The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, March 10, 1910, Image 9

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THE ELEVATOR BOY, How He Was Deceived by Rival Tenarts In the Skyscraper. LOVE Of ORPHAN GIRLS DID IT Pair of Bachelors In a Mixup Over Poor Young Women For Adoption. "Cage” Kid Gets the Goods —“Bache- • * Icr's’’ Wives Get Them. By M. QUAD. ' [Copyright, 1110. t.y Associated Literary i Yess.J WHEN Mr Washhurne. the mowing machine man. came to our sk.vscruper and P ok looms on too eleventh Hour 1 thought ho was one t ie nicest < geutleiuen 1 ever saw. id’ laid vr'.ato • hair and whiskers, a Lx uigu expre.s --t ion, and his voice was sett and gen tle. 1 hadn’t made his acquaintance yet when lie seat f r me to come to his rooms, i was rc lived theie wiili open arms. ■“Sammis,” said Mr. War.hburne as v a paieruiU smile came to his.iaoe, “l. am told tiiat you are a fatherless boy.’ "Yes, sir.” “And that you are the sole support of a widowed mother.” "Yes. sir.” “And that your father left a gigantic mortgage on the hou r which you are making heroic efforts to pay off.” “That is the case, sir.” "Sammis, my bedrt goes out to you. I was in the same tix when 1 was your cßcy<D If '\.&\ II { maa ■ -fSBU v —■ — KXVAIiS OF THIS OBPHANA CLIXCII. age. 1 must take you under my wing and be a father to you. Yes, you may call me papa.”. “Thanks.” “Hut not when any one is around. Sammis. Call me papa when we are alone. You see, J am an old bachelor, and it might mix things up. I shall call you son, and I shall be papa to you, but on the quiet, Sammis. Quiet is what does it. As to the mortgager here is a dollar to help pay the inter est mi it. and I shall take great pleas ure in handing you others from time to time.” “T thank you, papa, and 1 will try to be an ideal son to you.!' “1 feel that ydu will. I feel it. We will. K.\V i any a c<-nCd. ' ! cunt to gether. Indeed/ this is cue < f them. Sammis, I want to ask you about the man next door down the hull. I > yon know all about him?" The Mart Next Hcorx “Yes, sir. Ills' name is Green, and he is in the hardwood business., lie always trying to find out about other tenants. If you had a young lady typist in here he'd be rubbernecking half the time.” "Just the wry 1 had him sized up, Samuils—just the way. if my door is a bit epeu he always peeks in. I must snub him good and hard. Such men are dangerous He may come to you and ask about me.” “lie is sure to, papa, but be won’t get much information.” “Simply tell him. Sammis, that I am an old bachelor and shall never mar ry. Say to him if he hangs on that 1 haveJfcot a great deal of sentiment about me and pity the poor and mi fortunate. If Mr. Itockofeiler hadn't given' a million dollars to find out all about the hookworm 1 should. I think this is all today, son, but drop in to see me tomorrow at this time. 1 may want to ask your advice. Here is an other dollar oil that mortgage. I hope to see it paid off yery soon.” I had found a father, and I was glad. I invested the $2 in cigarettes and a Let on the ponies and went homo happy. I was on time next day. and papa received me with the same glad baud and forked over another dollar mortgage money. Then he soft ly asked: “Sammis, you must know many young ladies about the building young ladief who do typewriting?”. “Thousands, papa.” “And you may have one in your mind’s eye who is an prphan and has to face .the. cold and cruel world to make a living?^ "I can pick up twenty.” “Some girl. Sammis. who is discour aged and heartbroken with btr strug gles and the cruelty of mankind?" “Just so, papa. The woods are full of ’em. I had six fti the cage on the last trip up.” “Such a girl. Sammis. If adopted by a good man, Would appreciate the po sition. She might do a little work in the office to help him out. but most of her time would he passed In a little vine clad home. There, with her pi ano. her canary bird and her (lowers and boofcs, she could sit and dream by the hour.” “How many dozeD shall 1 get you; papa?” 1 asked. Washburrie’s Love For Orphan Girl. “Um, um. Sammis. you are a won derful hid to catch on! Here is a dol lar on that mortgage. That's what 1 wanted to ask your advice about— adop h.g a young lady i t;!< \ou I was sir ,!! : on sentiment. I fed that I owe mil dud a duty. When I think of a pool orphan‘girl of eighteen or twenty lightii g the world it makes the tears come. See. Sammis. these are real (ears in my eyes “Yes. sir; no Crop a water there. Po you want to ask me if you should adopt a young woman?” -Well, that's about i;, Sammis. 1 have adopted you. but there Is room in my heart- for another. There need be no jealousy, you .know. Here is a half dollar on (lie mortgage. If you could find such a young lady and bring her here for a wi!b me it might result in her great happiness It should be done quietly and unosten tatiously, Sammis. Green will proba bly butt in. but lie is to know nothing. Go, Sammis. and may luck go with you.” Ecr two days 1 threw out quiet hints around the' skyscraper, and then 1 could have headed a procession iff a hundred geijtle lambs who wanted to ho taken into the fold. They wanted to be papa's darling along with me. 1 selected one from the bunch and sent her up and scattered the rest. Half an hour after I had done so along came Green and said: “Sammis, that old hollyhock next to me has got a girl typist.” “Well ?” “Well, lie ought to be taken out and given a coat of tar and feathers, lies an old hyena!" “Oh, 1 don't know.” “But I do. I started to go into his room just now to borrow a match, but ho stuck in the door and t !d me to go down on the street and'buy matches. 