The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, January 20, 1910, Image 7

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Are You With your land when for the sake of saving a few dollars you use a fertilizer whose only recommendation is its analysis. It requires no spe cial knowledge to mix mate rials to analyses. The value of a fertilizer lies in the ma terials used, so as not to over feed the plant at one time and starve at another. This is why Royster brands are so popular. Every in gredient has its particular work to do. Twenty-five years experience in making goods for Southern crops has enabled us to know what is required. See that trade mark is on every bag REGISTERED F. S. Royster Guano Cos. NORFOLK, VA. CHAIiLEY JOE THE LAUNDRYMAN Opera House Building, Behind Express Office. First-Class Work. Satisfaction Guaranteed. All t-inds of laundry neatly done. olotiles chained and pressed PRICE!: Collars, 2c; Shirts, 10c; Cuffs, 4c Pair. NEW ORDERS FOR THE NEW YEAR .must now he considered, and business will soon be booming, therefore hjul /^ ou better B (, t- :l move on you and |iliy/j\ be ready to start building as soon as ie aeas<m opens. By giving ns your “ ~ ]/ orders at an early date deliveries can be facilitated and delays guarded 6<? * against. Every line of lumber we i carry in stock. WINDER LUMBER CO. WINDER, GEORGIA. Phone 47. PARADISE. Many are sick in this section. Mr. J. H. Clack spent Monday and Tuesday in Monroe. Miss Maud Clack visited Miss Blanche Griffeth Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward called upon Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Chick Tuesdsy. Misses Bertha Smith, and Alice Waters were the guests Sunday of Miss Vallie Smith. Yes, with the joy of the Christ mas tide let us all lay aside all bit terness one toward the other. Some day, somewhere we will be under stood, and, then to our surprise, it will appear how unkind we have been toward many who never wronged us in word, purpose or deed To forgive is Christlike. To remember the frailties, and even the unkindness of others is not like God. lie casts our sins behind His back and remembers them against us no more forever. Love can make us joyous, and love only can make us happy. Virginia Schedule Gainesville IViidland Railway SOUTH BOUND No. 11 —Lv.B:3sa. m. No. 13 —Lv. 2:50 p. m. No. 15 —Lv. 10:30 am: Sun. only NORTH BOUND No. 12 —At. 11:25am. No. 14 —Ar. 5:40 p m. No. 16—A.. 4:25 pm; Sun. only. A BiT OF CHALK. What It Shows When Placed Under a Powerful Microscope. Few people know what a wonderful object a bit of chalk is when examined under a microscope. Take your knife blade and scrape off a little of the loose powder, catch it on a clean glass slide and place this ou the stage of a good table tniAoscope. L'sc a quarter inch objective lens and illuminate the field with a cone of light from the cancave side of t tie reflector. The pow der will be seen to consist of a con fused mass of beautiful tiny shells, many of them of the most curious form. A better way, however, is to rub down a portion of chalk with an old toothbrush in a tumbler half tilled with water. If you desire to prepare several slides rub on about a teaspoon-, ful of the powder. Shake the tumbler briskly, allow the sediment to settle for a moment and then carefully pour jff the milky looking water. Repeat this until the water remains dear, and you will tbeu have left in the bottom only perfect shells or large ?arts of shells. Tuke up a small pinch sf this deposit and spread It carefully over the center of a glass slide. Dry over a lamp and if you wish to pre serve the slide for future use mount It in Canadu balsam, pressing out the bubbles of air beneath the cover glass. MECHANICAL INGENUITY. A Full Rigged Ship That a Fly’s Wing Would Cover. Mauy instances of mechanical inge nuity really remarkable to us in these days, wheu we are supposed to have advanced in learning, are related by various ancient authors. The silver sphere, “a most noble and Ingenious performance,” which was presented to Sultan Holy man the Magnificent by his imperial majesty Ferdinand, Is men tioned by Paulus Jovius as showiug and keeping time with the motions of the celestial bodies in various config urations. it was carried to Constanti nople by twelve men and there