The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, March 10, 1910, Image 10

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THE WINDER NEWS. Published Every Thursday Evening —jtv — ROSS A; CANNON. R. O. ROSS, Editor. C. R. CANNON, Business Manager. Entered at the I’ostoftice at Winder, Ga., as Second Class Mail Matter. Thursday, March 10, 1910. Don't forget the Business Men's meeting tonight. The man who borrows trouble' ppys usurious interest in the end. Shove the right along, but don’t forget to kick back at wrong. Life will never be as a pipe dream ' pictures it; yet we are all working! for that impossible end. In the absence of something! more exciting the officials of ('lassie . Athens are agitating “keep of the grass. ’ ’ The hardships of yesterday are j jokes today; the dream of tomorrow! is more pleasant than the j*v of today. It. seems that Jim Woodward will j again figure in the tnayora ty race of the (l ife City# Like Banco's gleet he will not down- The Philadelphia street car strike i< spreading and lob.dlT men are idle. It seems to he arbitration 01 n dion-wide strike. ■4* The tax receivers and tax gath erers met this morning in Athens. During the session many noted speakers will address the assemblage. Be sure to read the announce ments that appear in this issue, j They are all good men, and it is up to you, Mr. Voter, to say who sh; 11 H TVe you. (Align s has snu'xbed Peary, the explorer. Members of o< ogress con* f 'as that tlmyare skeptical about 1 whether Peary ever reached the pole or not. If.halm D. Poeke feller carries out J las plan of founding and financing the m iveinent “hack to the firm "lie j may he written down in history as one of America's greatest. James M. Doyle, for several years teller of the 11i 1 > rnia bank of Sa- Viinah, is missing, and with him disappears about $lO, Odd. The police are looking f >r the worn m in the ease. The only hum note sounedat the mass meeting in .JeiTerson Saturday -was a treatise on democratic law by n lawyer of the Hub. And before he took his s/at the audience was ■convinced that he didn’t know the first principles of law —not even the law of courtesy to a stranger. ' The parents of young Philander C. Knox are very much shocked that he has married a shopgirl, and refuse to receive him or his bride to their hosom. So young Knox says he'll goto work if necessary to sup port his bride. The young woman will make just as good a wife if six* works in a store, office or shop until she meets her affinity, and that is what she should meet before she marries The “shop girl” with her business experience, is a valuable asset in the economies of a home. She knows where the dol lars com** from and what they are worth. Possibly young Knox should le congratulated that lie n arii-d a s’ op g rl instead of one who uses all her time with face powders, rouges, candy and flowers. Folks are folks, and one is as good as another so long as they are honest and virtuous. P'A SPRING iqio Has brought forward good nefvs to the Sjfef. men of Winder and vicinity. Hart, ichaffner & Marx Clothing have land- ' W".LpPt ed here. They are on display at our i store now. A line which hardly needs any talking up. If you only give tham a look, it won’t taka you but a moment { to see 1 hat they are superior to any other makes, weaves and styles. We dare say that no well dressed man will treat himself with justice in buying a suit before looking 1 at our Hart, Schaffner & Marx line. DRESS GOODS. Our entire line of Dress Goods for spring 1910 is now in. Ready to show you. They were bought right and we can meet all competition with them. - SKIRTS. We have just received di rect from the East a mag nificent line of Chiffon, Pan-* ama and Voil Skirts at 2.50, 3.50, 4.88 and up to $7.90. LADIES’ WAISTS We have a splendid line of Ladies’ Lawn Waists at 75c, 98c, $1.25 and up to 3>2:50. They have to be seen to appreciate .their quality and price. M? We are prepared to wait on you now splendidly. kq Come and give us a look, wc will be g!ad to show J them to you whether you buy or not. We can dress j " 7 ' A your entire family from head to foot at rock bottom / Wu THE OLOTHIEK. Effort to Adva.icc Cause of Education An effort to advance the cause of Education by advancing the stand ard.if teachers is being made by the (ieorgia Educational Association, and this is one of the principal aims of the approaching annual meeting of the organization to h ■ held in Atlanta April 2 s ', 2D, and bl). It. is very desirable that, teachers gather frequently and co-operate in every movement looking towaad the betterment of the profession and the advancement of the cause of education in our state. 