The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, May 24, 1923, Image 3

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THURSDAY, MAY 24. 1923. Co-Operative Sales. Mithell county in, a recent sale at Camilla sold 683 hogs co-operatively and more than SBOOO.OO were distribut ed among those who put the hogs on the market. Among theose receiving checks were many school children, members of the pig club. Another wile is scheduled for the first Tuesday in June and the farmers In this section erpect to have 2000 liogs at this sale. This will mean that about $20,000.00 will l*> paid to the farmers of this section on this sale day. A car of poultry will be sold co-op eratively at Tifton, June 21. We re member aiding the people at Tifton to put on their first car sale of poultry last year on this date. We had S3OOO In the Bank at Tifton that Risse Bros, of Philadelphia sent down there to pay for chickens. Over hera| at Wintervine twMnfr eight farmers came together in a pure seed association and shipped a car of cotton seed that netted them $1,629. 1 5. Thd seed could have been sold as the farmers generally sold sood for oil mill purposes for $580.00. Sales of improved seed of the W in terville Pure Seed Association this year have amounted to $3,300.00. These sued sold on the open market would have brought SIOOO.OO. The expenses were $300.00, so the Association ad ded $2,000.00 to the assets of the com munity. If twenty-eight farmer? can add $2,000.00 to the wealth of the commu nity by working together in the right direction; what could 1853 Barrow county farmers add to the wealth of the county by working together in the right direction? Seventy-five cars of poultry have been sold out of Georgia this year to date. Pofir, creameries sold 136.000 pound of butter during the month of March. What are we going to sell? Can’t we conie togetehr on some of the farm problems and work them out? Tthink oveir it and advise. The Winder News gives us something worth considering—“A Creamery tor Winder.” The News is right. A creamery could he made to go here if we will only pull together. The dairy cow is the nucleus on which so many of the problems of the farm and home depend. Let’s have the creamery. J. T. PITTMAN, County Agent. POSTOAK LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Casey spent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Perkins Mr and Mrs C B Austin spent last Wednesday with Mr and Mrs. Job Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Holloway and son, Clyde, spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. J :. I’. Hill, of near Pen tecost Mr. and Mrs. W. A Holloway spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mr and Mrs. J. H. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Bush Edgar spent last Thursday and Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Edgar and Mr. Will Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. George Wall announce the birth of a tine boy Saturday, 19tli. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holloway spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. G Ca sey. Mr and Mrs. C. B. Austin spent Sun day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Holloway. Mr and Mrs. Bush Edgar spent Sun day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W W. Hosch. Miss Lillie Mae Holloway spent last Sutoday afternoon with Miss Zora Henry. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Casey and chil dren spent Saturday night and Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. W r . M. Hollo way and family Mr. Guy Griffeth spetat Sunday after noon with Messrs. Raymond and Al bertus Holloway. Miss Zora Henry spent Sunday night with Miss Lillie Mae Holloway. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Smith spent last Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Griffeth. Miss Ruth Hosch of Bethlehem spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hosch and family. Mr. and Mrs. Job Thomas and Miss Viola Smith spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Austin. Mr. and Mrs W. W Hosch and fara ilv spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J H. Clack of Bethlehem. Mr. A. R. Casefy and daughters, Nel lie and Viola, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Casey. Miss Lillie Mae Holloway spent last Monday with Miss Zora Henry Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Griffeth spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arvel Smith. B. E. PATRICK Watches and Jewelry Fine Watch Repairing. WINDER, GA. CARTER HILL (Last week’s letter.) Miss Martha Robertson of Monroe, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Marion McDaule. Mrs. Ida Wages has hecently return ed from Atl eville, S. C, wb-re she has been spending some time whh her daughter, Mrs. Frank Andrews. Little Miss Mollie Fuller is the guest of her cousin, Miss Larutli MeGaughey near Dacula. Mr. H. G. Hill went to Caruesville, Ga., Tuesday. Miss Annie Lou Austin of Winder has been spending several days with her grandparents. FREE. FREE FREE. FREE FREE? FREE! Smith Hardware Company WILL GIVE AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE Six