The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, May 24, 1923, Image 8

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-(THURSDAY. MAY 24. 1023. I Classified Ads. Got your pres: ins. cleaning and al tering done at the Citizens Pressing flab.. W. B. Wilson, Proprietor, Tele phone LOST or STOLEN’. —Monday night. May 7th, dog, half our and half hound. White, red ears and red spots on rear Imck. Limps in one fore shouliJor when he trots. Reward $5.00 if returned to J. S. Hill. Rt. No. 1. Winder or for any information leading to his recovery LOST.—Platinum bar pin with five diamonds. Reward if returned to Guy Kilgore at Farmers Rank. Itpd WANTED —Pr'ncipal for Central school, in Barrow county. Must hold first license and have had experience. Apply to P. L. Giles, Winder, G. .'itpd FOR SALE. —Good cow, fresh in milk, on Do Witt McDonald's place.— See A. L. Jackson. Itpd. ROGERS Where Satisfaction is a Certainty Where you can purchase high quality gro ceries at lowest prices. Fresh Georgia SNAP BEANS 7£c QT. Rogers Quality Bread 5c Fleishman YEAST 3c EACH ROGERS Where Satisfaction is a certainty 108 Broad street Winder, Ga Do You Know That the many thousands who meet their death in automobile accidents are killed on account of the lack of proper brakes or brake adjustments on somebody’s car. It’s expensive to neglect your brakes. It’s inexpensive to have them adjusted or re-lin ed at Auto Sales Cos. Ford Old Stand, Candler Sereet, Phone 106 Specials for Cash Only FRIDAY & SATURDAY Kellog’s Corn Flakes L ...1._.8ic Post Toasties ~ L L . L . jl ., L . x . L . t ... 8A c Grape Nuts 17£c Puff Rice... 15c Puff Wheat 15c Shredded Wheat ~t . 10c Peanut Butter 10c, 20c and . . L ._..., 30c 3 quarts String Beans ........ 25c New Irish Potatoes, per lb. - ..... 5c P& G White Naphtha Soap . t ... ...... 5c Ivory Soap ... . -x... 5c Potato Plants, per 1000 ... ... .. $1.50 Good grade Coffee, per Lb. ~ ... • • 20c 2 cans Prince Albert Tobacco ... . 25c 24 lb. High Grade Flour .. .-. . ... . M . . SI.OO HARGROVE BROS. Phone 251 Winder, Ga. FOR SALE —One new Ford touring car, used 30 days; would exchange for pine saw timber or pine lumber.—J. M. Etheridge, Auburn, Ga. It paid To have your car thoroughly greased saves garage hills.—Auto Sales < 'o. Let us make your old car look new with our wonderful new Auto Polish. •—Auto Sales Cos. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE GE<>RGIA —Barrow county. By virtue of ail order of tlie* Honora ble Court of Ordinary of said county, granted on the 21st day of May, 1923, will tie sold before the court house door of said county, on the 15 day of June, 1923, at 11 o’clock, a. m. the following property of the estate of A. S. Eber liart, deceased, tow It: All the notes and accounts belonging to the said A. S. Eberhart at the time of his death. The right to reject all bids is reserved. Terms cash. G*hj. N. Bagwell, J. J. Wilson. Administrators A. S. Eberhart. FRESH NEW Irish Potatoes 6c LB. SLICED Breakfast Bacon 35c LB. STATHAMNEWS Misses Louroe and Lena Mae Tread well spent Sunday at Good Hopd as the guests of Miss Myrtle Robinson. Mrs. J. C. Cooper and Mrs. Green of Athens were with Mrs, Georgia Mc- Donald Monday. Mrs. E. M. Smith of Athens was the week end guest of her mother, Mrs. W. 1). McDnoald. Mr. and Mrs. P L Hutching, Mr and B. H. Grant spent the week end at liobertstown with Mrs. Hutchins aunt, Mrs. W.vkle. Mr. and Mrs. It. (). Hutcheson were the guests of relatives in hthens Sat urday. Misses Louree and Lena Treadwell spent Saturday in Athens shopping. Miss Fannie Mae Sims entertained at dinner Sunday Misses Ruth Arnold and Rosa Lee Chandler. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Chambers and Wert Chambers were the dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. E. it. Cham bers in Athens Miss Loura Mae Ware has returned for the summer, closing her school at Bowden Springs Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Daniel and Miss Louise of Decatur were in the city awhile Monday on their way to Ath ens. Mrs. J. M. L. Thurmond spdnt Tues day in Athens. * Mrs. L. M. Arnold and Mrs. H W. Grizzle motored to Athens Tuesday. Messrs. B. H. Grant and E L. Ross motored to Atlanta Tuesday. Mr..and Mrs. It. O. Hutcheson had as their dinner guests Sunday, Mr and Mrs. Thompson of Danielsville. Those to attend the state S. S. con vention at Athens wdre Mcsdames W. M. Stinchcomb, P. L. Hutchins, Miss Ellen Hammond. Miss Ellen Hammond had as her guest Sunday Mr. Lamar Boon and Miss Marie Taylor of Athens. Avery enjoyable occasion was the 73rd birthday dinner of Mrs. Laura McDonald, May 15th, at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Anna Hammond. As the children came, each one brought a well filled Kasket, with something in it that