The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, March 03, 1910, Image 6

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TRIALS OF A TIRED MAN. Rumpus In Adjoirung- Apartment Costs Man Next Door $32. "11/ hud a fuss up at our flat Inst yW night, said til** tir<‘d man. ‘•and the row cost me Two strange looking fellers moved into the flat next to ours, and the walls are so thin my wife and 1 could hear pretty much nil the strange men said. They seemed to quarrel all the time. •‘ ‘You have done me a great wrong. Henry Wilbrahaui.’ says one in a low. growling voice and it whack on the ta >ie that made the dumbwaiter rattle. *• ‘So you have said before, Horace ] lark ins,’ says t lie other in tones as told its an iceberg in cold storage. ‘But what you may think or say or do is u matter of no moment to me. Don’t waste that husky voice of yours cm idle threats. Ido not fear you. Henrietta Wigglesworth understands, and that is nil I care for. We wed tomorrow.’ •‘'Tomorrow?’ cries the first, yelling like a stin k pig. •Tomorrow?* “ ‘Tomorrow is what 1 said.’ says the other scornfully. ‘And now you will oblige me by leaving this house at once, or I shall call the police and have you thrown out.’ “‘Curse you!’ cries the first, with a hiss like a serpent on his esses. ‘You little dream that I have still the whip hand u|Mtn you. you cur! if you think I fear you and the power of your wealth the sooner you change your jjjiild the better. Let the minions of the law come, and I will lay the story of your perfidy before them in such a light that if you are not in a cell lie fore night there is no Justice in ilil# land. No tyau will be so base as to tro vour bail, no man so wicked as ft defend you before the courts. 1 have the fmpers.’ “‘Oh, bang the papers!* cries the Other, with a cynical laugh. ‘They prove nothing. Who signed them? Reginald Hnrkaway? Ami where is Reginald Harkawa.v? Dead! Aye, dead as a doornail, Horace Harkins! Lying cold beneath his little six feet of earth in the distant Philippines!’ “‘Liar!’ hisses the first. ‘lteginald Harkaway lives. I am Reginald Ilark away,’ and so on. They’ve kept up that, confounded row day in and day out ever since they came Into the place, beginning early in the morning and stopping the Lord knows when at night. Well, last night matters readi ed a climax, and that feller Harkaway seemed to lose air control of himself, it was near midnight My wife and 1 were wakened up from our first sleep by a regular prizefight going on in there. We could hear them scuffling about the room, hammering and lam basting each other up to the limit, un til finally my wife said she thought 1 ought to interfere. “ ‘Somebody 'll be killed In there if you don't stop ’em.’ she said. "I held oft as long as 1 could, but finally I heard one of ’em after a heavy fall cry out: “‘Stop, Harkaway, stop! For the love of Henrietta do not beat me so! I cannot stand it! Stop and 1 will make full restitution!’ “This was followed by heavy breath ing, and then in a slow, cruel voice the other chap growls out: “‘lt Is too late, Henry Wllbraham! 1 know you for a perfidious friend, a sneak and a snake! You have seen the rays of the sun for the last time, and I swear by the love l bear to Henri etta Wiggles worth, whose father you have brought to the verge of ruin that your fell purpose might be accom plished, that you shall die now here and by my hand! Take that and that and that!’ “There were sounds of blows that froze the blood in my veins, and the victim's cries rent the air. 1 Jumped out of bed, seized a tire ax and beat down the door of their apartment. 1 rushed in between the two struggling men. What do you suppose l found?” “A cold corpse lying stark dead on the floor?” cried his friend, breathless with excitement. “No such luck,” said the tired man gloomily. “Two bum tragedians re hearsing for a ltowery melodrama called ‘A Five Fingered Nemesis; or. Hack From the drave.’ in fourteen acts and a dozen tableaux. It cost me $7 to square those two duffers for breaking into their apartment.”* “Seven?” queried his friend. “1 thought you said it cost you s.‘l2 V” "S<> it did,” groaned the tired man. “The other $25 was what 1 had to pay for tin 1 geramined old door I'd chopped to pieces getting into the dodgasted hole.”- Harper's Weekly. Why Mohammed Stayed. Mrs. Benhaiu —Did Mohammed go to the mouutatu? Benham—No. 1 suppose he had to stay at home and send hi* wife to the mouutaius.