The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, April 24, 1913, Image 2

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HOW TO RESIST Chronic Coughs and Colds. Strong, vigorous men and women hardly ever catch cold; it's only when the system is run down and vitality low that colds and coughs get a foot hold. Now isn't it reasonable that the right way to cure a cough is to build up your strength again? Mrs. Olivia Parham, of East Dur ham. N. C., says; ‘ I took Vinol for a chronic cough which had lasted two years, and the cough not only disap peared. out it built up my .strength as well.” The reason Vinol Is so efficacious in ruch cases is because it contains in a delicious concentrated form all the medicinal curative elements of cod liver oil, with tonic, blood-building Iron added. Chronic roughs and colds yield to Vinol because it builds up tho weak ened, run-down system. You can get your money back any time if Vinol does not do all we say. Dr, J. T. Wages Drug Cos. KING OF COLORS. Red Has More Meaning and Greater Effect Than Any Other Hue. Red has a greater effect upon l>oth man and the lower animals than any other color. It is. in fact, the king of rolors. according to Professor \V. I’ea oody Bartlett. “Perhaps." says Professor Bartlett, "if our blood wore green instead of red we would hold green as the king t>f colors, because hlood is life. The sight of it stirs both man and the low er animals, and for that reason the col or of it is tiie most effective of all col ors.” Every one knows the antipathy a bull has to red. how he will bellow and lie come blindly enraged at the sight of it. but the hull is by no uiAium the only animal that is affected by tbis color. Put a dog in a kennel and cover the end that opens to daylight with a white cloth or a black cloth, and the dog will pay little attention to it. but cover tlie opening with a bright red cloth so that the daylight comes through to the dog in a red glow, and the dog will at once begin to bark fu riously. Put a rooster in a dark bag or a green or yellow bag and tie will remain quiet, but put him in a bag of thin red cloth. so that the light may shine through and show the color, and the rooster will crow lustily. This is not because lie might think the red indi cated sunrise, because roosters will crow long before the first faint tinge of color appears in the east. In one experiment a spider and a wasp were plac ed in a glass bottle and seemed to get along very comfortably, with no attempt at fighting each other, but as s*k>ii as they were put in a bot tle of red glass they began to fight until they had kilhsl each other. Hold three apples before a baby, one green, one yellow and one a bright red. and the child will almost invariably pick the red apple. The color appeals to it. Red blooms in the cht*gk of beau ty and touches tin* lips of feminine youth. Red plays a great part in life, and it may lie. as Professor Bartlett says, due to the fac t that red is the color of blood and blood is life, so it seems from humble wasp and fish to rooster, dog. hull, and so on through the list of lower animals to man and woman, red lias more meaning and greater effect than any other color, making it indeed the king of colors.— New York American. Corinth. The sinning at Mr. W. 11. Sauls Sunday night was high’y enjoyed. Mr. Will Young and Mr. Melden wvre the guests of Mr Brock Tue* day night. Mr Leopard Pentecost was the g test of Mr George Holloway and family Sunday. Mr and Mrs dob Smith were the guests of tin ir sn, Mr Albert Smith Sunday. | Miss Cl<o Holloway w s the guest of Misses Maud and Pan - line Sauls Sunday. M 8s Kath’e n Baling i dd wa* the guest of Misses Mamie and Kuby Odum Sunday. The birthday party given by M’ss Kuby O lum We In sby night was highly enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Boh Fineh and childr* n were the guests of Mr. Sam K n iey anl family Saturday 1 (night and Sunday. The Mi higa d*os p sitiv ly ie fuse to giVe the vote to the Midi igeese, __ ' 1 * ki ’!