The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, June 07, 1923, Image 8

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THFRBDAT. JFXE 7, 1923. SQUIRE- EDGEGATE — From This We’d Judge tMr. Bogg’s Professional Titles Are In Dispute! T HATS ''A 4.4/SO HL H/\ 5 T*Vo\ rvHA T HE. J I ( __ it- ur \ / SQUi&E' KO+r !M \ iCHlf* fum HE'S** L ** ***£* / Gosh hut he. \ I which or the / \ / /husiCi**—**® UNION LOCALS Mrs. Allen Carrington and baby, Joe, from Winder, spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Edna O’ Shields. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elrod from New Pentecost spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wall. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Patrick spent a few days last week with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs H. I). Rutledge. Mr. and Mrs. Mercer Brookshire spent Thursday with the latter’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim ltoss of Stat- Jiam. Little Miss Audrey Foster is spend ing this week with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Foster. Several from here attended the fu neral of Mr. Ham Rutledge at Mid way .Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. George Sims and chil dren spent awhile Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Harbin. Misses Vera and Verna Jackson from Cedar t’reek spent Saturday night with Miss Ruby Fay O’Shields. The singing here Sunday was well attended ; had good singing and plenty oi dinner. COUNTY LINE Mr. and Mrs. Let* Roberts spent Sun <lay afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hardy. Miss Aurora Altaway spent Sunday i)iKlit with Miss Ollie Murphy. Misses Sadie Vandeford anil Mae Reynolds and Morrell Hulsey and Mr Curtis Rainey spent awhile Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Duster. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hardy spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. <}. W. Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. .1 M. Murphy spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. (’runic. Mr. Joe Harrison is on the siek list this week. Mr. A. I). Murphy and Mr. Reuben Tronic of Cainesville gave Mr. and Mrs. K. I). Murphy a call Sunday. We are glad to know that Mr. Homer (Jreeson is getting along fine. Mr. Boyce Sims spent Thuirsday night with his sister, Mrs. Collie Lan caster. Mr. and Mrs. J. Haynie were the guests of Mr. Charlie Stewart Sunday. Mr. (Jilison Cooper spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. IMlffird. Miss Ollie Murphy spent Friday night with Miss Aurora Attawa.v. Mr. Worth MeDougal is spending a few days with his parents. Messrs. Henry Hardy, and (!. Hall attended children’s day at llarfnony Drove Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Elrod and Mrs. Rob ert Kelly spent Friday with Mr and Mrs. F. M. Hardy. VICTORY NEWS Miss Ermine Simpson spent Saturday night and Sundnv as the guest of her cousin. Miss Bessie Simpson id' Parish. Miss Lola Little spent the week with her sister, Mrs. Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Little and family spent Sunday with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A .1. Hayes. Misses Florence and Flora Castle berry spent Saturday night with Mrs. Alma Rmpiemore. Miss Bessie Hayes spent Suhday af ternoon as tin* guest of Miss Ollie Hayes. Mr. Frank Healan was visiting rela tives in this community Sunday. Misses Florence and Flora Castleber ry sjsuit one afternixiin last week as tile guest of Miss Pauline Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Itoqueniore spent Sunlay afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. E. I>. Johnson. Miss Lillie Fleeman of Buford is spending awhile with hoiuefolks, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fireman. Several from here attended chil dren's day at Harmony (trove Sunday, and reported a nice time. Mr. and Mrs. Hermon Attaway of llu ford sjieiit Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fleetuan. Misses Ermine and Ethel Simpson was the guest of Misses Bessie and Flora Simpson of Poristh Saturday night. Several from here attended the fu neral of Mr. Joe Davis <if Braselton which was held at Zion Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Stone spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. J. B Evans. From the looks of the cotton fields through this section the mowing ma chines will have a job tills fall. The Four-County singing choir will meet with Bethabara church the 4th Sunday afternoon in June; let every body come. Needles* Advice. Te tell a bey to practice economy In Ifce use of soap le wasting words.