The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, February 24, 1910, Image 5

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Coj'vriyhf Hart S.haffiier a: Man YOU’RE enough interested in your clothes, or ought to be, to want to know what the correct styles are to be this Spring. ' Hart Schaffner Sc Marx ✓ new Spring Style Book is announced to be ready about March r;~ a Wash ington number, showing scenes at the National Capital; our illustration above is taken from the beautiful poster announcement of the book. It’s something every well-dressed man ought to have; and we hope every one of you will appreciate what a useful book it is; an authority and guide in men’s correct styles. This store is the home of Hart Schaffncr Sc Marx cldthes J. L. SAUL, The Clothier. THE STORE OF MERIT. WINDLR, - - - GEORGIA. Local and Personal. i Have better bread by using K. K. K. flour. Herrin Bros. * Miss Gussie O’Neal spent a few days with home people this week. Mr. F- W. Bondurant made a business trip to Atlanta W ednesday. If you want the best biscuit--use K. K K. flour. At Ilerrin Bros. Miss IVarl Finch, of near Galilee, paid The News a pleasant call Tues day. Mr- P. A. Flanigan has been real sick for the past week, is much bet ter. Mrs. Pauline Duggan, of Atlanta, was the guest of Mrs. \\\ <). Perry the latter part of last week. Messrs. K. F. Harden and M. G. Harden paid the News a call this week. There is no flour on the market that excels K. K K. Kept at Herrin Bros. Or. ard Mrs. 11. P. Quillian left Sunday night fora two weeks’ out ingin South Georgia and Florida. Come to see us for the Job Deer 7-Knife Stalk Gutter. Best ma chine for 828.00. W’oohRCFF Hardware Cos. Mrs. \V. \\ T . Norman and little daughter are visiting relatives in Winder this week. Lieut. J. N. Ferguson, G. S. N., spent the week-end with his sister Mrs. E. J. Robeson. Lost —Gold signet ling with let ter S engraved thereon. Return to Postmaster J. R. Smith and recieve reward. Judge G. If. Brand passed throu gh Winder Monday en route to Monroe, where lie is holding court this Week. Mrs. Emory Merck’s parasol was taken thur mistake Sunday evening at ths Babtist church. Initials K M. on handle. Mesars. Edward and Garland Robeson, i>f the Gniversity, spent a few days with their parents here the early part of the week. Brand new graphophone for sn 1• •. Cost 2.">. Will take S2O. AU> second-hand huggy in first-class con dition. Apply at this office. We have a large stock of Nails and Barb Wire, and can make \>>u best prices on it. Woodruff Hardware Cos Miss Bessie Camp, of Moreland, Ga., spent Monday evening with' her cousin, Mrs. J. C. Debiper riere, on route from Hoschton. At Auction —One good one-horse surry will he sold to the highest bidder in front of the city hall, Saturday. Feb. 2<>th. J. S. Craft. John Deer Reversible Disc Har rows, with both truck and with tongue-, now offered cheap. Woodri ki- Hardware Cos. Mr. Claud Shouts, after a three months' visit to liis father, Mr. Woot Sheats, returned to Fort Worth, Tex., to resume lus duties with the Fred Harvey News Cos. Remember we pell the celebrated Chattanooga Reversible Disc Plow, the one that is better than any other. We have them in stock. WooDKI KK HARDWARE Cos. At a met ting of the official board of the Christian church on February 22, it was unanimously decided to conduct a protracted meeting at that church beginning the fourth Sunday in April, to continue for two weeks, provided there is no providential hindrance. We are pleased to say to our cus tomers ard friends that the past year business was the most satisfac tory we have had, and we are still rnxious to sell you hardware and vehicles, and promise you the same *ood treatment we have always pvtn you. Woodruff Hardware Cos.