The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, February 17, 1910, Image 1

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WE GIVE YOU -THE— BEST WE HA VE VOL. XVII. SENATOR TILLMAN, ' Show Your Manliness By Giving I hat Mother Her Babes! Is there anywhere in Nature a right more sacred than of a mother to her child? Did an angel ever ■sdear a holier look than beautifies the young wife's face, as she ga/as on the infant that lies in her arm-? ■The very birds of tin air, and boasts of tlic jicld and forest, recog nize the holy rights of .Motherhood. The tiniest little songster will fui'iously battle for the x • session of Ter brood, and will die in its d</- •■nce. The lioness anu the tigress are never so terrible as when they fight t* keeptlicir whelps. Against tills universal Law of Nature, Stands Senator Tillman, and a ft ih the South Carolina Code. In ■ -me way, iincredible as it- may s.'oih; some legislature of that State enaeh and a “law,’’'giving the father •fa £hild%t]ie right •• to “deed, it away" to whomsoever lie pleased U {filer this ‘‘law,”' Senator Till mauls son, whose young wife had to leave him on account of alleged and cruel treatment, conveyed the two children of the marriage to their grand farther Ohe of these children -is a little girl. - ; In spite of the pleadings of ‘-the i)K>ther Senator Tillman holes on* W them, lie says that he has. no N t ick to make on her chain ter, '-■ it that she is unfit' to' liaiss,. .’yet’ children. .. *' '•>' • Whatdolyer attack can by ‘ itnide oil tflje characuer of a Woman ifian to sity that she is not- tit to . -raise h-r.own girl? 4 • Seijator Tillman’s son m irrie i a lady whose family con neetpms ate as good as any--in this dtfmftry. She .Tierself is a refined'*;'and fiecoua 4}tilled’ lady. Hot misfortune to marry a man wliu could, not", Ar at least did not, -appreciate- the s>rize be had won. *_ , ' ■*■ He led her a fearful life —a life' •that insist have bee4* one-, -of daily torment-T-and novfffie breaks her' fieart by robbing.hetof her children. k “i. Senator Tilhnan ought, not to be. a party to this criihe. It IS a —a crime against Nature, against Justic, aganist God to rob that mother of her babiesL / Did you ever hear a woman be wail the lost of a child ? No sound that ever falls on human ear is more, heart rend in g- The voice that was heard in Ramah has been heard all over the earth, wherever Avomen have been mothers, and then mourners of lost children. In the Tillman case, the loss of f the lisle ones is intensified by the cruel fact that they are lost to none .but to her alone who has the God given right to them. It is a shame. Senator Tillman will lose the respect of all right thinking men, if he does not return tots to their mother. —Wat- son’s Jeffersonian. Columbia, S. C., Feb lb. —The of Mrs. B. il. Tillman, Jr. arrived in Columbia from Trenton in charge of Mrs. 13. R- Tillman, their grandmother, this morning. A touching scene occured when the children saw their mother at the home of Dr. Butler. Wanted Needle-work. First class seam stresß. Mrs. J. S. Garner, Wright Winder, Ga. GJ)c lUiniicv News. WINDER. JACKSON COUNTY. GEORGIA, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 17,1910. BARLOW A WILSON’S MINISTREES. Merry Performers at Aeamemy of Music fast Night. —„— W hat the Raleigh News and j Observer of December 131, 1009, 1 says of Barlow A: Wilson’s Minstrels: The Barlow it Wilson Minstrels ft.-re ;-t die Academy of Music last n gbt, and the performance brought applause frpnnthe audience. | In the first part there was music j with melody to it, -the vocalist ron ! dering some very attra l ive num b-rs,the comedians.lo< king diligent j ly after the fun end of the perform ance. Sane of the songs made a. hit with the audience. The take o.T on Cook and Reray was very -** ; ciover. hi the fecund, part there were feature-acts in Which juggling was presented, Fred lloph. in a funny skit, the international comedy quartette, songs and buck dancing, I musical comedies and other spe jcialties, going to make up h per jf irmanCe that was applauded t ime j and again. This compahy plays :it. LyricLMoiulay niget Febufiry 21. THREE GOOD WEN. i *. - Wo don’t often Bay much about :ir maids go<Vl qualities Ulifil he is : dead, which.l believe often-time's is a mistake, as-our town ranks in im portance as to the number ‘of* good men we have to sway the. town from’ evil to good, and' a man that stands Tor honesty, .sobriety* and | the righ*, cannot “-be ynhy-Vltod highly; and as one that- has knoudi him fqj; 1 -w-ilj." ,prpselVU vow. with nacyf . 