The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, May 31, 1923, Image 4

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THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1023 ROGERS Where Satisfaction is a Certainty Fresh Georgia Snap Beans 25c Gal Fresh Small Crook Neck SQUASH 6c LB. Also Fresh Stock of Fancy Cucumbers, Beets ,Tomatoes, White Texas Onions, EK Have you Tried Rogers Packed To matoes, Can 12c ROGERS’ Monogram COFFEE 24c Lb. ROG E RS Where Satisfaction is a certainty 108 Broad street Winder, Ga STATH AM NEWS f ' Mrs. Laura McDonald returned to her home Sunday after spending two weeks in Mnysville with her son, Itev. W. It McDonald. Miss Zethel Harris is home from Oibson-Mercer where she attended col lege this year. Miss Jewell Hardy spent commence ment with Mrs. Marlon Treadwell. Misses Zilla Hutcheson of Atlanta and Kheba Thompson of Danielsville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Hutcheson during commencement. Mr. and Mrs. It. C. David of Daniels ville and Mrs. H. L. White of Luvonia were guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. P. Arnold this past week. Mr and Mrs. M 11. Lowe of Winder nnd Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Lowe of Wat kiasrille were the week end guests of their mother, Mrs Harriet Lowe. Miss Avery Hedingfield was the din ner guest Sunday of Miss Sara Lowe. Mrs K. Arnold and children left Sunday to join Mr. Arnold in Mobile, Ala., where they have gone to make their future home. Mrs. J. W. Henry and children of Monroe were the week end guests of the former's mother, Mrs. ,1. T. Per kins. Mr. Henry coining over Sunday and they were the dinner guests of Mr. mid Mis. W. S. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Williams enter tallied as tlielr guests Sunday Dr. J. L. Harrison of Bethlehem. Miss Thelma Lancaster is spending awhile in Noreross nnd Atlanta as the guest of her aunt and sister, Mrs. Ad ams and Mrs. Etheridge. Miss Janette Steed is in Athens this week with her mother, Mrs. Fannie •Slced. Miss Sara Lowe entertained a hunch of girls at a spend the night party at her home Sunday night. Those to enjoy tills occasion were Misses Louise House, Velma Cody and Rose Ross. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Hutcheson enter tained at dinner Sunday itev. J. A. Sharp, president of Young Harris. Allen Day of Atlanta spent Sunday here with friends. Little Miss Martha Jim Arnold of Alliens spent the week-end with Eunice Arnold and Virginia Robertson. Commencement exercises began Fri day evening with a very interesting program. First grade to 7tli. Sunday morning. Rev. J. A. Sharp, president Young Harris college, gave us some tlitwg worth while. Monday evening graduating exercis es .of grammar schools. 10 boys and girls received eertiflentes. Tuesday evening the senior .play. “The Wren Four hoys nnd one girl received di plomas in lltli grade. An inte-'s'itig program thecp<hont the wi’oM time. C. E Kallv in Slatham. •The frst Chr'sHan Endeavor Tt°Uv cvor held in Statham was that which was held in the Christian S"n lav afternoon, with Garl .7 Mathews. Viehl Secretary for C. E , in Florida and Georgia, as sneaker r rn* rallv com me need at it o'etoek with a sons atul nraise service which was solendhilv led hv “Hnpov Jack.” rccrtmnanied hr Miss Fairv Elluitt. of Athens, at the piano. A splendid del egation of Juniors were in attendance n ,,,i h-iehtened one corner with their r i,(Vlren's sonars. Too m’Fh could not l> given this fine hunch of a’<d girls under the aide leader shin of W M Stinehenmh. the suncrlntendent for the training that tVev have received through Junior Christian Endeavor. It is a credit to nnv community to have such an able reader as Tattle Miss Malcom. who beautifully recited “Jack’s Missiona ry Gift.” which was most appropriati ffYT ouch an occasion. Miss Sara T/>we. president of the Siathao Senior Soeietv. presiding nr the meeting in such a snlendid trodueed the sneaker of the afternoon. Mr Mathews w'-o delivered a forcefn message on the “Four Fundamentals or Christian Endeavor.” Fresh IRISH POTATOES 4c LB. Extra Fancy Select Lemons 23c Dozen Block’s Crackers Nat’l Biscuit Cos Crackers Loose-Wiles Cos. Crackers . Fresh and. Fine 5c Pkg BETHLEHEM NEWS Mr. and Mrs. AA’. <’. Yearwood had as their guests Xundnv, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Yearwoodiof AVinder, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. A'earwood of North Carolina and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Yearwood. Miss Ma.vrelle Harrison, who has been in school at AVinder, returned to her home AVednesday fir the