The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, February 03, 1910, Image 5

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Braselton Brothers, -AT BRASELTON, GEORGIA, Are now pushing to make 1910 the most successful year in the history of their business. We want your trade, and promise you fair treatment, and will endeavor to give you more goods for your money than other stores. WK l XI IKI.’I i! V WE INI >KI It Means a Saving of Dollars to You to Trade With Us. We can FIT you up from the “CRADLE to the GRAVE.** We have recently added a line of Coffins and Caskets to our large stock of merchandise, and we can save you money on this line. We are soon to begin the erection of another big brick store, adjoining our present building, to handle our rapidly increasing business. We will make prices so as to live and let live. Most all our old sales-people are with us again this year, and also some new ones, and each of them shall be pleased to have you call in to see them. We hope you will join in and help to make 1910 the banner year for us all. Braselton Brothers, Braselton, ... Georgia. LITTLE LOCALS. Mr, H. N Rainey, Jr., is visit ing the Lone Star State. Mr. J. M. Hood made a business trip to Athens Monday. Mr. Golden Craft visited friends in Sunday. Judge U. B. Russell spent a few days in Winder this week. Blacksmith Tools —the very liest make —at Smith Hardware Cos. Charlie Smith, son of Postmaster Smith is now working at the post office. You should see that window of rare bargains in Jardinieres at Smith Hardware Cos. Messrs- Westbrooks and Barber have resigned their position at the Winder postofhce. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith, of Athens, spent the week end as the guest of the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W- Smith. All kinds of-Wire Fencing —Gar- den Fence, Lot Fence, Barbed Wire Fence —and such good prices, at Smith Hardware Cos. We have a large stock of Nails and Barb Wire, and can make you best prices on it. Woodruff Hardware Cos The many friends of Mr. H. A. Carithers are glad Ur see Ihui able to be on the streets after being con fined to his room for several days. We are keeping that good, warm fire at Smith Hardware Co.’s, and in the meantime we want to talk to you alxiut Farm Tools. They are here for you. f Mr. W. J. Smith is now with the Winder postoffice. Mr. Smith is a competent bookkeeper and when the new wears off, he will render valuable service to the patrons of Winder’s postoffiice. Go to Patat for best horse-shoeing. Mr. H. P- Betts spent Sunday in Athens. Messrs. Heyes and Latimer Grif feth are visiting home folks. Mr. Howard Perry has been here several days, visiting relatives. Shoes put on by Patat have to he worn off. They refuse to come off. Mr. Ilastus Mathews, of Bethle hem, was in Winder one day last week r Questions on Georgia for the U. D. C.’s meeting will lie found in this issue. Mr. Fleming Thompson spent Sunday in Winder with his father and friends. Patat guarantees his work. Either wagon repairing or horse shoeing. Try him and get quality. There will be a singingjat Chapel the fourth Sunday in February. Dinner on the ground. Everybody invited. John Deer Reversible Disc Har rows, with both truck and with tongue, now offered cheap. Woodruff Hardware Cos. Comets are not going to bring us any famine, but we’ll tell you what may —too much cotton and not enough corn. —Sylvania Telephone On a cold morning it is fine to have a Perfection Oil Heater in the dining room. You can enjoy the meal so much better. Smith Hard ware Cos. sells them. Do not fail to get our prices on everything you need in our line. We sell you goods at reasonable prices and treat you right. Woodruff Hardware Cos. Wonder if that was a Chimse hat Dr. Broughton wore when he challenged Tom Watson to talk with him about foreign missions? —Dah- loneg Nugget. Dr. Harris, of Bethlehem, pass ed through Winder Monday. Mrs. C. ('. Parr, of Athens, was the guest Saturday and Sunday of Mrs. Georgia Harris. Come to sec us for the John Deer 7-Knife Stalk Cutter. Best ma chine for 828.00. Woodruff Hardware Cos. Everybody invited to attend Sun day school at Chapel Sunday after noon at :> o’clock and enjoy Moore’s new songs. It is the intention of the prohibi tionists to put out a state ticket in the next election. It will be a vain en deavor. —Rome Tribune-Herald. We are in position to give you good value for your money on Black smith Tools, Farm Tools, Plows and Farm Machinery. Woodruff Hardware Cos. * Remember we sell the celebrated Chattanooga Reversible Disc Plow, the one that is better than any other. We have them in stock. Woodruff hardware uo. All Things Come Too Late For Those Who Wait. Don’t postpone the purchase of one at least of those New Seamless Art Squares. Well just come and look and you will buy —that's all- Rugs, gee! ypu will lx* absolutely surprised at quality and especially at prices. We are looking for you. W. T. Robinson. RUSSELL Miss Mary Russell, of Winder, made a short visit to her brother* Judge Russell, last week. Mr Charles Austin is visiting his daughter, Mrs Joe C Austin, this week. The many friends of Mr. Joe Meadow will lie glad to know he has suffieiently recovered from his recent illness to return to his busi ness engagements in Atlanta. The interest in the Sunday school in the Baptist church is still in creasing. To meet the wishes of the scholars and teachers, the hour of meeting lias been changed to 8:30 o’clock in the afternoon. Visitors are warmly welcomed. Mr J II Mealor and family visit ed relatives this week in Athens. Mr J S B.akey, formerly of Auburn, but who has been living in Texas for the past three years, made a business trip to Russell this week. Mr N Kemper Smith, of Winder, accompanied by Cols. W H Quar terman and L C Russell, visited Judge Russell Sunday afternoon. Coder the skillful leadership <,f Mr Charlie Manning, the singing at our Sunday school has leen greatly improved. Rhv R J Huff made an important business trip to Atlanta thi> week. Mr George Huff, of Athens, vis ited his nephew, Rev R J Huff, this week. We are sorry to know that Mrs Cal McElhannon is still suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism. Mr H V Davis has severed his connection with the Seaboard rail road and is busy improving his premises. CORINTH. Mr and Mrs E IT Odum and lit tle children visited Mr and Mrs J T Morrow and family Sunday afternoon. Mr H C Hinesley and family vis ited Mr J T Hinesley and family Sunday. Misses Mamie and Ruby Odum visited in Oglethorpe Saturday and Sunday, the guests of Mr and Mrs David Morrow. Miss Bessie Cronic visited Misses Myrt and Ada Smith Sunday. The Sunday school at this place is on a boom now. Everybody in vited to attend. Misses Kathleene and Gypsie Bediogfield visited at Bethlehem Saturday and Sunday, the guests of relatives. • Miss Jewell Rlenins has been sick for the last week, hut is improving now. Mr and Mrs II T Hinesley and daugl>U*T visited Mr and Mrs Bud Cronic and family Saturday night and Sunday. Mr J M Fuller and family visited Mr J T Hinesley and family Mon day night. Mr Eddie Morrow visited Mr E H Odum and family Saturday night- To My Friends and Patrons. I have with me now Mr. Ronald B. Jackson, of Hoschton, Ga., whom 1 have known from child hood, who does not drink or smoke cigarettes, and is courteous, polite and will appreciate your trade. Give us a trial. W T Robinson. Special Taxes. The law requires every person or corporation who pays special taxes, to register with the Ordinary at the beginning of the year. Respectfully, J. A. Wills, Ordinary. The Savannah Press feelingly says “Spoiled corn causes pellagra and distilled corn causes dizziness in the head. Asa foot note we might add that there are still other corns that cause much anguish.” We extend our sympathy. —Elber- ton Star. We are glad to know that Miss Kathleen Jackson is improving. Mrs. R. O. Ross and children are visiting relatives in Atlanta.