The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, June 07, 1923, Image 7

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THURSDAY. JUNE 7, 1923. SALE NOTICE. GEORGIA —Barrow county Under aiul by virtue of a power of s&le contained in a certain warrantee deed executed and delivered bs W. H. Maxwell to Winder National Bank said deed dated September 22, 1920 and recorded ii±. the Clerk's office Su perior Court said*county in Records of Deeds Book “D” Page 91, Winder Na tional-Bank will sell at public outcry to the 1 highest bidder for cash on the first Tresday in July, 1923, between the legal hours of sale before the court house door in said county, the follow ing descriced property to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land ly ing and being in House’s district city of Winder, said State and county, con taining thirteen (13) lots, numbers 6, 7 and 8 in Block one and numbers 7,8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, Block E and Nos. 3 and 4, in Block “D” all in Woodlawn Heights as shown by a plat of Woodlawn Heights and sub-division sold by Winder Realty Company and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, Jackson county, Georgia, in Book “HH” Page 430 to which reference is made for the meas urements and further descriptiom ex cept that Center street does not show on said plat, together with dwelling and all improvements thereon. Said property will be sold as the property of W. H. Maxwell to satisfy a certain promissory note of Six Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-Two Dollars and Fif ty Cents ($6672.50) principal. This sale will bte made for the pur pose of paying said note principal and interest and the cost of this sale. A balance, if any, will be paid to the said W. H. Maxwell, This the 6th day of June, 1923. WINDER NATIONAL BANK R. H. KIMBALL, Atty. SHERIFFS SALE GEORGIA—Barrow county. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in July, next, at public outcry, at the courthouse in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid der for cash, certain property of which the following is a full and complete description: “All that property generally known as Winder Compress Company, togeth er with all of the improvements there on including the building, known gen erally as Winder Compress, and all of the machinery, fixtures and furniture therein, and all of the accessories us ed in operating the said compress, in cluding trucks, engines, boilers, com presses, all located in the said compress building, which said real estate con sists of approximately 5 acres of land in the city of Winder whereon the said Compress stands and has been oper ated for several years, bounded on the north by lands of Barrow County Cotton Mills, on the east by lands of S. C. Brown, on the south and west by Midland Avenue and lands of J. B. Lay. Said property levied on as the prop erty of Winder Compress Company to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior Court of Barrow county in favor of Winder National Bank and agaibst Winder Comprels Company, said property being in the possession of Winder Compress Company. Written notice given to defendant and tenant in possession as required by law. Property pointed out by de fendant. This the 4th day of June. 1923. H. O. CAMP, Sheriff. SHERIFF’S SALE. > GE()RGIA —Barrow county. Will !>c sold before the court house door hi Winder. Ga., on the first Tues day in July. 1023. to the highest bidder for cash, the following described prop erty, to-wit: A certain tract of land and the im provements thereon, situated in the town of Statham Dst, hounded on the east by Bell street, south by J. K Treadwell, west by J. L. Harris, on the north by Cosby and Chambers, known as the B. C. Lankford place, containing 21 acres, more or less. Said property levied on as the prop erty of G. R. C. Lanier under tax fi fa issued by M. H. Lowe, for State and County taxes for 1921, 1922 and trans ferred to the Farmers Bank of Winder, Ga.. said property sold to satisfy said fi fa . This Oth day of .Tune, 1923. IT. O. CAMP, Sheriff. REAL ESTATE SALE GEORGIA —Barrow county. Whereas, on the 23rd day of July, 1921. J. M. Campbell of Walton coun ty. Georgia, made and executed unto J M. Nowell his promissory note, dat ed as above stated, and due Novemlrer 1. 1921. for the principal sum of $007.50 with interest thereon from maturity at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, on which note there is a credit of $50.00 on January 4. 1922. That said note is secured by a deed, made and executed by J. M. Campbell dated July 23. 1921. conveying to J. M. Nowell the following described prop erty to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land and improvements thereon, sit uated, lying and being in the Town of Sfatham, Barrow county, Georgia, and klescjribed/ as follows: Beginning at, a stake on North side of Broad street, I running thence along line of It. G. Sims X. 44 1-4 East, eight hundred and one (KOI) feet to E. H. Rylee corner on line of the said R. G. Sims; thence along line of E. H. Rylee N 42 1-2 \V. two hundred <2ooi feet to a stake cor ner: thence S 44 1-4 W. seven hundred and seventy-five (775) feet to an iron pin stake on Broad street; thence along Broad treet S 42 1-2 E two hundred (200) feet to the beginning corner on Broad street. Said tract of land con taining four town acres more or less, and known as the Dora Allen Tract of Tand. That said deed is recorded in Deed Book D, page 207, Clerk's office. Bar row Superior Court, and the deed con tains among other things that if the aforesaid debt or note is not prompt ly paid at maturity, according to the tenor of said note or if the interest in stallments are not promptly paid as thev mature, then the said J. M. Now ell, his agent or legal representative is authorized to sell said property, after advertising the sam> in acoordonce with the terms in said deed. And whereas, the said J. M. Camp bell has defaulted in the payment of said note that fell due on the first day THE THIRD ANNUAL ~ B. Y. P. U. CONVENTION OF THE Appalachee Association i-L First Baptist Church J ; WINDER, GA. f i. k ' * JUNE 9 & 10, 1923. Key Note: Tithing PROGRAM SATURDAY NIGHT 8.00. Congregational Singing. f 8.35. Devotional Deepening our Spiritual Life — Miss Mary Lou Brown, Monroe 8:50. Words of Welcome Rev. Jese M. Dodd, Pastor Winder First 9:00. Special Music. 