— Chicago Dally Newr. FIRST BAPTIST NOTES. • FIRST BAPTIST PLATFORM * • Public Worship—Gospel Pulpit • • Open Forum—Popular Instrnc- * • tionr —Social Recreation—Person- • • al Development—Soul Winning * • Services —Everybody Welcome. —* • *••• * * • • * The annual B. Y. P. U. convention of the Appalachee Association meets Sat urday niglit at 8:30 with the First Rap tist ehurch. Services all day Sunday. Everybody invited. Our young people expected to put aside everything else. “The Harvest is Past,” Is the pas tor's last theme before his vacation. Sunday night 8:110. The Pastor and wife plan to leave Monday, June 11, for his annual vaca tion. Their address will We Cornwall on-tl.e-Hudson, for about two weeks Then Hawley. Penn, care Dan Heard Outdoor school. We give cordial greeting to our many students just home from school. We want you to enjoy yourselves while you c-an with those most concerned in you. We invite you to active co-oper ation in the work of the church. There will be no issue of the Bulletin until the pastor returns about second or third Sunday in July. Our heartfelt sympathies are with Messrs. ('. <’. MeEver and F. E, Weath erly mid families in the less of their father, Mr. Joe Davis of Braselton, and with the many relatives and friends of “Uncle Hillman” Jackson. \v,. are clad to report that tin* lift It* son of Deacon Patrick is recovering ,uler serious Illness. • * During the Pastor’s absence is the time for the members to count for more Let every one make special effort to do his dead level best throughout June, and ull summer as for that matter. Evangelistic Conference Friday, be ginning 10 a. m. for Mulberry and Ap palucriee assoeiatlouts. Every church should be represented. Every preacher is expected. Dinner on the grounds. Rev. Henry T. Brookshire, of Atlan ta preaches at 11 :45 and Dr. J. W. O'Hara speaks on Evangelism at 11.15, while Rev. .1. 11. Webh of Monroe, re ports the Macom conference and give evangelistic statistics at 10:20. Mr. Henry M. Oakley will supervise the midweek services during the pas tor's absence. PRESBYTERIAN ( 111 ECU CALENDAR. Sunday school a 10 o'clock F. C. ORA DDK 'K, ,Supt. Morning worship 11 :80 A. M. Evening Worship S :30 I*. M. Mid-week service Wed. K I*. M. Christian Endeavor 0:45 P. M. Charles Harris, Pres. Woman's Auxiliary , Mrs. I*. N. Autry., President Mrs. F. C. Oraddlek, Treas. Mrs. IV. 11. Qua riorum n, See. Meetings are regularly on the Mon days after the 2nd and -Ith Sundays at 3:30 P. M. To all services all inxiple are wel come at all times under all circumstan ces. Our aim is to supply mankind's greatest need—tin* original gospel of Jesus Christ in its origftml form—“the power of God unto salvation to every one that beleveth.” Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic Stops Malaria, Restores Strength and Energy, goc It. E. PATRICK Watches and Jewelry Fine Watch Repairing. WINDER, GA. I Classified Ads. J Get your pres: ing, cleaning and al tering done at the Citizens Pressing Club., W. B, Wilson, Proprietor, Tele phone WANTED—Pr'ncipal for Central school, in Barrow county. Must hold tirst license and have had experience. Apply to P. L. Giles, Winder, Ga. 3tpd ITCH CURED In 30 minutes with Par-a-sit-i-cide 50c. Sold by (J. W. DeLaPerriere & Sons. rows pastured one dollar per month. Yearlings 75c. 1 mile from city. Ip acres; Bermuda grass; running water. —. T. Rives, McElroy farm. tf A TEN DAY SPECIAL. An old time $5.00 Durham Duplex Razor for SI.OO and 80c worth of blades FREE. Smith Hardware Cos. KILL THE POTATO BUG, with pure arsenate of lead or paris green from Smith Hardware Cos. Spend your dollars with Smith Hdw. Cos. you may get a beautiful set of dishes FREE on June 23. See eircu la rs. Fruit Jars. Jelly (Hasses, extra caps, and Good Luck Rubbers, sold by Smith Hardware Cos. * EX IDE. the long. long, life battery, sold by Smith Hardware Cos. * • SMITH HARDWARE CO. sells and recommends SHEATS STOCG TONIC. We repair electric irons.—Smith Hardware Cos. McOormick-Deeriiig Mowers and Rakes sold by Smith Hardware Cos. Ice Tea Glasses and Tumblers sold by Smith Hardware Cos. Place that order now for a PERFEC TION DUSTER, so as to have it when you need it.—Smith Hardware Uo. If you’ve tried YOU KNOW, if not IT’S time. It costs so more to RIDE on A KELLY. We are selling them at Dec. 1t)22 prices.—Smith Hardware. Quite Ukefy. American women bothers with an 1n •llnarlon to embonpoint. It is stated, lave taken to painting dimples on their knees. The report that a fashion ible New Yorker who does not care or the water has created the neees* mry Illusion by haring a lobster paint >d on her toe Is prohnhly premature.— from Punch. London. feet IMENTHOLATUM I coolsam^^ WOODRCFF HARDW ARE CO. Winder, Ga. THE WINDER NEWS STATHAMNEWS Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Hutcheson were guests of relatives in Danielsvijle last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Williams enter tained at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Hardeman and children of Colbert. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Grant and chil dren motored to Shiloh Friday and spent a few days with Mr. Grant’s par ents. J. F. Burson of Elberton spent the week end here with his parents. Mrs. tV. I). McDonald is the guest of her daughters, Mrs. J. C. Cooper and j Mrs. E. M. Smith of Athens this week. Mrs. J, W. William and J. W. Juu ■ ior, left Monday for several visit with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herndon, of Hartwell. [ Misses Sara Lowe and Sue B. Per j kins spent Tuesday in Athens. Mr. and Mrs. Custer Ross and chil dren of Winder were the week-end ! guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Ross. Miss Laura Mae Ware went down to Atlanta Monday. The many friends of Miss Pearlie Hammond will be glad to know she is doing nicely after an operation for ap pendicitis at St. Mary’s hospital in Athens. Messrs. K. E. McGee and F. L. Wil liams of Atlanta spent Sunday here with