The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, June 07, 1923, Image 9

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THURSDAY. JUNE 7, 1923. MONUMENTS FIRST CLASS WORK MARBLE & GRANITE Office an Candler Street and G. M. Ry. WINDER MARBLE & GRANITE CO. J. W. NICHOLS, Mgr. r ■ ~~ *,******♦*•• • PROFESSIONAL CARDS * *********** RICHARD B. RUSSELL, JR. Attorney-At-Law WINDER, GA. Office in Carithers Building. Pructioe in All the Courts _ „ —i— r- J. C. PRATT Attorney-At-Law Winder, Ga. Office in Bush Building Practice in all Court* JOSEPH D. QUILLIAN Attoruey-at-Law Office Over DeLaPerriere”a Drug store Winder, Georgia. G. A. JOHNS Attorney at Law Winder, Ga. Office Over Carithers Bank. Practice In All Courts. W. H. QUARTERMAN Attorney at Law Prcatice In All Courts Commercial Law a Specialty Lewis C. Russell H. H. Chandler Law Offices RUSSELL & CHANDLER Practice in all the Courts Winder, Ga. T. ELTON DRAKE Attorney-At-Law .Office in DeLaPerriere Building Winder, Ga. W. L. DeLaPERRIERE Dental Surgery Fillings, Bridge and Plate Work Done in Most Scientific and Satisfactory Way. DR. C. S. WILLIAMS DENTIST Offices in the Winder National Bank Building. Rooms 313-314 Residence Phone 284—Office Phone 81 WINDER, GA. Dr. L. C. Allen Dr. Myron B. Allen DR. L. C. ALLEN & SON Hoschton, Gu. Office Hours: Sundays: 9:00 A. M. to 11:00 A. M. Wednesdays: 8:00 A. M. to 12 :"(> - Saturdays, all day until 3:00 P. M All other time when not attending ca s R. IIENRI BARNES, D. C. (Doctor Chiropractic) CHIROPRACTIC u the adjustment of the spine to re move the cause of disease. SPINAL ANALYSIS FREE Hours: 9 to 12 A. M. 2 to 5 P. M. Saturday 9 to 12 :30 A. M. Office New Bush Build ,ng. w. M. THOMA S Cleaning— Pressing—Altering Phone 49 —Jackson Street Winder, Georgia Expert Welding & Ra diator Repair Work. All metals welded. No job too lnD?*?: no job too small. Radiators repaired on all make cars. All work guaranteed J. E. Casper’s Welding Shop Candler Street & Park Ave. C. H. Stewart Old Stand Chamberlain’s Tablets Are Mild and Gentle in Effect. The laxative effect of Chamberlain’s Tablets is so mild and gentle that you can hardly realize that it has been pro duced by a medicine. AUU ’ “A GOOD THING—DON’T MISS IT" Send your name and address plainly written together with 5 cents (and this B lip> to Chamberlain Medicine Cos., Des Moines, lowa, and receive in return a trial package containing Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup bronchial, “flu" and whooping coughs, and tickling throat; Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets for stomach troubles, indigestion, gassy pains that crowd the heart, biliousness and consti pation; Chamberlain’s Salve, needed in every family for burns, scalds, wounds, piles, and skin affections; these valued family medicines for only 5 cents. , A Good Thing—Don’t Miss It. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS Is ofien caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing. Unless the inflammation can be reduced, your hearing may be de stroyed forever. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for It—rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE has been successful In the treatment of Catarrh for over Forty Tears. • Sold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney & Cos., Toledo, O. Lepal Advertisements. TWELVE MONTHS SUPPORT^ G EORGIA—Ba rrow county. The appraisers upon the application of Mrs. Avis X Prevost, widow of Chas H. Prevost. dedeasedv for a twelve months support for herself'and three minor children out of the estate of the said Chas. H. Prevost, deceased, hav ing made their return; all persons are hereby cited to show cause, if any they have, before the Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in Ju lv,ly, 1923, why said application should not he granted. This 4th day of June. 1923. C. W. PARKER. Ordinary. Application for Administration. GEORG IA —Barrow county. To all whom it may concern: Mrs. N. E. Evans has applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of J. E. Evans, late of said county, and I will pass upon the said application on the first Mouday in July, 1923. Witness my hand and seal, this 4tn dav of June, 1923. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. Application for Administration. G EORG IA —Barrow county. To all whom it may concern: Mrs Vvis X. Prevost has applied to me for permanent letters of amnimsuu tion on the estate of Chas. H. Prevost. late of said county, and I will pass up on said application on the first Monday Witness mv hand and official seal this the 4th day of June. 1923. C W PARKER. Ordinary. Application for Lave to Sell Land and Personal Property. Georgia—Barrow county. To all whom it may concern . Mu Hon R. Maynard, John H. May Marion • executors of will of I T Maynard, deceased. applied to me* by lotion for leave to sell all the rea personal property of said _ <l £ • fstrassmSi This June 4th. U-J --l ins C . w. Parker* Ordinary. Application for