The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, January 20, 1910, Image 8

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THE WINDER NEWS. Published Every Thursday Evening —by — ROSS CANNON. R. O. ROSS, Editor. a C. R- CANNON, Business Manager. Entered at the Postoffice at Winder, Ga., as Second Class Mail Matter. Thursday, January 20, 1910. Most people can't remember hut one figure nowadays, ard thats Xo 1. ________ A bill has been introduced in tin' Virginia legislature to make foot ball a misdemeanor. The congressmen are franking back garden seed to their j lients. Has loin Hell alighted j you?. If some folks were ns anxious to Own fine “ehillun” as they are hpgs and horses we’d all la- thorough breds. A friend of ours *uid the other day: “Nobody (ell- the truth but I drunk men and fools."’ Well, he wasn’t drunk. Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing" is a masterpiece, but there is still plenty of territory un touched that the same subject could le iippled to. A subscriber .ask* ns “When is a puppy a dog, and must he pay taxes on the little ‘teeninev’ fel lows?” (live it up and pass the question on to the dog man. Atlanta's recorder's eonrt tried fifteen blind-tiger cases Tuesday. And these were only the ones which became so blind they simply stum bled over the detectives. There are others in the (bite City, yea, verily. Some of these days cotton will be selling at 1 ()<• again and there will be people holding who could have sold for 15c. However, this is none of our business, hut we can't help observing human nature as we find it in this big old world. Just to think we have been abused all of our life for sleeping late mornings, and ’twas that pesky hookworm which hold us hack all the time. However, we can toll Mr. Roeke-Morgan-bilt that “need eessity” is the only cure for the “erittur.” No, Pauline, microbes are not vis ible to the naked eye. Therefore, your little sister did not bring any home from school —hut — Well, tell Mamma to have her hair clipped and throw it into the lire and re quest the hoard of education to scatter lime around the puplie school building. Gainesville, like all small towns which roach the gosling stage of eityhood, has hoooino top-heavy with newspapers and is emitting all kinds of discordant noises. The Eagle and the Herald are having it hammer and bongs, lmt with Harve Craig as her gunrdain we'll bet on the Eagle saving her tail feathers Elijah Dowie founded the city of Zion near Chicago and was mon arch of all he surveyed until jeal ousy among his snrhordinates broke the cult up in a row. Now there are cranks nearer home, up in Lumpkin county, dancing a jig and mumbling in an unknown tongue. Our times breed specta cular cranks. The heat and clamor of our modern activities turn heads awry. On all sides we are con fronted with intellectuals gone wrong. WOULD BE A GOOD SELECTION. We notice that B. Lee Smilh, a i member of Atlanta Typbographieal ' Union, is applying for Ixlss of the city stockade- It was a printer, Robert K. Cochran, who first called attention to the terrible condition of Atlanta’s detention station two years ago, and the printers have had much to do with the recent in vestigation, tlu re being three of them members of the city Council, jimith, a. member of the Georgian force, being among the number. Smith is a clean n;an, a kind hearted, Christian gentleman and Atlanta’s unfortunate erring ones could receive no more humane care j than under his guardianship, i Smith’s worth has been recognized Iby the people of Atlanta, and lie ! has yet t<> apply for a political plum which did not drop into his I hat. Here’s hoping that Smith will receive the appointment, and our word for it Atlanta’s stockade ! sensations will he at an end. NATIONAL POLITICS. The daily papers are beginning to! talk national politics, and Governor Harman, of Ohio, is being promi nently mentioned by politicians at Washington as the probable demo cratic nominee. With Governor Johnston, of Minnesota, removed from the scene of action and Bryan gone lame from too much running, the democrats will make a thorough search to find a man who hasn’t made some awful blunders or been endowed b with too much verboeitv. However, the democrats can he de pended upon to give the republicans enough campaign thunder at the scramble for the nomination to make it a hard race for any man they select." The republicans may have differences now, hut you will find them cemented together as tight as thel't’dtholie church when the general election rolls around. In thorough [organization there is strength, and it is this same strength which has walloped the democratic party for these many years. THE PRINCE OE THEM AEL. “1 have the misfortune to l>e a member of th (Jeorgia legislature, and I have the profoundest con tempt for that body. If you had a drove of Kentucky jackasses and of fered a prize for the one that could kick the longest you would have a fair idea of the mental attitude of the last legislature.” So stated Dr. George Brown, one of Fulton’s con tributions to the last general as sembly, in speaking to the tubercu losis convention. Yes, and we know George; have watched his career with interest., and cannot understand what influ ence brought this ‘‘misfortune’’up on him, for we believe him to he the prince four-flushing jackass of the entire lot. ’ I'is said tin* Hon. John N. Holder will run for the Legislature land again l>e speaker of the house. beast ways that's what the Alpha -1 retta Free Press the ‘‘bestest. weekly ; paper in Georgy” has to say. How about this* Jown?