■ LEGISLATURE Will be Asked to Pass A Suffrage Bill for Geor gia Women. Atlanta, Ga., April 24 —The suffragettes of Georgia are plan ning to explode their first bomb, figuratively speaking, under the incoming lgi-dature this summer, lit is understood that they are secretly having an equal suffrage bill prepared, and that they hav< obtained the promise of two or three prominent legislators to introduce it in the assembly and fight for it. No matter what happens to the bill, they propose that every member of tin* bouse and senate shall lie forced to go on record for or agiin t, it Then the suf fragettes plan, when the next elccti* n comes, to take tin* stump against the legi latois who vot and against I heir measure. If they carry out their present inJon'i'ns in that regard, Georgia will be tin first southern state to w.i.ness political scenes such as those ol England, where it is quite customary for the women to make speeches in favor of their husbands and friends who are runnin •’ for parliament. Will Be Watched With Interest Atlanta, Ga. f Apiil 24—Other son them states fur watching with keen interest what the industrial results will be in Georgia of the developin' nt of the great water power at Tallulah Falls by the Georgia Railway and Power coin pany. The unsuccessful fight which Was made by extreme eon serv.ition’sts against the develop ments was of more than state wide interest because of the fact that the trend whch events took in Georgia reflected precisely the new attitude of the National Con servation Congress toward such developments. The n itional or ganizit : on \s issued a station nt that in the fuuture “th.e natural | resources of the country must be developed and not held in res ervation. ” 'Pile diffen nee between useless r s rati n end are sir ugly stress’d. local commit tees are already beginning to fig ue out that the Tallulah develop ment " ill in‘vitalily mean more in increasing property vfthi's and building up industries, to the pim ple of Ceorgin and to the commoi wealth than it can possibly mean t > the d"velope’s themsdves The recent nation-wide educa tional movement which Imsshown the stagnation that has resulted from the improper application of the Conservation idea has had its [strong effect in Geogria. Will Help the Railroads Atlanta, Oa, April 24th.—(Je r gia railroad men express the be lief that Postmaster General Bur leson and the democratic adminis t tratim will give more serious consideration to the plea of the railroads about pay for hauling the mail, than they ever received at the hands of Hitchcock. The railroads contend that the> ought to have more money for hauling the mails. They say that the increase of five per cent which has been recommend* and in the general appropriations bill is only nominal, while the parcels post lias add* and a real and inline * burden t< the roads. In the complete reorganiz .ti i of th* railway mail service, prom ised by Mr. Buries n,the railroad* expect that their fair ilit *r* sts will be taken e\e of. Women’s Ailments The ailments from which women suffer are many and varied so far as the symptoms indicate, yet they are all dependent upon a disorder in the female generative system, and a remedy that acts on the cause of the trouble puts an end to ali the distressing symptoms as soon as the unnatural conditions are removed. DR. SIMMONS Squaw Vine Wine Is a Medicine for Women It acts directly on the female organism. Quiets inflammation, eases pain, strength ens the nerves, helps digestion, tones up the stomach and puts the body in fine vigorous condition. It transforms a weak, nervous, ailing woman into one of sparkling cheerfulness and vigor. It brightens the eye, revives the spirits and restores the rosy bloom of health to the cheek. Sold by Druggists and Dealers. Price SI.OO Per Bottle. C. r. SIMMONS MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI BROTHER FARMER, LISTEN! The American eagle on the quarter doesn’t make it worth a dollar, nor does the brand 10-2-2 or 10-3-3 guarantee the con tents of the sack to be made of the best materials—it only guar antees its actual analysis. There are materials and MATE RIALS. Old Reliable is to the sack what sterling is to silverware— the best and purest obtainable. A. D. ADAIR & M’CARTY BROS’, brands have been STERLING to the South for nearly a half century. Others have come and gone, but the OLD RE LIABLE BRANDS continue to sell and satisfy. The survival of the fittest holds good with the manufacturer as elsewhere. Penny wise becomes pound foolish when you skimp