Dismission from Guardianship. Georgia—Barrow county. toll L Hill, Guardian of <>hie M ris and Mosie Morris, has applied to f „ .litharge from his Guardian Sp of ?he said Obie Morris and Mosie Morris, this is. therefore, to notify all persons concerned, to file their <• >ll " Hons, if any they have on or hefore ttie first Monday in July. 1 el - V„h L Hill will he discharged from his gu„li. n p Wj;' i :' K "lUnao-. CITATION Georgia—Harrow county. W T Hinton having applied to the Ordinary by petition asking tUnt I nee Harper ns Executor of tbe will or \‘ Harper, deceased, late of said coun tv. be required to make to him a dee ti, two certain tracts or parcels otlund situated, lying and being m Ocome county, Georgia, and know,,!as Xo. Seven. (7) and eight (• \V \ Harrier farm, as shown by map of said farm by 0. J . Ve . a ' office uu-'t 1917. and recorded in the othc Of the clerk of the Superior Court of Oconee county. Book L. Page 041. < particularly described, in cop> j for title attached to petition on HU in Ordinary’s office, in pursuance of a bond for title made by M • A. ... the K(l id W. T. Hinton, in bis lift time the said AY. T. Hinton alleging that he has fully met his obligations in notify Mildred H.ambers, y W Harper, Mrs. Prudie Jackson, Price Harper and Myrtle Harper, heirs .ttaw of V mill w. A. HTJ.T.;£ (rased, to be and appear at the July term 1923, of the court of ordinal J of Harrow county, and show cause. 1 thev have or can. why the said ex tor should not be required to make■ wiul deed as prayed for by the said V . L. Hinton, petitioner. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. FOR SALE. We have yet a few pure graded “OVER THE 3DI COT TON SEED.” If there arc farmers who have not yet finished planting they should use) this seed. It is too late to plant any other variety that we know, as this will mature in a shorter peiiot than any other. Farmers Warehouse Cos. Notice to Debtors and Creditors All parties indebted to the estate of Weyman P. Harrison arc hereby noti fied anil requested to make payment of same at once to the undersigned and nil parties holding claims against said estate are notified and requested to render accounts of same to tbe under signed for settlement. This May 2d. 1923. Mrs. W. P. Harrison, Admr. of Estate of W. P. Harrison. W. II Qdarterman, Atty. Ida Smith, versus Emory Smith. I)i vorce. To the defendant, Emory Smith : The plaintiff. Ida Smith, having fil ed her petition for divorce against Em ory Smith in this court, returnable to the March Term, and it being made to appear the Emory Smith is not a resi dent of said county, and also that he docs not reside in said state, and an order having been made for service upon him, Emory Smith, by publication tliis, therefore, is to notify you, Em ory Smith, to be and appear at the next term of Barrow Superior Court to be held on the 3rd Monday in June 1923, then and there to answer said qom plaint. Witness the Honorable Blanton Fort son. Judge of the Superior Court. This April sth. 1923. A. T HARRISON, Clerk. T. Elton Drake, Atty. for plaintiff. AUBURN NEWS The commencement exercises at S. C C. were greatly successful. Dean Hopkins and Mr. Kitts of S. C. C. spent Sunday in Winder. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Durham of At lanta s{H‘iit Saturday night and Sun day with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Durham. Miss Lula Chesser has returned to her home to spend the summer vacation Mrs. C. H. Tucker spent several days last week in Maysville as the guest of her mother, Mrs. Hoopaugh. Miss Mildred Bridges of Atlanta vis ited friends here Sunday. Miss Dessie Collins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Collins, returned last Thursday morning from the State Nor mal school to spend the summer vaca tion with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Pool spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs. A. J. Pool. A large crowd attended the services at Harmony Grove Sunday. Mrs. H. A. Ewing of S. C. C. spent the weekend in Lawrenceville. Miss Lila Pool, talented young daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pool, has re turned home with her diploma from S. N. S., after having completed the col lege course there. We are sorry to lose our good friend and neighbor, Mrs. Tillman, who has moved to Monroe Miss Lorena Giles has returned af ter a delightful visit in Athens as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Montgomery. Miss Mattie Walker, a graduate from State Normal school, spent several days of last week as the guest of Miss es Dessie Collins and Lila Pool. Muss Julia Mae Peppers spent the week end with Miss Mary Pendergrass. Mr. J. W. Parks of near Hoschton was in Auburn Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wood of near Har mony Grove, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wood. We are glad to see Miss Marietta Duncan out again after a few days of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Denson of Buford spent the latter part of lust week with >lr. and Mrs. J. H. Peppers. An interesting social event of Satur day evening was the surprise party given Misses Birdie and Jewel Pool in honor pf those who have returned from hoarding school. OAK GROVE Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Fletcli Lyle on June Ist, a daughter. Miss Eucline Jones was the weekend guest of Miss Avery Bedingfleld. