The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, January 13, 1910, Image 5

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LITTLE LOCALS. Good water ground meal at R. T. Seymour’s “Along the Kennebec” comes along with a good reputation. I Mr. Bob Thompson, of Law renceville, was in Windr Monday. Goto R. T. Seymour’s for water ground meal. Best on the market. FOR SALE —One good mule. Apply to R. L. Rogers, Winder, Ga. Mr. Carl Kimball spent Christ mas with his con-in Eugene Kim ball. Mr. G. G. Robinson, ordinary of Gwinett county, was in Winder Sunday. Mrs. L. T. Harris, of Birming ham, spent Monday in Winder with relatives. Good five year old mule for salt cheap- Apply to W B. Holt, Winder, Ga. FOR SALE —One good mu’e cheap. Apply to R. L. Rogers, Winder ,Ga. * White’s' mill is famous for its fine water ground meal. R. T. Seymour keeps it. Mr. N- M. Gomez has ieturned from Florida where he has been visiting a few days. Par-a-sit-i-cide cures itch in 30 minutes. For sale by G. W. I)eLa perriere, Winder, Ga. Mr. E. H- Kimball has returned to Atlanta, after spending a portion of the holidays at home. Mr. Eugene Kimball has return ed toChrichton’s Business College, after spending Christmas at home. The Woodmen of the World has no high salaried officers, and fur nishes insurance protection for its members at absolute cost. We have a large stock of Nails and Barb Wire, and can make you best prices on it. Woodruff Hardware *Co. Mrs. H. M. Cruce, accompanied by Mrs. J. O. Dalton, of Ashburn, Ga., left Tueseav for Madison to visit her brother, Mr. J. D. Hall. Mr. W. H. Me Daniel, Mr. Arch Perry and two children, Pearl and Leon, returned last week from a pleasant visit to Fayette, Ala. We are still talking the Oliver Plows. Why? They plow so good. We have received three solid car loads this season. Smith Hardware Cos. lost —Watch, with chain at tached, gold filled case; engraved picture of Indian with gun in hand; Elgin movement; square fob about one inch long; two penny pictures thought to have been in back of case. Liberal reward for return to S. P. Smith, Winder, Ga. Mr. S. T. Maughon has purchased the market business of Dr. W. L. Bush, and says he intends te carry a stock of meats surpassed by none in the city. Boot Maughon is a rattling good fellow and his many friends here wish him all kinds of success in his latest ven ture. We are pleased to say to our cus tomers ar and friends that the past year business was the most satisfac tory we have had, and we are still anxious to sell you hardware and vehicles, and promise you the same good treatment we have always given you. Woodruff Hardware Cos. Mr. A. V. Leslie, of Kennesaw, Cobb county, has accepted a posi tion with the City Drug store. He is a graduate of the pharmaceutical department of the I'niversity of Georgia, and comes highly recom mended. He also holds a license from the pharmaceutical board to practice his profession in this state. CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF The First National Bank OF WINDER, GEORGIA, At the Close of Business January 6,1910 RESOURCES Loans and Invest ments, . . . $106,246.52 U. S. Bonds and Premiums, . . 51,488.55 Cash, in Banks and with U. S. Treas’r, 63,777.09 $221,512.16 Deposits January 6, 1910, . .$103,462.94 - • Deposits January 6, 1909, . 46,249.67 Increase in one year. . . $ 57,213.37—0ver 120 per cent. BOARD OK DIRECTORS: S. W. Arnold, Chairman, Colonel James M. Smith, J. B. Williams, H. N. Rainey, Jr., J. T. Strange, W. L. Blasingame, L. Frank Sell, A. H. O’Neal, L. 0. Benton, W. T. Robinson, Thomas C. Flanigan, W. H. Toole. • We desire to thank all who have aided us in making this wonderful increase in our business, and trust that those and many, many more will help us make even greater strides during 1910. It Ought to Signify Something That the Stockholders of This Bank Are Worth Over $3,000,000.00 . . . It Does Signify Something That This Bank Is Under Control of the United States Government On Permanent Deposits. Evidenced by Our Time Certificates. We Will Pay 5 Per Cent. Interest Per Annum WE WANT YOUR BANKING BUSINESS, LARGE or SMALL. The Pirst National Bank of Winder, Ga. W. H. Toole, President, H N \ Vice-Presidents W. L. Jackson, Cashier. LIABILITIES Capital, Surplus and Profits, ... . $ 53,049.22 Deposits, .... 103,462.94 Re-Discounts and Bills Payable, . . . 15,000.00 Circulation, . . . 50,000.00 $221,512.16