1 know there was a girl there, for 1 heard her giggle. The old crocodile! I'll be even with him l'or snubbing me!” “I have found him a very nice old bachelor.” I\.suid. "Old bachelor! Why, you sawdust headed "kid, he has probably been mar ried two or three times. I'll bet he has got a wife and six children soinewhere 4 Im‘ci vai'v mintilo ff this very minute. It was my duty to warn papa that the enemy was on his trail, and 1 did so. and lie fired up and said: “The old mossback with one foot in the grave said that, did he? Why, Sammis.H will lay for him ad Em-.-k hisQjloek off! Here I have as good as adopted a broken hearted orphan girl and am‘making her realize that life is worth the living, am] that contempti ble old hyena impugns my motives!" “Yes, sir; he impugns, but 1 shoul'dn’t pay any attention to him. lie seems to be a bad man.” Hyena and Reptib Come Together. Papa promis-d not P> do anything, but that very afternoon he and Green met in the corridor, and there was a fight. I was not there to see, but spec tators told me it was a sad sight to see my dear adopted father get it in the neck and lose his gray lmir by handfuls. Later ou I met Green, and he was breathing hard gs lie said: “Sammis, 1 have uncovered the sly old reptile* and there's going to be fun around *this building within two or three days.” I'trembled for papa—that is, I trem bled for the mortgage money he was shelling out. 1 warned him. and I think he kept his door locked most of the time, but Nemesis was after scalps. One morning at 10 o’clock two women and seven or eight kids struck the vestibule and inquired for both Wasbbarne and Green. It was another cage that took them up. Green had given papa away and somehow him self at the same time. When the bunch struck the eleventh tloor there was something doing, autf it was two hours'before the building settled down to its routine again. Papa went, and Green went, and the broken hearted girls went, and now I’m again facing that gigantic mortgage jyitli no one to cheer. SAMMIS, > The Elevator Roy. We are pleased to say to our cus tomers arc! friend, that the past year business was the most satisfac tory we have had, and we are still anxious to sell you hardware and vehicles, and promise you the same good treatment we have always givtn you. Woodruff Hardware Cos. ' \ Have Your Lyes Tested Free V ' [ -'■'fjr by an export optician, and ground by the latest w*■ ■ •' W” i fjtj approved methods. on 1 * me ’ if Nothing More, by carrying a good, reliable watch, such as 1 carry. _jL \\ * All styles and prices. isbC -—■— Watches, Clock#, Jewelry C. A. SCUDDER, , y i Repaired in Best Manner ATHE 1 Y 1 ' CY \ ■ ,• ,:• *. . ii ■>. '; *■ d 1 v tickets to California for $32 from Memphis or St. Louis; $25 from Kansas City. Correspondingly low fares to North Pacific Coast and other western points and from the Southeast generally. Through T ourist Sleeping Cars on fast trains daily from St. Louis and Kansas C ity to the Pacific Coast without change. Choice of routes —via El Paso, the low altitude way, or through Scenic Colorado. Rock Island Tourist Cars are the comfortable kind which make the journey a pleasure. Berth rate half that in the standard. Pullman, with no less comfort. No other line to Southern California from St. Louis and Kansas City carries dining cars on 1 ourist car trains. If you can t spare the time to go, send the family. Special attention for women and children. ' Write for “Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeping Car.” ill tell you how inexpensively you can go and arrange f° r through tickets. . FAY THOMPSON, EKsV-ict Passenger Agent 18 North Pryor Sfxeet Atlr.nta, Ga. To Have Your Painting Done. ■ im-g V/Y a aity. | and il. ?,. PATAT, WiNDEU/: : GEOnCIA. ‘ r p r'A’ir* i! , A 1 fli'i U foib f*n f ' .if, t'od Circulation 025.000 Monthiv A V -.1 i -a *5 i. VJv iV Ladies home journal READ The S Evening Post, ,1 S<T\ ' THE SATURDAY . ; H _ i f| " f.) EVSNfNG POST lue Lwn.c3 journal. '' |/ yQ Are You One of them ? V,/y J „ /1 fc-A JUI-IAN & HARWELL, AGENTS, c WINDER, : : GEORGIA. yrn Tn HP II if rf ", -% fi 0 mip ££ I M 1 1 M * dL ull Ji &JLs I!\£La.L& d* \ We are Agents for the Celebrated Fertilizers 1 Read’s, St. Bernard’s, Ox Brand, A nd PETRPSCO BLOC! MID BONE, Manufactured by Georgia Chemical Works. ■ liM— 111 ' I Hill IWIII Wl BH— ■ ■!! WHI TTI-Tm~TI~l IT MMMfInaMW -m> W IWlf—ww Give us a trial order. We are sure we can please you. SUDDATH BROS. WIN DIGIT aA. COLUMBIA Double-Disc Records, 65c ” :|I WP They fit any machine, and outwear any other re cords > ifhe world. Double value for your money If CaUia! Get a catalog! HERRIN BROTHERS, WINDER, GA. All things come to those who : wait —on themselves. * r ■ When a girl Ims more than one lx au all her married women friend.* tell her she is taking despent'e chances. ' So rn an ever loved his wife’s rela tions so much that he was willing 1 to die for them. I - tie* peacemakers | light for the creelt of having brought about peace. _ Come to see us for the Job Deer 7-Knife Stalk Cutter. Best ma* 1 chine for 828.00. Woodruff Hardware Cos.