Eberhart of Augusta is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Woodruff. m m Mr. Troup Smith has returned to his home in Talbottou after a stay of sev eral days here. * * Mrs. Ilerschel Smith and children si* tut flic past week end with relatives in Watkinsville and Athens. * * ♦ Miss Electra Hill spent the weekend with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Hill on Candler street. m m m Misses Eelytli Hill and Bertha Mob- Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Perry, of Winder, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Roy Perry.—Gwinnett Journal. . Mrs. J. J. Wilson entertained a few friends informally Wednesday morn ing in honor of Mrs. J. F. Broome. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Maynard and children spent last Sunday with Mrs. Maynard’s mother in Bishop. • * • Mrs. F. Q. Summon visited her mother, Mrs. Hutchins, at Carl AA'eil nesilay. —G winnett Jou rna 1. * * * Miss Nell Sims, of Auburn, was the week end guest of Miss Georgia Burd. —Gwinnett Journal. * • * Rev. Richard AA\ AA’allace of Valdos ta spent Monday and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. AY'. O. Perry. m m m The D. A. It. will meet with Mrs. J. Henry Pledger, Tuesday at 4 p. in. Members will answer to roll call with D. A. R. current events. • * * Mrs. Parks and two sons, of Carl, spent Sunday with the former’s sister. Mrs. F. Q. Summon. —Gwinnett Jour nal * *• Mr. T. B. Smith of TalUotton. who was called to the city on account of the death of his brother, .Air. AV. P. Smith, has returned home. * * * Mrs. AA'. B. McCants spent several days in Atlanta during the past week as the guest of her daughter. Mrs. E. L. Moore, and son, John It. McCants. h m m Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pirkle, Mrs. Eil Bedingfiukl and Mu by have gone to Un ion Point where they will spend a coup le of weeks with Mr. S. F. Pirkle and family. * * * Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Settles -pent last Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. tnd Mrs. Harry Segars, Mrs. Settles remaining over for a visit of several days. • m m Miss Electra Hill has accepted a po sition in Lawrenceville where she will lei for the present. AA’e hate to lose Miss Hill, but wish her success in her new home. * * Mrs. Ben Julian and Bon. Jr., retrun ed Friday from a visit to AYinder. They | were accompanied by Mrs. G. A. Johns and Mrs. Richard Russfcll.—Athens Banner. Oil Cook Stoves and Ovens The quick-heating, clean cooking blue chimney burner is the big reason why more than 4,000,000 women cook on the New Perfection Oil Stove. It cooks and bakes everything perfectly from boiled potatoes to the most delicate sponge cake. Ask your neighbors about their New Perfections. We’ll be glad to demonstrate its advantages. PARKER FURNITURE CO. THE WINDER NEWS THEATER PARTY. On last Thursday night Woodfin Hill, Edwin Page, Sam Autry and Har old Starr, members of the present sen ior class in the Winder High School, entertained the members of this class and tlid teachers of the high school faculty with a theater party at the Strand Theater. The picture shown was “Over the Hill.” After the show the entire went to the City Pharmacy for refreshments and then to the home of Col. and Mrs. W. H. Qua German, where they spent a pleasant hour to gether. The members of the faculty present were W. M. Holsenbeck, F. I*. Page. Misses Womack, Donaldson, Rowland, Mrs. Wynn, j Those present from the senior class were Misses Mvrtice Bedingfielil. Jul ia Dunahoo, Mary LeLe Smith. Fran 'cos Hublmrd. Evelyn Harris. Nettie Bagwoll. Margaret Walker, Esise Lee Williams, Fannie Lou Tucker, Crania Hayes. Mary Quarterman. Messrs. Ed j win Page, Sam Autry, Frank Ronilu rant, Harold Starr, Jldm Robinson, 'John Adams, Truett Brookshire. Wood fin Hill, Jack Melton, J. B. Williams. Mrs. Howard Colvard and little son. Howard, Jr., and little Miss Mary El len Lokey It iff the first of the week for Talbottou where they will spend a couple of weeks with relatives. STRANGE’S Mi! l inery Miss Pope has had a wonderful business in Milli nery and found her stock so much depleted that she was forced to go into the markets and replenish with new Hats and Trimmings. She now has them Summer Hats, new flowers and ostrich that classed with the season. Come and ask for them. % Dresses 1 Lot 22 dresses Jade; gray, with new fcih figured Waist —navy, black; accumulation of sizes, worth up to $24.75. Choice en- W tire lot ||. $15.75 \ Come and pick your size. Elizabeth Crepe, Flat Crepe, the very last word in styles and quality. They are wonderful, and sold only by STRANGE. American Lady Corsels Ask to see our new line. We give you the cor rect model which enables you to look right and be stylish. Glad to show you. Will appreciate a look. J. T. STRANGE CO. Department Store Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Smith spent last day in Gainesville • * • Mr. Van Moore of Macon was a vis itor in Winder last Sunday. m m m Rev. John H. Wood of Rome will preach the commencement surraon at Good Hope High school on next Sun day, May 20. A large audience will hear this line preacher. V * * After spending two weteks with her daughter, Mrs. .T. B. Dalton, In Win der, Mrs. J. C. Dooley lias returned to her home In Jefferson. —Jackson Her ald. • • • Mr. (’. E. Greene of Milledgeville spent a few days here last week with his daughter, Mrs. Robert Arnold. * * Mrs. Moore returned to her home in Atlanta last wnlek after a visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McCants, She was accompanied by her mother who spent the week end there. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Mack Yarbrough of At ! lanta were visitors to relatives here last week end. Mr. Yarbrough return ed Monday, while Mrs. Yarbrough re maiiMl several days. Watch the big "T” advertisement. Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year, I After Every Meal mam JEf each meal a bit of in the form IGLEY’S tisfies the tooth and [igestion. sure and I combined*