put to gether by the artist that made it. Mymecides. an ancient carver, was so proficient in microscopic mechanism that he made an ivory ship, with all its decks, masts, yards, rigging and sails, in so small a compass that it might have been hidden under the wing of a fly. He also made a chariot with four wheels knd as many har nessed horses, which took up scarcely more room than the ship. George Whitehead, an Englishman, made a ship, with all things pertaining to it, to move as if it sailed, upon a table. “All hands were aloft, a woman made good music on a lute, and a little puppy cried in the midship, all of which variety,” says the old writer, “was pleasant and diverting.” The Vulnerable Point. Mrs. Holt could be. depended upon at almost any time to sa.v the wrong thing with the best intentions in the world. “Nobody minds what poor dear Fanny Holt says.” her friends told each other when repeating her remarks. “We know she means all right.” “Isn’t it queer how differently things affect people?” one of Mrs. Holt’s neighbors said to her the day after a beach picnic. “We both got tired to death, you and I. You say you’ve had Just a little bit of indigestion, while I have this fearful blind head ache.” “Why, that’s perfectly natural." said Mrs. Holt cheerily. “Of course when people are tired out it goes straight to tlie weakest part of them. Mine is my stomach, and everybody knows yours is your head, poor dear!”— Youth’s Companion. Tha Word Silhouette. The little black pictures called “sil houettes” derive their name from Eti enu£ de Silhouette, who was the French minister of finance iu 1750. His extreme economy in matters of finance was caricatured by all classes, and any cheap inode or fashion was sarcastically called by his name. About that time these profiles were produced by casting the shadow of a face on the paper by the light of a caudle and tracing about it. Because they were cheap they were called in ridicule at the minister “silhouettes.” and the name has ever since been re tained.—Boston (I lobe. All the Printer's Fault. “What became of that paper you were going to start in the interest of uplifting tlie poor tramp?” asked the interviewer. “’Ah, it fell through.” confessed the great reformer, with much agitation, “and all on account of the blooming carelessness of the printer.” “Did he make a grave error?” “I should say so. You know the pa per was to be named the Bar of Hope. Well, that idiot of a printer changed it to the Bar of Soap, and as soon as my constituents heard the name they started running, and they are running yet.”—Chicago News. We have a large stock of Nails and Barb Wire, and can make you best prices on it. Woodruff Hardware Cos =INDEPENDENT— Buyers of Cotton Seed. We are in the market for Cotton Seed. Most convenient place in the city to weigh and unload. Highest Market Price Paid Will exchange Cotton Meal and Hulls for Cotton Seed. See us at the store. LAY & GRAHAM, WINDER, GEORGIA. A FAR SIGHTED MAN, \ Knowing the uncertainties of the future and realizing the responsibilities of life, does not let the fire which may consume his property find him without Insurance. Furthermore, he pro tects his estate and those dependent on him by insuring his own life. For reliable Insurance, life and fire, see KILGORE & RADFORD, Insurancec Agents, #SrOffice at The Winder Banking Company. H. J. GARRISON, THE. JLWE.E. LR FULL LINE OF High-Class Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Etc. Repairing a Specialty H. J. GARRISON. 'ivliv.'s ' r M IF YOU FEEL YOUR RESPONSIBILITY FOR THOSE DEPENDENT ON YOU . . The Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Company’s and the North American Accident Insurance Company’s CONTRACTS WILL INTEREST YOU. CALL OR WRITE .... F. V/. BONDURANT, Manager, G. C. PLEDGER, Assistant Manager, Tor Che Cheapest, Most Liberal Contracts Possible to Secure. Also Agents for Fire Insurance and Bonds, for Best Companies. Phone No. 2. Offices : Brick Warehouse ANNO U N CEMENT. -q I beg to inform my friends and the public that I lmve secured the agency for the celebrated / /\i/V \\ HUB BRAND SHOES \ \X§v//* For Men * un(l Children. Before buying your shoes call and inspect my line. I will save you money and sell you better shoes. F. HOFMEISTER, Winder, Ga. Do You Believe in Insurance?