'The com mendable movement is receiving the sanction and lest efforts of the leading educators of (leorgia, and it is understood that several teachers from this county contemplate at tending the Atlanta convention. Buhies Given Away. New Orleans, March 9. — I bis is the day they gave away babies in New Orleans And the human gifts did not go hogging. A carload of the little tots arrived here this m irning from the Now York Foundling and Orphan Asylum, with an eager crowd of claimants awaiting their arrival- in addition to those who had previously made* successful claim to a baby, many pressed about the car in the hope that U.ere might Ik? Borne “left over”. Their disap- Cnpyrigfit Hart SchatFner & Marx point mm t was keen when they found that the advance demand was fully up to the present ’supply. A GREAT PLAY. ‘‘The Hanker s Child'’ is pro nounced by press, pulpit and public to 0e one of the best comedy dramas ever written. It is now in its ninth year and has played practically to tlie same territory all this time, hav ing visited many places five or six •time swhicli proves beyond a doubt the merit of the attraction. Manager Harry Shannon has new scenery painted this season. More comedy is added, while the story remains the same. Kittle (brace Elder as “Stella,” “The Banker's [Child,” is pronounced by all to be the cleverest child artist before the public. Clever specialties will be in t.minced. It will be well to secure seats early for this production at the Hem (irocery Company. One night only —Thursday March 17th. Minstrel Postponed. The Minstrel show that was to have been at Liberty school house lty the County Line Comedy Com pany has been postponed to Satur day night, March 12, 1910. The admission fee is small, the show good and a large crowd will Ik- on hand. Mr. U. S. Medlin foreman of The News, has been confined to his room with grip this week. Air. C. ,M. Ferguson is placing a cement wajk in front of his furni ture store, and it is understood that Euele Hiram Rainey has let the contract, for the paving of the sidewalk in front of the building occupied by the Farmers Supply Company. Schedule Seaboard Air Line EASTWARD. No. 52—For local stations, Mon roe and Columbia... 9:45 a m No. 32 For Norfolk, Washing ton and New York... 2:49 p m No. 58 —For local stations to Athens 6:55 p m No. 38—For local stations north of Athens, Richmond and East 11:25 p m WESTWARD. No. 41^ —Fer Atlanta. Birming ham and west 5:40 a m No. 57 —For local stations and Atlanta 7:52 a m No. 33 —For Atlanta, Birming ham, Memphis and West 4:02 p m No. 53 —For Atlanta and west 6:55 p m These arrivals and departures arc given as information and are not guar anteed. Schedule Gainesville Midland Railway SOUTH BOUND No. 11 —Lv. 8’• 4•’> a. m. No. 13 —Lv. 3:05 p m. No. 15 —Lv. 7 :10 a in LADIES’ READY TO-WEAR HATS. We have the most hand some line of ready-to-wear Hats for Ladies that has ever ’been brought here. Ranging in price from $1.50 up to $6.00. We can save you at least 33 % per cent on them. OXFORDS! Our Oxfords for Men, Women and Children are the talk of the town today for their snappy shapes and low prices. No. 17 —Lv. 10:2 ). Sunday only * NORTH BOUND No. 12—At. !):25 a in. No. 11 —A i. 2:15 pm. No, Hi—A.. 5:2 V pm. No. 18 —Ar 8:35. Sunday only. Harry Shannon OFFERS ’ ‘‘The Banker’s Child,” A Great Comedy Drama , r BY EUNICE FITCH. TENTH YEAR Of This Successul Play. c - '* Lots of Special Scenery, Clever Vaudevile Acts, Comedy, Elegant Wardrobe. Prices, - 35. 50. 75' tv