9:05. Key-note of Convention — Rev. Ragan Callaway, Bogart 9:20. Conferences for — Presidents (C * , Group Leaders Quiz Leaders Junior and Intermediate Leaders 9:40. Announcements — ’ i wIT*L j SUNDAY MORNING (Sunrise) 6:45, Waiting in His Presence — 6.50. The morning hour Rev. Jesse M. Dodd SUNDAY MORNING 11:00. Congregational Singing 11:05. My Conception of the B. Y. P. U. Mr. Channing P. Hays, State Field Worker 11:25. Special Music — 11:30. Persia’s Message to us— Miss Ena Bridges, Bessie Tift 12 :05. Appointment of Committees — DINNER SUNDAY AFTERNOON 1 :30 Congregational Singing— -1 :35. One Minute Report From Each President 1:50. Juniors and Intermediates Program — 2 :50. What Korea Needs To-day— Rev. Young K. Rhie, Mercer University 3.15. State Convention Sylvester Sauls 3:25. Business and Report of Committees — Adjourn— O F F I C E Ii S: REV. RAGAN CALLAWAY President REV. SYLVESTER SAULS Ass’t. President MISS MARY LOU BROWN,-Vice President, Monroe Dist. MISS ERNESTINE BUSH Vice President, Winder Dist. MISS EDITH HOUSE MRS. JNO. H. WEBB —Junior and Intermediate Leader of November, 1921. the said J. M. Now ell, who is the owner and holder of said note, will, on the First Tuesday in July, 1923. during the legal hours of sale, before the court house door at Winder in said county of Barrow, sell at public~outcry to the highest bidder for cash said described property, and make title to the purchaser under the powers conferred in said deed. This sth day of June, 1923. J. M. NOWELL, J. C. KNOX, His Attorney at Law. GEORGIA ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND. The Georgia Association for the blind solicit new members. Below we give the purposes of the association together with a letter of endorsement from Hon. Clifford Walker, governor elect of the State. Anyone wishing to become a member will please confer with Mr. W. E. Cooper, chairman of the membership committee, Northeast Georgia, or C. H. Appleby, secretary of the association. The purposes of the association is: 1. To convince men and the public generally that most blind persons are capable of work, and that not charity nor pity but work, with the indepen dence, respect and recognition that work should bring, is what they need and desire above all things else. | 2. Thus to secure general co-oper ation in making new lines of work TEXACO GASOLINE AND OILS Bring your car to the man who knows how to drain out your old oil and refill it with genuine TEXACO. We also carry a full line of TEXACO Compound and Greases. Winder Filling •'Station available to them, and insuring the traiing necessary to fit them for their vocations. ) x. To arouse active, state wide in terest in a movement for the conser vation of eyesight and the prevention of blindness. ■Governor-Elect Walker’s letter. Monroe, Ga.. May 28, 1923. Charles H. Appleby, Esq., Sect. Winder, Ga. Dear Mr. Appleby. I cordially endorse the plans and purposes of the Georgia Association of Workers for the Blnid, and assure you that it will give me great pleasure to co-operate with the association both personally and officially. I am taking great pleasure in becom ing a member of the association and am enclosing my check, herewith, to cover the membership fee. I authorize you to publish this en dorsement of the association if you see fit, and trust you will call on me for any further assistance which I may be able to render from time to time. Yours very truly, CLIFFORD WALKER. Governor-Elect. * ——————————— Making Known an Engagement. An unusual way to announce an ei* gagement at a luncheon ts to have en velopes at each guest’s plate with the words. “A Fortune From a Tea Cup.** Inside, the names of the engaged cou ple are found made up from tea leaves pasted to the card. THE WINDER NEWS W. M. U. Appalachee Association The second district rally of the W. M. U. of the Appalachee association, met with Center Hill church May 19. with Mrs. J. B. Brookshire, district secretary, in charge Opened with song. Scripture reading—Mrs. Bolton, of Center Hill. Prayer—Dr. Dodd. Playlett—Winder Sunl>enms—Why we know we know. Tithing or Stewardship—Mrs. Hol senbeck. Playlet—Center Hill Sunbeams on World Comrades. Sermon—Dr. Dodd. Song. r rr '‘ Dismissal for lunch. Afternoon Session. Song—Revive Us Again. Devotional—Scripture by members. Prayer—Mrs. R. H. Jenkins. Short reports from the organizations in the churches in this district Short Prayers—(l) Courage by Mrs. Breedlove. (2) Methods by Miss Mag gie* Malcom. Talk on B. Y. P. U. Work by Mrs. Bradley. Remarks ley Mrs Brookshire. & Standard of Excellence—Mrs. B. H. penkins. r Announcements. Dismissed by song and prayer by Mr. Walker. SWIMING POOL One and one-half miles east of Winder and easily accessible from all points. Now ready for the public, and will be open from 7:00 a. m. to 10:00 p. m. every day except Sunday. A smaller branch of clearer water has been utilized to supply the pool, of sufficient vol ume to insure an everchanging water supply. An expert swimmer has been secured to look after the ladies and children and to give instructions in swim ming and diving free of charge to those wanting it. Nice pine grove surrounding the pool, with tables and benches for picnic parties. Ideal place for kodaking. No drunkenness or disorderly conduct will be allow ed. Your patronage solicited. W. T. APPLEBY, Proprietor Special Thursday & Friday JUNE 7 AND 8 “SHADOWS” “See no evil, hear no evil, say no evil” The greatest story ever told, in motion pictures Pictures and stories which create the most lasting impression are those which deal with normal surroundings—with a sprinkle of tears, a laugh here and there—and thrills that quicken the pulses. Such a picture is— “SHADOWS” STRAND THEATRE ; r SHOE REPAIRING Work done while you wait Nice, comfortable rest room. Work done while you wait. guaran teed the best. J. E. Callahan Broad street, 2 doors from postoffice Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year.