The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, January 20, 1910, Image 6

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- <*• ... -c /■**• m< HMmvfianM.unrai:!. w>muua*.<a mcmt.4 w '>u:w 'W——wmbb ■ nw aKuja.-:rai J at. . &** mnin+n rmmm am u; MUMi^iiaaaiMW St’s never too late to wish you good luck, so here’s to . .* . and as we climb the hill of prosperity, may we never meet a friend. Shake hands with yourselves. You are fortunate to have a Strange & Cos. in your midst. We anticipated the high prices in Dry Goods, and bought our needs on an Bc. cotton basis, to be shipped January Ist. The goods are here at absolutely last year’s prices. We are starting the new year right by starting something GOOD YOUR WAY. We are not going to quote a single price. You will be sick if you do not come. FIRST FLOOR. Ginghams 10,000 yards Red Seal Ginghams. Everyone knows this brand is best. Comes in solid blue, brown and black stripes, checks. Just the goods for children’s school dresses. 1,200 yards Galatea Cloth in new colorings—the 2oc. kind, ask for the price. 5 cases best Prints in the world, consisting of Shirtings and Second Mournings —blues and gold. too pieces, yard-wide, 84x84 Percale. Blues, black, stripes and dotted. Yours at the old price. Sheets, Pillow Cases, Towels, White Goods, Table Linens, Napkins, Embroidery Laces, All-Linen Laces, Handkerchiefs, Ladies’ Collars, Hose, Gloves. We are in a receptive rncod. No hard times here. We await your coming. Something doing here sure. i mmmmmmmwmm w *>'-—■ '"■■i ■ ■ imw—w pi tw— ■——■mm —'———i——w———— wmmammmmmmmwtmmmmm ————— Leaders in Styles, Regulators and Controllers of Low Prices . . . SECOND FLOOR. Ladies Suits A few nice Black Suits and Dresses at exactly half price. Muslin Underwear, Ladies’ Skirts, Ladies’ Draw ers, Corset Covers, Corset Cover and Pants combined, Night Robes and Gowns, Short and Long Kimonos. . CURE VOIR KIDNEYS. Do Not Endanger Life When a Winder Citizen Shows You the Cause. Why will people continue to suffer the agonies of kidney com plaint, backache, urinary disor ders, lameness, headaches, lan guor, why a'low themselves to be come chronic invalids, when a certain cure is offered them? Doan’s Kidney Pills is the rem edy to use, because it gives to the kidneys the help they need to per form their work It you have any —even one—of the symptoms of kidney diseases, cure yourself now, before diabetes, dropsy or Bright’s disease sets in. Read this Winder testimony: C H Barron, Wright street, Winder, Ga., says: “I used Doan’s Kidney Pills, procured at the City Drug 8-tore, for pains in my back amt other symptoms of kidney complaint, and i. am pleased to say that they were very beneficial. The contents of three boxes' of this remedy disposed o f my trou ble, and 1 am now in the best of health.” For sale Ivy all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Cos., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name —Doan’s— and take no other. Application for Charter GEORGIA, Jackson County. To the Superior Court of said County. The petition or W. K. Lyle, W. A. Brooks and G. N T . Bagwell, all of said state respectfully shows: Ist. That they desire for themselves, I their associates, successors and assigns | to be incorporated under the name and style of North. Georgia Cotton Company. 2nd. The term for which petitioners ask to be incorporated is Twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time. 3rd. The capital stock of the corpo ration is to be Ten Thousand ($10.00.00) Dollars, divided into shares of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars each. Petitioners, however, ask the privi lege of increasing said capital stock from time to time, not exceeding in the aggregate h ifty Thousand ($50,- 000.00) Dollars. 4th. Ten per cent of the capital stock of Ten Thousand Dollars has actually been paid in. sth. The object of the proposed cor -1 poration is pecuniary gain to its stock holders. Petitioners propose to carry on a cotton business and to buy and sell cotton in any manner they deem : fit; to buy from the wagon, from deal ers, or both, to sell either to domestic trade and to other dealers, or to sell for export, or both; to do all things usually done in the buying and selling of cotton; to operate a storage ware house,'if they see fit, for the handling of co.ton or other things usually stored in warehouses, to weigh cotton and other articles and to receive compensa tion therefor; to buy and sell cotton seed and cotton seed products: to buy and sell real estate necessary in the operation of the business of the said proposed corporation; to make such contracts as are necessary for the pro tection of the business of said corpora tion and exercise the usual powers and powers do and all of the usual, neces sary and proper acts which pertain to or may be connected with the business above mentioned. 6th. The principa l office and place of business of the proposed corporation will be in the City of Winder, said State and county. WHEREFORE, petiotiners pray to be made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid,entitled to the rights, privileges and immunities and subject to the liabilities fixed by law. This January 10th, 1910. L. C. Russell. Petitioners, Attorney. Georgia, Jackson County-I, S. J. Nix, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do hereby certifiy that the above and foregoing is a true and cor rect copy of application for charter this day filed in my office. This the 12th d&y of January 1910. S. J. Nix. Clerk Superior Court Jackson Cos., Ga.