The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, March 17, 1910, Image 9

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H. J. GARRISON, THE. JEWLLLR. I | ! 111 - 1 . > FULL LINE OF High-Class Jewelrv. -Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Etc. MB*. I *■'■ ■ 1 m * — ** l^"t **^“ — “ Repairing a Specialty ■''""T-. 1 H. J. GARRISON. J. 13. Williams, J T. strange, Manager J. T. Strange & Cos., Winder Lumber Cos. Department Store. W. L. Blasingame, VV. T. Robinson, District Manager Furniture and Empire Life Insurance Cos. House I urnishings. Col. James M. Smith, H. N. Rainey, Jr., Capitalist. Capitalist and \ ice Pres’t. S. W. Arnold, T. C. Flanigan, Capitalist. Merchant ahd Hanker. A. H. O’Neal, L. O. Benton, Manufacturer Soda Water. Banker and Merchant. L. F. Sell, W. H. Toole, Merchant and Planter. Brest. I irst Nat 1. Hank. These are the men that direct The First National Bank of Winder. Under control of United States Government. Resources $200,000. , WE WANT YOUR DEPOSITS. .Jjlb Believe in Insurance? IF YOU FEEL YOUR RESPONSIBILITY FOR THOSE DEPENDENT ON YOU . . The fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Company’s AND THE North American Accident Insurance Company’s CONTRACTS WILL INTEREST YOU. CALL OR WRITE .... F. W. BONDURANT, Manager, G. C. PLEDGER, Assistant Manager, For the Cheapest, Most Liberal Contracts Possible to Secure. Also Agents for Fire Insurance and Bonds, for Best Companies. Phone No. 2. Offices : Brick Warehouse A FAR SIGHTED MAN, Knowing the uncertainties of the future and realizing the responsibilities of life, does not let the fire which may consume his property find him without Insurance. Furthermore, he pro tects his estate and those dependent on him by insuring his own life. For reliable Insurance, life and fire, see KILGORE & RADFORD, Insurancec Agents, at The Winder Banking Company. Ci [ ART JSY JOE THE LAUNDRYMAN Opera House Building, Behind Express Office. First-Class Work. Satisfaction Guaranteed. All kinds of laundry neatly done. Clothes cleaned and pressed PRICES: Collars, 2c; Shirts, 10c; Cuffs, 4c Pair. Announcements. # * FOR JUDGE CITY COURT. I hereby announce through the press my candidacy for the office of of the City Court of Jef ferson, subject to the pmuarv to be held on the 20th day of July, 1910. 1 respectfully solicit the support of the voters ot the county for this most responsible position and. if el eted, it shall be mv purpose to try to measure |up to the responsibility of the ! office. (1. A. Johns, 1 hereby announce myself a can didate for Judge of t he City Court yf Jefferson, 1 subject to the prima ry, to be held July 20, 1910. J. A. B. Mahaffey. FOR SOLICITOR CITY COURT. I hereby announce myself a candidate f. r re-election to the office of Solicitor of the City Court of Jefferson, subject to the Democratic primary July 20, P'lO. I am grateful to the voters of the county for their support m tho past and will highly appreciate a second term of office, assuring • ' you of my faithful services should von again repose this trust in me. Respect fully vours, W. H. D'' 1 respectfully announce myself a candidate for Solicitor of the City Court of Jefferson, Jackson County, subject to the primary called foy July' 20, 1910, and ask the support of all .white voters. P. Cooley, FOR CLERK CITY COURT. I most respectfullv announce myself a comlidate for Clerk of the City Court, subject to the primary of July 20. J. U. Williamson. [ CLERK SUPERIOR COURT,. Georgia, Jackson County —'1 o the Voters of Jackson County: I most respectfully announce that I am a candidate'for Clerk Superior court, Jackson county. If elected my appreciation for your support shall he expressed in prompt and efficient service. ] t hank von tor your sui frage iu the past. \ ery truly yours, S. J. Nix. I hereby announce myself n can didate for Clerk of the Superior Court of Jackson County, subject to the action of the primary July 20, 1910. J. A. Crook. treasurer. Deeply and profoundly grateful to the people of Jackson county for their past support, I 'respect fully announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Treasurer of Jackson county, subject to the primary to lie held on July 20, 1910 GKO. W. B.AILEY. I hereby announce myself