would please mother. Every one of her children and grand children Were there, except Mrs. .Tames Kesler, who was kept away because of sickness. Several friends were invited to join this family on this happy occasion. The table was spread under the trees and much good things therof, and all the good things tempting to the appe tite. A tub of ice tea went well with the other things. The children pres ent were Mrs. Anna Hammond and chil dren. Rev. and Mrs. W. IT. McDonald, of Maysville: Mr. and Mrs. Will Clack and children from near B/'thlehMm, Mr. and Mrs. Outer McDonald and chil dren from Winder, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Haynie and children from Winder, Miss Lollic Mae Hammond of Athens. The wishes of the family that she may live many more ydars to enjoy these occasions. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA —Barrow county. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in June next, at public outcry, at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid der for cash, certain property of which the following Ls a full and complete description. “A certain tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the state of Georgia, Barrow county, Auburn Dist., G. M., beginning at a rock corner north of Harrison Shoals public road, with J. W, Clack; thence S. 29 W. 5.85 chains to road; thence N. 77 1-4 W. 7.7(5 chains to rock corner with J. W. Clack; thence S. 21 W. 3.20 chains to rock; thence S. 30 3-4 W. 24.53 chains along M. H. Wall line to rock corner; thence 8. 22 E. 9.90 chains with Wall’s line to rock; thence S. 43 3-4 W. 3.30 chains, with Wall’s line to stake at branch; thence up the branch 29.36 chains to rock corner; thence S. 47 1-3 W. 13.48 chains with 8. H. Simpson line to rock; thence 39 E. 8.70 chains to rock on branch, thence down branch 21.62 chains to rock; thence 8. 48 E. 4.85 chains to rock corner with Mrs. Bradley; thence X. 45) 1-2 E. 251.70 chains to rock; thence 8. 44 1-2 E. 31.20 chains along Mrs. Bradley’s line to a pine stump on Rocky Creek: thence X. 60 1-2 E. 5.52 chains; thence X. 45) E. 11.48 chains along creek to stake corner with Henry Lovin; thence X. 49 W. 4.13 chains with law in’s line to stake on J. W. Clack's line thence 8. 61 W. 11.26 chains with Clack’s line to rock; thence X. 15.55 W. 29.76 chains with Clack’s line to rock; thence N. 6.40 E. 7.80 chains to gum on public road: thence X. 48 1-2 W. 2.33 chains to rock; thence X. 10 1-2 E. 6.40 chains to rock: thence X. 55 1-4 W. 6.78 chains to the beginning corner, said tract containing one lunuidred sixty and 7-10 (1(50.7) acres, as per survey of L. A. House, and being the home place of B. P. Wages.”’ Said property levied on as the prop city of B. P. Wages to satisfy an ex ecution issued from the Superior Court of Barrow County in favor of H. F. Borton and Mrs. H. F. Berton agaius the said B. I’. Wages, said property being in the possession of B. P. Wa ges. Written notice given to defendant and tenant in possession as required by law. This the 3rd day of May, 1923. H. O. CAMP, Sheriff. By No Mearu Time Wasted. Jud Tunklns wishes to explain that tie was not wasting precious time ivhen he was sitting on the fence whittling. What he was cutting up vas the family ouljo boaiti. Whooping Cough. This is a very dangerous disease, particularly to children under five years of age, but when no paregoric, codeine or other opiate is given, is easily cured by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Most people believe that it must run its course, not know ing that the time is very much shorten ed, and that there is little danger from the disease when this remedy is given. It has been used in many epidemics of whooping cough, with pronounced suc cess. It is safe and pleasant to take. THE WINDER NEWS [FISK k TIRES .J WOODRUFF HARDWARE CO. Winder, Ga. O Too Tan Soy Beans, —Woodruffs. Cornfield Beans in Bulk.—Woodruffs. • • See us for NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVES. —Woodruff Hardware Cos. Buy O Too Tan Soy Beans and 90 day runner Velvet beans from Wood ruff Hardware Cos. We have a limited supply of both. A New Perfection Oil Stove can be depended on. Woodruff Ildw. Cos. Berry Brothers Auto paints and enamels. Sold by Woodruff Hardware For sale, one nice young mule, or choice of three. —Woodruff Hdw. Cos. Ninety Day rubnjn* Velvet beans, sold by Woodruff Hardware Cos. New Perfection Oil Stoves and re pairs sold by WOODRUFFS. Set 1 IT. L. Woodruff for extra mule. Genuine Blood blade wheat cradles. $5.50. Woodruff Hardware Cos. See us for house pants, varnishes, varnish stains, etc. —Woodruff Hdw. Fisk Casings are superior.—Wood ruff Hardware., exclusive dealers. Velvet BEANS. 