1 . ' J -**•**• ; . Bjakey. (hir town 'is greatly, en riched by having linn, as he stands f in everything s if he Sttyrds alqfte; oil? fhiWrers 411 .safe unguis -his- fid vj ce Tpii r Y 16‘rioy safQr-u 1 his. Karfftf/* • ' ....... p liaV’e no man". above; but should nflt lose , sight ,qf v the tact that we hfvve* also been - eth .-rfehea with John B’mitb, ajul.’ Wni Hojrjon, v\ T ho-Tfiye.^ast‘>their .hit with us to s 1 i'aYeviur *. Jul qsSii Igf and hyLp bear our' burdens. • * . : * ‘ are valuable assets to any tfwn,"and should have our en couragement. and ■'support. When ave consider these 'Mien in . xjpm parison with some in the -World we are made to rejoice to think of our gun in the three above named men," for they are here to help, and- not to hurt, and we will feel their in fluence in everything attaining to lift the town to a higher plane. A Fkiend THE FAMILY PURSE. Tf it were always full enough to need no consideration, how much easier it would be for us all. But, unfortunately, we must regulate our desires to suit the size of the family purse. It’s all right to be economi cal, but in buying furniture there’s a point where cheapness ceases to fie economy. Goods below this paint are dear, no matter how little they cost. This class of goods WE do not handle at all. We always consider the welfare of the family purse. We make its burdens lighter by knowing what to .buy, and where, by taking advantage of all price concessions, by sticking close to the better class of goods. Give us a chance to prove our claims to you. W. T. Robinson. MILITARY OfFIGERS ELECTED B. A. Julian and f. A. Wit! Were Elected Eirst and Second Lieu tenants, Respectively. I * Last Friday night an election wa :he.]d at the Armory for First and Second Li-.-utenants of the Winder Guards. D-n A. Julian was eb-cted hirst Lieutenant tosueeetd 11-K. , Mil-likin, resigned, and F. A- Witt was (dcctc<l to succeed C ,M Fergu son, n-signed. Mr. Julian’ lias be'-n a morn her of the company since its organization, and has been one of the factors in ! developing it tb its present Mate of ! efficieiu-y. Mr. Witt has had long | experience in military ma'tters in the j National Guard of Texas and Geor gia, having recently been Second Lieutenant of Company E, of Cedar town, Georgia. The election of these two men will be of great benefit to the company as both arc enthusias iie and efficient. Captian G. A. Jonns has worked hard to maintain and develop- the com pa ri v and Re is to be Congratu lated on the assistants chosen to help him. The conpany is now in fine ' condition and bids fair to be one of | Winder's permanent organizations: The drill of the boys lias a snap land yim shout it that shows their training, and with the * material in hand that now composes the com pany, one of the best organizations in tlie'service- will soon 4 be realized. •r . Prize-dnTl.t nfe making are.volution in the compa’ny ami the rivalry en gendered is beneficial in. many ways. The ihspeotion that was to dniye tteen hehl.lY fire 1 )nicd ist.;ttw op the- T7tli Unz on n-coount % *•. • , * , -of aosttice the Captain at courts.. .Bytbe time it conies' *on a company of.‘ ucgula ri’ ’ will' ‘preseVit anfi's” to the inspector.' it'contimie to pvdSper. £pr R is asilfr*-- g’u:u'd Mi •time arnha, fine" any '” '•'* r.v., h. Iflf— S L ‘* ' 4 * -• ’• -CfiStveuldnt to Register.:.' ;" .• * . g .■> •• . J t ir-.fyerf l)iat ,hc‘-has ; •bhu-.ks-aifd tjP, ulh G vidfiiiett-eop i\ty votlrm- \vfio Vzill cait orffMm Atr., fliiyesdfVbs in'-jlerr SmitLdiistrict.L# \ % ' • "A *■ iLgismr A|>pk jiy hjis sent' ldanks to Suaitliife Caritherft liank, .. and Jackson citizcLis .who. to "register Adn do seeing Mr. L. A- House/ The registration pooks close April • r )th. . ’ Warning.] This is to notify all parties not to hire, harbor or trade with one W. P. Wood, known as Will Woo'd, as he is under contract with me for the year 1910. Respectfully, J. M. Page. A PAINFUL ACCIDENT. On Tuesday, Mr. Albert Wil liams sustained a painful acci dent while driving the automobile of Mr. H. P. Stanton. As we understand it the ground was slick and two wheels of the ear ran into a ditch, and Mr. Williams threw one foot out and badly wrenched his leg. It was thought to be broken, but upon careful examination showed only bruises. Bring your country produce to Gem Grocery Company for the highest market price. PERSONAL MENTION. Items of interest Caught Between Dopes by the Cub Reporter. I’rof. Carlton, of Aupurn was here Tuesday. Mrs. L R. Williams -pwnt Tues day in Anlnnta. Dr. Harris, of Bethlchern, was in our town Saturday. Have'better bread bv using K. K. K. Hour- Herrin Boy, Dr. L. ('. Allen, of TTosehton, was in W'nd- r Friday. * Col. .1. A. Perry, of T/twrence ville was in Wind r Saturday. Judge Ben A. Julian was in Lavv rcncevillc TtK'sday sn legal business. Dr. and Mrs. G. W. DeLaperriere have returned from a tour thru Florida. Mr. Blake pefry is looking after tin- express ofiice during the illness of the Messrs. Sharpton. tlon. C. R. Ware and wife, of 1 Lawrenceville, spent Tuesday after ; noon in the city enr'oute to Monroe. Mr. A. A. Gamp who has been ill at his home on Broad street for the past week, is able to be out again. At the Methodist church Rev. W-,’ T.jHunnicutt \yi 1 1 use as his subject* Sunday’ mornipg “Christ’s Prayer-; for! Unity.’ 