—New York Press. Their Church Home. “Are you getting acquainted at St. Stiffly?" “Yes: we are progressing a little. The janitor spoke to us last Sunday.” —Newark Evening News. Appropriate. “What te' the proper costume for an aviator?” “Over alls.”—Kansas City Times. Believe in Insurance? IF YOU FEEL YOUR RESPONSIBILITY . FOR THOSE DEPENDENT ON YOU . . The Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Company's AND THE North American Accident Insurance Company's CONTRACTS WILL INTEREST YOU. CALL OR WRITE .... F. W. BONDURANT, Manager, G. C. PLEDGER, Assistant Manager, Por the Cheapest, Most Liberal Contracts Possible to Secure. Also Agents for Fire Insurance and Bonds, for Best Companies. Phone No. 2. Offices: Brick Warehouse H. J. GARRISON, THE. JEWELER FULL LINE OF High-Class Jewelrv, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Etc. Repairing a Specialty H. J. GARRISON. We Build Anything, Any Time, Anywhere. ii rE WISH to call the attention of our natrons, the business com- YV munitv, and the public in general, to the fact that we have, in anticipation of your wants, carefully replenished our stock with those articles that are essential to the approach of Spring and in keeping with your needs. Possibly the house needs anew roof, or more likely the changing of that little, dinky, front veranda to one that is more spaci ous and presentable in appearance would be worth the while. Also, a new pair of steps, a tile walk, a picket fence or the judicious use of our Sun Proof and Peninsular paints on the outside, while a bit of stain and some hot and cold water colors and tints tastily applied to those dingy walls, with an occasional cabinet mantel, and a bright, clean set of tile here and there, will add considerable “class” to the place. Now', any or all of this won’t cost much, and is worth more than the price, con sidering satisfaction, etc. Let us talk further. Our phone is No. 47. W UNDER LUMIIER CO. PROFESSIONAL CARDS LEWIS C. RUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Winder, Ga. Offices over First National Rank. G. A. JOHNS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Winder, Ga. Office over Smith Ar Gunthers* Rank Practice in State and U. S. Courts. W. H. QIJARTERM AN ATTORNEY AT LAW Winder, Ga. Practice in all the courts Commercial law a specialty. RORERT T. CAMP, Attorney :it Law, Winder, Gboroia. Offices over First*National Bank. ALLEN’S ART STUDIO. All kinds of Photographs made by latest methods. All work an d promptly. Office on Candler St., Winder Ga RALPH FREEMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Hosehton, Ga. All calls promptly aswered day and night. DR. R. P. ADAMS, BETHLEHEM, GA. General Practice. Telephone. Office Hours —7 to 9a in; 12.80 to 2 p m ; 7 to 9 p m. DR. S. T. ROSS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Winder, Ga. Offices Rear Turner’s Pharmacy. W. L. DeLaPERRIERK DENTAL SURGERY. Winder - - Georgia Fillings, Rridge and Plate-work done in most scientific and satis factory way. Offices on Rroad St. SPURGEON WILLIAMS DENTIST, Winder ... Georgia Offices over Smith & Car it hers bank. All work done satisfac torily, Phone 81. Are You Honest? / With your land when for the sake of saving a few dollars you use a fertilizer whose only recommendation is its analysis. It requires no spe cial knowledge to mix mate rials to analyses. The value of a fertilizer lies in the ma terials used, so as not to over feed the plant at one time and starve at another. This is why Royster brands are so popular. Every in gredient has its particular work to do. Twenty-five years experience in making goods for Southern crops has enabled us to know what is required. See that trade mark is on every bag TRADE MARK ” f !SJV. > REGISTERED F. S. Royster Guano Cos. NORFOLK, VA. Indestructible! The clear, full, brilliant tone of Columbia Indestruc tible Cylinder Records is the best reason for their grow ing popularity. But it’s a fine thing to know they can ’t break, no matter how careless you may he, and that they will never wear out, no matter how many times you play them. 35 cents! Call for a catalog! A splendid repertoire to choose from- -and we are adding to it right along. HERRIN BROS. \VI JNTDJiR, GA. K'/> v/ .■ . - p f \ IM 'c• /I •-"-v-- . ■ > M m A ANXOrXUKMMXT. *“*!-"** I beg to inform my friends and the public that I have secured the agency for the celebrated HUB BRAND SHOES V VEAy //For Men, Ladies and Children. Before buying vour shoes call and inspect my line. I wi’l save you money and sell you better shoes. F. HOFMEISTER, Winder, Ga, rE