90 day runners, $2 per bushel. —WO()I) It U FFS. GEORGIA, Barrow county. All creditors of the estate of Green IV. Smith, late of said county, deceas ed, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned ac cording to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make im mediate payment to us. This April 2d, 1923. G. RALPH SMITH, .T. ROY SMITH. Administrators of Green W. Smith, de ceased. 6t. 50 Notice to Debtors and Creditors All parties indebted to the estate of Weyman I’. Harrison are hereby noti fied and requested to make payment of same at once to the undersigned and all parties holding claims against said estate are notified and requested to render accounts of same to the under signed for .settlement. This May 2d. 1923. Mrs. W. P. Harrison, Admr. of Estate of W. P. Harrison. W. H Qdarterman, Atty. Gainesville Midland Schedule Southbound Train No. 3 arrives at 11:30 A. M. Train No. 13 arrives at 2:30 P. M. Northbound Train No. 14 arrives at 7:30 A. M. Train No. 4 arrives at 1:33 P. M. S. A. L. Schedule Effective 12:01 Sunday, Dee. 31. 1922 Train No. 29 Arrive 7.00 PM Train 5 Arrives 3:58 I’M Train No. 17 Arrives 8:20 AM Train No. 11 Arrives 0:07 AM Train No. 30 Depart 9:05 AM Train No. 6 Depart 2:00 PM Train No. 18 Depart 7 :(K) PM Train No. 12 Depart 10:43 I’M ALL DAY SINGING. There will he an all-day singing at Union church 3 1-2 miles from Winder on the Winder and Jefferson road the first Sunday in June. Everybody in vited to come and bring well filled bas kets. A special choir is expected to he present, and all singers have a special invitation to he with us. Remember the time and place. ’ Wire as Man’s Discipline. Wife and children are a kind of dis cipline ef humanity, and single men. though they may be many times more charitable, because their means are less exhausted, yet on the other side, they are more cruel and hard hearted, because their tenderness ts not so offer called npon.—From “The Essays oi Francis Bacon." Investor's Puzzles. One of the perennial puzzles for In vestors ls how to tell when a very good ting becomes Just a little too good • be real.—Detroit Free Press. FARM LOANS \\J E are prepared to handle an unlimited amount of farm loan business at 6H per cent per annum with a reasonable commission. We can loan for 5, 7 or 10 years’ time, in amounts ranging from SI,OOO to $40,000, on 50 acres and up. If you are in the market for a loan on your farm, let us submit you our proposition. “QUICK SERVICE” is our Motto. Call or write— W. H. QI ARTERMAN Correspondent for STATE & CITY BANK & TRUST CO. t (Formerly Old Dominion Trust Cos.) * Richmond, Virginia. ' REAL ESTATE LOANS We are now in a position to lend you money in any amounts from $500.00 on up on homes in Winder, moreover, we offer you our special easy monthly repayment plan. Just write us about the money you need and where your home Is located in Winder and we will do the rest. MORTGAGE BOND & TRUST CO. Broad and Walton Streets tf ATLANTA, GEORGIA Alwas On the Job We are always on the job. No delay. We know our business and we give you good ser vice. Every make of car repaired. We give you full value for your money. Chevrolet parts kept on hand, as well as parts for many other cars. Our battery service is up-to-date. Bat teries re-charged and re-paired. One trip to our garage with your car will convince you that we can please you at rea sonable price. LANTHIER & CHURCH Athens St. Garage Phone 210 Wil” Live? Slk. You can count those baby chicks now and mark up & number. But counting them three weeks later may mean a very much smaller number, unless you start to feeding them right. Baby chicks’ digestive systems are exceedingly delicate. Too many women feed chicks on things they think are good chick feed Asa result the loss of chicks is large. Purina Chick Startena (With Buttermilk) C* M ' -T'jL is the very last word in a starting feed. It L a represents the knowledge of many years' C rURIKA *L experience in poultry feeds. a CHICK J Chick Startena and Baby Chick Chow HSTARTEHAB are balanced to supply just the right f 5 nourishment to baby chicks. jl baby chicks J One of Startena’s principal in- err gredients is buttermilk, which keeps the tiny digestive systems / PURIHA r active. j BABY ft Better still, Chick Startena ‘| [HICK [HOW V is guaranteed when fed as direct- (chick feed) K ed. You can count on more baby |U CMtCIUItftOARO chicks when you start them on |- j Chick Startena. Order for your , §>s chicks now. Not only do we handle “Purina Chick Feed’’ but we keep always on hand the fin est stock of GROCERIES, MEATS and FEED STUFF We buy all kinds of country produce, and will appreciate your business. Our Grocer ies are always fresh and our meat market is sanitary and clean. We guarantee to please you. Let us serve you. Watson-Glover & Cos. Phone 180 Winder, Ga. Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year.