4 Mr. ITiram Sharpton, tin- genial clerk at the express office, who haS : y’- ' been con fined to Ins room fyrqi. .week or ten days with the grip; .* is improving rapidly, and hopes UV+)A' able to be out'in a short time. ~ Col Q. Tblms is in week (frrvl-egal,.business, ferson dfi' Monday where he-Miai-L been-in attendance upon Supetftlr court and locking after his candi (Uicy for Judge of the City Court of '/eftefriqu. .. • ■ . . 0 > '• . Mr. and'Mrs. R. TI. Cannon were Called-.*!*Jonesboro Monday to ‘the Gn-Vctufriiing home there awaited a telegnayi from Lithonia announce ipg (Be'death of Mrs. G- W. Rags dale, sister of Mrs Cannon. 'iTdv. Fritz Rauschenhurg will speak of “Walking In the Old Ruths” at the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning. There will •be no service at night, as the con gregation will take part in the union service at the Baptist church at that hour. Mr.* Green Brasdton, head of Braselton Bros, B rase] ton, Ga., was in Winder the latter part of last, week and paid The News a pleasant call. This firm contem plates making additions to their already large mercantile eitablis hincnt. In this issue appears the adver tisement of W. R. DeLaperriere. Besides being the largest land owner and biggest individual tax payer in Jackson county, he is one of the largest merchants. This sea son lie is adding new departments to his store- Mr. Sam Sharpton, the efficient and accommodating agent of the Southern Express Company, who has been confined to his room for the past three weeks with a severe attack of the grip, is considerably improved, and hopes to be at his post of duty again in a few days. WE HAVE -THE- Best You Can Get DALGHIIRS STUDY GEORGIA. | Chapter Royally Enternainng at Granite Hotel by Mrs. C. B. Almond. The Daughters of the (Vmfeder : acy held their regular monthly nieetnig on Wednesday with Mrs. : C. 13. Almond at the Granite Hotel. The subject for study was Geor gia, which was taken up after the business nieeting. Master Charles Almond gave an interesting talk on Oglethorpe, a song was beautifully rendered by Miss Natliler.r. Coker, and a reci tation by Miss Rath (’anthers, ad ded much to the pleasure of the alter noon. A contest was then given ‘tlie ladies by Mrs Almond after which musical numbers were rendered by Mrs. Dr. Brown, Mrs. MeCurry and Miss Ruby Girithers. The piize’was drawn by - Mis. Brooks. Delightful refreshments were served, and several new mem bers were a hied to the. roll. . Tin* next meeting will In held a’t t he' residence of Mrs. W - . ll.’ Rush, ... 1 .. ‘ . March tvseuty-tiiird. Those presmt . ■ were: r . < -■ Mi-diunes Harry -M-i-lfikin, R. L. . iV’l&pb -QiAS ITlgUSullj'S. I’.' !y*SS, -lh.\lc(-urrv,\V. T. flimniHitt, W? R. ■'Brhokfe, W, H. Topic. ‘ . .ITT 14 B. .Almond,. WVM. .Jl<>!s'inl*'el<C id. R.-(iailhfinTW: H. _NT SC. Smithy 1\ t > Flanigan, iliraui Stanton,* J. N-. •; •Voujkfleith, M- -IG Du.rdf,* ' BrownJlllUl anti kH-thieijji and ■ *' -y -V ? 1 . . : /'.LOOM ’ ■-DBOPgfe. ir-' t'FrftAiv evening i dVtj'.S. Math a Looneys ‘of-^^VIKhT, iu tlie'j’li-irtiftfttf. .M r; k. •S'/ r Kadford. . V'.Vi./fiwC"--' m* 11 e i.#j| relativea-were preff^tk’Hi v. W. T. sHunnieutfc ‘pefforniiii'g< .Uthe cereinony. .7. " Af4 , o - : tnpimediately afterAl ft.e&remony Mr.-and'Mrs. Odum left for Bi^th-' lehem where tliey wen entor-. tained:. Mrs Odum is well known in Winder, having lived here many years, and lias a host of friends who wish her unlimited happiness. Mr. Odum is a prosperous Wal ton county planter. They will be at home to their friends in Bethlehem. O’SHIEEDS-HANCOCK. Miss Mary O’Shields, of Winder, and Mr. Claude Hancock, of Jeffer son, were married Wednesday at the residence of Rev. J. 11. Wood, the lattei performing the ceremony. The bride is the pretty and ac complished daughter of Mrs. Nan nie O’Shields, and a young woman of many lovely traits of character. Mr. Hancock is the son of Hon. IL IL Hancock, of Jefferson. lie is a worthy young man, and de serves the prize he has won. After the ceremony the young couple left f°r Jefferson. Many friends in this section wish them a long and happy life. —4— Cibbage plants, onion sets and garden seed at Gem Grocery Com pany. NO 48