The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, May 31, 1923, Image 8

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THURSDAY, MAY 31. IfrJS. THE END GLOBES BANKRUPT SALE! June 11 Closes this Great Event Other Price More Astonishing Than These Few Quoted. Globe Dry Goods Store J. SILVERMAN, MANAGER Hotel Building Winder, Ga. Men’s Serge Suits $1195 75c Men’s Work Shirts ..... ~ 49c $4.00 Men’s Slippers $3.79 $3.50 boys dress shoes L . 51.98 35c men’s suspenders 19c pr. $2.98 Corsets $1.19 75c Men’s ties ~.t . 49c $2.00 value men’s work pants at • i." l*J SI.OO PI . THE WINDER NEWS 65c Pongee, Clearance price 39c Dress Ginghams k .l2^c SI.OO men's union suits . . L ... ; 49c SIOO Ladies real Silk hose ...,39c $2.50 men’s straw hats SI.OO $7.00 Boys suits $3.50 $1.50 Pongee shirts,.,.. 98c 36 inch Percale, 25c value L ._ 16c 25c flesh and white nainsook 14c 17c Bleaching L.-L.a.A** •WfIM *1 12ic 25c fine curtain goods L*~L*XL"J 10c yd Ladies Slippers k.i.j.-.-.vw $1.49 Colored Voiles, Clearance price ;at L'-V'-t* r • .- ti. ■£...1 .o9c Silk Poplin 79c Serge Skiits 1.1.1. t.j.:; 79c Subscription Price: f1.50 Per Yea*.