The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, February 10, 1910, Image 7

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BjfiPß Large mercantile business has continued to grow from the date of its organ ization, by honest, fair dealing. He is now adding to his immense business a Thorough, Up-to-Date Millinery Department, under the supervision of one of the best trimmers in North Georgia. The beautiful line of ladies’ head-wear will be on display in ample time to select your Easter hat. It will pay you to visit this department. Also the most at tractive line of Dress Goods ever brought to Hoschton, in all the latest fabrics and weaves of the season. Be sure to call and inspect this beautiful line. Clothing and Gents ’ Furnishings. The best the Eastern markets can afford. Shoes and Oxfords, that embrace style and quality, are always to be found here. We also keep a full line of Groceries, Hardware, Stoves Furniture and Coffins, and can save you money. Can make you attractive prices on Buggies and Wagons. We manufacture the highest grades of Fertil izers—the best made— with testimonials showing a yield as high as two to three bales of cotton per acre. We cordially solicit your patronage, and when you consider the superior quality of our goods, you will find we have the best in all lines. Can save you money. NAMES Of COUNTIES Term Program of Georgia D. A. R. Chapter for Month of February. Program for February is “ A Counterfeit (County fit) Pres entment.” The questions are a s follows: 1. What county rhymes with sup pling? 2. A large animal u-ed in bib lical Jewish sacrifices? 3. Where do we keep money? 4. Articles of a baby’s wardrobe? o. Who makes our flour? (5. The great commoner of Eng land? 7- The groat commoner of Geor gia? B.ln what county should a goat feel most at home? 10. Who originated the plan of the University of Georgia and drew up its charter? 11. What presidential nominee does 10 to 1 suggest? 12. What will draw a boggor crowd of “niggers” than a circus? 13. Our junior senator? 14. What “goes on forever?” lb. 1 low do we like our wafers? lb, A beverage? 17. Something wrestlers do? 18. Two tribes .of Indians. 19. What part of a com plant does a spider use in his wed? 20. A' Christmas song? 21. What do most of .us want to S be? •22. Name of Mr. Hennessey’s friend and companion? 23. Name Georgia’s signers of the Declaration of Indipendence. 24. The great American states man, also a signer, who first drew electricity from the clouds? 2b. Where do trains usually stop? 20- Greatest' general of nine teenth century 27. What is the most popular doctrine in America? 28. A Polish conut who fought in the revolution? 29. A baron who fought in the revolution? 30. A daring confederate gen eral's name begins with M, and his soldiers were called “bis men?” 31. Something hard for girls to keep. 32. Gcorgi’s central city. 33. Name of a square in this city. . 34. The founder of Georgia. 3b. What we seldom get from the coal dealer? 3b. The absence of color? 37. In what county should butch ers thrive? 38. The author of our greatest document? • 39. What do we get from the cot ton fields? 4<T. When do we hate to be called? _ II- A famous wolf killer called Israel? 42. What a girl ought to say when a man kisses her? 43. One way to keep cool? 44. Who is a man’s dearest friend? 4b What does a man do when he meets him? 4b. What should we say in pre senting this counterfeit? 47. A Georgia medley? A troop of union soldiers, led by Jasper and Stewart, having had a fight with Captain Randolph Charl toh, brushed the green Twiggs from the undergrowth in their hasty re treat over rock, dale and valley, and overtaking a walker, on the old Forsyth road, one Thomas Warren by name, exclaimed, “Up* son! and tell fair Columbia we will soon lx- on the pike for Washing ton, for our strength is on thewarie and we may lose our liberty while we wear the blue. Hark! from the tombs a doleful sound, not the hold shout of‘on to Richmond,’ hut the needful cry of back P/ Lincoln.” It is merry weather in this Finnn ual land, but the maddest, son of us may lie Dade here at any minute. These sly rebel's poke fun at us. Ti.ey are up to more tricks than Francis Marion, hut they would pierce us with anew ton of lead every second, so it is worth our while for some of us to watch and some to pray, while some\ are scampering far away. Arrainged by Mrs. Edgar Ross, member historic program commit tee. •, Little Things Nothing can he accomplished by half-hearted methods. Don’t care, slipshod methods never lead toward success. lack of concentration is a ervihg fault among the young men of today. They dabble a little in this and then in that. They take up this work and drop it for some ting else. And so it goes. These young men do become great. Rusk in says, “Thoroughly great men are those who have done everything thoroughly", and who have never despised anything, however small.” No successful man ever bee tme successful overnight. Instead of a quick turn from poverty to richness, from obscurity to farms from failure to success, a close inquiry will show that for many years the subject was quickly and persisently preparing himself and paving the way towards his success. Do .is a little word, hut a big thing- ft is small hut great, short but long; takes breath, hut makes life. It means power. It means higher positions awaiting you. It means spheres of wider in fluence. It means blessings to your self, to employer, to employe, to society, to state. Merchants Jour nal and Commerce. John Deer Reversible Disc Har rows, with both truck and with tongue, now offered cheap. Woodruff Hardware Cos. m COLUMBIA Double-Disc Records, 65c They fit any machine, and outwear any other re cords in the world. Double value tor your money! Cah id Get a catalog! HERRIN BROTHERS, WINDER, GA. \ Drawback “If you love him ami voir re so absolutely certain that u • loves you why don’t you marry him?” “There’s just one thing in the way-“ ’’what’s that, for goodness’ sake? lb- has plenty of money.” ‘ Yes, hut he won’t propose.” — Cleveland L-ader. We cease to wonder why the ma jor leaves Charleston. The News and Courier pupilshes an account of a j>y ride there. —Columbia Record. Self Control. To submerge self, or, in other words, to hold in bondage the high er passions is the most ennobling and inspiring of human virtues. It gives to the heart of humanity the serenity that softens and illumines the soul. It gives a blessing for an oath, a smile for a blow. It mir rors into lives with which it comes in contact forgiveness and love. It governs iihptilses, desire and passion. It hiiglitems lifes path way, lightens the burdens, conquers all thing, stems the tides that would overwhelm us, and makes possible the realization of oiu loftiest ideals —Merchants Journal and Commerce. In the Wrong Place. A one legged ’Welsh orator named Jones was pretty successful in ban tering an Irishman, when the latter asked him: “How did you come to lose your leg?” “Well,” said Jones, “on examin ing my pedigree and looking up my descent, I found there was some Irish blood in me, and, becoming convinced that it was settled in the left leg, I had it cut off at once.” “Jly the powers,” said Rat, “it Would have ben ;■ v r.v thing if it had only settled in your head! ” —London Mail. We are pleased to say to our cus tomers nr and friends that the past year business was the most satisfac tory we have had, and we are still anxious to sell you hardware and vehicles, and promise you the- same good treatment we have always given you. Woodruff Hardware Cos. Mrs. Armour is preaching against wine in fruit cakes. We think our selves that it is a groat waste to use it that way. —Valdosta Times.