The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, June 28, 1923, Image 5

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, -tMsSmS&jjs ißiSffliiSg B&RSZM BjJWjj^i :handise ===== Many Years is Coming >, Winder, Ga. crds goes cn sale at just what ever price it will bring. A change in a life time to save money. Let nothing keep you away. Each and every e cut to the very bone. WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK IN YEARS every corner of my store, up-stairs and down stairs was filled. These terrible rains and the damnable boll weevils which made their ap us to do but to sacrifice our profits and some of the cost and raise the necessary cash. Come OPENING DAY, FRIDAY, JUNE 29 Counter Bargains Men’s 15 and 20c hose, all colors !>c Men’s heavy cotton everyday hose 12c Men’s Silk hose 25c Men’s 65c Silk Hose 45c 15c Ladies Black and Tan white hose *J C 35c Ladies Lyle hose 30c hand towels I!* 1 ’ 50c hand towels 29c Hair nets 15c kind at 9c SCRAP ROLLS $2.00 worth of doth in a bundle at 59c LADIES SUMMER UNDERVESTS; 19c, 24c and 29c. They are worth double LADIES CORSETS At 75c, 95c, and $1.25. They are worth double. 25c cheviots for shirts and everyday presses at 17Hc MEN’S ODD COATS 150 Odd Coats in all wool Worsteds, assorted colors, worth up to $12.50 Choice sale price $4.95 MILLINERY 2nd Floor, \ Price Any hat in our millinery parlors for one-half price—_ $2 50 misses hats $1.49 $1'.50 and $2.00 boys and girls hats 09c SI.OO children hats 48c YOUNG MENS SUITS We have about 275 Young Mens Suits on hand now, all new and beautiful patterns. We are determined to close them out and knifed the prices in half. $16.50 SUITS at $11.95 $20.00 SUITS, at $14.75 $22.50 SUITS at $17.90 $25.00 SUITS at . $18.50 ODD PANTS 250 pail's, all wool, nice colors, worth up to $5.00. Choice for this sale $2.95 100 pairs $2.00 Men’s Work Pants at $1.48 $3.00 knock-about men’s pants at... . $1.95 LADIES WAISTS! 50 Ladies $2.00 Pongee Waists at .... 95c $2.50 Pongee Waists $1.45 $4.00 all silk Pongee Waists at $2.85 MEN’S SUNDAY SHIRTS $1.25 Shirts with attached colar or without at . .:. 94c $2.00 Men’s Sunday Shirts $1.45 Winder, Ga. FRIDAY. JUNE 29TH First Opening Day We will sell best grade $1.45 OVERALLS FOR MEN at........ . Qgc 9-4 90c Peppered Bleached, SHEETING at.. . .... ... .......... 59c YD. Best AAA Sheeting, yard wide Friday Iftc (10 yards to a customer) , Best 22ic Hickory Shirting Friday J?£c MONDAY JULY 2ND Our 3rd Sale Day We will sell best 25c Dress Voil, in beautiful patterns at ....... J2 C Also 1 dress pattern (7 yds.) of best 22 Ac Ginghams, Monday at y^c MENS OXFORDS In all the new toes and leathers; every pair guaranteed to give you satisfaction or anew pair FREE. We have reduced them SI.OO to $1.50 a pair. $6.00 Men’s Oxfords now $4.75 $5.00 Men’s Oxfords, now $3.75 $4.00 Men’s Oxfords, now $2.90 $4.50 Boys Oxfords, now $3.35 $2.75 Boys Scout Shoes, now $1.95 PLOW SHOES In Men’s Plow Shoes, Solid Leather, soft and comfortable, best $3.00 shoe on market $2.19 LADIES OXFORDS 1500 pairs of Ladies Oxfords on hand, all new goods, bought for this season, in all the new leathers and toes, lace and strap. We % are determined to turn them into cash and reduced their price; lower than you ever bought them heretofore. $2.50 Oxfords, in black, low rubber heels, at ' $1.45 $3.50 Tan, lace or strap, Oxfords at $2.39 $4.00 Ladies Oxfords, now $2.95 $3.00 Misses Oxfords at $1.90 $2.00 childrens Oxfords at $1.25 $2.50 Ladies White Oxfords at $1.48 $3.50 Ladies White Oxfords $2.50 TENNIS! TENNIS!! For Men, Women, Roys and Girls. They are comfortable for this hot weather, and they come in good, heavy soles. We reduced them where you can buy them at your own price almost 65c, 95c, $1.15, and $1.35 100 Pairs Ladies Oxfords from last year 98c 100 pairs Indies Oxfords from last year, sizes 35, high heels, worth up t $7.00 a pair. Your Choice 9bc