Valuable Household Articles SATURDAY, JUNE 23, AT 3 O’CLOCK GIVEN AWAY FREE ARTICLES GIVEN AWAY CONSIST OF 1 S2O Set of Handsome Imported Blue Dinner Ware; fi Dinner Plates; t! Breakfast Plates; 6 Pie Plates. (! Soup Plates; 6 Oat Meal Plates; 6 Cups; G Saucers; 2 Meat Dihses; 1 Baker; 1 Salad; 1 Bowl. 1 $lO Set of Gold and White Dinner Ware, 42 nice use ful pieces. Four 7-Piece Cut Glass Water Sets, consists of 1 Pitcher and 6 Tumblers each. Any one of the above articles is a thing you will be proud to own. See them on display in our window. Look on Bargain Counter, you may find just what you want at greatly reduced prices. Spend your dol lars here. Kelly Automobile Casings At December 1922 Prices Fabric Cord 30x3 $11.35 30x31 Special Cord $13.50 30x31 $13.10 $16.10 32x3j $18.50 $25.30 31x4 $21.10 $29.05 32x4 # $24.20 $32.00 s3x4 f $25.10 $33.00 34x4 $26.20 $34.05 I Tices advanced on Kellys May 15th 12)4 per cent, but while our present stock lasts we will maintain these prices. Remember; it costs no more to ride on a Kelly. % Refrigerators Wei are closing out our line of Refrigerators, so offer the following: I $35.00 Refrigerator ~ .$25.00 l-$37.50 Refrigerator ~ .$27.50 l-$45.00 Refrigerator ~ .$35.00 I I $47.50 Refrigerator ~ .$37.50 l-$75.00 Refrigerator $60.00 Water Coolers 3 Gallon Cooler .. . . t . : . r .j $3.35 4 Gallon Cooler $3.75 6 Gallon Coolers $5.00 GIVEN AWAY FREE FREE. FREE FREE. FREE The singing at Mr. Jim Page’s was well attended and greatly enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Ouzts. Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Austin and Misses Mae Ouzts and Louella Bronson of Winder attended the singing Sunday night. Mr. Willie Moon attended the all day services at Bay Creek in Walt m Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Queen have named their baby girl Sarah Joe. Sunday school will be held before preaching Sunday morning. The home-coming exercises that were to be held on the third Sunday in May have been put off until some future date. The smaller children of the Sunday school are permitted to select and sing songs themselves every Sunday after- Come and See; come and buy. Smith Hardware Cos. Winder, Georgia THE WINDER NEWS noon. They sing such songs as “Work for the Night is Coming,” very suc cessfully. More of the older people are needed at Sunday school. There will be a singing at Mr. G. IV. Fuller's home Sunday afternoon. ALL DAY SINGING. There will be an all-day singing at Union church 3 1-2 miles from Winder on the Winder and Jefferson road the fir>* Sunday in June. Everybody in vited to come and bring well filled bas kets. A special choir is expected to be present, and all singers have a special invitation to be with us. Remember the time and place. Bath Tub Enamel for your bath tubs and refrigerators. Odd Pieces of Crockery 5c each Alarm Clocks $1.50 up. Winchester Hammers : . . 75c High Grade Community Silver Ice Tea Spoons only $3.00 per set Seasonable Suggestions Screen Doors, Screen Windows, Screen Wire, Fly Swatters, Lice and Mite Destroyer and Cow Spray, Fruit Jars, Furit Jar Caps, Fruit Jar Rubbers, Jelly Glasses, Ice Tea Glasses, Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Every home in Barrow county can save SIOO.OO a year by using one of our home-canning outfits; something new in this section. See it demonstrated at our store. INSURANCE Your neighbor's home burned only a few days or months ago and a eye!on# Is likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US and lie down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAY. It may mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once. A WISE man Insures his property in a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to his peac# of mind and the care of his lovedones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith FREE. FREE FREE. FREE For each Dollar spent with us or paid on account or note you will be given a coupon number, a duplicate of which is placed in a sealed box. On Saturday, June 23d, at 3:00 o’clock the box will be opened and the holder present of the first number drawn will be given the handsome Imprtd blue dinner ware set. The second number present the white & gold dinner ware set, and the next four pres ent a 7-piece cut glass water set. During this time we will offer many extra ordinary Bargains. Read our circulars, read our advertisements. Visit our store. Oil Stove Bargains 4 Burner Oil Stoves ..... $25.00 5 Burner Oil Stoves . . $30.00 Ovens $2.75 up Phonograph Bargains 2 $40.00 Edison Cylinder Phono graph $25.00 Each Records . L . . ......... 50c 1 $60.00 Talking Machine $35.00 2 SIOO Talking Machine $60.00 (Weekly Payment Plan) Congoleum Rugs $1.50 Size .... . . SI.OO $2.50 Size A $1.50 $ 50.00 Electric Vacuum Clean er $35.00 SIBO.OO Copper Bottom, Wash ing Machine SIOO.OO (Weekly Payment Plan) want to paint your House, inside or out, Roof, Floors, Walls, Furniture, Automobile, Wagon, Buggy, Barns, Fences, anything? We have it Your Auto will look like new painted with one of our $4.00 out fits. "REE. FREE FREE. FREE Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year. GIVEN AWAY FREE GIVEN AWAY FREE