The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, March 10, 1910, Image 12

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/ TH A Y—FRI DAY—SATURDAY, YOU AND YOUR ' FRIENDS ARE fORDIALY INVITED. gflk -fwiiiT ~Mfi —r~nn ii iw imini nimvnifin i !■—Mxiiwmiiir in nmi— irrr ti icjnwjrwwii w*"iwiiw i l —ujiu i m i>m ywi>/,j xrlfiK turmmiirmm- n iTwag*gu.a itn wigygqn onto mrmmmKKMmmgsaMFr:wmtFmmssmamam ' , ■ 1 A * I WE will have a grand display during the above days. We will undoubtedly show the most complete line of Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Ladies’ Goods, Novelties, Shoes, Clothing; in fact all the new things in up-to-date goods in “everything-tc-wear” for Men, Women and children. You will miss a treat if you fail to come. All ladies admire pretty things. So we know you will be pleased when you see our new goods. All the newest things in Ladies’ Neckwear, Hair Goods, Braid Pins, Wrist Bags, etc. Our dress goods shelves are brimming full of all the newest and most stylish goods.’ In all the new weaves and colors, direct from. the fashion centers * and Eastern Markets these goods were bought. Therefore we know we have the most stylish and best goods to be had. Think you will be con vinced of this fact upon inspection. —— immmmmmxmmmmm* ■ rnvnrr <. w-.n rw r —m— ■■ill—■■■ii—■■ ■! r him Moqtr ummctm w - I n im rw. ~ i i—m i— *hhii -Mtmmuii, win iwmnrwn jw.nwn Ladies 7 Men ’s and Children’s Complete Line of Oxfords. Our Men’s and Boy’s Department Just a word in regard to our men’s and boy’s department. Never before have we been so well prepared to fill your wants. We have received our new Clothing. Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Neckwear, Etc., and are in position to fit you out and out. We carry the largest and most complete line of Cloth thing shown in Winder. Would be glad to have you give us a look. Try them on and see how well they fit. We know we can please you. Give us a chance and we will show you. H * T - a 1 \, 1 -/ "A,Ok * W r>'\ fi - r>O . : " \//~Y t Kq -A CAITIO VV vdii Ik, lO IUU l)t} ol LOIUG. v.. * , % RM JSW r*'i • JPW 1 ■ J W fkx ; 'i a! Avdd. , * ' l- \ ,4 \ if,’l s\\ ,7 ’ J L.M i • kk-: -.iiv h w- ■ H '■&%,.? k # w n & ' 2 2 3? t i i 7— B V ,• / < * *3 i 7 '• 4 Bra . “bveryuiing to Wear. p Broad street, -* - .■- - Winder, Georgia. r,