‘ Maybe your hens are laying and you do not know it. Mrs. \Y. E. Elder found forty-one eggs in one nest this week and says she had riot heard a hen cackle in six weeks. Wise hens these, and some folks we know might profit by following ! their example. Hogs are selling for per hun dred pounds in Chicago. Queer how valuable a hog becomes after reaching town. The farmer does not reap the lienefit of the high prices, yet the working men of ev ery calling in the large cities must pay the toll to the commission mer chant combines. s. T. ROSS & co. PROPRIETORS CITY DRUG STORE, (Successors to TURNER’S PHARMACY.) Next Door to Post Office. WINDER, GEORGIA. Cor. Broad and Candler Sts. \ 7E TAKE pleasure in announcing to the public that we * ’ have secured the services of Mr. A. Y. Leslie, a graduate in Pharmacy and a State licenced Druggist, who will fill all prescriptions carefully and accurately. This class of ‘trade especially solicited. We carry in stock a complete and up-to date line of Drugs, Drug Sundries, Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, and Rubber Goods. —n unnowii— ■iwr-Twwti.w ati i iiifyuwtwniwii l .<Maßifir —gwm ■l'wm w ——wwn—n.i rm m■i w i —tw ■■ ■ mmrnmi ■■■■—!■—nf 11 r n-rnrm —mri 1 ri —n n ■ - - - ■ ——— ————n i —ir-minf t ii ic —rr r u ==========Fine Cigars Are One of Our Specialties^^-—- i ii nr nr—Tirrrr-iTMMrTirTiim-ii —m *—*"***—“——————' n in 1 -f —* l - ■—nwnnii ssxtan. Trmaaa— POLITE SERVICE AND Best Soft Drinks front Fines! Fount in the City. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN LADIES and CHILDREN. CTfrM>l n, - ip m—iimwi!■'!■ im i ■■■! i i■ nr i—im i ji i l ’ ■■ iti"'WHU SUNDAY HOURS FOR PRESCRIPTION WORK: NUNNALLY’S GANDIES 9 to 10 A. M. and 2 to 4 P. M. ■hui—iii winirin i- r- DflHßs' m.i tejEMur^Li ll rnwwr- r h——m—w—wb——HnmxgccßAMur it—> ■’■n im—awia—— —t Your patronage solicited. % S. T. ROSS & CO., PROPRIETORS CITY DRUG STOIiU gRL DR. S. T. ROSS’ OFFICE IS LOCATED IN OUR STORE. Banking Business SEiould Be Done by People in Every Line of Endeavor. If This Be True, Then the Question Arises, Where Shall 1 Do My Banking Business? WE ASK YOU TO CON>IDEk THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WINDER. Capital Paid in $50,000. Resources $200,000. W. H. TOOLE, W. L. JACKSON, President. Cashier. H. N. RAIN K\ , Jk., \ No ust> to have made good reso lution, unless you mean to keep them. Practice saying “l will.” —Toecoa Record. Yes, hut suppose the other fellow says ”1 he dinged if you do?\ ‘ Shotgun" Walker tells us that he is going to move down to .lack son county in a few days. —Dah- longa Nugget. From this sobriquet it appears that Walker will arrive in time to pay dog tax in the banner cotton county. Death of Albert Wanes. Mr. Albert Wages, a well-known young man of near Carter Hill who had been failing in health for the past year with tuberculosis, died early this morning at the home of his father in Walton county. Mr- Wages leaves a large circle of rela lives and numerous friends who will learn of his derth with great sorrow. Funeral arrangements have not been announced. The 10‘kl birthday of General Robert K. Lee was celebrated throughout the south Wednesday. Winder did not select a speaker for the occasion and have elaborate public exercises, as was done in most towns in Georgia, though the day was observed with appropriate ceremonies by the High School chil li ren. Remember we sell the celebrated Chattanooga Reversible Disc Plow, the one that is letter than any other. We have them in stock. Woodruff Hahpwake Cos. We are in position to give you good value for your money on Black smith Tools, Farm Tools, Plows and Farm Machinery. Woodruff Hardware Cos. CORINTH. The prayer meeting at Mr. Rubin Smith’s was highly enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Odum and family visited Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Morrowand family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hinesleyand COUMBLA Double-Disc Records, 65c ■ ■ , "'"[fjsJ . | They fit any machine, and outwear any other re cords in the world. T)ouble value for your money ! Ca 1 i in! Get a catalog! HERRIN BROTHERS, WINDER, GA. Mrs. O. A Johnson visited Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hinesley Tuesday | night. RETURN THANKS. We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their uniform kind ness and for the many courtesies extended to us during the illness and death of our beloved daughter. May God’s richest blessings rest upon every one of you is our prayer. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hamilton. There is no gears that strip in a Buick.