The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, March 10, 1910, Image 3

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i Thursday, Friday and Saturday, I HP HE first genuine days of Spring lias awakened * the flowers of the field, and verily they seem to have overflowed into'our •Millinery Parlors, and who can resist the sweet aroma of the flowers floating upon the breezes? Every lady hails the flower season and welcomes the cheerfulness of their life-like charm with truly grateful hearts. * Our ladies in charge had access to all the leading lines of New York, Baltimore and Atlanta millinery concerns of any reputation, and .we unhesitatingly emphasize that we believe we have far excelled any thing we have ever put before the people of this com munity. Missies King and Arnold will appreciate your visit, and consider it a special honor to show you. The drawings herewith preclude any doubt of the striking and individual effect of the extremely new and original idea of the millinery artist. . J HP* P/\ IVT I—4 / C* Leaders in Styles, Regulators and - I\i*l ’I VJ. JL-4 Controllers of Low Prices VL.I, /Ml O t ! ~ .<=7-! ;.v'' • .v ; - a ■ • ;/ ''#L #]W /•;!;*• ' ''*. f' y' ‘ ~ <*£>**., *_£ >lggf VZ. 5’ ■ l&fcT ' ■'■. v.-i ■■ (_/,_ <' \ ~ ■ ■* /. V !fy>f''4** '► •’_ ’,.' ' v v ' -, ->s., ~ ~\: ' ,v ' ~-.v • ■' ■ V V-. v>\ ' \- , : ■ :" ■ ■ - ; . v-•-.- .' '■ ’ ‘ V - ! ..' * • C • , •S . i (’ Mt) , >' ..' *?,>.- ~ ’wife## -iwm' ■ ''Mgr . W- v '*\ ’ / ... W A w//, // w ' - . J 'mW / /jj =STRANGE’S= S. . v- V* 1 ■ t" • jh%: " * '•> V W 'Wiwf /M'jM dm:*' m#** j pi mm t?W ft pi Ladies’ Suits and Dresses. Every day the express bring us something new. Reall}-, unless you want something impossible in the way of Suit or Dress, we can fix you. Why worry your senses out of yourself trying to have Suit or Dress made, when 3 011 can buy one from Strange at from $2.98 to SIOO.OO, if } r ou so desire; and, what’s 1 xitter, you are fitted. FREE ALTERATIONS. Our new Pleated Silk Skirts are marvelously beautiful. Ask to see our new material —Shanghai Silk Dress in new effects and pleatings. The Ka meeleon pleats are absolutely new, and we guarantee the pleats to sta}'. The colorings in suits are soft, and bespeak Spring. Tans and soft greys are very popular, and the blue family are always good. Dresses range from SIO.OO up, or as much as you care to reach. We hope that no woman will [miss seeing this wonderful displa\' of Spring Goods —such as no town in Georgia, of it’s size, can look to with more pride. Come, nose around and ask questions. We will gladly answer and appreciate a louk, and] make the day a real feast. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, TsCl&xcVi \% \S awd \9„