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards from above Winder. Messrs. Adolphus Hudson and Hud Irvin of Maysvilie. visited Mr. aid Mrs. J. <’. Payne Sunday. Miss Marie Chapman spent the past week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Chapman at tlris place. Preacher Cowan of Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Holliday near Statliam were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones, Sr.. Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Jones Healan spent Thursday of last week with Mr. Robert McEllmnnon and family. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Esco and fam ily visited the latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Wilbanks Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs Dora McDonald and dauglitei, Lester, of near Hoschton. silent Satur day night with Mr. and Mrs. Fletch * '.Mr and Mrs. Roy Patrick <>f Buford were Visiting relatives in this communi ty Sunday and Monday. Masters James Willie and Johnnie Harwell, who have been in school at Martin Institute, Jefferson, are tit home for their summer vacation. PENTECOST Misses Jewell Williamson and I>ru willie Greeson spent the* weekend with their teacher. Miss Bertha McEihan non at Union. > . Mrs. Alice Anderson of Winder ami Miss Noll a, Hardigree were guests of Mrs P. A. Carruth Sunday afternoon. Mr Gordon Pentecost, who has been in Florida for some time is at borne Mr. and Mrs. Ray Prickett spent last Thursday night with Mrs. .I>c*l Miller. Miss Alice Huff of Winder was the week end guest of Misses Viola and No ma Hardigree. Several from here attended the sing ing at Union Sunday. :r. and Mrs. Ray Prickett, Miss Grace Prickett and Mr. C. K. Ferguson attended a play at Bogart Saturday night. Gainesville Midland Schedule Southbound Train No. 3 arrives at 11:30 A. M. Train No. 13 arrives at 2:30 P. M. Northbound Train No. 14 arrives at 7:30 A. M. Train No. 4 arrives at 1:33 P. M. S. A. L. Schedule Effective 12:01 Sunday, Dec. 81. 1922 Train No. 29 Arrive 7.00 PM Train 5 Arrives 3:58 PM Train No. 17 Arrives 8:20 AM Train No. li Arrives o:07 AM Train No. 30 Depart 9:05 AM Train No. 6 Depart 2:00 PM Train No. 18 Depart 7 :00 PM Train No. 12 Depart 10:43 PM Sure Relief FOR SICK BABIES LIQUID-NO ~n A TF* For Bowel and Teething Troubles, Constipation, Colic. Sour Stomach. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS BABY EASE THE WINDER NEWS CHAPEL NEWS * - The farmers here are busy cutting grain. Mrs. Frances Davis of Hoschton is visiting Mrs. Sarah Owens. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. House spent last Sunday in Winder with Mr. and Mrs. John House. The party at Mr. and Mrs Emory Mc- Elroy's Saturday night was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Mattie House is sick at this writing. Messrs. Tlieo Harris, Bob House and Virgil Marrow attended commencement at Winder last week. Mrs. Johnnie Edgar visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John McElhannon last week. Mr. Jim House spent Friday in Ath ens. Mrs Mollie Day and sons, C. R. and Clifford Day, visited Mr. Joe Davis at Braselton Friday, who is very sick. Misses Dessie and Claudia House spent Sunday with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Deaton and baby of Braselton visited Mr. and Mrs. Marion Deaton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lum Edgar and chil dren spent Wednesday in Winder with Mrs. Amanda Williams. Mr and Mrs. Jim House spent Tues day night with Mfs. Margaret Jones. Mr. Hoke House visited relatives at Statham last week. Miss Doris McEver spent Tuesday night with Miss Montine Deaton. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Day and children of Winder visited Mrs. Mollie Day las#’ Sunday. The friends of Aunt Sarah Owens are sympathizing with her on account of the death of her brother, Mr. Davis, of Braselton, who died Saturday and was buried Sunday at Zion church. Mr. and Mrs Marion Deaton and Mr. C. R. Day attended the graduating ex ercises at A. & M. college Wednesday night. Several from here attended the sing ing at Union church last Sunday and reported good singing and a fine dinner Mr. ami Mrs. W. I>. Whitman of Statham visited Mr. and Mrs. Emory McElroy Sunday. Mr. Ben House spent the week end with home folks. Mr. Irwin Bailey of Winder was vis iting friends here Sunday. Mrs. Mamie Hardigree and Mrs. Al ice Anderson spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Mollie and Mrs. Ida Day. Some people from Bogart came to see the mud volcano here Sunday, and when they got here they were afraid to go see it. Guess they thought of the awful scenes that happened here.long ago and were afraid. PARISH Miss Thelma Allen spent Thursday night with Miss Nettie Mae Etheridge. Misses Ethel and Ermine Simpson spent Saturday night with their cous ins, Misses Bessie and Flora Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Attnway of near Lacvienceville visited tin* latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fleemnn, Sunday. Mrs. S. E. Elliott is visiting her brother of near Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs B. F. O’Kelly and family. A large crowd attended “Home-coin ing Day at Harmony Grove Sunday. Miss Lillie Fleemun is with homefolk for a week. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hayes are the Droud parents of a baby girl born on May 31st. Miss Lola Little spent a few clays last week with her sister, Mrs. Eula Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. H. R Page visited the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. L). F. Page, of near Chapel, Sunday. Miss Beulah Little is spending a few days this week with Mrs. Eula Hayes. Several attended tin* singing at Mrs. Pearlie Simpson's Sunday night. There is still Sunday school at this place every Sunday afternoon; every body come. I am again representing the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Cos., of Newark. N. J., established In 1K45. A strictly mutual annual dividend paying Com pany. Its policy holders are its best friends, protect your family and your estate with one of its policies. Yours to serve. tf L. A. HOUSE. TI RE buying need not be a matter of bargaining or of risk. You can have every assurance of good value, good service, and a square deal. All you have to do is to buy your tires where you see the Goodyear Serv ice Station Sign. There is one on our place of busi ness in this town. Aa Goodyear Service Station Dealers we sell and rrecom mend the new Goodyear Cords with the beveled All - Weather Tread and back them up with standard Goodyear Service THE TIRE SERVICE STATION GOODYEAR ZZ INSTANCE Tour neighbor’s home burned only a few days or months ago and a cyclone Is likely to strike this section at any time so INSURE with US and lie down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAY. It may mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once. A WISE man insures his property in a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to his peacei of mind and the care of his lovedones. Kilgore, Radford & Sitmh Farm Loans and Winder City Loans. I make loans in Barrow, Gwinnett Walton, Jackson, Oconee and * Morgan Counties in amounts from sfoo.oo to SIOO,OOO 00. I also make loans on Winder City Property. I solicit applications di rect from the farmers and from Bankers and Attorneys whose cus tomers and clients need money. Write to me and your business will have my prompt attention. S. G. BROWN, Banker . Private Bank—Not Incorporated. 6mospd.3-l-23. Lawrenceville, Georgia. NOTHING BUT INSURANCE The oldest insurance agency here, representing some of the oldest biggest, strongest and best insurance companies in the world, for Life Accident and Health; Fire, Plate Glass, Compensation, Liability, Au tomobile; Lightning, Hail, Parcel Post, Burglary, Farm Insurance; Bonds, In fact — “WE INSURE EVERYTHING AGAINST ANYTHING.” For prompt service see—• F. W. BONDURANT & CO. 4th floor Winder Nat. Bank Building Office rhone No. 200 Residence Phone No. 44 ! jRB Aew Shoes I B44Ji j Vjf ShoePoiish'^SjpjH cM Makes olclJfSk S 'IJP4 Shoes lool^ F. DaJlty Company Inc. ffett metals ore subjected to rougher use In everyday service thin the lowly ••ZINC '* W 0 W V tinder the kitchen stove. It must restst ex* Ireme changes ot heat and cold—scouring with gritty powders—lye In the ashes, hot and cold water, acids Irom foods, and even live coals that sometimes fall horn the hr e-box-yet tho H +IING” protects the floor beneath lor years, ■ * s the backbone of d-* Pee Gee Mastic Paint 50% highest quality ZINC Oxide and 50% pure sublimated white lead, ground irx genuine linseed oil. Leadjilone is too soft— the paint would chalk. ZINC alone ia too •" > * =>“vijHflllllL hard—the paint would check and crack. / ifySjtjfcgijmlfl COMBINED in a double pigment paint, II such as Pee Gee Mastic, Lead and ZINC re- \\ C. JEAr. inlorce each other, eliminating the deheien- \ cies that appear when either pigment is M M 3k P*f| used alone. I I I Faint with a low ZINC content lack* oil- Jj., *■ carrying capacity, and soon goes “Eat''— for as you know pure linseed oil is the life of paint. The high gloss finish of every Pee Gee Mastic job is readily explained by the fact that it is ground in pure linsecdoiL Remember that paint costs less than neglect— that a few dollars spent lor Pee Cee Paint __ _ _ „ S;;";;' m - v** "m asu u r*V EE fcpeus hint, f* f/nl PteCtt Mastic Color Car* • I wl " t>* in* you upon re a #**/. Ask us or unite / Teaslee-Giulbcrt Co* omith Hardware go. y— mu i Subscription Price: $1.50 Per Year.