a ! candidate for Treasurer of Jack son county subject to the primary called for July 20, 1910, and so licit and will appreciate the sup port of all voters. G. E. Smith. I hereby announce myself <■ candidate for the office of Treasur er of Jackson county, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary to be held July 20th. and solicit the votes of all white citi zens. B. W ■ Hancock. For Sheriff. Thanking the voters for their! past support, I most respectfully announce myself a candidate for relection to the office of Sheriff, subject to the primary to he held on July 20. lam, vour friend. B. Jl. Collier. l-OU COUNTY SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County School Commissioner of Jackson countv, subject to the Democratic primary called for July 20, 1910. Luther F. Elrod. 11 j[ V -er | \ a ‘ h ?• &>r:\ i . vTz-J \‘l. f- rC : - : ■ w*W • A It ' I ■I: I : -frc •* 1 )■ : y ' f | : ; i i ' Llli r . -A • • •' '[ ]Ji p|* r " ■'* * i r * •v~~* ■+ ii STROUSd tit LACS. •fads fqr lads and fashions for their elders — “HIGH ART” Clothes give both. This shop is as broad in its range of good clothes as are the tastes of those who wear them, and both the style-wise and the dollar-prudent nat urally flock here. You can” befog a young man on styles —he’s fashion-wise. That’s why young men turn as naturally to this young shop, as water fows down hill. Prices $12.50 to $35.00. J. T. STRANGE i CO., WINDER, GA. H. E. PATAT. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Buggies, Wagons, l ops and Rubber Tires Repaired on Short Notice. Use the Williams’ Scrape Set. Bring Us Your Plows, H. E. PATAT, PARK ST. - - WINDER, QA. Malton County. FOR SENATOR. I am a candidate for Senator of the 27th senatorial district and will appreciate every vote cast for me. If elected I will consid er myself a servant of the people only, and not a dictator. 1 will not he influenced by special in terests, but will consider the in terest of all the people, and try to do as the oath of office requires, namely: “On all questions and measures which may come before me, 1 will so conduct myself as will, in my judgment, be most conductive to the interest and property of this rtate. ’’ J, W. Smith. KOU It KI J REBENT AT I VK. T here! v announce myself a car. Inlets for representative from Walton county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, and if nominat'd and elected 1 pledge the people honest and con scientious service. I have never before sought pub lic office and do so now after giv ing the matter serious and thoughtful consideration, assur ing each and every voter that 1 will be deeply and earnestly ap preciative of their influence, votes and suppoit. Very truly, Josiah lilasingame. I hereby announce myselt a candidate for Sheriff of Walton county, subject to the white pri mary. In offering my service to the people for this office 1 do s feeling that my long past ex peri ence in this class <>\ work pecu liarly fits me for the discharge cf the duties of sheriff. If elect* and 1 promise an honest and faithful discharge of my duties as sheriff. 1 will thank each and all for then votes and influence in my behalf. If elected, Mr. John L. Gibson will serve as my deputy. Y< urs very sincerely, W. B. .Stark Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All parties having accounts a gainat the estate of L. O. Sharpton, deceased, may present same to the undersigned for payment, and all {Ktrties indebted to said estate will please come forward and make set tlement. S. J. Sharpton. Administrator of estate of L. (>. Sharpton,deceased. Banker’s Child Tonight. Manager Sharpton of the Lyric is to be congratulated on the line of attraction* he has been offering the public this season for never be fore has then; been a better line of fered, one alter another. But the one that has been the most depended on since the hooking of the season be gat) is Harry Shannon’s “The Ban ker’s Child”. This has been one of the standard attractions that has been offered for the past nine years, playing some houses as many as five consecutive seasons. This will he the attraction at the Lyric on March 17. If it is a Cotton Planter <>r Fer tilizer Distributor that you want we have them at the right price. Smith Hardware Cos.