The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, March 10, 1910, Image 8

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BRASELTON BROTHERS, BRASELTON, GEORGIA. BUY your Clothing from us and save money. You Jul|pL-> can dress neatly and becomingly with a small outlay of money, if you buy Spero, Michael & Son, “New York made Clothes.” \-jrJL. We have all the New Spring Models that fit easily and V/ gracefully. You’ll have money two ways—m actual cash •' paid for your suit and in the satisfactory service you will /If 11"/ ( A get. Our Clothing .is made by expert tailors and the mod ify v 1/1/ It * m e^s a PP ea i to every man who appreciates style, supe- Jfr] |I% rior quality and comfortable fit. Make your selections firm. 11/ ~ p\l % early and have better assortments to choose from. Cl ® 'P| w !y nn ’ c \|/ikki/ y cite I All the new productions in Hats ''''wig WUju o liouuy sld to. that will prove becoming. The W styles will please, and we will save you money. tmLJ Shoes and Oxfords for Everybody. i Special values in Men’s Women's and Children’s Oxfords and Shoes. You will save time and money by coming direct to % Beautiful Line of Shirts, Neckwear and Hosiery. I /'f Oall to see us early and we will do our best to please you. FJTV ''** ™ If tf son It will pay you to drive miles to our Big Store and save money. Ute -'M BRASELTON BROTHERS, JJ§F Braselton, Georgia. NEW TIMOTHY. ' Mi^B Fannie lfardgreo spent several days last week with Mrs. (julllo Matl lew's, of Central. ' M iss I.istonia Mohley, who lias 1 een very ill (>f pneumonia,. is convales cent. | Mr. G. W. Millsaps moved his sawmill to Magnet Monday, f; While her* 1 he sawed more than lVet of lumber. j * ■ I. f. \ if / • ‘ ! ] ■ / Mr. and Mrs. Carl HurdTgree, of Winder, \\. re visiting n I.dives here Hamhiy. | Mis- Bids, of Alliei, Is* Spending this week at the home of jjifr cousin, Mr. I*. L. Duncan. lb M rs. W. .I. Ku-sell spent Sunday Ini w'iider, tiTVu-r , r nfr I'jjlrs. W. 11. Ouarterman. pi Mrs. Nancy Duncan is spending ifliis week with her sister, Mrs. ,Joe jjlale, at Attica t£. Mrs. John Me Donald, of \\ inder, > ,'v v .Mrs. r R‘. HntnrmrrrH-r'M-nrrdri r, Mrs. Hnin feiond is very sick. i, Mr. and Mrs. I'. K. Smith >pent unday with friends in Wa I toil County. b Mr. Preston House has fihe horse. |j Miss Julia Fitts, <f Atlanta, is jjJie guest of lx r cousins,. Mesdames jf, I*. and T. K. Smitl . *V Mr. Madison Rogers, who travds fui' tJie W atkins Me.dic.d Cos., passed through New Timothy Monday. R, v. F L. Shellnut and wife of W’atkinsville, were guest of frieiuk here recently. ji{ 7 ? V. ft, Mr. Mercer Jackson, of Winder, 'VUts in New Timotliy seliing truif KwFAby. .BI^TOSL) ;n Mr. anti Mrs. 1). I). Jones, of Pardise, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Travis Hard well | entertained some of the young! people with a dunce Saturday even-j mg. Miss Ollie Phillips and her guest { Miss < tphelea llal'dgroe, of Central, spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Fannie Hardigrce. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hardigree eatiie up from Stptham ill their automobile Sunday^ Mr Jplius, Carrington and sister, Miss Annie (Vningtynt, ajul Mis-, Mayo Kelly, of Wrtidto;’. siro guests j of Master John Co.n, - Tlie friends of Mr. 'j>.|ve Jlurdi grec, of Central, w ire glad . to see him in New Timothy Friday. lie. was accompanied hy his daughter, Mrs. < ‘nflie Mathew-. Mr. \V. J. Itussdl spent sc vend days last week with her lnlsUmd ijfi Gainesville. RLSSLLL ITLMS. Mi'. Jam s A. Langley and Mifster Luttv r Fischer of Atlanta, spent Friday night with Mrs. R. lb Ru.'sell. Mrs. Langley was oh her way to Morin o to see her grandmother who celebrated her ninetieth birthday, March nth. Re . Seaborn Arnold lilled his regular appomtm nt at the Baptist church, Saturday and Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. ,1. 