summer. Mrs. Susan Thompson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Albert Hill of near AVin der. Mr and Mrs. U. L. Sims and family of Eatonton visited relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Jennings visited relatives at Uampton Sunday. Mr and Mrs. AV. I). Hendrix and Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hendrix visited Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Treadwell Sunday. Mrs. U. T. Mathews and Mr. Revie Mathews returned hole Friday after a five weeks' visit to South Georgia and Florida. Mrs. Sandy Harrell of Macon returned with them for a few days’ stay. Mrs. H. T. Hendrix spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Thompson. Ms. llomer Mahaffey and children stient last week with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Yearwood of AVinder. Mr. E. L. Yearwood of North Caro lina is visiting relatives here. Mr. Ernfst Thompson of Atlnnla spent the week end with relatives here. Miss Ettie Bell Harrison, who lias been teaching at Danielsville, has re turned home for the summer. lURBECI E NEXT WEDNESDAY. Circle No. 4 of the Ladies Mission ary Society of the Christian church, will sooiisor a barbecue to lie gives next Wednesday, June 6tli, at the va cant store room next to the City Phar macy. Come and bring your family, enjoy a good barbecue dinner and help a worthy cause. Everybody invited. ______ x O. L. Johnson, of Athens, who is dis trict president, spoke briefly on the program of Christian Endeavor in Northeast Georgia, laying •special em phasis on the value of more consecra ted workers in Christian service. Beddingfield’s Garage New garage at the end of the pavement on East Athens street. Best of work. My guar antee is behind my work. All make of cars repaired. I have entered the garage business as stat ed above and ask my friends and all who want the best of service in the repair of their cars to give me a trial. I will be found at the end of the pavement on East Athens street. * Yours to serve, E. L. BEDDINGFIELD Durkees PEPPER 32c Lb. The Staff of Life, Regers’ BREAD 5c Classified Ads. Get your pressing, cleaning and al tering done at the Citizens Pressing Club., VV. B. Wilson, Proprietor, Tele phone WANTED —Pr'ncipal for Central school, in Barrow county. Must hold first license ami have had experience. Apply to P. L. Giles, Winder, Ga. 3tpd ITCH CURED In 30 minutes with Par-a-sit-i-cide 50c. Sold by G. W. DeLaPerriere A Sons. FOUND—Auto License tag. Owner see or call H. C. Williams at Wil liams Garage, Winder. Cows pastured one dollar per month. Yearlings 75c. 1 mile from city. 15 acres; Bermuda grass; running water. —. T. Rives, McElroy farm. tf LOST—Stick pin witli ruby set; the finder return to W. H. Vandiver, Jef ferson, Ga., and receive reward. It A TEN DAY SPECIAL. An old time So (Ml Durham Duplex Razor for SI.OO and 80c worth of blades FREE. Smith Hardware Cos. KILL THE POTATO BUG, with pure arsenate of lead or paris green from Smith Ilatdware Cos. Spend your dollars with Smith Hdw. Go. you mar get a Beautiful set of dishes FREE on June 23. See circu la rs. Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses, extra caps, and Good Luck Rubbers, sold by Smith Hardware Cos. EXIDE. the long, long, life battery, sold by Smith Hardware Cos. • • SMITH HAUDAVAUE CO. sells and recommends SHEATS BTOCG TONIt LOST —Between AA’inder and Gaines ville, Sunday night, auto tag No. 93,- 565. Please return to It. <l. Baxter, AVinder, Ga., and receive reward, ltpd AA> repair electric irons.—Smith Hardware Cos. Mt< V >rmick -1 Peering Mowers! and Rakes sold by Smith Hardware Cos. Ice Tea Glasses and Tumblers sold by Smith Hardware Cos. Place that order now for a PERFEC TION DUSTER, so as to have it when you need it. —Smith Hardware Cos. If you’ve tried YOU KNOAA'. if not IT'S time. It costs so more to RIDE on A KELLY. A\ 7 e are selling them at Dec. 1922 prices.—Smith Hardware. J IfSliir f Cr€i| if • ll 'Hme m Vfli. Uf i\ \ *I to Re-tire? UXI ■MI I (Buy Fik) *H £ j W \ , #TIM • *lfc n—>TU FISK f . , WOODRI'FF HARDWARE CO. Winder, (a. THE WINDER NEWS Fire Threatens Col. Chandler’s Residence Fire threatened the handsome home of Col. H. H. Chandler on Broad street last Monday morning and it was only by the quick work of the city fire de partment that it was saved. The kitch en and all the furniture in it was de stroyed. It is thought the tire was caused by defective wiring in one of the closets, as the fire originated is one of the closets of the kitchen. The fire department reached the scene of <tlie fire in just a few minutes after on alarm was turned in, and by splen did work put it out before