The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, March 17, 1910, Image 5

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Two Solid Car Loads Buggies Just Received by Flanigan & Flanigan, and placed in their new building;, in which they are to soon move. Several other car loads on the way. We are de= termined to show the most complete line of vehicles in our new building-, ever shown in Winder. We will have more room and more conveniencies and if you will give us a look before buying your boggy or surrey, we will show you the newest things in the buggy line, and at prices as low as the lowest. We have no carried-over stock, as we made a clean sweep and every buggy we have is this season’s stuff brand new. Boys, come to see us, and if we cannot sell you we will still remain friends. No trouble to show you. * FLANIGAN & FLANIGAN. Are You Honest? y With your land when for the sake of saving a few dollars you use a fertilizer whose only recommendation is its analysis. It requires no spe cial knowledge to mix mate rials to analyses. The value of a fertilizer lies in the ma terials used, so. as not to over feed the plant at one time and starve at another. This is why Royster brands are so popular. Every in gredient has its particular work to do. Twenty-five years experience in making goods for Southern crops has enabled us to know what is required. See that trade mark is on every bag TRADE MARK registered F. S. Royster Guano Cos. NORFOLK, VA. HEED THE WARNING *0 Many Winder People Have Done So. When the kidneys are sick they give umnsitakahie warnings that should not be ignored. By exa minfng'the urine and treating the kidney upon tin first sign of dis order, many days of differing may behaved. Sick kidney expel a dark, ill-sn.elling urine, full of “brickdust” sediment and pain ful in passage. Sluggish kidneys | c inse a duM pain in the small of the hack, heaudehes, dizziy spells, tired, languid feeling and fre -1 qnently rheumatic twinges. Doan’s kidney Pills are for the ; kidneys only; they cure sick j kidneys, and rid the blood of uric I poison. lf|youfsuffer from any of the above symptoms you can use no better remedy. Winder people recommend Doan’s Kid%ey Pills. (’. T Athens St. . Winder, Ga.. says: “Too fre quent passage of the kidney secret : ons caused me much nn i ovance and at times I had to get p as maify ys four Or five times during t!Y night. 1 also had backache jnd felt miserable in everv waxy Being advised to try Doan's k lliiex Pills. I procured a sypplv at Turners pharmacy and began ns ;|ig t hem . I noticed iin inq roven'jf n? from the first, and by the tijn I had taken the con tents oftlvo boxes, 1 was well enough U diseountinue their use. f am now in the liest of health and consequently am pleased to recomun Id Doan’s Kidney Pill.’’ For sab by all dealers. Price 50 cents Foster-Milburn Cos., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United .States. Re in hi r the name—Doan’s — and takt no other. MADDOX ACADEMY. We farmers were glad to see the beautiful days last week. We got some plowing done. All the sick in our ville are im proving. Several from our community at tended the funeral of Mr. 11. J. Patrick. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Sharpton, of Winder, visited Mr. S. J. Sharp ton and family recently. Say, come again Tyrant, we en joy reading your news. We are like Blister —we want President Sager to come back. So come on Tyrant and give us some good news. Say, where is Carter Hill. Indestructible! The clear, full, brilliant tone of Columbia Indestruc tible Cylinder is the best reason for their grow ing popularity. But it’s a fine thing to know they can’t break, no matter how careless you may be, and that they will never wear out, no matter how many times you play them. 35 cents! Call for a catalog! A splendid repertoire to choose from— and we are adding to it right along. iiKmirnt id>->. w n ) •; t ; v. Hljk* ■ 1 j " 81 ,, * :1 Dr. Wilson, of Daeula, was in our ville one day last week. Mrs. 11. A. Rutledge spent one •lay last week with her daughter, Mrs. Early Crow. Mrs. Elizabeth Hardigree was the guest of Mr. S. J. Sharpton and family last week. Mr- and Mrs. S. J- Sharpton and daughter, Minnie, were in Winder Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Wall were in Winder Saturday. The entertainment at Mr. R. D. Chancey’s was enjoyed by all presesnt- Preaching at this place Sunday and a large crowd was present. The siiming at Mrs. McDaniel’s Sunday night was an enjoyable oc casion .