11. Most rmmn have returned home, after a pleas ant visit to relative- ill. Athens. Mr. Walter T. Morris, of Athens, -pent a fgw day- tjiis wyek with his sister, .1. Hi Np^diijum. . The frauds of Mr. FldUther Mc- RirfyeV wall he glad to know TVe has a fine position at Council Bluff, loftii. Ht'Dips ilfat he is will ple-rst and and is working hard. Jittlfi d\M Mr. ami Mrs, Harper *T?,iV wa- 'fe.d stek tms tVe'sk- Our school is still on the upward move- Every week new names are put on the register. New desks un being placed in the primary de* partment, and much interest is man ifested among teachers amf scholars. Mru: W. J. Russell, of New Timothy, visited relatives in Bussell, Sunday. Itcv- and Mrs. W. T. Huhnictitt, of Wpgie.r,'visited Rev, and Mrs.. N*. E. Mdlrayer'.last week. MisS.A- P, Dillard, of A mold-, yjlk-, espi ets tiiC'Milc to Russell Fri day to sjH'iid a few days wit hi lief si-ter, Sr/s. 'K. lr. lßisseMr ' ‘ ' Mrs. Albert Murphy, why is principal-of our school, will spend the week-end in Atlanta. MG. W. F. Smith and Mis- Dollar Smith made a flying trip to’ *V • • * * . .*! A'L.nta this WeelC- , .' Judge and Mrs R. 1!. Russell will leave* Sunday night Lr ii short trip to NrtsliiviUe, TeiiVi. Mr. Harper Ray visited his mother near Jersey last week. Mrs. W. H. Quartennnn and Mrs. ('. ii. Almond enjoyed- the beautiful spring weather Tuesday morning by walking out to see Mrs. R. 11. Russell. * OAK GROVc. j.yj ngo, what't the matter with < >ak Grove? Some may think we are dead, hut wean* not. We are just keeping still afraid we will disturb. Duke Ross and l.oosend Foster. We are not going to put in any gab at all, hut are going to listen toothers. (A.nie <>n, President Sage it* and Vici President Tyrant. Toil us what you think of this matter.* We never heard of so much sick ness in our life. Nearly everybody has been siek. 1 hose who havn t g<U the grip the grip lm- them. W'e'tieed n tv-w seh>-*r>l houe at J. B. Williams, J T. Strange, Manager J. T. Strange A: Cos., Winder Eumheir Cos, Department Store. W. L. Blasingame, W. T. Robinscn, Distriot Manager Furniture and Kmpire Fate Insurain-TC<*>. House-- FUr'nishin'gs. Col. James M. Smith, H. N. Rainey Jr., - Capitalist. Capß Ajist nidi Vice Pnes’ti. S. W. Arnold, T. C. Flanigan, .Capitalist. j . Mrycjiaut ahd■ Danker-. ; A. H. O’Neal, L. O. Benton, Mannfagiurer Soda Water. Banker and Merchant, L. F. Sell, YV. H. Toole, Mt-fehant ai,d Planter. Brest. First Nat’l. Bank. 1 hese are the men that direct The First National Bank of Winder. Under control of United States Government. Resources $200,000. \V E WANT YOUR DEPOSITS. Oak Drove and Cousin Dick Moore jpiould.get J'U-.Y- 1;' then* ever was a place that ite< led one, it is Oak Grove. J M R<.<- G dir-triehroad eommD sioner for this year in Chandler’s and theyc F going t<> he something doing along the roadside. Mr John Ross, of Stathani, was here Frid: vV Mr Jones, our road over seer. has put the road that leads from Henry Lyle's place to Beach Creek bridge in go • 1 shape. A de sirable change has also boon made in the road that leads from Mulber ry bridge to T K Wobank’s place. Mr Grover Palmer spent Tuesday night in Oconee, county. Mr Jack Jones and family attend ed tlu* funeral \>f tUc baby of, Mr aim Mrs Jim Jones 'at Pleasant Hill Wednesday of week. Mr Robert Jones is making his home for the present with his son, Mr Jack Jones. R* v M D Cun-ninham preaches at this plaCe' every fourth Sunday. Sunday school every Sunday ev< til ing. I>USTKK.-,b PARADISE. Mr and Mrs Alfred Austin, of New Chapel, visited relatives here Sunday Mr and Mrs Tom Cheatham, 1 of near Statham, and Mr and Mr* Albert Clack spent Sunday hole with Mrs M L Clack. Mr and Mrs Willey Patton visited Rocky Ridge Sunday. Mr Clifford Clack and sister spent Saturday night and Sunday in Oco nee the guests of Mr and Mrs C* 1 Ward. Miss Minnie Clack is spending this week at New Chapel the guest of relatives. Mrs. Mattie Lou Clack is quite sick at this writing. Mr and Mrs Oscar Harrison vis ited at at Winder recently. Mi and Mrs B C Kinney and daughter, Ada, visited in Oconee. Sunday. Miss Maude Clack spent Satur day in Winder shopping. j ViatmviA.