it had got ten away from the kitchen. The loss from the fire was considerable as the range and most of the crockery and cutlery was destroyed with the kitch en. The loss on the house was cov ered l>(y insurance hut there was no insurance on the furniture. The may friends of Col. and Mrs. Chandler re gret their loss. Mrs. Guy Kilgore entertained a few friends informally Wednesday after noon in honor of Mrs. W. N. Bailey. • • * Dr. and Mrs. ('. B. Almond had as their guests the past week end Dr. Al mond's mother, his sister. Miss Ada Almond, and Mrs. Smith Gaines, all of Elherton. • • • Mrs. Irene Ginn and Miss Fay John son of Royston have been the guests of Mrs. W. F. Hubbard and Miss Frances Hubbard this week. MR. J. E. CALLAHAN MOVING Mr. J. E. Callahan is moving today from liis old stand down on Candler street, to the J. L. Saul store on Broad street, two doors north of the postoffice, where he will he better pre pared than ever to serve his customers. MIDWAY LOCALS Miss Eddie Ruth Delay spent Sat urday night and Sunday with Miss Rossie Belle Bather. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Miller spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wills and family. Missess Pallie Miller and Ella Mar tin spent Sunday night with Miss Mill nfe Wills. Mrs. W. H. Miller and l)*aby spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. W. D. Perkins. Rev. W B. McDonald filled his reg ular appointment here Sunday. We are sorry to know that Mr. H.; C. Cosliy is not Improving. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Perkins spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr| and Mrs. W. 11. Perkins. Mrs. W. C. Sorrells had as her guest Monday afternoon. Mrs. Otis Miller and Mrs. C. R. Wills. Miss Michael spent the week end with her aunt, Mrs. Roberson Harper. Miss Lillie Jane Perkins spent the week end with home folks. Miss Rossie Belle Barber gave a party Saturday night in honor of her seventeenth birthday. Those present were Misses Beulah and Ruby Miller, Eddie Ruth Delay and Minnie Wills, Messrs. Homer Miller, Leaf and Hoke Wills, John, Robert, Ralph Perkins, Oren Kellum. NEED OIL? Buy TEXACO, at Win der Filling Station. NEED GAS? Buy Texaco at AYin der Filling Station. For Rent. —Nice upstairs rooms with private bath, heat and all other con veniences. See G. AA". Summerour. BASE BALLS, 25u to $2.00 also Gloves, Mitts. Bats etc. at Smith Hdw. We sell it.—Winder Filling Station. JF ~ r r ; la: Fk■ • > j* * Scene from, CONNECTICUT VANICEE IN K.ING AR,THUR.’S ' w m?II.UAM FOX P R>QOV CTIO “A Conneticutt Yankee” MAY 31 AND JUNE 1 Strand Theatre CARD OF THA.VKS. We wish to thank our friends for their many kindnesses shown us dy ing the illness of dear little Lizzie Kate, and f<jr the beautiful floral offer ings received.- —Mrs. Briscoe Williams and children. SACRIFICE SALE In order to make room for my grow ing chicks I offer some of my finest breeding Rhode Island Reds at about half price. Act quick. R. D. MOORE (Sußt-ftt PoOUCnG Cut the Cost of Production Profit in dairying depends to a great extent on reducing the cost per gallon of producing milk. Cows on pasture slip down in milk flow. Experienced dairymen have found they can pro duce more milk at less cost per gallon, by feeding a little concentrate. With Cow Chow you can cut the cost of pro duction per gallon, you can put your cows in better condition and get a longer milking period. Hundreds of dairymen are using Cow Chow to lower milk costs. Cow Chow contains V iust the right proteins to balance PPV JiPL MJ grass and to make it produce 05 more milk. Cow Chow will make your tjfes an JLjQ milk checks bigger and lower the cost of producing the milk per - gallon. Order Today Not only do we sell Purina, the best milk producer in the world, but we also keep on hand all the time all the needs of the kitch en. GROCERIES, MEATS and FEEDSTUFFS Can always be found, fresh and pure, in our tore. We sell the goods. We are both losing if you are not one of our customers. Our plendid trade is ample proof that we are iving satisfaction to our customers Let us show you. Watson-Glover & Cos. Phone 180 Winder, Ga. Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year. GAINESVILLE DLSTRICT M. E. church. The young people of the Gainesville district are going to have an all-day gathering at St. Paul s M. E. church, Gainesville, on Friday. June Bth, open ing at 10:00 a. m. and extending thru the day. , St. Paul young people are the hostess es for the day and invite the young people to come in cars and spend the 11 Lunch will he served the visitors and the young jieople are cordially invited to come -