their families Miss Louise House lias returned to her home in Winder. Mr. and Mrs W.alter Nash from Akron, Ohio, spent several days here the guest of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Nash. A marriage of much interest was that of Miss Lauree Treadwell and Mr. Leon Perry of Winde r Sunday. Statliam friends wish them much happiness. Mrs. Harriet Lowe is spending this week in Watkinsville with her children Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Lowe. J. .T. Horton and children, Sara and Diez. are guests of relatives in South Georgia this week. Read This, Merchants. During the next few- months local merchants should advertise. National manufacturers are utilizing the great power of advertising in the distribu tion of their products. The successful department stores are also lining large space in the newspapers: but the small er retailer has yet failed to advertise as he should. Perhaps this is why he is small—one cannot tell. There sure ly is some reason why the people flock to one merchant and pass by another.— Roger BaUson. And this may be partly repsonsible for so much money leaving the small towns and finding its way to the lar ger cities and to the mail order hous es. Changing color. "An Irishman may be green but— * ‘Well, what?” “When he’s in a fight ie sees red.” Inactive | Liver "I have had trouble with an Inactive liver,” wrote Mrs. S. Nichols, of 4412 Spencer St., Houston, Texas. “When I would get constipated, I would feel a light, dizzy feeling in my head. To get up in the morning with a lightness in the head and a trembly feeling is often a sign that the stomach is out of order. For this I took Thedford’s Black-Draught, and without a doubt can say I have never found its equal in any liver medicine. It not only cleans the liver, but leaves you in such a good condition. I have used it a long time, when food does not seem to set well, or the stomach is a little sour." r If it isn’t | Thedford’s | it isn’t | |BLACK-DRAUGHT|S 1 Liver Medicine. | I WINDER BOV ESTABLISHES INTERSCHOLASTIC RECORD. In the Southeastern prep meet held at Grant Field, May 25, “Track Car penter,” established a prep record in the shot put heaving the 10 pound shot for a distance of 44 feet 4 and three fourths inches. This is indeed a re markable feat anil is a goal for future prepsters to aim at. Carpenter also came within 3 inches of tying the prep record in the pole vault by getting over the bar at 10 feet and 1) inches, which is at present the Georgia High School record established three years ago by Dumont Harrison, also a Winder Hi track star. To round out his days work Kinch gave Rosy Smith, the South’s premeir high jumper, a hard tight for first place honors. Tech High school of Atlanta won first place with a total of 6(1 points by entering 37 athletes. Carpenter, the one-man team,-, representing Winder High, ’ ha r Thras he r WOODRUFF MACHINERY MFG. CO. 41 South Forsyth St. Atlanta, Ga. O'Molene keeps ’em in More Work from Your Mules THOUSANDS of mule owners are not getting the best work from their mules, or as long a service, because of improper feeding. Most people figure mules are just naturally hardy animals and don’t require such careful selec tion of feed. A balanced ration not only puts mules in better shape for work, but keeps them in better health at less cost. Dry, tasteless oats and corn lack variety and are not easily digested. You could get plenty of bulk from a loaf of bread to fill your stomach, but wouldn’t you do a lot better work on well-cooked steak and fresh vegetables ? O-Molene supplies the variety to keep mules in good working condition. , Because O-Molene has less waste and is I more completely digested, you feed much less i OnULLNt! I by weight than corn and oats. F e D Ft? fcO Order some O-Molene today and watch con* o* oti the good results. JST Sold by WATSON-GLOVER & COMPANY Not only do we sell Purina O-Molene, but we also sell the best Groceries and Meats and Feedstuffs that are to be found on the market. When you trade with us you know you are getting your money’s worth. We are in terested in serving you satisfactorily and our best efforts are always put forth to please you. Goods bought from us must be just what we say they are. Our guarantee is behind everything we sell. People must eat. They must have grocer ies and meats. They must have feedstuffs for their stock. We can satisfy your every want in these lines. Give us a trial. Watson-Glover & Cos. Phone 180 Winder, Ga. Bnbscrlptlon Price: f1.54 Pef Yeef. BY LOWS RICHARD amassed a total of ten and one-balf points, being more than any individu al in the meet. Carpenter has proven himself without a doubt that he is the best all round athlete ever turned out at Winder High and being the first and only man to make 4 letters in one year. Winder feels proud of this boy and if you haven’t seen tlie numerous med als he has won it would be worth your time to look him up and take a peep at them as they are numerous enough and pretty enough to make the Czar of Russia turn green with envy. Go to it Kinch, we are all pulling for you and we are sure that you will make even a greater name for yourself and Winder in the future years of your athletic career. AN ADMIRER. Optimistic Thought. The true glory of a state Is prosper* ity at home and respect abroad.