in the plant food you buy for your crop. To do so you may easily save a few dollars in the planting only* to lose very many times this amount at the harvest, when you wake up to the fact that the stingy fertilizer hasn’t produced. Here as elsewhere the best is always the least expensive in the end. Insist on our brands and insure crop success. We offer you goods ammoniated with Fish Scrap, Cotton Seed Meal, Tankage, Nitrate of Soda. Blood and Sulphate of Am monia in different combinations machine mixed to suit your soil and meet the different crop requirements. Long years of experience and field experiments have taught us. Ask any users of our goods for an opinion of them and call on our agents for some of the OLD RELIABLE BRANDS. If your nearest dealer does not handle our brands, write us direct. A. D. Adair & McCarty Bros. WALTON BLDG., ATLANTA, GA. TO FIRE INSURERS Can You Think in Millions? LOOK AT THIS Our total surplus is - $104,399,748.00 Our total capital is 28,160,619.00 Our total assets are - 257,631,708.00 Prompt attention given all business placed with us. We pay losses promptly and in full - F. W. BONDURANT & CO. WINDER, - - GEORGIA. H. A. CARITHERS, Jr. A. A. THOMAS. L. A HOUSE TORNADO INSURANCE Call in and let us write you a Tornado Policy on your house. The rates are so low you will hardly miss the small premium which is charged. LOOK AT THESE FIGURES: SIOOO.OO for 5 years, only $6.00 $ 500.00 for 5 years, only $3.00 SIOOO.OO for 3 years, only $4.00 Carithers, Thomas & Cos. WINDER GEORGIA. For Sale by Dr. .J, T. Wages Drug Cos. DAVISON CANDIDATE FOR FEDERAL PLACE. A dspatch to t'ie Journal from Savannah says that Chairman R. E. Davison, of the pr'son com - mision, has positively announced lies candidacy for the position of mrdet <f the Atl nti f* deal prison, against Warden Moyer. “I have been pronrsed the sup port of a number of Georgia con gressmen,' Chairman Daviscn is quit and as saying in Sbv n ah. “In addition to committee front the prison waited on me and ask ed me to be a candidate. Repre sentative Howard, from the tilth asked me if Ii would take the place, and Is iid y.s. He stated that I had been decided on for it by the Georgia delegation. Fourth Estate and Plums Atlanta, Ga., April 24 —The' tradition that the fourth estate has to take its pay out in cord wood and sweet potatoes while the sugared political plums go to others, has not been carried out so far as Georgia is concerned by the democratic administrati n. Georgia newspaper men have got decidedly the best of it at Wash ington. Ralph Smith has been named director of Congressional Rec ord indexing; Josiali Carter has been made clerk of the senate committee on education and labor John T. Boifeuillet is clerk of the senate committee on foreign re lations; Neyle Colquitt is clerk of the blouse committee on ways and means; and 1 st, but most im portant. Editor Pleasant Stovall goes to Switzerland as U.S. min ister. Drive Sick Headaches Away Sick headaches, sour gassy stomach, indigestion, biliousness disappear quickly after you take Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They purify the blood and put new life and vigor in the system. Try then and you will be well satisfied. Every pill helps; every box guar anteed. Price 25\ Recommended by all druggists. Don’t wait until a m n gets into trouble before 1* nding him a helping hand; d<n’t wait untl lie gets sick to extend to him your sympathy; don’t wait until lie is dead to speak in eulogy of him. Strive to make him happy as he walks down the pathway of life, then you will have done him some good; blit if you wait until he dies, your helping hand, your sympathy and your eulogies, will avail him notTTing as lie plungi s info the Great Unknown.— Hartwell Sun PROFESSIONAL CARDS G. A. JOHNS, Attorney at Law. Winder, Ga. Office over Smith & Carithers’ Bank. Practice in all the courts except City Court of Jefferson. W. 11. QUARTERMAN. Attorney at Law Winder, Ga. Practice in all the Courts Commercial law a specialty. SPURGEON WILLIAMS Dentist, W inder, Georgia Oft ice over Smith & Carithers bank. All work done satisfac torny, Phone 81. W. L. DeLaPERRIERE Dental Surgery. Winder, Georgia Fillings, Bridge and Plate-work done in most scientific and satis factory way. Offices on Broad St.