The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, March 17, 1910, Image 6

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BRASELTON GEORGIA. ' — —— ■—— —_— We extend to you a cordial invitation to attend our Spring Opening of Fine Millinery and Dress Goods;, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 22 and 23, 1910. WE are headquarters for NEW SPRING GOODS and we want you to make our store your trading place. You can depend upon the Styles at Braselton’s. As in the past we expect to maintain our reputation for low prices and thoroughly dependable merchandise. vi nr am Ji JJW-i 11 in 1 i ■" 1 Jin i wiu j.r-iwr-*rT —■* i jjjt iur* w , ***'"*** lM ** l "**""*—***** •*—' ' 11 '* "" -i Tiriw i 'im'B ivml n i rrnium i iiniini ■■ ■■ ■iimiii ihiiiwi m!■ ■iihb i— ■ MaManwvn ., nlaMlain(laaßnMar||Bßa|n|Mnn|||^|||VN^^^^^^^ We are opening up something new every day and it will pay you to visit this store often. You can get more goods for same money and same goods for less money At BRASELTON, GEORGIA. THE WINDER NEWS. Published Kwry Thuivwhiy Evening ROSS JL ('AN.N'OX, R. O. ROSS, Editor. C. it. CANNON, Du.siiH's.s Manager. Entered at the I’ostotlic.e at Winder, Ga., as Second Class Mail Matter. Thursday, March 17, 1910. WMITf VOTt RS DISNMNCHISfD. Ou eh etion day then 1 will be much disappointment tmd chagrin on the part of ; number of worthy white voters who h ive paid their taxes jtlid arc denied the right of voting like decent white mi'll. The reason will be the indifference of the voter himself. ''ln.' law re quires all voters to be registered and unless registered you will be effectually disfranchised in Georgia, dhe registration hooks wiil close in a little more than two weeks and then it will he too late. Go and register at once. A registration hook i' open all the time at Smith A ('anthers’ 15ank*for Jackson ('ountj and at the residence of Idol. (). S. Hays for Gwinnett county. You owe it to yourself and to candidate friends to qualify ns a voter. Do it to-day. Do not ask how long the books will be open. They will dose soon enough to leave you out if you keep putting this important matter off. It's up to you to pro tect yourself against 1 icing dis franchised. We call especial attention of our readers to announcements in another column. Owing to the sickness of our foreman, compelling us to take Ids place at the eases, we are unable to make mention this week of the pe culiar fitness of each individual can didate for the particular job to which he aspiers. JOHNSON’S ACADEMY. The farmers are busy getting their land ready to plant another crop. Mr and Mrs A .1 Willoughby and children spent Sunday with Mr and M rs .John Pinch. Mrs Sallie Kle\ spent the week end with relatives in W inder Mrs .1 M .Johnson visited in Statham last week, the guest of her daughter, Mrs \Y M Fite. Misses Sunie Si ‘gars, Glen Mineev and Kuth Kley visited Miss Claudie Johnson Sunday afternoon, as did also Messrs Jell Segars and Mark Foster. Guy, the little baby of Mr and Mrs Love Whitehead, is ill at this writing. W c hope for him a speedy neoviry. Mr.l M and .1 U Johnson attended the huriel of I'ncle Robert Shields ! Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs Henry Fite spent Saturday night with Mr and Mrs i Love Whitehead. Mr .1 D Wall and daughter, MiA ! I‘orcta, spent Saturday night in Statham. Ml Willie Lyle visited .1 M John- I son and family Sunday. Walt* r Morris and Uud Will oughby visited near Statham Sun day'. Miss Ida Kley spent the week-end with home folks. BELLEVIEM ORCHARD. Mr W A Manders and family spent Sunday with Mr K M Mau de rs . Mrs .1 K Moldy is improving after a long sickness. Messrs Jim and Rysc Higgins aml Fred Manders were at Kimball Sun day. Mr N W (’iH>k and famify visited relatives Saturday night. Well Dressed Man! faster week is right on hand now and you no doubt want to know where you can get pleased the best in your Easter Suit. We are here to say that you can’t buy better than the best, you can’t get more than the most. So if you want to be. certain to look your best this spring, come in and let us lit you out with a Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suit, W. L. Douglas Oxfords, Hop kins or John B. Stentson Hat. Our Suits ai|d Hats have a world-wide reputation fur their qualify and holding their shapes the longest. Our Shoes and Oxfords are known for their snappy styles and comfortable wear, and they don’t cost but a trifle more than cheap Clothes or Shoes do. Dress Goods. Ladies’ Skirts.!Ladies’ Ready-to A full line of Spring In Panama and Veils, Wear Hats. Ginghams, Linens, N\ aist Gmging in juice Horn 5.?.00 We have no extra ex- Goods and Silks it solid 1 . . . | pense attached to this De , . , , Ladies’ Waists in white . colors, and Women Goods; Lawn or Linen> at ?5C> 9 g Cj partment and we can save at marvelous low prices. $1,25 and $1.50. you 33 G percent 011 them. We have bought with a view of meeting the greatest demands of critical patronage, and every garment and article in our stock bespeaks the success of our tflorts. Come, we will be glad to show you through whether \ oil buy or not. J. L. SA UL, . The Clothier, WINDER. - - - GEORGIA.